Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Antimony Canyon Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0001
Antimony Canyon Box Elder UT in Wellsville Mountains Cambrian Middle Brigham Quartzite Albertella,Albertellina,Mexicella? UT0002
Antimony Canyon Box Elder UT in Wellsville Mountains Cambrian Middle Naomi Peak Albertelloides,Chancia,Kootenia,Nyella,Olenoides,Oryctocephalites,Oryctocephalus?,Pagetia,Paralbertella,Poliella,Ptarmigania,Ptarmiganoides UT0003
Canyon N of Hansen Canyon Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0004
Cataract Canyon Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area?) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0005
Dry Canyon Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0006
Hansen Canyon Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0007
Miner’s Hollow Box Elder UT (within Wellsville Mountain area) Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas UT0008
Blacksmith Fork of Green River Cache UT Cambrian Middle-Upper Trilobites and Brachiopods UT0009
Blacksmiths Fork Cache UT NE1/4S26T11NR2E Site 3. Devonian Lower Water Canyon Fish-Cardipeltis,Simblastis[?] UT0010 No citations for Simblastis other than original source=AMNH
Blacksmiths Fork Cache UT SE1/4S34T11NR2E Site 1a Devonian Lower Water Canyon Fish-Cephalaspis UT0011
Blacksmiths Fork Cache UT SE1/4S3T10NR2E Site 1 Devonian Lower Water Canyon Fish-Cephalaspis,Protaspis UT0012
Cottonwood Canyon Cache UT NE1/2S19T13NR3E in Bear River Range Devonian Lower Water Canyon Fish-Protaspis UT0013
Cottonwood Canyon Cache UT NW1/4S18T13NR3E Site 6 Devonian Lower Water Canyon Fish-Allocryptaspis,Protaspis UT0014
Hyrum Cache UT in Blacksmith Fork Canyon Cambrian Middle-Cambrian Upper fossils UT0175 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P5
Hyrum Cache UT in Blacksmith Fork Canyon in 600+ meters of quartzite below Langston limestones Cambrian Middle Brigham Quartzite worm and trilobite tracks UT0189 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P9
Hyrum Cache UT in Blacksmith Fork Canyon,in 10 meters of shale below Ute formation Cambrian Middle Spence Abundant and diverse Middle Cambrian fossils|brachiopods-Micromitra;trilobites-Oryctocara,Oryctocephalus,Olenus,Bathyuriscus,Ptychoparia,Zacanthoides UT0186 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P8,25
Hyrum Cache UT in Blacksmith Fork Canyon,in 30 meters of limestone below Spence Shale Cambrian Middle Langston Lower Middle Cambrian fossils UT0187 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P8
Hyrum Cache UT in Blacksmith Fork Canyon,in 300+ meters of limestone and shale Cambrian Middle Bloomington Abundant Middle Cambrian fossils UT0184 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P7
Hyrum Cache UT in Langston Creek Valley in 30 meters of limestone below Spence Shale Cambrian Middle Langston Lower Middle Cambrian fossils UT0188 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P8
Paradise Cache UT E at forks of East Fork on slopes of Ute Peak in 150m of limestone and shale Cambrian Middle Ute Abundant Middle Cambrian fossils UT0185 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P7
Wellsville Range Cache UT Near Dry Lake. SW1/4S29T10NR1W Devonian,Lower Water Canyon Fish-Protaspis UT0015
Price Carbon UT At college of Eastern Utah dinosaur footprints collected from coal mine roofs.{7} UT0016
Price Carbon UT In the ‘roof’ layer or area coal mines Cretaceous Blackhawk Dinosaur footprints UT0017
Wellington Carbon UT Turn off 5 km E,11 km S of US50 toward mounds in cliffs N of RR tracks various faunas UT0018
Duchesne River Duchesne UT 4 km W of Hanna Belemnites,Pentacrinus UT0019
Duchesne River Duchesne UT along Farm Creek in T1nr7w-t1sr7w Belemnites,Pentacrinus UT0020
Myton Pocket Duchesne UT Eocene Uinta Mammal Fossils UT0021
Myton Pocket Duchesne UT 11.3km E of Myton Eocene Uinta Auxontodon,Creotarsus,Miacis,Pareumys,Simidectes UT0022 Original got the State(WY),County(Fremont) and age(Pleistocene) wrong. http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2007/02/06/worm_turns/
Uinta Mountains Duchesne UT On Yellowstone Creek 2.3km upstream from Swift Creek campground — 40d36m49sN 110d22m04sW Proterozoic Red Pine Shale Chuaria UT0023
Castle Dale Emery UT 10 km E s20t19sr9e Cretaceous Lower ganoid fish scales,ostracods,Eupera,silicified Tempskya,Inoceramus higher up UT0024
Castle Dale Emery UT 10 km SE s20t19sr9e Cretaceous Dakota Inoceramus UT0025
Castle Dale Emery UT 10 km SE s20t19sr9e 15 meters below Dakota Formation Cretaceous Lower ganoid fish scales,fresh water ostracods,Eupera; plants – Tempskya UT0026
Castle Dale Emery UT 8 km SE in channel sandstones along San Rafael River N of Rock River bone and egg fragments UT0027
Castle Dale Emery UT 9 km SE of Castle Dale and San Rafael River N of Rock Canyon Creek Cretaceous dinosaur eggs UT0028
Castle Dale Emery UT S of Red Seeps on Castle Dale-Thompson Rd Cretaceous Cedar Mountain (UT) Dinosaur egg fragments UT0029
Castle Dale Emery UT in channel sands along San Rafael River just N of Rock Canyon Creek. Cretaceous Lower Cedar Mountain (UT) Dinosaur egg fragments — Oolithes. UT0030
Cleveland Emery UT Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry–32kmS of Price,12.8km E of Cleveland Jurassic Morrison Dinosaurs-Allosaurus,Antrodemus,Camarasaurus,Camptosaurus,Marshosaurus?,Stegosaurus UT0031
Dragon Emery UT In Manti National Forest in Upper Quarry Cretaceous North Horn Squamata-Polyglyphanodon UT0032
Emery County Emery UT On a bench in sandstones Cretaceous Mesaverde Palm leaves,Auricaria UT0033
Green River Emery UT 48 km SW on US24 dinosaur bones,petrified wood UT0034
Green River Emery UT 96 km SW along Hwy 24 San Rafael Swell dinosaur bones,gastroliths,petrified wood UT0035
Horn Mountain Emery UT Cretaceous North Horn Dinosaur eggs UT0036
Woodside Emery UT 7 km S Jurassic Morrison dinosaur bones,silicified wood UT0037
Bryce Canyon National Park Garfield UT In Campbell Canyon Cretaceous? Wahweap vertebrate teeth-sharks,fish,lizard,salamanders,rays,crocodiles,mammals,frogs UT0038
Circle Cliffs Garfield UT area exposures petrified wood UT0039
Escalante Garfield UT Jurassic Morrison dinosaur bones and gastroliths UT0040
Escalante Garfield UT E on UT12 7 km to Hole in the Rock Road. Rt for 27 km to Garfield-Kane County line. E in hills Petrified Wood UT0041
Cisco Grand UT 11 km SW and throughout area N of Arches Nat Mon Jurassic Morrison Silicified dinosaur bone fragments,petrified wood,bone casts in Sandstone UT0042
Cisco Grand UT near Cactus Rat uranium mine Jurassic Morrison Silicified dinosaur bone fragments,petrified wood,bone casts in Sandstone UT0043
Cisco Grand UT near Yellow Cat Mine Jurassic Morrison Silicified dinosaur bone fragments,petrified wood,bone casts in Sandstone UT0044
Gaston Quarry Grand UT Cretaceous Cedar Mountain (UT) dinosaurs-Ultraraptor bones UT0045
Moab Grand UT Jurassic Morrison plant fossils UT0046
Moab Grand UT 31 km NW 6 km E of Burro Seep in outcrops above Morrison Formation Cretaceous? Petrified Wood UT0047
Moab Grand UT area exposures Triassic-Jurassic Navajo Sandstone Petrified wood,Dinosaur Tracks,Ostracods,Pelecypods,fossilized burrows UT0048
Salt Valley Anticline Grand UT SW flanks 22t22sr20E area exposures over several km Cretaceous Lower microfossils,gastropods,pelecypods UT0049
Thompson Grand UT area exposures Jurassic Morrison dinosaurs – Antrodemus,Stegosaurus,Camarasaurus,Brachiosaurus UT0050
Yellowcat Quarry Grand UT near Moab Cretaceous Cedar Mountain (UT) Nodosaur-Gastonia UT0051
Cedar City Iron UT E in Maple Canyon 160 meters above base of sandstones in lenses Cretaceous Gryphaea,Camptonectes,Liopistha,Lunatia,Baculites,Helicoceras,Metoicoceras,Ostrea UT0052
Kanab Kane UT Triassic Chinle reptile footprints UT0053
Kanab Kane UT 25 km E in Vermillion Cliffs N on sideroad up Seaman Wash in Vermillion Cliffs Petrified Woodworthia UT0054
Kanab Kane UT 28.3 km W on US89 and N on local road along Vermillion Cliffs in Seaman Wash/Petrified Wash area petrified wood UT0055
Kanab Canyon Kane UT S27T43SR6W Triassic Chinle Fish-Semionotus UT0056
Burbank Hills Millard UT E of Garrison Ordovician abundant trilobites,corals,stromatoporoids,brachiopods,cephalopods – Orthoceras UT0057
Confusion Range Millard UT Pennsylvanian typical faunas UT0058
Confusion Range Millard UT Triassic typical faunas UT0059
Delta Millard UT 56km W then S 24 km toward Blind Valley at Fossil Hill fossils UT0173
Drum Range Millard UT Cambrian Middle Chisolm Shale Glossopleura UT0061
Drum Range Millard UT below Whirlwind formation Cambrian Middle Dome Limestone Deltina,Elrathia,Spencella? UT0062
Fillmore Millard UT In area caverns Pleistocene Camelops UT0063
Gandy Millard UT 4.8km NW in Crystal Ball Cave and Gandy caves in Gandy Mountain in Snake Range. Gandy Cave is 400m S of Crystal Ball Cave Pleistocene small mammal bones. i.e. bones of small mammals and small bones of larger ones UT0064
House Mountains Millard UT 2 km SW of Wheeler Amphitheater Cambrian Middle Marjum Abundant trilobites UT0065
House Mountains Millard UT 3 km N of E side of Marjum Pass Cambrian Middle Wheeler Abundant trilobites UT0066
House Mountains Millard UT 5 km E of Marjum Pass Cambrian Middle Marjum Abundant trilobites UT0067
House Mountains Millard UT Cliffs on S side of Marjum Pass (House Range-Marjum Formation) Cambrian Marjum UT0068
House Mountains Millard UT E of Wheeler Amphitheater Cambrian Middle Marjum Abundant trilobites UT0069
House Mountains Millard UT In North Canyon atop Marjum Shale Cambrian Middle Weeks Well preserved complete Cedaria zone trilobites UT0070
House Mountains Millard UT In limestones on E side of Wheeler Amphitheater Cambrian Middle Marjum trilobites-Neolenus UT0183 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P33
House Mountains Millard UT Localities (The formations are exposed in a U with the bottom facing West in the Wheeler Amphitheater and also in outcrops between Marjum pass and the Wheeler Amphitheater. They are also exposed in the cliffs on the South side of Marjum Pass). Cambrian Abundant trilobites UT0071
House Mountains Millard UT Swasey Spring Cambrian Middle Wheeler Abundant trilobites UT0072
House Mountains Millard UT The U-Dig Trilobite quarry is adjacent to a road extending into the South side of the Amphitheater. This site is probably in the general area of the sites formerly describes as ‘Antelope Spring’ and the ‘Old CCC Camp’ Cambrian Middle Wheeler|Marjum Abundant trilobites UT0073
House Mountains Millard UT Wheeler Amphitheater-Antelope Spring(House Range – Cambrian Wheeler Marjum Formation UT0074
House Range Millard UT Ordovician Filmore Carolinites,Isoteloides,Presbynelius[?],Pseudocybele,Metabowmania UT0075 http://www.westernta.com/Formations/Pogonip.htm
House Range Millard UT On W side in quartzites and shales Cambrian Lower Pioche|Prospect Mountain ichnofossils-trilobite tacks, worm trails UT0182 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P11
House Range Millard UT at S end on N side of small butte near mouth of west-flowing wash 1 km E of Tule Valley Grazing Service road Ordovician House Limestone Bellefontia,Clelandia,Hystricurus,Pseudokainella,Remopleuridiella,Symphysurina,Xenostegium,Apheoorthis,Linguella,Ophileta UT0076
House Range Millard UT below Dome Limestone Cambrian Middle Chisolm Shale Alokistocare,Glossopleura,Kootenia,Poliella?,Proehmaniella,Trachycheilus?,Zacanthoides UT0077
House Range Millard UT below Whirlwind formation Cambrian Middle Dome Limestone Deltina,Elrathia,Kootenia,Mexicella,Poliella,Proehmaniella?,Pseudomexicella,Spencella?,Wenkcheminia?[?] UT0078 http://www.westernta.com/Formations/Dome.htm
Howell Peak Millard UT In Northern House Range 8km W of Antelope Springs in 100m of dark limestone and pinkish shales Cambrian Middle Howell fossils UT0181 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P10
Ibex Millard UT 7 km S of Govt Well No 108 at mouth of largest of small canyons on W face of Yersin Ridge[?] Ordovician House Limestone Apheoorthis,Linguella,Symphysurina,Bellefontia UT0079 The USGS puts Ibex (whose location was at one time fairly uncertain) at 38.8825N,113.4419W. Couldn’t identify a Yersin Ridge in the area
Marjum Pass Millard UT In Southern House Range in cliffs on S side of Marjum pass in 300m of thin-bedded limestones Cambrian Middle Marjum fossils UT0179 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P10
North Canyon Millard UT Trilobites,Cedaria UT0080
Notch Peak Millard UT In Southern House Range in 600m of grey limestone Cambrian Upper-Ordovician Lower Notch Peak fossils UT0176 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P10
Notch Peak Millard UT In Southern House Range on N side of Weeks Canyon in 400+m of thin bedded shaley limestone Cambrian Middle Weeks fossils UT0178 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P10
Notch Peak Millard UT In Southern House Range on ridge E of Notch Peak on S side of Weeks Canyon in 600m of limestone and shales Cambrian Upper Orr fossils UT0177 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P10
Swasey Peak Millard UT In Northern House Range in 70m of gray limestone with minor shales below Wheeler formation shales Cambrian Middle Swasey fossils UT0180 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P11
Whiterock Canyon Millard UT Ibex area Hot Creek Range(?) Ordovician Middle Bathyurid trilobites UT0081
Willden[?] Hills Millard UT 5 km W from Crystal Peak on E side s20,21,28,29t23sr16w Ordovician Bellefontia,Hystricurus,Pseudokainella,Remopleuridiella,Symphysurina,Xenostegium UT0082 Couldn’t identify Willden Hills. Location appears to be a bit East of the Burbank Hills
Garden City Rich UT Ordovician Lower Garden City silicified larval specimens of many genera of trilobites UT0083
Alta Salt Lake UT N and S in shale beds in Upper quartzite trilobites-Zacanthoides;brachiopods-Obolus,Micromitra UT0084
Alta Salt Lake UT NW over divide in Mississippian Madison Limestone Syringopora,Zaphrentis,Amplexus,Spirifer,Syringothyris,Composita,Cleiothyridina,Euomphalus UT0085
Salt Lake City Salt Lake UT to E in Wasatch Mountains Mississippian-Cretaceous corals,brachiopods,etc. UT0086
Cow Tank Canyon San Juan UT in Grand Gulch Petrified Wood UT0087
Grand Gulch San Juan UT Petrified Wood UT0088
Grand Gulch San Juan UT near Cow Tank Canyon petrified wood UT0089
San Juan,Emery UT near Canyonlands National Park boundary Triassic Chinle crayfish,crayfish burrows UT0090
Ephraim Sanpete UT 300m NE at Perry Quarry — S35R3ET16S Eocene Green River fish-Lepisosteus UT0091
Gunnison Sanpete UT 9 km E of Gunnison and N of Twelvemile Creek ? UT0092
Gunnison Sanpete UT 9.5 km E ? UT0093
Gunnison Sanpete UT area exposures ? UT0094
Manti Sanpete UT Eocene Green River fish-Lepisosteus,Priscacara? UT0095
Mayfield Sanpete UT 3 km NW on both sides of Ridge ? UT0096
Mayfield Sanpete UT 3 km W in low hills in central valley ? UT0097
Mayfield Sanpete UT SW slope of highest hill on S side of Twelvemile Creek ? UT0098
Redmond Sevier UT E and N Jurassic Arapien Shale Pentacrinus,brachiopods UT0099
Salina Sevier UT between Thistle and Salina Cretaceous Upper North Horn dinosaur bones and eggs UT0100
Salina Sevier UT on N side of Salina Canyon Jurassic Twist Gulch Echinotis[?],Ostrea UT0101 Echinotis is a valid genus name,but this could be a misspelling of ‘Echinotus’
Salina Canyon Sevier UT Cretaceous Mesaverde fossil plants UT0102
Sevier,Sanpete UT area exposures Jurassic Arapien Shale Pentacrinus,Crinoid parts,Ostrea,Trigonia,Camptonectes,Plicatula,Tancredia,Corbicellopsis,Dosinia,Myopholas,gastropods UT0103
Lakeside Mountain Tooele UT on SW side of Great Salt Lake from Grantsville to Delle Ordovician ? UT0104
Lakeside Mountain Tooele UT on SW side of Great Salt Lake from Grantsville to Delle Cretaceous ? UT0105 Delle (which didn’t show up in my first searches) is on I80 at 40.7634N,112.7840W
Lakeside Mountain Tooele UT on SW side of Great Salt Lake from Grantsville to Delle Mississippian ? UT0106
Mahogany Hills Tooele UT N of Weber River to Mouth of Franson Canyon[?] and S of River t1sr6e in Limestone and sandstone Bryozoa,Punctospirifer,Nucula,Schizodus,Orbiculoidea UT0107 The Mahogany Hills and Weber River are in the area of 40.7379N 111.2482W near Oakley in Summit County. Couldn’t identify Franson Canyon.
Mecur Canyon Tooele UT numerous area exposures Mississippian Great Blue typical fossil faunas UT0108
Ophir Canyon Tooele UT numerous area exposures Mississippian Great Blue typical fossil faunas UT0109
Oquirrh Mountains Tooele UT 18 to 28 km S of Tooele in draws and washes on W side Cretaceous numerous fossils UT0110
Oquirrh Mountains Tooele UT 18 to 28 km S of Tooele in draws and washes on W side Mississippian numerous fossils UT0111
Peoa Tooele UT N on E side of Weber River in T1sr5e in Limestone Belemnites,Pentacrinus UT0112
Bonanza Uintah UT Eocene Green River Fossil leaves UT0113
Bonanza Uintah UT Cowboy Canyon,In greenish shales Eocene Green River Plants: Idesia,Phoebe,Rhus. Bird fragments,Many insects UT0114
Bonanza Uintah UT Parachute Creek Member Eocene Green River insects,plants,a very few vertebrates. UT0115 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bonanza Uintah UT in quarries in Parachute Creek member of Green River Formation–possibly S from US45 at Gilsonite Factory toward Cowboy Canyon in shale outcrops Eocene Green River excellent fossil leaves UT0116 http://www.paleocurrents.com/bonanza_2002/index.htm
Bonanza Uintah UT nearby at Devils Playground Eocene Uinta Turtle-Echmatemys UT0117 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Brown’s Park Uintah UT W end near mouth of Jesse Ewing Canyon Tertiary Browns Park vertebrates — Serridentinus,Merycoidodon,Tylopods,Chalicotheroids,Aphelops,Phlaocyon,Bassariscops UT0118 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Brush Creek Uintah UT W of Jensen Triassic Chinle Phytosaurus teeth,reptile and amphibian bones UT0119 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Brush Creek Uintah UT W of Jensen Triassic Moenkopi Chirotherium tracks UT0120
Dragon Uintah UT Area outcrops Eocene Green River Plant fossils? UT0174
Hells Hole Canyon Uintah UT Eocene Parachute Creek Vertebrates-Crocodile UT0122 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Island Park Uintah UT at W end of Island Park syncline from Brush Creek to Whirlpool Canyon fossils UT0123
Jensen Uintah UT At Dinosaur National Monument Cambrian Lodore trilobites,brachiopods — No Collecting UT0124
Jensen Uintah UT At Dinosaur National Monument aka Douglass Quarry–No Collecting aka Jensen Quarry 6.4km E of Jensen Jurassic Morrison Dinosaurs-Allosaurus,Apatosaurus,Barosaurus,Creatosaurus,Diplodocus,Stegosaurus;turtles-Dinochelys,Glyptops UT0125
Jensen Wash Uintah UT E of Brush Creek 400 meters N of Island Park road Cretaceous Frontier Inoceramus,Vivaparus,Scaphites,Prionotropis,Baculites UT0126
Jones Hole Uintah UT 11 km NE of Jensen Wash Pennsylvanian Morgan (UT) crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods -Dictyoclostus,Spirifer,Neospirifer,Dielasma,Composita,Echinoconchus UT0127
LaPoint Uintah UT Oligocene Duchesne River Mammal Fossils UT0128
Little Brush Creek Uintah UT near the sinks N of Jensen Mississippian Spirifer UT0129
Lower Jones Creek Uintah UT 11 km NE of Jensen Wash Mississippian Madison corals – Lithostrotion,Favosites,Syringopora,Neozaphrentis; Brachiopods – Schuchertella; Gastropods -Euomphalus UT0130
Ouray Uintah UT On White River Oligocene Uinta Crocodile bones;Bird bones-Eutreptornis;Turtles-Baena;mammals-Achaenodon,Amynodon,Apatemys,Bunomeryx,Diplacodon,Dolichorhinus,Epihippus,Harpagolestes,Hyopsodus,Ischyrotomus,Isectolophus,Leptoreodon,Leptotomus,Leptotragulus,Manteoceras,Metarhinus,Miacis,Ourayia,Oxyaenodon,Palaeosyops,Paramys,Pareumys,Procynodictis,Prosciurus,Protitanotherium,Protoreodon,Rhadinorhinus,Simidectes,Tapocyon,Telmatherium,Trilophus,Uintatherium UT0131
Powder Wash Uintah UT Eocene Douglas Creek Vertebrates-mammals-Marsupicarnivora,Omomys,Utahia,Viverravus UT0132 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Steinaker Draw Uintah UT 25 km W of Dinosaur National Monument Carmel Trigonia,Natica UT0133
Vernal Uintah UT Near Dinosaur National Monument headquarters Triassic Chinle Fish-Cionichthys? UT0134
Wagonhound Bend Uintah UT Eocene Uinta mammals-Hyopsodus,Ischyrotomus,Isectolophus UT0135 http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=displayCollectionDetails&collection_no=16646
White River Uintah UT Eocene Uinta Turtles-Echmatemys UT0136
Blue Rim Uintah? UT area badlands Eocene Bridger petrified wood,leaves,bivalves,crocodiles,fish UT0137 Blue Rim appears to be an extended cliff in Sweetwater County WY
Eureka Utah UT Eureka Creek Ordovician Opohonga Nanorthis,Cyrtolites,Ophileta,Asaphus,brachiopods – Syntrophina; Trilobites – Protopliomerops,Hystricurus,Goniophrys,Pachycranium,Asaphellus UT0138
Lake Mountain Utah UT S end of Cedar Valley Hills Mississippian Gardner dolomite Spiriferid brachiopods,Zaphrentis,Euomphalus,Lithostrotionella UT0139
Lake Mountain Utah UT W Side in Cedar Valley Hills Mississippian Gardner dolomite Spiriferid brachiopods,Zaphrentis,Euomphalus,Lithostrotionella UT0140
Lake Mountain Utah UT W of Utah Lake 16 km W of Provo Devonian fossils UT0141
Lake Mountain Utah UT W of Utah Lake 16 km W of Provo Mississippian fossils UT0142
Lake Mountain Utah UT W of Utah Lake 16 km W of Provo Pennsylvanian Lower fossils UT0143
Lake Mountain Utah UT W of Utah Lake 16 km W of Provo Tertiary fossils UT0144
Lake Mountain Utah UT W of Utah Lake 16 km W of Provo around base of Mountains Mississippian Great Blue microfossils,brachiopod – Chonetes; corals UT0145
Lake Mountain Utah UT near mouth of Rock Creek Mississippian Gardner dolomite Spiriferid brachiopods,Zaphrentis,Euomphalus,Lithostrotionella UT0146
Lehi Utah UT at Lake Mountain Pennsylvanian Manning Canyon Plant Fossils UT0147
Levan Utah UT 5 km E on the N side of Pigeon Creek in Gunnison Plateau ? UT0148
Levan Utah UT E in Chicken Creek Canyon ? UT0149
Manti Utah UT Eocene Manti fish-Priscacara UT0150
North Selma Hills Utah UT and in Mosida Hills Mississippian Gardner Syringopora,Composita,Caninia,Euomphalus,Spirifer,Multithecopora,Chonetes,Triplophyllites UT0151
Pinyon Peak Utah UT near Lehi-Tintic mines N and W along Mountain scarp Devonian Pinyon Peak Cyathophyllum,Rhombopora,Spirifer,gastropods UT0152
Provo Utah UT 1.6km NW of Cedar Fort in Provo Canyon on EW spur North of rodeo grounds Pennsylvanian Oquirrh Conodonts and trace fossils – Cruziana,Neonates[?],Scalarituba,Spirophycus,Zoophycus,Skolithus UT0153 No citations for Neonates — possibly a misspelling of ‘Nereites’
Provo Utah UT at Soldier Summit Eocene Green River Many gar fish fossils UT0154
Provo Utah UT at soldier Summit Eocene Green River Bird and invertebrate Trackways UT0155
Provo Canyon Utah UT At Bridal Veil Falls Pennsylvanian Bridal Veil plants-ferns,Cardiocarpus,Cornucarpus UT0156
Spanish Fork Canyon Utah UT Eocene Green River Bird and invertebrate Trackways UT0157
St George Utah UT At Johnson Farm in sandstone Jurassic Lower Dinosaur Footprints-Gigandipus,Grallator,Dilophosaurus,Megapnosaurus,Batrachopus,plants,fish UT0158
Thistle Utah UT Eocene Green River fish-Lepisosteus UT0159
Tintic District Utah UT area exposures Mississippian Gardner Clisiophyllum,Zaphrentis,Aulopora,crinoid fragments,Spirifer,Chonetes,Composita,Cleiothyridina,Camarotoechia,Cystodictya,Reticularia,Conocardium,Syringopora,Euomphalus UT0160
Wanlass Hill Utah UT Mississippian Gardner, Upper gastropods – Euomphalus; other silicified fossils UT0161
Wasatch Mountains Utah UT BSA Camp Maple Dell brachiopods,corals,bryozoa,crinoid stems,sponges,trilobites,pelecypods,cephalopods UT0162
Wasatch Mountains Utah UT N wall of Rock Creek Mississippian Gardner Dolomite Euomphalus,Syringopora,Triplophyllites,Multithecopora,Caninia,Cleiothyridina,Composita,Spirifer UT0163
Soldier Summit Wasatch UT SE1/4s19t5sr9w 16 km NE of Soldier Summit (Not the same as the other Soldier Summit localities),Parachute Creek member? Eocene Green River Bird and invertebrate Trackways UT0164
Coaly Wash Wayne UT In Coaly Basin 16 km S of Hanksville and 8 km W of Fairview Ranch Silicified dinosaur bones. UT0165
Hanksville Wayne UT Jurassic Morrison plant fossils UT0166
Hanksville Wayne UT In area exposures petrified wood UT0167
Torrey Wayne UT In area gravels silicified wood and dinosaur bones UT0168
??? [?] UT Carboniferous Honaker Trail Plants =Asterophyllites,Archaeocalamites,Aulacotheca,Cardiocarpus,Cordaianthus,Cornucarpus,Corynepteris,Crossopteris,Gnetopsis,Lepidocarpon,Lepidodendron,Lepidophylloides,Lepidostrobophyllum,Lepidostrobus,Mesocalamites,Paleostachya,etc UT0169
Chesterfield Coal Mine [?] UT Cretaceous Mesaverde large dinosaur footprints UT0170
Midland[?] [?] UT Nearby in Wasatch Mountains Triassic Thaynes Bivalves-Neoschizodus UT0171 Can’t identify a Midland,UT
Powder Springs [?] UT Eocene Green River fish-Astephus UT0172 Can’t locate Powder Springs,but did find a reference to a road from Baggs in the SW corner of Carbon County to Powder Springs