Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Green Bay Brown WI 6 km NW at Duck Creek in Ordovician Galena Encrinurus WI0001
Green Bay Brown WI in road cuts and stream banks from Wayside to Lake Winnebago bryozoa WI0002
Madison Dane WI area exposures from Madison,Janesville,Beloit West Ordovician ? WI0003
Sun Prairie Dane WI area exposures Ordovician ? WI0004
Dodge WI in area exposures Ordovician Galena Fusispira,Murchisonia WI0005
Sturgeon Bay Door WI Silurian Hendricks Conodonts, Microvertebrates-fish scales-Loganellia,Valyalepis,Zuegelepis WI0112 http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3790/is_199907/ai_n8855647
Colfax Dunn WI Hyolithes WI0006
Colfax Dunn WI in quarry fossils WI0007
Eau Claire Eau Claire WI NW and S of town Cambrian Eau Claire trilobites WI0008
Eau Claire Eau Claire WI in outcrops on Mt Washington Cambrian Eau Claire Abundant brachiopods and trilobites WI0009
Eau Claire Eau Claire WI quarry abundant trilobites and brachiopods WI0010
Ashford Fond du Lac WI In RR cuts Silurian Niagaran Limestone Phragmoceras,Pleurotomaria WI0011
Dickeyville Grant WI 7 km NW in Road Cut Ordovician brachiopods,sponges,ostracods WI0012
Fennimore Grant WI 7 km NW in Ordovician Middle Platteville Ordovician faunas — crinoids WI0013
Fennimore Grant WI S and W in road cuts Ordovician abundant WI0014
Platteville Grant WI SW in quarry on side road off of uS151 Ordovician abundant fossils WI0015
Berlin Green Lake WI In area exposures of friable sandstone Cambrian Potsdam Crepicephalus WI0016
Kingston Green Lake WI in Sandstone in road cuts along US44. Cambrian Lodi Trilobites and Brachiopods WI0017
New Glarus Green WI Road cut on Hwy W Hyolithes WI0018
New Glarus Green WI area exposures E,N and W Ordovician Lower marine fossils WI0019
New Glarus Green WI in road cut W of junction of WI92 and WI69. Ordovician Galena trilobites,brachiopods,ostracods,gastropods. WI0020
New Glarus Green WI road cut on WI69 Ordovician Middle marine fossils WI0021
Elroy Juneau WI 10 km N worm tracks WI0022
Mauston Juneau WI 10 km W on WI82 brachiopods WI0023
Wood Hill Juneau WI In Cambrian Upper Franconia Formation in road cut on MN80. Cambrian Upper Trilobite zones Camaraspis,Conaspis,Ptychaspis WI0024
Wood Hill Juneau WI in road cut on MN80 trilobites WI0025
Carlton Kewaunee WI In area exposures Silurian Guelph Limestone Holopea,Murchisonia,Orthoceras,Cyrtoceras WI0026
Forrestville-Bailey’s Harbor Kewaunee WI along Red river s28t24r24 Silurian Niagaran Corals WI0027 Forrestville-Baileys Harbor-Red River form a triangle about 20km on a side that includes much of the Kewaunee peninsula. It’s not clear if this is one site,three sites or regional exposures.
Wauwatosa Kewaunee WI In Limestone exposures Silurian Racine corals – Strombodes WI0028 Wauwatosa is in Milwaukee County
Halfway Creek La Crosse WI Cambrian Potsdam ripple marks,Lingula,fucoids WI0029
Halfway Creek La Crosse WI Linguloid brachiopods are found near Stevenstown Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods -Linguella? and WI0030
Stevenstown La Crosse WI Cambrian Potsdam ripple marks,Lingula,fucoids WI0031
Stevenstown La Crosse WI Linguloid brachiopods are found near Stevenstown Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods -Linguella? WI0032
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI around mill site sw1/4s23t19r7w Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Obolella,fucoids,small trilobites. WI0035
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI in area outcrops t14r1e Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Skolithus WI0036
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI ne1/4s29t16r7w in sandstone along road Lingula,small trilobites. fucoids WI0040
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI nw1/4s15t18r6w near top of Ridge and along road Dikelocephalus WI0041
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI nw1/4s25t19r8w along road Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Obolella WI0039
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI nw1/4s27t18r9w in two beds about 30 meters apart Silurian Lingula,small trilobites WI0038
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI nw1/4s29t20r10w in red Sandstone Silurian Obolella WI0042
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI on Black River se1/4s3t18r8w on N side of river in bank near water Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Obolella (small-a few mm),a few trilobites,brachiopods WI0034
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI s20t14r3w-s29t14r3w Silurian Dikelocephalus,Lingula. fucoids WI0043
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI s33t20r8w-s3t20r8w Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Lingula,trilobites WI0044
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI s6t13r3w in greensand Silurian Lower fucoids WI0037
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI se1/4s4t18r8w Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam small white Lingula WI0033
La Crosse,Trempealeau WI sw1/4s23t19r8w (or maybe r13w) beside main road in dark sandstone Silurian abundant trilobites WI0045
Reedsville Manitowoc WI in Quarries in Silurian Racine Dolomite trilobites,corals,brachiopods,stromatoporoids,bryozoa,crinoids) WI0046
Valders Manitowoc WI in Quarries in Silurian Racine Dolomite trilobites,corals,brachiopods,stromatoporoids,bryozoa,crinoids) WI0047
Mosinee Marathon WI On County Hwy C at Krukowski Quarry well preserved ichnofossils Cambrian Mount Simon medusae,Euthycarcinoids,ichnofossils-Climactichnites,Protichnites WI0048
Mosinee Marathon WI in quarry Cambrian Upper Mount Simon|Wonewoc abundant large jellyfish WI0049
Brown Deer Milwaukee WI Devonian Hamilton fish fragments-Rhynchodus WI0050
Brown Deer Milwaukee WI Devonian Middle Hamilton Spirifer,mollusks WI0051
Brown Deer Milwaukee WI Devonian Middle Hamilton Spirifer,mollusks WI0052
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI Devonian Hamilton fish fragments-Crossopterygian?,Dinichthys,Eczematolepis,Gamphacanthus,Heteracanthus,Oestophorus,Ptyctodus,Rhynchodus WI0053
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI Franklin Quarry fossils WI0054
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI Hartung Quarry Silurian well preserved complete trilobites WI0055 reportedly converted to landfill in 1960s
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI In reef exposure in parking lot of County Stadium Silurian a few fossils WI0056
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI at Washington Street Bridge Devonian Hamilton Lingula,Discina,Orthis. Stropheodonta,Chonetes,Spirifer WI0057
Milwaukee Milwaukee WI in RR cut on N side of Rapid Transit tracks on No side of Menominee Valley in Silurian Racine Dolomite trilobites,corals,stromatoporoids,brachiopods,bryozoa,mollusks,crinoids WI0058
Wauwatosa Milwaukee WI Sponges Ischadites WI0059
Wauwatosa Milwaukee WI at Francey’s Quarry Silurian Racine trilobites WI0060
Wauwatosa Milwaukee WI in area interreef beds. Largely filled,but possible exposure in Menominee River upstream of Hawley Rd Bridge Silurian ? WI0061
Whitefish Bay Milwaukee WI at Washington Street Bridge Devonian Hamilton Lingula,Discina,Orthis. Stropheodonta,Chonetes,Spirifer WI0062
Tomah Monroe WI 10 km W in road cuts on US16 Maustonia,Parabolinoides,other trilobites WI0063
Tomah Monroe WI 9.6km W in road cuts on US16. Trilobites – Maustonia,Parabolinoides WI0064
Tunnel City Monroe WI in quarry fossils WI0065
Tunnel City Monroe WI in quarry Cambrian Jordan trilobites and brachiopods WI0066
Wilton Monroe WI SW along Trunk Hwy Z in road cuts fossils WI0067
Cedarburg Ozaukee WI in banks of Milwaukee River toward Grafton. Silurian Racine Dolomite trilobites,corals,brachiopods,bryozoa,crinoids) WI0068
Grafton Ozaukee WI in reefs exposed along Milwaukee River Silurian Racine fossils WI0069
Grafton Ozaukee WI in reefs exposed in quarry in Lime Kiln Park Silurian Racine fossils WI0070
Pierce WI in regional exposures of buff Limestone Silurian Lower Strophomena and some large branching corals WI0071
Racine Racine WI in area exposures Silurian Niagara Falls|Racine dolomite Zaphrentis,Cyathoxonia WI0072
Racine Racine WI in reef exposure at Quarry Lake Park and in quarries along a line form 6 km NW to 6 km NE Silurian Racine fossils – crinoids WI0073
Richland WI in area exposures of cherty Limestone Silurian Lower Euomphalus WI0075
Boaz Richland WI in road cut opposite old mill Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Skolithus WI0074
Beloit Rock WI 5 km above in RR quarries Cypricardites,Edmondia,Palaearca,Metoptoma,Orthoceras WI0076
Beloit Rock WI area quarries W and NW Ordovician Lower marine fossils WI0077
Beloit Rock WI in area quarries Ordovician Trenton Ambonychia,Tellinomya,Ctenodonta WI0078
Beloit Rock WI in regional quarries in buff or blue Limestone Cypricardites,Edmondia,Palaearca,Metoptoma WI0079
Janesville Rock WI in Limestone quarries Ordovician Trenton Orthoceras WI0080
Baraboo Sauk WI Dikelocephalus zone of partial specimens exposed in at least one area quarry. WI0081
Ironton Sauk WI Sauk Cambrian Upper Trilobites Plethopeltis WI0082
Ironton Sauk WI Sauk Cambrian Upper trilobites -Plethopeltis WI0083
Rhine Sheboygan WI regional exposures Silurian Niagaran Pentamerus WI0084
Hudson St Croix WI along Willow River Cambrian Upper Five zones containing trilobite and brachiopods faunas WI0085
Hudson St Croix WI at Little Falls Dam Cambrian Upper Five zones containing trilobite and brachiopods faunas WI0086
Robert’s Store St Croix WI is soft friable green brown sandstone Silurian Lower [Cambrian Lower?] Potsdam Ptychaspis WI0087
Trempealeau WI In W fork of Kickapoo River S6T13R3W Cambrian Potsdam fucoids WI0099
Trempealeau WI NE1/4S29T18R7W in small hill near road Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods and trilobites WI0100
Trempealeau WI NW1/4S15T18R6W high up on Ridge along road in WI Cambrian Potsdam trilobites WI0101
Trempealeau WI NW1/4S29T20R10W in red Sandstone Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods WI0102
Trempealeau WI S20T14R3W-S29T14R3W in WI Cambrian Potsdam trilobite fragments,brachiopods WI0103
Trempealeau WI S33T20R8W-34T20R8W in WI Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods and trilobites WI0104
Arcadia Trempealeau WI Roadcut on WI93 1km S of WI95 Junction Cambrian Upper Jordan Sandstone Trilobites-Dikelocephalus,Calvinella,Arcadiaspis WI0088
Beaver Creek Trempealeau WI SE1/4 S4T18R8W Cambrian Potsdam Lingula WI0089
Gales Ferry Trempealeau WI on North side of Black River SE1/4s3T18R8W Cambrian Potsdam brachiopods and trilobites WI0090
Galesville Trempealeau WI At mill site and the bluffs below. NW1/4S33T19R8W Cambrian Potsdam trilobites and brachiopods. WI0091
Hardy Creek Trempealeau WI in many exposures in SW1/4S23T19R7W Cambrian Potsdam ? WI0092
Hillsboro Trempealeau WI in many exposures in T14R1E Cambrian Potsdam worm burrows. WI0093
Perrot State Park Trempealeau WI in bluffs E of the mouth of the Trempealeau in Ordovician Oneonta fossils WI0094
Strum Trempealeau WI in abandoned quarry at E side of County trunk Hwy D 400 meters N of WI10 junction. Cambrian Eau Claire Trilobites and brachiopods. WI0095
Trempealeau Trempealeau WI Cambrian Upper Trilobites Acheilus WI0096
Trempealeau Trempealeau WI Cambrian Upper trilobites -Acheilus WI0097
Whitehall Trempealeau WI N in road cuts Cambrian abundant marine fossils WI0098
Whitewater Walworth WI Ordovician Galena Limestone Maclurea,Fusispira WI0105
Delafield Waukesha WI Silurian Lower Hudson River Shale Monticulipora,Fenestella,Ptilodictya,Trematopora,Orthis WI0106
Waukesha Waukesha WI in quarries along WI83 between Waukesha and Burlington. crinoids,trilobites (Bumastus) WI0107
Lake Winnebago Winnebago WI along Niagara escarpment Silurian fossils WI0108
Berlin Lake[?] [?] WI Late Cambrian trilobites are found in brown sandstones near Berlin Green Lake County,WI Cambrian Potsdam Cambrian Upper trilobites WI0109 Can’t identify a Berlin Lake in Wisconsin
SE Wisconsin [?] WI in old lead mines Ordovician ? WI0110