Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
VT Location given as 44.5 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. The Monkton Quartzite is exposed in a few localities in Western Chittenden and Addison Counties Cambrian Lower Monkton Hyolithes;Brachiopods-Paterina,Kutorgina,Nisusia,Swantonia?;Trilobites-Esmeraldina,Olenellus,Bonnia,Prozacanthoides,Antagmus,Billingaspis;Cyrtonellida;Scenella VT0001
VT Location given as 44.5 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. The Parker Formation in narrow NS strip from Swanton,Franklin Cy to Georgia Plains in Chittenden Cy Cambrian Middle Parker Upper Hyolithes;Brachiopods-Finkelnburgia,Nisusia;Trilobites-Peronopsis,Athabaskia,Orriella,Kootenia,Zacanthoides,Chancia,Kochina,Mexicella,Syspacephalus;Coreospira?;Eocystites;Chancelloria? VT0002
Addison Addison VT Ordovician crinoid fragments,trilobites,corals,Graptolites VT0003
Addison Addison VT A few fossils in Limestone interbeds Small Ridge in Addison E of Nortontown School and 500 meters E of E branch of Dread Creek Ordovician Whitehall Finkelnburgia,Syntrophia,Maclurites,Ozarkina,Clarkoceras.. VT0004 Location of Nortontown is uncertain. There is a Nortontown Road in Addison
Addison Addison VT Elm Point Ordovician Stony Point Shale ? VT0005
Addison Addison VT Roadcut on US22A 1.5 km N of Addison-Bridport line Ordovician Larabee ? VT0006
Addison Addison VT S and W shore of Crane Point Ordovician Shoreham ? VT0007
Addison Addison VT S edge of Crane Pt Ordovician Larabee ? VT0008
Addison Addison VT S of Owls Head Harbor Ordovician Glens Falls Graptolite-Dendrograptus VT0009
Addison Addison VT Small Ridge in Addison E of Nortontown School and 500 meters E of E branch of Dead Creek Ordovician Whitehall ? VT0010
Addison Center Addison VT in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0011
Bridport Addison VT Ordovician trilobites,brachiopods,bryozoa,crinoids VT0012
Bridport Addison VT at Frost’s Landing in Ordovician Utica Shale Graptolites VT0013
Bridport Addison VT in NW part of town in Ordovician Chazy Limestone Phytopsis,Rhynchonella,Maclurea,Cyrtoceras,Bucania VT0014
Bridport Addison VT in rocks at Chimney Point near VT125 bridge to Crown Point,NY. Ordovician trilobites,brachiopods,bryozoa,etc VT0015
Bridport Addison VT in valley W of Cornwall line in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0016
Bridport Addison VT on Lemon Fair River near Cornwall line in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0017
Bridport Addison VT on Old Grosvernor’s Hill on W branch of Dead Creek Ordovician Chazy Limestone Phytopsis,Rhynchonella,Maclurea,Cyrtoceras,Bucania VT0018
Bridport Addison VT on hill in center of township in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0019
Button Island Addison VT In 50cm reeflike bed on W side (and other exposures?) Ordovician Orwell Limestone|Glens Falls Stromatocerium;coral-Foerstephyllum;Brachiopod-Rafinesquina VT0020
Charlotte Addison VT 1.6km N 70d E of Cedar Island Ordovician Crown Point limestone Brachiopod-Camerella VT0021
Charlotte Addison VT At Thorpe Pt Ordovician Lower Fort Cassin trilobites-Acidiphorus,Grinnellaspis,Isoteloides VT0022
Charlotte Addison VT N End of Thorp Pt 200m S of Thompsons Pt Rd Ordovician Cassin Brachiopod-Polytotechia[?],Syntrophia;Gastropod-Raphistoma;Cephalopod-Eurystomites[?];Trilobite-Bolbocephalus,Finkelnbergia,Isoteloides VT0023
Chimney Pt Addison VT Ordovician Trenton Trilobites,brachiopods,Bryozoa,crinoids VT0024
Chimney Pt Addison VT at Chimney Point bridge brachiopods VT0025
Cornwall Addison VT Ordovician Trilobites-Asaphus,Bathyurus;Maclurites VT0299
Cornwall Addison VT 3 km W on hill in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0026
Cornwall Addison VT in quarries in marble Ordovician crinoids VT0027
Cornwall Addison VT on hill in SW part of town near 4 corners in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0028
Crane Pt Addison VT 800m N on Lake Champlain shore Ordovician Glens Falls Eridotrypa,Mesotrypa,Prasopora,Brachiopod-Reuschella VT0029
East Cornwall Addison VT Ordovician trilobites-Bathyurus VT0302
East Shoreham Addison VT Ordovician Lower Beekmantown typical fossils VT0030
East Shoreham Addison VT The type section is at East Shoreham Vermont. Ordovician Fort Cassin ? VT0031
Emerson School Addison VT Ordovician Lower Beekmantown Trilobites-Acidiphorus,Isoteloides VT0032
Ferrisburg Addison VT 1.1km S 32d E of Summer Pt Ordovician Orwell Limestone Stromatocerium VT0033
Ferrisburg Addison VT 1.2km N 20d E of Dean Island Ordovician Day Point Brachiopods-Sphenotreta,Schizambon VT0034
Ferrisburg Addison VT 1.4km SE of Grosse Pt Ordovician Chazy Bryozoan-Atactoporella,Brachiopod-Macrocoelia VT0035
Ferrisburg Addison VT 1.8km S Ordovician Orwell Limestone Cephalopod-Murrayoceras VT0036
Ferrisburg Addison VT 2.14km S 55d E of mouth of Otter Creek on crest of ridge Ordovician Crown Point Limestone|Valcour Brachiopod-Dactylogonia,Hesperorthis,Mimella,Multicostella,Valcourea VT0037
Ferrisburg Addison VT 230m N 88d W from triangulation pt 131 E of Grosse Pt Ordovician Coral-Foerstephyllum VT0038
Ferrisburg Addison VT 3.06km W of Little Otter Creek Bridge Ordovician Crown Point Limestone Cephalopod-Stereospyroceras VT0039
Ferrisburg Addison VT 550m S of Grosse Pt Ordovician Crown Point Brachiopod-Multicostella;Gastropod-Maclurites;Cephalopod-Vaginoceras,Nanno[?] VT0040 No idea what ‘Nanno’ is
Ferrisburg Addison VT 800m S of Summer Pt Ordovician Day Point Coral-Phylloporina VT0041
Ferrisburg Addison VT At Fort Cassin-West shore Ordovician Cassin Gastropod-Ecculiomphalus,Calaurops,Maclurites,Plethospira,Rhombella,Trybidium[?];Cephalopod-Cassinoceras,Centrotarphyceras,Proterocameroceras,Tarphyceras;trilobite-Bolbocephalus VT0042 No citations for ‘Trybidium’ 070211
Ferrisburg Addison VT Grosse Pt-N side Ordovician Day Point Trilobite-Bumastus,Eoharpes VT0043
Ferrisburg Addison VT In limestone outcrops about 600m East of Grosse Pt Ordovician Chazy Corals-Foerstephyllum,Lambeophyllum,Rostricellula;Orthambonites;brachiopods;gastropods;Solenopora VT0044
Ferrisburg Addison VT Roadcut on E side of US7 4.8km N of Ferrisburg about 200m N of Rokeby Museum in hard gray vertically bedded limestone Ordovician Chazy? A few brachiopods,bryozoa,trilobite fragments-Cryptolithus VT0298
Ferrisburg Addison VT S side of Hawkins Bay Ordovician Chazy Coral-Rhinidictya;Cystid-Bolboporites VT0045
Fort Cassin Addison VT Ordovician Lower Beekmantown Cephalopods-Cyclostomiceras,Protocycloceras,Orygoceras,Cameroceras,Endoceras,Piloceras,Cyrtoceras,Eurystomites,Schroederoceras,Tarphyceras,Trocholites VT0046
Granville Addison VT Indian River Slate near Ordovician Normanskill graptolites VT0047
Hospital Creek Addison VT S of mouth of Creek Ordovician Glens Falls Mesotrypa;Brachiopods-Doleroides,Paucicrura,Reuschella,Sowerbyella;Gastropod-Holopea,Sinuites;Trilobite-Encrinurus,Calliops,Cryptolithus VT0048
Lake Dunmore Addison VT near Lake Dunmore VT,in float material in stream draining the lake. Cambrian Cheshire Hyolithes,Notozoe VT0049
Larabee Point Addison VT Ordovician Trenton ? VT0050
Middlebury Addison VT Ordovician Orthoceras VT0303
Middlebury Addison VT 1 km W in valley in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0051
Middlebury Addison VT at Professor Adams House in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0052
Middlebury Addison VT at eddy of Otter Creek in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0053
Middlebury Addison VT at Chipman Mill in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0054
Middlebury Addison VT in NW part of town in dark marble Ordovician obscure fossils VT0055
Middlebury Addison VT on Hill W of College in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0056
Middlebury Addison VT on hill to East in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0057
Monkton Addison VT Cambrian Cheshire Lingula VT0058
Panton Addison VT Pleistocene Bivalves-Macoma,Hiatella VT0059
Panton Addison VT 1.45 km N of Arnold Bay Ordovician Glens Falls Brachiopod-Dinorthis,Platystrophia,Trematis,Zygospira;Trilobite-Flexicalymene VT0060
Panton Addison VT 1.6 km N Ordovician Orwell Brachiopod-Rafinesquina,Rhynchotrema,Strophomena;Gastropod-Loxoplocus,Maclurites VT0061
Panton Addison VT 2.6 km N near crest of ridge Ordovician Orwell|Glens Falls Bryozoa-Batostoma,Escharopora,Rhinidictya;Brachiopod-Hesperorthis,Rhynchotrema;Trilobite-Bathyurus VT0062
Panton Addison VT Ridge 1.5 km S of Panton,W of West Panton School Ordovician Valcour Limestone ? VT0063
Panton Addison VT Ridge about 2 km N of Panton Village Ordovician Orwell Limestone ? VT0064
Panton Addison VT along shore at Potash Pt Ordovician Stony Point Shale ? VT0065
Panton Addison VT at Elgin Spring in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0066
Panton Addison VT in outcrops to W of town extending 4-6 km Phytopsis,Rhynchonella,Maclurea,Cyrtoceras,Bucania VT0067
Rockville Addison VT Cambrian Monkton a few fossils VT0068
Salisbury Addison VT near Lake Dunmore VT,in float material in stream draining Silver Lake. (Probably not–one of the other streams associated with Lake Dunmore?) Cambrian Cheshire Hyolithes,Notozoe VT0069
Shoreham Addison VT corals – Chaetetes -Graptolites — Trilobites – Trinucleus,Ceraurus,Asaphus,Ogygia VT0070
Shoreham Addison VT Larabee Pt Ordovician Larabee ? VT0071
Shoreham Addison VT Larabee Pt Ordovician Shoreham ? VT0072
Shoreham Addison VT Larabees Point Ordovician Glens Falls Limestone Subretepora;Gastropod-Loxobucania VT0073
Shoreham Addison VT in area outcrops Ordovician ? VT0074
Shoreham village Addison VT on nearby hill in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0075
Snake Mountain Addison VT along base in series of exposures Ordovician various fossils VT0076
Vergennes Addison VT 2.4km NW Ordovician Crown Point Cephalopod-Proteoceras VT0077
Vergennes Addison VT 5.6km SSW Ordovician Cassin Gastropod-Lophospira VT0078
Vergennes Addison VT Hill about 1 km N 10 deg W of Otter Creek Dam Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0079
Vergennes Addison VT S,to W of road at foot of Buck Mountain Ordovician Glens Falls Brachiopod-Reuschella VT0080
Waltham Addison VT on West side of Buck Mountain in area outcrops of deep water blue Leda Clay and shallow water sands and silt Holocene Champlain Sea sometimes abundant fossils VT0081
West Bridport Addison VT 1.93km N 25d E in creek bed Ordovician Valcour Brachiopod-Rostricellula VT0082
West Bridport Addison VT Shore to NW Ordovician Cumberland Head ? VT0083
West Bridport Addison VT along shore Ordovician Larabee ? VT0084
West Lincoln Addison VT In exposures along New Haven River East from Jct of VT17 and VT116 Ediacaran-Cambrian Lower Cheshire|Fairfield Pond occasional ichnofossils VT0085
West Pawlet Addison VT in small area of phyllite and black slate on W side of Town Hill Cambrian Upper Hatch Hill graptolites VT0086
West Pawlet Addison VT on E side of Town Hill in gray slates Ordovician Poultney fossils VT0087
West Pawlet Addison VT on N peak of Town Hill in colorful slates Ordovician Indian River fossils VT0088
West Pawlet Addison VT on Town Hill in sandstones Ordovician Pawlet Graywacke fossils VT0089
Bennington Bennington VT Cambrian Cheshire Olenellus,Notozoe,Hyolithes VT0090
Bennington Bennington VT Cambrian Cheshire Olenellus,Notozoe,Hyolithes VT0091
Bennington Bennington VT 3.2km E at Quartzite Mountain Cambrian Lower Notozoe,Olenellus,Hyolithes VT0306
Bennington Bennington VT 4.8km S Ordovician Trenton Crinoid VT0304
Pownal Bennington VT 1km from Massachusetts Line Ordovician Trenton VT0305
Rupert Bennington VT 2 km N Ordovician Poultney graptolites VT0092
Rupert Bennington VT 500 meters NW E of RR Tracks Cambrian West Castleton ? VT0093
Rupert Bennington VT 700 meters NW. E of RR Tracks Ordovician Poultney graptolites VT0094
Buels Gore Chittenden VT in graphitic schists derived from dolostones Ordovician conodonts VT0095
Burlington Chittenden VT Pleistocene VT0096
Burlington-Shelburne area Chittenden VT Along a distinct marine plain at 67m 73m above sea level (33-39m above lake level) in the Burlington,Shelburne area. Pleistocene ? VT0097
Charlotte Chittenden VT Pleistocene Bivalves-Macoma VT0098
Charlotte Chittenden VT 2km W on E side of Hill S of Wings Pt Rd Ordovician Algae-Girvanella VT0099
Charlotte Chittenden VT A complete Beluga whale (Now on display at the Perkins Museum at the University of Vermont in Burlington) was found in a railroad cut in the town of Charlotte,near the present railroad crossing on Thompson Point Road. Pleistocene ? VT0100
Charlotte Chittenden VT At Essex (NY) Ferry landing Ordovician Brachiopod-Linguella,Bivalve-Modiodesma[?];Cephalopod-Endoceras;Trilobite-Flexicalymene,Isotelus VT0101 No citations for ‘Modiodesma’ 070211 maybe ‘Mesodesma’
Charlotte Chittenden VT Cedar Island at base of sandy unit Ordovician Cutting Gastropods-Maclurites,Ophileta VT0102
Charlotte Chittenden VT E side of Charlotte-Thompson Pt Road 2.5 km S of Charlotte in gravel pits {6} Pleistocene Champlain Sea The following Genera are reported: Ophioglypha,Euryechinus(spines),Helix,Nucula,Leda,Cryptodon,Macoma,Mya,Mytilus,Saxicava,Yoldia,Lepralia,Tethea,Spicules VT0103
Charlotte Chittenden VT McNeil Bay Ordovician Glens Falls Limestone Conularia VT0104
Charlotte Chittenden VT N shore and fields to N of Ferry Landing in McNeil Cove Ordovician Larabee ? VT0105
Charlotte Chittenden VT Thorp Pt Ordovician Cassin Algae-Cryptozoon,Gastropod-Hormotoma,Maclurites,Rudolfoceras VT0106
Charlotte Chittenden VT Wings Pt Ordovician Orwell Limestone Algae-Girvanella;Cephalopod-Murrayoceras VT0107
Colchester Chittenden VT Pleistocene Bivalves-Mya,Macoma VT0108
Colchester Chittenden VT 2 km N 35E in sandy dolomite Ordovician Lower Clarendon Springs silicified cephalopods,brachiopods VT0110
Colchester Chittenden VT 2 km N of US2,US7 Junction (Chimney Corners) in gravel pits Pleistocene ? VT0109
Colchester Chittenden VT 4 km W of US7 on S side of US2 {6} Pleistocene ? VT0111
Colchester Chittenden VT At Mallets Bay Pleistocene Bivalves-Mytilus,Yoldia,Macoma,Thyasira,Hiatella VT0112
Colchester Chittenden VT Beds in gray quartzite North of Mallets Bay in Colchester contain numerous cephalons of Olenellus Cambrian Monkton ? VT0113
Colchester Chittenden VT Olenellid trilobite fragments near Colchester Pond Cambrian Cheshire Olenellus VT0114
Colchester Chittenden VT Shaley interbeds in quartzites 1.7km West of Chimney Corners (Intersection of US2 and 7) in Colchester (may be the same location as previous). Cambrian Monkton ? VT0115
Colchester and Burlington Chittenden VT in the towns of Colchester and Burlington,Vermont in ‘Leda’ clay beds Pleistocene Leda Clay ? VT0116
Essex Chittenden VT In road cut on VT15 200 meters S of VT289 Neoproterozoic? Fairfield Pond Unidentifiable fossil scraps VT0117
Essex Chittenden VT Trilobite(?) fragments from road cuts on VT15 in Essex Cambrian Lower Fairfield Pond ? VT0118
Essex Ferry landing Chittenden VT Ordovician Trenton VT0119
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT 1 km S of Summer Point along shore and inland Ordovician Day Point various fossils(6) VT0120
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT 1.5 km ENE of Dean Island. Ordovician Day Point|Crown Point various fossils(6) VT0121
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT Hill 1.5 km S of Little Otter Creek Bridge on US7 Ordovician Larabee ? VT0122
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT Woods and shore S of Hawkins Bay Ordovician Crown Point Gastropod-Maclurites VT0123
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT Woods and shore S of Summer Point Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0124
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT Woods and shore W of Kingsland Bay Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0125
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT along coast Ordovician Chazy fossils – Phytopsis,Rhynchonella,Maclurea,Cyrtoceras,Bucania VT0126
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT along shore and in woods E of Dean Island in Town Farm Bay Ordovician Lower Bridport gastropods,ostracods,trilobites in Limestone interbedded with dolomite. The Bridport dolostone overlies the Fort Cassin Formation and is overlain by the Day Point Formation{6} VT0127
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT at Ferry landing Ordovician fossils VT0128
Ferrisburg Chittenden VT on island in Button Bay in Ordovician Black River Limestone Columnaria,Stromatocerium,Chaetetes,Streptelasma,Tetradium,crinoid fragments,Phytopsis,Orthoceras,Orthis VT0129
Milton Chittenden VT 6.3 km SW of Milton-1.2 km W of Cobble hill in chert bed in sandy dolomite Cambrian Upper Clarendon Springs Trilobites. brachiopods VT0130
South Burlington or Williston Chittenden VT on Hinesburg Rd Cambrian Upper Trilobites: Lloydia VT0131
South Burlington? Chittenden VT On the Hinesburg Road 7.2km SE of Burlington,VT,in the ‘Williston Formation’ Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0132
Thorp Pt Chittenden VT In Ordovician Lower Beekmantown Limestone at Town Bay Farm 1.6km W of RR crossing Ordovician Beekmantown Trilobites,Cephalopods,Gastropods,Brachiopods VT0133
Thorp Pt Chittenden VT Small Point into Town Farm Bay S of Charlotte-Thompson Pt Rd about 1 km W of RR Crossing in Charlotte Ordovician Lower Fort Cassin ? VT0134
West Bolton Chittenden VT in graphitic schists derived from dolostones Ordovician conodonts VT0135
Winooski Chittenden VT Pleistocene Bivalves-Macoma VT0136
Columbia Bridge Essex VT ( 44-51N71-33W 11400bp ) Holocene (13500 BP) Plant fossils VT0137
Franklin VT Location given as 44.5 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. The Highgate Formation is exposed in Northern Franklin Cy West of the Hinesburg Thrust Ordovician Middle Highgate Limestone Brachiopods-Apheoorthis,Archaeorthis,Orthis,Glyptotrophia,Syntrophina;Trilobites-Geragnostus,Homagnostus,Litagnostus,Pseudagnostus,Hardyoides,Highgatella,Missisquoia,Parabolinella,Plicatolina,Symphysurina;Gastropods-Dirhachopea;Polychaetes-Serpulites; VT0138 Paleobiology Database 277
Franklin VT Location given as 44.5 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. The Skeels Corner shale is exposed in a narrow band to the East of the Parker Slate Cambrian Middle St Albans Shale Bovicornellum;Brachiopods-Orthotheca,Lingulepis,Linguella,Diraphora?,Protorthis,Huenella;Trilobites-Alokistocarella?,Bolaspidella,Brunswickia,Bynumia,Modocia,Onchonotopis?,Solenopleura,Vermontella,Catillicephala;Hypseloconus;Helcionella;Eocrinoids VT0139
Georgia Franklin VT Cambrian Dunham Hyolithellus,archeocyathids VT0140
Georgia Franklin VT Parker Quarry,Georgia,Franklin County,VT Cambrian Parker Olenellus VT0141
Georgia Franklin VT Parkers Ledge,1.2km N 20 deg E of Georgia Plains – 3.6km N 60 deg W of Georgia,VT,(Parker) Cambrian Parker Trilobites Olenellus VT0142
Highgate Franklin VT Ordovician Trenton Limestone abundant Trilobites VT0143
Highgate Franklin VT 1.6km S 20 deg E of RR cut NW of Highgate Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0144
Highgate Franklin VT 3.2km NE of Highgate Center Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0145
Highgate Franklin VT 500m NW of Highgate Center in RR Cut Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0146
Highgate Franklin VT 7.2km N 10 deg E of Highgate Center,800m S of Canadian border Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0147
Highgate Franklin VT At the entrance to a pasture just West of Highgate Center (1924 location) Cambrian Gorge trilobites,brachiopods VT0148
Highgate Franklin VT Location given as 44.9 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. Gorge-A. One of two adjacent exposures of interbedded slate and limestone in Highgate Gorge Cambrian Upper Gorge Trilobites-Lotagnostus,Acheilus,Bowmania,Idiomesus,Plethometopus,Stenopilus,Yukonaspis,Theodenisia,Phoreotropis,Phylacterus,Eurekia,Keithia;8 genera of conodonts VT0151
Highgate Franklin VT Location given as 44.9 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful. Gorge-B. One of two adjacent exposures of interbedded slate and limestone in Highgate Gorge Cambrian Upper Gorge Trilobites-Lotagnostus,Acheilops,Leiocoryphe,Plethometopus,Westonaspis;17 genera of conodonts VT0152
Highgate Franklin VT Location given as 44.9N73.1W but is probably unhelpful. Gorge Bed3 Lower. In Highgate Gorge below Highgate Falls overthrust Cambrian Upper Gorge Trilobites-Bellaspis,Dunderbergia,Glyptometopsis,Quebecaspis,Bigranulella,Oligometopus,Punctaspis,Olenaspella,Pterocephalops,Taenicephalites,Paraphoreotropis VT0149
Highgate Franklin VT Location given as 44.9N73.1W but is probably unhelpful. Gorge Bed3 Upper. In Highgate Gorge below Highgate Falls overthrust Cambrian Upper Gorge Trilobites-Heterocaryon,Leiocoryphe,Platydiamesus,Plethometopus,Stenopilus,Tatonaspis,Theodenisia,Punctularia,Phoreotropis,Phylacterus,Keithia,Keithiella?,Prosaukia,Richardsonella VT0150
Highgate Franklin VT in area exposures Ordovician Trenton fossils Chaetetes,abundant trilobites VT0153
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 1.6km SW of Highgate Falls in Limestones Formation Cambrian Upper Georgia Cambrian Upper Trilobites Dikelocephalus VT0154
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 2.4km N of Highgate Falls in Georgia Formation Cambrian Upper Georgia Cambrian Upper Trilobites Lloydia,Leiostegium,Pilekia VT0155
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 3.2km N of Highgate Falls in Highgate Limestone Cambrian Upper Highgate Cambrian Upper Trilobites Hemigyraspis,Pilekia,Leiostegium VT0156
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 7.2km N of Highgate Falls in Georgia Formation Ordovician Lower Georgia trilobites Hystricurus,Cholopilus,Gignopeltis VT0157
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 800m N of Highgate Falls,800m W of Rock River,800m S of Canadian border in Georgia Formation Cambrian Upper Georgia Trilobites-Bellefontia VT0158
Highgate Falls Franklin VT 8km N of Highgate Falls in conglomerate in Georgia Formation Cambrian Upper Georgia Cambrian Upper Trilobites-Niobe VT0159
Highgate Falls Franklin VT In 4 beds in thinly bedded Limestone,slate,and conglomerate and in an overlying thinly bedded Limestone in the gorge of the Missisquoi River at Highgate Falls,VT,(Gorge,Highgate Formations) The Gorge Formation is found at the West end of the gorge at Cambrian Gorge Many species of trilobites VT0160
Highgate Falls Franklin VT Zone 1,2,3,Main Zone (Missisquoi Formation): Cambrian Upper Trilobites-Agnostus several-species,Peronopsis,Phalacroma,Pseudosalteria,Idiomesus,Phoreotropis,Zacompsus,Phylacterus,Onchonotus,Asaphiscus,Blountia,Maryvillia,Lloydia,Plethopeltis,Stenopilus,Corynexochus,Acheilus,Apatokephaloides,Etc VT0162
Highgate Falls Franklin VT Zone 1,2,3,Main Zone (Missisquoi Formation): Cambrian Upper Trilobites-Agnostus several-species,Peronopsis,Phalacroma,Pseudosalteria,Idiomesus,Phoreotropis,Zacompsus,Phylacterus,Onchonotus,Asaphiscus,Blountia,Maryvillia,Lloydia,Plethopeltis,Stenopilus,Corynexochus,Acheilus,Apatokephaloides,etc VT0161
Highgate Springs Franklin VT Ordovician Chazy ? VT0163
Highgate Springs Franklin VT (on the Champlain thrust plate?) Ordovician Chazy ? VT0164
Isle La Motte Franklin VT Ordovician Black River Limestone ? VT0165
Parker Hill Franklin VT Cambrian Parker Bathynotus VT0166
Sheldon Junction Franklin VT Hyolithes near Sheldon Junction,VT Cambrian Cheshire Hyolithes VT0167
St Albans Franklin VT Pleistocene Gastropods-Cylichna;Bivalves-Mytilus,Yoldia,Macoma,Hiatella VT0168
St Albans Franklin VT About 1.6km South of the RR Station in St. Albans Pleistocene ? VT0169
St Albans Franklin VT Cambrian Middle fish plate Cambrian Parker Eoichthys VT0170
St Albans Franklin VT In shales and limestones on the Kelsey Farm(1915) Cambrian Parker Trilobites and Brachiopods VT0171
St Albans Franklin VT Limestone (sparsely fossiliferous Chazy Limestone?) Quarries at Fonda,just North of St Albans,VT,(Parker) Cambrian Parker ? VT0172
St Albans Franklin VT just West in shales with limestone lenses. Fossils found in both shales and limestones Cambrian Middle St Albans? Trilobites-Paradoxides,Araulos VT0308 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P254
St Albans Franklin VT near St Albans,VT Cambrian Cheshire Salterella VT0173
St Albans? Franklin VT Location given as 44.5 N 73.2 W,but is probably unhelpful Cambrian Middle St Albans Shale Brachiopods-Lingulepis,Pegmatreta,Protorthis?;Trilobites-Grandagnostus,Spinagnostus,Hastagnostus,Hypagnostus,Quadragnostus,Ptychagnostus,Centropleura,Alokistocarella,Elrathia,Genevievella,Meneviella,Modocia,Onchonotopis,Solenopleura,Vermontella VT0174 Paleobiology Database 217
Swanton Franklin VT Cambrian Parker Nisusia,Hyolithes VT0175
Swanton Franklin VT 4km SE of Swanton,VT(Parker) Cambrian Parker ? VT0176
Swanton Franklin VT The Kelley Quarry at Swanton,VT Cambrian Parker Kootenia,Pagetides {7} VT0177
Swanton Franklin VT in Kelly’s quarry Trilobites VT0178
Alburg Grand Isle VT Pleistocene Bivalves-Macoma,Hiatella,Mya VT0179
Alburg Grand Isle VT In black shales at West end of Alburg Dunes St Park. Best seen at times of low water – Autumn Ordovician Stony Point Trilobite fragments – Triarthus VT0180
Alburg Grand Isle VT In road cuts S of Isle la Motte bridge Ordovician Stony Point Cephalopods,Graptolites,Trilobites – Triarthus VT0181
Alburg Grand Isle VT Quarry on W side of US2 5.3 km N of west end of Alburg-N Hero bridge Ordovician Stony Point Shale ? VT0182
Alburg Grand Isle VT Roadcuts on VT,129 along the West side of the Alburg Peninsula South of the bridge to Isle la Motte expose about 6.6m of fossiliferous Ordovician Upper Stony Point Shale cephalopods,graptolites,trilobites-Triarthus VT0183 In limey shale with occasional limestone interbeds
Alburg Grand Isle VT The East side of the Alburg Peninsula near the Canadian border Ordovician Stony Point Triarthus fauna. VT0184
Alburg Grand Isle VT The West side of the Alburg peninsula in Northwest Vermont from the Isle La Motte Bridge South Ordovician Stony Point Triarthus fauna. VT0185
Alburg Grand Isle VT in Quarry at Isle la Motte Bridge in Limestone Ordovician Trilobites? VT0186
Crab Island Grand Isle VT on Crab Island in Lake Champlain Ordovician Trenton ? VT0187
Georgia Center Grand Isle VT Olenellus VT0188
Goodsell Quarry-Isle La Motte Grand Isle VT 400 meters S from Isle La Motte Village,Left 3.5 km,Left 400 meters.400 meters left is coral reef. 1000 meters left is quarry with fossils in ledge ? VT0189
Grand Isle Grand Isle VT Gravel pits W of Pearl {6} Pleistocene ? VT0190
Grand Isle Grand Isle VT about 1.5 km SE of Pearl RR crossing Ordovician Crown Point sponges {6} VT0191
Isle La Motte Grand Isle VT Pleistocene Mytilus,Saxicava (commercial specimens) VT0192
Isle La Motte Grand Isle VT Ordovician corals in Goodsell and Fisk formations (Probably quarry names,not Formation names) Ordovician ? VT0193
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Ordovician Chazy crinoid fragments,Corals – Chaetetes,Streptelasma,Orthoceras VT0194
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Ordovician Day Point|Orwell|Glens Falls ? VT0195
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT 1 km N of Isle La Motte Village in gravel pits {6} Pleistocene ? VT0197
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT 1.13 km N 20d W of Reynolds Pt[?] Ordovician Day Point Reef-Stromatocerium VT0198 Reynolds Point is the North tip of Isle la Motte. Probably meant to reference the South end which would put this site in the general vicinity of the Fisk Quarry
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT 1.8 km S of Isle la Motte village in ‘reefy zone’ Ordovician Valcour Trilobite-Glaphurina VT0199
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT 2.4 km S of Isle la Motte village in ‘reefy zone’ Ordovician Crown Point Cephalopod-Stereospyroceras,Vaginoceras VT0200
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT At Fisk Quarry Reserve near Fisk Pt on SW corner of the Island. No Collecting Ordovician Chazy a few fossils in hard reef limestones. VT0201
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT At Fisk quarry N of Fleury Bay Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0202
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT At Goodsell quarry about 3 km S of Isle la Motte village Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0203
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT At the head in reeflike zone Ordovician Day Point Coral-Lichenaria,Blastoid-Blastoidocrinus VT0204
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Fields 800 meters E of Isle la Motte Village Ordovician Shoreham ? VT0205
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Fields NW of Jordan Bay Ordovician Larabee ? VT0206
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Fleury Bay Ordovician Chazy Brachiopod-Mimella,Orthambonites VT0207
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Goodsell Ridge Fossil Preserve. Between Fisk and Goodsell Quarries (No Collecting) Ordovician Chazy typical faunas VT0307
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Hill Quarry ESE of Isle La Motte Village Ordovician Orwell Limestone ? VT0209
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT In bioherms 1-3m high,10m wide and 15-30m long. Lithified mudstone composed largely of algae and/or bryozoa Ordovician Crown Point Solenopora,Sphaerocodium ;corals-Billingsaria;sponges-Anthaspidella,Zittelella,Labechia,Pachystylostroma,Pseudostylodictyon;Brachiopods;Bryozoa-Cheiloporella,Trepostomata,Batostoma,Cryptostomata;Trilobites;Ostracods;Gastropods-Maclurites;Cephalopods VT0210
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT In sand and gravel at Reynolds Point Pleistocene Champlain Sea Bivalves-Mya,Yoldia VT0211
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Jordan Pt Ordovician Valcour Brachiopod-Linguella;Gastropod-Maclurites;Trilobite-Isotelus VT0212
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT N edge of Isle la Motte Village Ordovician Cumberland Head ? VT0213
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT Quarry on Rt of road on mainland side of Isle La Motte bridge just before bridge. Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0214
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT The South end of Isle la Motte,Vermont Ordovician Chazy ? VT0215
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT W side of Jordan Point Ordovician Valcour Limestone ? VT0216
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT W side of the head Ordovician Day Point Brachiopod-Linguella,Mimella,Orthambonites VT0217
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT at The Head (at S end of island),fossil fragmental limestones with reef outcrops about 500 meters inland from bluffs Ordovician Day Point ? VT0218
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT quarry 400 meters S of Holcomb Point Ordovician Day Point various fossils(6) VT0219
Isle la Motte Grand Isle VT several localities Pleistocene Bivalves-Macoma,Mytilus,Hiatella,Mya VT0196 Paleobiology Database 63361,63362
Merriam’s Bay[?] Grand Isle VT On W Side of South Hero Island Abundant faunas VT0220 Can’t identify a Merriam’s Bay in Grand Isle County
North Hero Grand Isle VT At the ‘Carry’ Ordovician Stony Point Triarthus;Graptolite-Diplograptus VT0221
North Hero Grand Isle VT In road cuts along US2 on North Hero Island,VT,South of the bridge to the Alburg Peninsula Ordovician Stony Point Triarthus fauna. VT0222
North Hero Grand Isle VT Roadcut on US 2 1 km S of The Carrying Place Ordovician Stony Point Shale ? VT0223
North Hero Grand Isle VT at Paine’s Point[?] in SW part abundant trilobites (Triarthus) VT0224 Modern maps show no Paine’s Point on North Hero Island. Likely is Bow and Arrow Point or Hazen Point.
North Hero Grand Isle VT on W side Ordovician Utica Shale Graptolithus VT0225
South Alburg Grand Isle VT Along beach near fishing access on US2 Ordovician Crown Point Trilobites,Lingula VT0226
South Alburg Grand Isle VT in Quarry on Right of road just S of Isle la Motte Bridge Ordovician Crown Point Maclurites VT0227
South Alburg Grand Isle VT in road cut E of coast road N of Isle la Motte Bridge Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0228
South Alburg Grand Isle VT just N of fishing access along shore to N trilobites and brachiopods VT0229
South Hero Grand Isle VT 1.1km E of Beech Bay Ordovician Day Point Gastropod-Raphistoma;Cephalopod-Murrayoceras VT0230
South Hero Grand Isle VT 1.1km S,50 deg E of Pearl RR Xing in Reefy Zone at top of Crown Point Limestone Ordovician Crown Point Sponge-Saccospongia,Zittelella VT0231
South Hero Grand Isle VT 2.25km S,75d E of Pearl RR Xing about 75m W of US2 Ordovician Brachiopod-Rostricellula VT0232
South Hero Grand Isle VT Along shore 1 km S of Nichols Point (Long Point) Ordovician Stony Point Shale ? VT0233
South Hero Grand Isle VT Along shore N of McBride Bay Ordovician Shoreham ? VT0234
South Hero Grand Isle VT At Lessor’s quarry Ordovician Glens Falls bryozoa,brachiopods,etc VT0235 Owned by UVM. Permission from Geology Dept 802-656-8694
South Hero Grand Isle VT Fields 1.5 km W of Cooper Bay Ordovician Larabee ? VT0262
South Hero Grand Isle VT Fields 800 meters Sawyer Bay Ordovician Shoreham ? VT0236
South Hero Grand Isle VT In road cut on first road to E N of Grand Isle Ferry Lingula,trilobites VT0237
South Hero Grand Isle VT On S shore of Rockwell Bay Ordovician Stromatolites VT0238
South Hero Grand Isle VT Quarry to Left off Sunset View Rd to West of village Ordovician bryozoa,brachiopods,Trilobites VT0239
South Hero Grand Isle VT Rockwell Bay and shore to South Ordovician Valcour Limestone ? VT0240
South Hero Grand Isle VT S Slope of Hill about 1 km inland from Beech Bay Ordovician Day Point various fossils(6) VT0241
South Hero Grand Isle VT S end of S shore of Rockwell Bay Ordovician Coral-Billingsaria VT0242
South Hero Grand Isle VT S of McBride Bay Ordovician Day Point Brachiopod-Sphenotreta VT0243
South Hero Grand Isle VT Shore 800 meters N of Rockwell Bay Ordovician Cumberland Head ? VT0244
South Hero Grand Isle VT Shore N and S of Sawyer Bay Ordovician Orwell Limestone ? VT0245
South Hero Grand Isle VT W end of point between Beech and McBride Bays Ordovician Day Point Brachiopod-Rostricellula;Trilobite-Onchometpus VT0246
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT Ordovician Black River Limestone ? VT0255
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT Ordovician Chazy ? VT0256
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT Ordovician Stony Point ? VT0257
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT Ordovician Trenton ? VT0258
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT At S end in Ordovician Black River Ordovician Chazy 16 Species of Trilobites VT0247
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT Between Phelps Pt and Jackson Pt Ordovician Crown Point ? VT0248
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT In a small region in the Middle of South Hero about 3.2km East of the Ferry Terminal Ordovician Chazy ? VT0249
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT In bioherms 1m high and 10m long. Lithified mudstone composed largely of algae and/or bryozoa Ordovician Chazy Sponges-Labechia,Pachystylostroma VT0250
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT In bioherms 1m high and 10m long. Lithified mudstone composed largely of algae and/or bryozoa Ordovician Crown Point Sponges-Labechia,Pachystylostroma VT0251
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT On the West Shore of South Hero Island and the North tip of Providence Island opposite Valcour Island Ordovician Chazy ? VT0252
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT abundant faunas on W side ? VT0253
South Hero Island Grand Isle VT in Quarry at Sandbar Bridge in black shale Ordovician Pyrite suns,Trilobites? VT0254
South Hero Station Grand Isle VT 1km SW on N slope of hill Ordovician Valcour Algae-Girvanella VT0259
South Hero Station Grand Isle VT 600m W Ordovician Valcour Algae-Hedstromia VT0260
Stave Island Grand Isle VT exposures on Stave and Providence Islands (Vermont) in Lake Champlain. Ordovician Beekmantown ? VT0261
Newbury Orange VT about 1700 varved layers of clay from lakebed deposits Holocene plant macrofossils VT0263
Westmore Orleans VT Silurian-Devonian Crinoids and Cystoids VT0264
Westmore Orleans VT nearby Silurian ? VT0265
Blissville Rutland VT 2km SE of Blissville Cambrian Lower Beebe Limestone ? VT0266
Brandon Rutland VT E on VT73 from US7 junction in Brandon. 3.5 km E to fork. Rt on S fork 300 Meters to intersection. Site is directly ahead across intersection. Eocene Brandon Lignite More than 25 genera of seeds and nuts are reported including many familiar forms:Juglans (Walnut),Apeibopsis,Aristolochites,Bicarpellites,Brandonia,Carpites,Cinnamomum,Cucumites,Drupa,Glossocarpellites,Hicoria,Hicoroides,Illicium,Lescuria,et VT0267 See http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/biogeog/BERR1937.htm
East Poultney Rutland VT In dark slates at the base of the Pawlet Formation 170m South of the bridge at East Poultney and other outcrops to the South. Ordovician Normanskill graptolites VT0268
East Poultney Rutland VT In red and green Indian River slates below the bridge across the Poultney River in Ordovician Normanskill graptolites VT0269
Forestdale Rutland VT In clay and poorly lithified Coal Miocene Brandon Lignite Plant seeds-Magnolia,Microdiptera,Moroidea,Persea,Phellodendron,Quercus,Rubus,Carya,Cleyera,Nyssa,Parthenocissus,Cyrilla,Euodia,Gordonia,Ilex,Illicium,Sargentodoxa,Symplocos,Turpinia,Vitis,Zanthoxylum,Alangium,Caldesia,Caricoidea VT0270 Paleobiology Database 22776
Hubbardton Rutland VT area outcrops of Limestone in black slates Cambrian Lower West Castleton Elliptocephalus fauna fossils VT0271
Hubbardton Rutland VT near Beebe Pond Lower Cambrian fossils in 2 to 6 meters Limestone beds Cambrian Lower West Castleton Elliptocephalus fauna fossils VT0272
Mount Holly Rutland VT 3 Meters beneath ground surface in deep RR cut Pleistocene Tusks and bones of Pleistocene elephant VT0273
North Pawlet Rutland VT 4 km W Just W of NY state line Ordovician Lower Graptolites VT0274
Pawlet Rutland VT 3 km N on both sides of valley between Town Hill and Haystack Mountain Ordovician Lower graptolites VT0275
Pawlet Rutland VT 4 km W Ordovician Lower graptolites VT0276
Pawlet Rutland VT 5 km W Ordovician Lower graptolites VT0277
Pawlet Rutland VT near top of Town Hill S of Town in colored slates Ordovician Indian River graptolites VT0278
Pawlet Rutland VT on East Side of Town Hill S of Town in grey slates Ordovician Poultney graptolites VT0279
Pawlet Rutland VT on West Slope of Town Hill S of Town in carbonate fragments in conglomerate Cambrian? Castleton ? VT0280
Pawlet Rutland VT on West Slope of Town Hill S of Town slates Cambrian Upper Hatch Hill graptolites VT0281
Pawlet Rutland VT on top of Town Hill S of Town in sandstone Ordovician Pawlet graptolites VT0282
Poultney Rutland VT in Taconic rocks. Ordovician Normanskill ? VT0283
Rutland Rutland VT in a shaley layer about 200 meters above base of Formation. Cambrian Dunham Kutorgina and Salterella VT0284
Sudbury Rutland VT Ordovician Abundant trilobites-Trinucleus (Cryptolithus) VT0301
West Rutland Rutland VT in limestone 100m from abandoned marble quarry Ordovician VT0300
Calais Washington VT SW of Blueberry Hill Ordovician Graptolites VT0285
Montpelier Washington VT In Berlin-Montpelier a few rods West of entrance to Dewey Park Ordovician Graptolites VT0286
Montpelier Washington VT NNW of Montpelier Cup Corals VT0287
Northfield Washington VT Crinoid columnals VT0288
Woodbury Washington VT East side of Valley Lake,Woodbury,VT Ordovician Graptolites VT0289
Dummerston Windham VT Canoe Brook ( 42-57N,72-33W 12350 bp) Holocene Plant fossils VT0290
South Vernon Windham VT near Connecticut River(?) Silurian Fossils VT0291
Springfield Windsor VT 3 km NE on US5 in calcareous bands in quartzite Silurian Clough crinoid stems,brachiopods,corals VT0292
Springfield Windsor VT At Skitchewaug Mt Silurian Clough Corals,other fossils VT0293
West Bridgewater Windsor VT 3 km NW of Plymouth in Central Vermont in dolostone/schist below the Pinney Hollow Formation Ordovician Middle West Bridgewater conodonts – Periodon,Protopanderodus VT0294
[?] VT Near entrance to Catholic Cemetary on Clay Hill Ordovician Graptolites VT0296
Button Bay Island [?] VT Ordovician Black River Limestone ? VT0295