Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Troxelville Adams PA 2 km SW of boat launch on spillway hillside N of Dam. No excavating Devonian Onondaga well preserved brachiopods – Pacificoella[?],Orbiculoidea,Eodevonaria PA0001 ‘Pacificoella’ is almost certainly ‘Pacificocoelia’
Little Conewago Creek Adams? PA near junction of Little and Big Conewago Creeks. Visited by Wanner 1921 Triassic New Oxford Phytosaur teeth,fish scales PA0002 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm. Site may be in York Cy
Bakerstown Allegheny PA on PA8 near Upper Talley[?] Cave 3 km S on E side of road Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0003 Can’t locate Upper Talley Cave (or any other cave) in the area.
Creighton Allegheny PA In area quarries Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone ? PA0004
Creighton Allegheny PA between red and gray claystones in roadcut Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0005
Emsworth Allegheny PA N 2 km on Camp Horne Road Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0006
Etna Allegheny PA N along B and O RR at Undercliff Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0007
Glassmere Allegheny PA In brickyard quarry Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone ? PA0008
Harmarville Allegheny PA In cliffs at brickyard quarry Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0009
Homestead Allegheny PA on N side of Monongahela River along RR from just underneath Browns High Level Bridge to Glenwood Bridge near Hays. Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0010
Nadine Allegheny PA near bridge crossing gully near Nadine Pumping station on Allegheny River Pennsylvanian Woods Run ? PA0011
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA Pennsylvanian[?] vertebrates-Lepidosirenidae PA0012 There is no USGS data for a Pennsylvanian Duchesne formation
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA Along Baltimore and Ohio RR along 2nd Ave underneath Brady Street Bridge to near 10th Street tubes Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0013
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA At Camp Horn Rd exit from I279S Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone marine fossils PA0014
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA At Camp Horn exit from PA279S Pennsylvanian marine fossils PA0015
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA At Soho Street Quarry Pennsylvanian Pittsburgh Limestone vertebrates-Diploceraspis PA0016
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA In Frick Park E of Pittsburgh in Squirrel Hill District along the stream Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0017
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA In Frick Park E of Pittsburgh in Squirrel Hill District near S end of park near Forward Ave Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0018
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA N and S along Ohio Street at N end of 40th St – Washington Crossing Bridge,North Side Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0019
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA along Pennsylvania RR above West Carolina St from Corliss St tunnel to E of West End Bridge Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0020
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA along Pennsylvania RR in Brilliant Cut-off above Washington Blvd in East End Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0021
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA along RR in Panther Hollow underneath the Wilmot Street Bridge in Schenley Park Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0022
Pittsburgh Allegheny PA along Route 28 in Limestone blocks in rockslides Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone ? PA0023
Sewickely Allegheny PA NE,on the S side of Shousetown Rd (PA930) near Flaugherty Run Road junction Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0024
Sewickely Allegheny PA NW of Sewickely Bridge along Narrows Run Road NW toward Stoops,Ferry Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone ? PA0025
Sewickely Allegheny PA in road cut On PA51 at far end of Sewickely Bridge over Ohio River in Limestone and black shales Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone|Pine Creek Limestone|Ames Limestone abundant diverse fossils. Corals,brachiopods,mollusks,shark teeth – Petalodus,Trilobites-Ditomopyge,etc PA0026
Sharpsburg Allegheny PA In old brickyard quarry Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0027 There is a Sharpsburg in Huntingdon County
Springdale Allegheny PA At mouth of Powers Run Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0028
Versailles Allegheny PA In old quarry in Deadman’s Hollow Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0029
Wilkinsburg Allegheny PA 13 km E along Abers Creek Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0030
Wilkinsburg Allegheny PA along US22 near Burkes Glen Pool and Park Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils PA0031
Wilkinsburg Allegheny PA along Wm Penn Hwy and along dirt road near riding academy near Abers Creek Pennsylvanian Woods Run ? PA0032
Wilmerding Allegheny PA along street car line toward Pitcairn on N side of Turtle Creek Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone fossils (a few vertebrates found here in red clays 10m below the Ames) PA0033
Bellevue Allegheny? PA under Jacks Run Bridge in hollow below Ohio River Blvd Pennsylvanian Ames|Woods Run fossils PA0034 There are Bellevues in Lackawanna,Washington and York counties
Bellevue Allegheny? PA under the Jacks Run Bridge in hollow near RR tracks below Ohio River Blvd Pennsylvanian Woods Run ? PA0035 There are Bellevues in Lackawanna,Washington and York counties
Apollo Armstrong PA E in roadcut in top of hill Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0036
Kittanning Armstrong PA 15 km W of Kittanning 1 km N of hwy 422 in quarries and old coal mine Vanport brachiopods,corals,crinoids,gastropods PA0037
Kittanning Armstrong PA On PA422 1 km E of PA28/66 in cut behind restaurant Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone Abundant diverse fossils PA0038
Parker Armstrong PA in Limestone outcrop S of PA268 about 2 km WSW of Parker and in underlying shales Pennsylvanian Vanport Brachiopods,Crinoid columnals,Corals PA0039
Ambridge Beaver PA Hillside above PA51 at West end of Ambridge-Woodlawn Bridge in black shales on upper bench Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone diverse marine fossils PA0040 Benches were reported removed in 2004 to remove rockfall hazard
Ambridge Beaver PA Hillside above PA51 at West end of Ambridge-Woodlawn Bridge in shales and sandstones on lower bench Pennsylvanian Mahoning plants and ichnofossils PA0041
Ambridge Beaver PA Road Cut on W side of PA51 2.5km N of PA51-551 Jct opposite Ambridge-Woodlawn bridge. Parking S of bridge on W side of Hwy. Pennsylvanian Mahoning|Brush Creek invertebrates,vertebrates,shark teeth-Petalodus PA0042
Cannelton Beaver PA Plants Cordaites PA0043
Cannelton Beaver PA Below Kittanning Coal Pennsylvanian Kittanning vertebrates-Erpetosaurus PA0044
Cannelton Beaver PA In shale below Upper Kittanning Coal Pennsylvanian Kittanning vertebrate-Tuditanus PA0045
Bedford PA in old ore pits throughout county along lines of exposure of the Rose Hill Formation,hematitic sandstone Silurian Lower Rose Hill Brachiopods PA0054
Bedford Springs Bedford PA along W side of Knobbly Mountain in Sandstones Devonian Lower Oriskany abundant Spirifer,Merista,Streptorhynchus,Platystoma,Megambonia,Platyceras PA0046 Couldn’t identify Knobbly Mountain — Possibly it’s the unnamed (on USGS maps) ridge immediately W of Bedford Springs between the Cumberland Valley and Stillers Run
Bedford Township Bedford PA At County Farm,In shales above iron ore pit Spirifer,Strophomena,Orthis,Rhynchonella,Streptorhynchus;Trilobite-Dalmanites PA0047 Dalmanites is Delmania in original source
Cessna Bedford PA 1 km W of old US220 on Local road 05100 in pit on N side in hematitic sandstone (Get permission) Silurian Lower Rose Hill Brachiopods PA0048
Hopewell Township Bedford PA 1 km from Methodist church on Yellow Creek Road in shale Devonian Orthis,Leptocoelia,Streptorhynchus PA0049
Hyndman Bedford PA On RR at Willis Creek at junction of RRs from Pittsburg and Huntingdon. in Sandstone Devonian Lower Oriskany Spirifer,Rensselaeria,Strophomena PA0050
Hyndman Bedford PA in quarry on SE side of PA96. Silurian Upper Keyser Fossils including Edrioasteroid Foerstediscus PA0051
Kemble[?] Bedford PA In shales at Wolfsberg-Kemble mines Caninia,Spirifer,Strophomena,Streptorhynchus,Rynchonella,Orthis,Trematospira,Aviculopecten,Bellerophon,Dalmanites,Bumastus PA0052 There is no indication that there is or was a Town of ‘Kemble’. There was a Kemble Coal and Iron Company that had mines at Riddlesburg and near Tatesville. Wolfsburg is a town at 40.0465N,78.5297W
Kemble[?] Bedford PA In shales in area ore mines abundant fossils PA0053
Birdsboro Berks PA At Incinerator (‘Furnace Hill Site’) Triassic Newark Reptile footprints PA0055
Jacksonwald Berks PA Jurassic Dinosaur tracks PA0056
Limerick Berks PA Triassic Grallator,Chirotherium,Archosaurus PA0057
Reading Berks PA Triassic Newark Atreipus,Grallator,Apatopus,Batrachopus,Chirotherium,Gwyneddichnium,Rhynchosauroides PA0058
Hollidaysburg Blair PA on US20,1 km E of US220 in stripped area on S side Silurian Mifflintown abundant brachiopods and Ostracods. A few other phyla PA0059
Tyrone Blair PA pelecypod Modiolopsis PA0060
Burlington Bradford PA Quarry off US6 1 km E of Burlington Devonian Lock Haven Abundant brachiopods of several Species PA0061
LeRoy Bradford PA Devonian Chemung Vertebrates-Bothriolepis,Sterropterygion,Cladodus,Coccosteus,Holonema,Holoptychius,Phyllolepis,Sauripteris?,Sphenophorus[?] PA0062 ‘Sphenophorus’ does not seem to be a legitimate Devonian vertebrate. Probably a misspelling Of what?
Monroeton Bradford PA Roadcut on Township Road 398,1 km WNW of US220 1.3 km N of Monroeton Devonian Lock Haven Abundant brachiopods of several Species PA0063
Monroeton Bradford PA Roadcuts on PA444,7 km W of US220 Devonian Lock Haven Abundant brachiopods of several Species PA0064
Towanda Bradford PA in quarry on Right side of Rd near Hoblet Devonian Chemung vertebrates-Eastmanosteus PA0065 Hoblet appears to be in Bradford County
Towanda Creek Bradford PA In Gulf Brook Area Devonian Chemung, Upper Bothriolepis,Holoptychius,Pterichthys PA0066
Troy Bradford PA in sandstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish teeth-Ctenodus PA0067
Center Bridge Bucks PA The Cambrian trilobite Welleraspis and linguloid brachiopods are reported from old quarries. about 1.2km SSE of the PA32 and PA263 intersection. At one time there were oil tanks on PA32 500m North of the locality. Cambrian Middle-Upper Conococheague Limestone ? PA0068
Lahaska Bucks PA 1 km E in Limestone quarry Cambrian Conococheague Cryptozoon,ripple marks PA0069
Riegelsville Bucks PA Along base of high cliffs along Delaware River Triassic Tracks PA0070
Cambria Cambria PA 1 km N of junction PA22 and PA219 in shales in roadcut on 219 Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone Ostracods,trilobites-Kaskia PA0071
Geistown Cambria PA in Limestone and limey shales above coal layer in parking lot of slope behind GeeBee Department store SE of Intersection of US219 and PA56 Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone Abundant excellent pelecypods and gastropods as well as brachiopods and other taxa. PA0072
Emporium Cameron PA At base of hill on N side of PA120 opposite airport Devonian Lock Haven Brachiopods,Sponges-Dictyospongia,bryozoa,other fossils PA0073
Emporium Cameron PA On E side of PA46 in 1.3 km N of McKean County line Devonian Upper Oswayo abundant Crossopterygian fishes — Eusthenopteron,Hyneria PA0074
Beltzville State Park Carbon PA fossils PA0075
Beltzville State Park Carbon PA Along shoreline near pavilion 2 fossils PA0076
Leighton Carbon PA at Beltsville Dam brachiopods,bryozoa,coelenterates,trilobites,cephalopods,ostracods,crinoids PA0077
Weissport Carbon PA 1 km N adjacent to canal towpath in excavated area to E Devonian Mahantango|Centerfield blastoids,corals,molds of many other kinds of fossils PA0078
Weissport Carbon PA 1.3km N Along old Lehigh Canal in area E of canal Invertebrates PA0079
Alexander Centre PA In area quarries Devonian Lower Oriskany sandstone abundant typical faunas PA0080
Axemann Centre PA along PA53 to Bellefonte. Ordovician Lower Stonehenge Limestone Pelmatazoa,algae,gastropods,Orthoceras,trilobites,brachiopods,– Palaelophacmaea (a rare patelliform gastropod) PA0081
Bellefonte Centre PA On PA144 1 km N of Bellefonte line in parking lot cutbank Ordovician Coburn Bryozoa,brachiopods,trilobites,etc PA0082
Bellefonte Centre PA On PA144 400 meters N of Bellefonte line in highway cut Ordovician Coburn Limestone bryozoa,brachiopods,trilobites-Cryptolithus PA0083
Bellefonte Centre PA On PA144 600 meters N of Bellefonte line in road cut Ordovician Antes Shale Triarthus PA0084
Phoenixville Chester PA Triassic Lockatong Eupelor PA0085
Phoenixville Chester PA At Black Rock Tunnel and NW of the tunnel at Buckwalter’s Farm Triassic Lockatong Dinosaur-Rutiodon bones;reptile bones PA0086
Phoenixville Chester PA At Black Rock Tunnel. Active RR Cut-reported to be dangerous and unproductive Triassic Lockatong amphibian bones;Rutiodon teeth;Turseodus PA0087
Rimersburg Clarion PA 2 km N in concretions in dump of abandoned strip mine 300 meters W of PA68 Pennsylvanian Kittanning, Middle Coal Brachiopods-Juresania,Mesolobus; a few other taxa PA0088
Clearfield Clearfield PA In strip mine 17cm Eurypterid PA0089
Dubois Clearfield PA 2.5 km S of Dubois line in barrow pit on US119 Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone gastropods and coral PA0090
Dubois Clearfield PA On RR tracks S of tunnel under S Highland Street Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone gastropods and coral PA0091
Dubois Clearfield PA On US119 in Jefferson County 6 km WSW of Dubois Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone gastropods and coral PA0092
Penfield Clearfield PA 7 km NW on PA153 on Boone Mountain in borrow pit on SW in shales Mississippian Plants -Adrianites,Lepidodendropsis,brachiopods,bivalves (Cypricardinia),crinoids columnals. Bryozoa. PA0093
Castanea Clinton PA 1.3 km E in road cuts E and W of parking area in Limestones and shales Silurian Mifflintown Corals,Bryozoa,Brachiopods PA0094
Red Hill Clinton PA in 1 km long road cut near Hyner,PA in red mudstones and siltstones in lake and river deposits Devonian Duncannon diverse plants,fish,a few arthropods and Tetrapods PA0095
Renovo Clinton PA Red Hill bed off PA120 N of Lock Haven — Collecting discouraged? This is a scientifically important site and is said to be a difficult place to collect in any case because of the physical layout Devonian vertebrates PA0096
Columbia PA at Mench’s[?] Quarry 500 meters E of old schoolhouse crinoid fragments,Atrypa,Strophomena,Rhynchonella,Beyrichia PA0099
Center Township Columbia PA In quarry opposite Lime Ridge Station Atrypa,Orthis,Cladopora,Dalmanites,Favosites,Zaphrentis,Rhynchonella,Strophomena PA0097
Jerseytown Columbia PA 2 km NE on PA249 with additional exposures on county Rd running NW Devonian Mahantango corals,brachiopods,trilobites-Phacops,Greenops PA0098
Meadville Crawford PA 2 km SW at on ramp from PA322 to I79 Devonian-Mississippian Riceville|Cussewago trace fossils,brachiopods,mollusks PA0100
Meadville Crawford PA in hillside near Liberty Street Devonian-Mississippian Riceville|Cussewago trace fossils,brachiopods,mollusks PA0101
Fort Hunter Dauphin PA Rockville Quarry,4.8km North of Harrisburg. Rockville is known for the beautiful stone arch RR bridge – longest such in the world. In abandoned quarry at the north end of a deep rock cut on US22-322 @17m above road level. Park on dirt road next to track Coral,bryozoa,brachiopods,cephalopods,crinoids,trilobites,and trace fossils PA0102 USGS Topo maps do not show the quarry which may have been removed when US22/322 was widened,If it exists,it may be around 40.3359N,76.9017W–good map of local roads recommended
Harrisburg Dauphin PA In abandoned quarry 17m above US22-322 4.8km N of Harrisburg. There is access and parking on dirt R next to RR tracks. Do not park on RR bridge trilobites,coral,bryozoa,brachiopods,cephalopods,crinoids PA0103 See entry for Fort Hunter-Rockville Quarry which is probably the same site
Rockville Dauphin PA in quarry above US22/322 about 70 meters N of Bridge Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils. Many brachiopods PA0104 See entry for Fort Hunter-Rockville Quarry which is probably the same site
Brockport Elk PA 1 km N in black shales exposed in abandoned strip mine Columbiana (OH) Shale Brachiopods,mollusks PA0105
Edinboro Erie PA In bed of Howard Run near Howard Falls Devonian Chadakoin a few fish bone and spine fragments PA0106
Girard Erie PA Devonian vertebrates-Machaeracanthus PA0107
McKean Erie PA At I79, PA174 interchange in cut and in bed of Elk Creek and in road cut 2 km S on E side of I79 Devonian Upper Chadakoin Brachiopod molds,mollusk molds,ichnofossils PA0108
Chestnut Ridge Fayette PA Devonian Lingula,Discina,Spirifer,Rhynchonella,Streptorhynchus,Paleoneilo,Sanguinolites,Mytilarca,Pteronites,Actinodesma,Orthoceras PA0109
Middle Smithfield Township Fayette PA in Limestone cliff on Delaware River Devonian Lower Stormville Stromatopora,Pentamerus PA0110
Uniontown Fayette PA 13 km W in Limestone exposures in back of Dept Of Highways Storage dump on N side of US40 Mississippian Upper Mauch Chunk bryozoa,brachiopods,mollusks,trilobites – Kaskia,crinoids,blastoids PA0111
Uniontown Fayette PA 13 km W in area Limestone exposures along Chestnut Ridge Mississippian Upper Mauch Chunk bryozoa,brachiopods,mollusks,trilobites – Kaskia,crinoids,blastoids PA0112
Uniontown Fayette PA 13km E on US 40 1.7km W of Chalk Hill. on W side of quarry storage area on N side of road Mississippian Upper Mauch Chunk brachiopods,corals,crinoids,trilobites PA0113
Uniontown Fayette PA to E along National Pike in road cuts Devonian Chemung, Lower worm trails,crinoid columns,bryozoa,Stropheodonta,Productus,Dalmanella,Camarotoechia,Leiorhynchus,brachiopods,pelecypods,Protoceras,plant parts PA0114
Doylesburg Franklin PA 4.3km NE in roadcut on SE slope of Conococheague Mountain Silurian Oswego Brachiopods,Bivalves,plant fossils http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi?ohiou1108479418
Roxbury Franklin PA 1 km NW in cut through Blue Mountain on PA641 Ordovician Martinsburg brachiopods,mollusks,trilobites -= Cryptolithus PA0115
Scotland Station Franklin PA NW Cambrian Upper Conococheague Limestone Cambrian Upper trilobites,Saukia PA0116
Scotland Station Franklin PA a Limestone Northwest of trilobites – Saukia PA0117
Burnt Cabins Fulton PA 1 km E in road cut near Huntingdon County line. Silurian Rose Hill small ostracods,Tentaculites,a few larger invertebrates PA0118
Fort Littleton Fulton PA 500 meters N on LR29046 in barrow pit at bridge Silurian Rose Hill small ostracods,Tentaculites,a few larger invertebrates PA0119
Carmichaels Greene PA in bank of Muddy Creek below cemetery N on Market Street Pennsylvanian Cassville Shale a number of species of plants PA0120
Mount Morris[?] Greene PA in strip mine of Dippel and Dippel Coal mine in Permian Washington plants PA0121 Original indicated Mt Morris,WV,actual site could be in WV
Huntingdon Huntingdon PA Bryozoa Ceramopora PA0122
Mapleton Huntingdon PA 1 km N in E side of Juniata River gorge Silurian Keyser|Tonoloway diverse invertebrates,many brachiopod species,ostracods PA0123
Tussey’s Mountain Huntingdon PA area Limestone exposures Pennsylvanian? Favosites PA0124 No citations for a ‘Barre formation’
Union Furnace Huntingdon PA On PA473 between Tyrone and Water Street in 1.6km long sequence of road cuts Ordovician Trenton|Black River typical fossils PA0125 Do not disturb markers left by geologists to mark various beds and features
Shelocta Indiana PA 1 km N on old US422 just N of US422 in cliffs in Pennsylvanian Conemaugh Formation in limestones and shales. Pennsylvanian Conemaugh Gastropods – Shansiella,Worthenia,Coral Lophophyllidium,brachiopods – Juresania. pelecypods. Mineral -Wurtzite PA0126
Shelocta Indiana PA 1 km NW about 200 meters up Armstrong Township Rd 363 from US422 in Roadcut in marine shales above and below thin Limestone Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone Gastropods,other invertebrates PA0127
Worthville Jefferson PA N and E on Local Road 33017 in weathered shales in road cut Pennsylvanian Columbiana (OH) Shale brachiopod – Mesolobus,other invertebrates PA0128
Seven Stars Juniata PA 1.2 km W on PA235 in barrow pit Devonian Middle Mahantango pelecypods,other invertebrates PA0129
Carbondale Lackawanna PA E on US6 from I81 to PA107 onto US6 Business. E 3.12km Past Carbondale High School. Left on unmarked Rd,Left at End and up hill to Apt complex. Left in middle of complex to shale dumps Pennsylvanian Fern fossils PA0130 http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NEPaleo/message/2367
Carbondale Lackawanna PA In strip mine exposures S along PA6 Pennsylvanian Neuropteris,Pecopteris,Alethopteris,Ptychocarpus,Sphenophyllum. PA0131
Bowmansville Lancaster PA Triassic Brunswick Sphodrosaurus PA0132
East Petersburg Lancaster PA Cambrian Lower Kinzers Olenellus very well preserved PA0133
Fruitville Lancaster PA Cambrian Kinzers Trilobites – Holmia,Paedeumias(Olenellus). Hyolithes. Owned by Franklin and Marshall College PA0134
Lancaster Lancaster PA at Getz quarry excavated for building stone in early 20th Century Cambrian Kinzers Olenellus getzita 17cm. Quarry inactive for many decades. PA0135
Rohrerstown Lancaster PA Getz farm and road metal quarry. 19th Century about 500 specimens at Yale Cambrian Lower Kinzers Olenellus (one specimen with antennae),Anomalocaris,Tuzoia PA0136
Wampum Lawrence PA in Limestone quarries to W accessible via concrete bridge Pennsylvanian Vanport abundant diverse fossils PA0137
West Pittsburg Lawrence PA Area quarries in limestone and shales Pennsylvanian Vanport brachiopods,crinoids PA0138
West Pittsburg Lawrence PA In area quarries S of Newcastle Pennsylvanian Vanport brachiopods,crinoids. PA0139
Swatara Gap Lebanon PA About 8km from Swatara Gap using road on N side of Swatara Creek (Old State Rd) in hillside exposure where road swings away from the creek. Devonian Mahantango ? PA0140
Swatara Gap Lebanon PA Area around Freeway footing was closed to collecting in 1990 Ordovician Martinsburg Trilobites-Cryptolithus(complete)-8 least 8 other genera,brachiopods,starfish,conularia,others PA0141 See Suedberg site — Note: additional outcrops might be present along creek or on the ridges SW and NE of the old site. Has anyone looked?
Swatara Gap Lebanon PA Road cut on I-81 on S(Westbound) side of Swatara Creek bridge. Collecting prohibited due to laws about pedestrians on Interstates as well as (probably) safety concerns Ordovician Martinsburg Trilobites-Cryptolithus(complete)-8 least 8 other genera,brachiopods,starfish,conularia,others PA0142 See other Swatara Gap entries
Pleasant Hill Lebanon? PA Road cuts 160m North of Pleasant Hill (Adams County,PA) in yellow Brunswick shales Triassic-Jurassic Brunswick Pseudoestheria (small arthropods similar to ostracods) PA0143 There are no less than nine towns called Pleasant Hill in PA. The Lebanon County version seems most likely
Coopersburg Lehigh PA Triassic Rutiodon,Archosaurus,Chirotherium,Rhynchosauroides,Anchisaurus,Anchisauripus,Grallator PA0144
Friedensville Lehigh PA near NJ Zinc Co Zinc Mine Cephalopods PA0145
Beach Haven Luzerne PA 2 km N in quarry on hillside 100 meters W of PA436 Devonian Mahantango corals,brachiopods,etc PA0146
Larksville Luzerne PA Northeast. Plant fossils in excavations associated with extinguishing a mine fire in the Carboniferous Upper Ross (PA) Coal Plant fossils PA0147
Larksville Luzerne PA On dumps associated with extinguishing 1970s fire in Ross coal seam Pennsylvanian Llewellyn 30 species of plant fossils PA0148
Salem Luzerne PA in area exposures Northeast to Dorrance Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils PA0149
Wanamie Luzerne PA In Middle Pennsylvanian Llewellyn Formation in strip mine dump 35.2km S of Wilkes-Barre. Pennsylvanian Middle Llewellyn plant fossils. PA0150
Wilkes-Barre Luzerne PA Pennsylvanian Pottsville Plants – Lepidostrobus PA0151
Wilkes-Barre Luzerne PA Regional exposures of thin marine Limestone above the Northern Anthracite bed Pennsylvanian Mill Creek molds of about 50 taxa — brachiopods,gastropods Brush Creek Limestone — Pennsylvanian A Limestone within the Conemaugh group in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. It is older than the Ames Limestone and is separated from the Ames by several beds in PA0152
Antes Gap Lycoming PA 3 km S of Antes Fort on PA44 Ordovician Reedsville graptolites,a few brachiopods PA0153
Antes Gap Lycoming PA 3 km S of Antes Fort on PA44 in abandoned barrow pit Ordovician Antes Shale graptolites,Triarthus PA0154
Antes Gap Lycoming PA 3 km S of Antes Fort on PA44 in banks of Antes Creek Ordovician Coburn Cryptolithus,etc PA0155
Antes Gap Lycoming PA On PA880 700 meters S of PA44 Junction Ordovician Salona Cryptolithus,etc PA0156
Hughesville Lycoming PA In Upper Devonian Brallier Formation. 5 km E in road cut on PA118 at intersection with road into Miller Hollow Devonian Upper Brallier molds and casts of corals,mollusks,brachiopods. PA0157
Jersey Shore Lycoming PA to E in slates interbedded in limestones trilobites,shells,corals,encrinal disks,etc PA0158
Powys Lycoming PA At Powys curve (on RR) in talus below US15 probably in red mudstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish fragments-Sauripteris PA0159
Williamsport Lycoming PA At Fry’s Park behind Ward L Myers elementary school Abundant fossils PA0160
Williamsport Lycoming PA In area exposures of reddish rock Ammonites PA0161
Bradford McKean PA in area quarries and roadcuts along valley of Tunungwant Creek in sandstones and shales Devonian Middle Chadakoin abundant brachiopods and trace fossils PA0162
Grove City Mercer PA E in abandoned strip mine West of Centertown Rd just S of I80 Pennsylvanian Vanport diverse fossils – forams,crinoids,echinoid plates,mollusks,brachiopods PA0163
Lewiston Mifflin PA Along US22/322 at Lewiston Narrows during construction of Northern Lewiston Bypass Abundant brachiopods,sponges,corals,etc PA0164 Not clear that there is a Rangely Sandstone in Pennsylvania
Lewistown Mifflin PA 11 km away in Ferguson Valley at McKees Ore Bank in shale above the hematite beds Avicula,Actinopteria,Beyrichia,crinoid columnals,Dalmanites,Homalonotus,Lyrodesma,Leptaena,etc PA0165
Lewistown Mifflin PA Matilda Furnace in shale above the hematite beds Avicula,Actinopteria,Beyrichia,crinoid columnals,Dalmanites,Homalonotus,Lyrodesma,Leptaena,etc PA0166
Lewistown Mifflin PA W of McKees Ore Bank in shale above the hematite beds Avicula,Actinopteria,Beyrichia,crinoid columnals,Dalmanites,Homalonotus,Lyrodesma,Leptaena,etc PA0167
Newton Hamilton Mifflin PA 2 km NE in long RR cut exposing full thickness of shales and limestones of the Onondaga Formation Devonian Onondaga diverse fossils PA0168
Decker’s Ferry Monroe PA In river bluffs to W Devonian Lower Stormville Leperditia PA0169
Delaware River Monroe PA In banks Devonian Lower Stormville Pentamerus,Stromatopora,Receptaculites PA0170
Hartman’s Cave Monroe PA at Crystal Hill Cave Pleistocene mammals,human artifacts PA0171
Saylorsburg Monroe PA 1 km NW on Local Road 930 in Road cut Devonian Centerfield corals,brachiopods,bryozoa,other fossils PA0172
Saylorsburg Monroe PA 1km NW on Rt side of Rd 930 Devonian Centerfield Fossils PA0173
Saylorsburg Monroe PA in area exposures Devonian Centerfield corals,brachiopods,bryozoa,other fossils PA0174
Stroudsburg Monroe PA Devonian Trilobites-Phacops PA0175
Stroudsburg Monroe PA ‘Centerfield Coral Reef’ Colorful marine fossils in a road cut on PA191. Once a popular collecting area. Owned by Pinebrook Junior College. Closed to collecting in 1978 due to fears of legal liability. Reported in 2007 to be accessible with permission Devonian ? PA0176
Stroudsburg Monroe PA 1km S of PA447 on W side on PA191 in road cut-Reported to be closed as of 2004, but there are other unposted similar exposures nearby on PA191 Devonian Trilobites-Phacops PA0177
Stroudsburg Monroe PA North at Centerfield Coral Reef Devonian Mahantango Trilobites,Proetus PA0178 On PA 191
Stroudsburg Monroe PA Small outcrop on PA209N adjacent to shopping center ? PA0179
Stroudsburg Monroe PA W on Hwy 80 Coelenterates PA0180
Arcola Montgomery PA Triassic Atreipus PA0181
Arcola Montgomery PA In abandoned RR Cut–reportedly now a rails to trails park-collecting discouraged Triassic Lockatong phytosaurs,fish-Osteopleurus PA0182
Blue Bell Montgomery PA Triassic Lockatong reptile jaws – Rutiodon PA0183
Cooperstown Montgomery PA In quarry 19.2km (or less?)S. Probably the Kibblehouse Quarry in Perkiomenville Triassic Newark reptile footprints,fish PA0184 Cooperstown is in Venango Cy
East Granville Montgomery PA Area exposures when excavations are in progress Triassic Newark Reptiles-bones,tracks PA0185
Evansburg Park Montgomery PA In exposures on Skippack Creek below the Quarry Triassic? dinosaur tracks PA0186
Graterford Montgomery PA Triassic Grallator,Atreipus,Gwyneddichnium,Rhynchosauroides PA0187
Gwynned Montgomery PA active RR Cut-reported to be dangerous and unproductive Triassic ? PA0188
North Wales Montgomery PA 1.2km S in RR cut Triassic Lockatong fish-Carinacanthus,Coelacanthus PA0189
Sanatoga Montgomery PA Triassic Grallator PA0190
Schwenksville Montgomery PA Triassic Grallator,Gwyneddichnium PA0191
Comly Montour PA 2 km N in barrow pits on local road 47032 Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils PA0192
Danville Montour PA 3 km SE on Local Road 47005 Devonian Upper Trimmers Rock Abundant brachiopods PA0193
Danville Montour PA East on River Road near RR tracks on N side of road brachiopods PA0194
Grove Tunnel Montour PA 1 km W in quarry on Ridge in coral reef above shaley Limestone Stromatopora,Favosites,Zaphrentis,Cladopora,Conophyllum PA0195
Turbotsville Montour PA At Swopes Farm Devonian Mahantango abundant fossils:coral-Heterophrentis,Trachypora;Brachiopods-Athyris,Protoleptostrophia,Mucrospirifer PA0196
Washingtonville Montour PA in area exposures Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils PA0197
Montour,Columbia PA 1 km E at quarries and along RR at Montour-Columbia county line corals Stromatopora,Favosites,Zaphrentis,crinoid fragments,Cladopora,Atrypa PA0198
Martins Creek Northampton PA 2 km E on stripped hillside adjacent to abandoned quarry Permission reqd from Alpha Cement Co Ordovician Jacksonburg bryozoa,Cryptolithus,Dalmanella PA0199
Nancy Run Northampton PA Cambrian Allentown Cryptozoon PA0200
Dalmatia Northumberland PA NE 3 km W of intersection of PA147 and PA225 in barrow pit Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils,Brachiopods,etc. Trilobites – Greenops,Trimerus PA0201
Lewisburg Northumberland PA 1 km N on river at base of Dale’s Hill in Limestone Sponges PA0202
Lewisburg Northumberland PA 2 km S in red ore bed Devonian [Silurian?] Clinton Ichnophycus,Graptolithus,Helopora,Athyris,Leptocoelia,Triplesia,Cyclonema,Cornulites PA0203
Sunbury Northumberland PA S — ‘Selinsgrove Junction Section’,an extensive succession of Devonian strata in RR cuts along Susquehanna River Devonian fossils PA0204
Uniontown Northumberland PA 1200 meters above on E bank of river Salina, Upper crinoid fragments,large shells PA0205 Uniontown is in Fayette County?
Buffalo Mill Perry PA 1 km E in red shales Devonian [Silurian?] Clinton Fish Scales PA0206
Buffalo Mill Perry PA In area red shales Devonian [Silurian?] Clinton Fish Scales PA0207
Kistler Perry PA 2 km SW on LR50008 in road cut and quarry in limestones opposite DeLancy historical marker Silurian Keyser|Tonoloway Abundant diverse fossils PA0208
Landisburg Perry PA Silurian fish-Americaspis PA0209 No Silurian Bloomfield Formation in GEOLEX
Millerstown Perry PA area red hematite deposits Devonian [Silurian?] Clinton Beyrichia,Calymene,Ormoceras PA0210
New Bloomfield Perry PA 1 km E on Newport Rd Silurian Landisburg sandstone Leperditia,many shells,fish remains PA0211
Newport Perry PA 2 km S in barrow pit Devonian Mahantango 40 species of fossils. Many species of brachiopods. Several species of trilobites – Phacops,Greenops,Dechenella PA0212
Saville Township Perry PA In Raccoon Valley in red shales Silurian Clinton fish scales PA0213
Saville Township Perry PA on 5 km N of junction of PA74 and PA174. in barrow piton PA74 behind Township building Devonian excellent marine fossils — Phacops,Bryozoa PA0214
Dingman’s Ferry Pike PA at Indian Ladder Falls brachiopods,crinoids,cephalopods,trilobites PA0215
Milford Pike PA IN barrow pits on W side of PA209 between Raymondskill Creek and Milford Devonian Diverse Devonian fossils PA0216
Milford Pike PA in area exposures in valleys of Delaware River and Raymondskill Creek Devonian Mahantango Abundant,diverse fossils PA0217
Coudersport Potter PA At Lamont Summit 8 km N in greenish sandy flagstone fish bones PA0218
Pulpit Hill Potter PA just W of McKean County line on N side of Allegheny River in green sandstone 150 meters below summit fish plates,fossil plants PA0219
Shinglehouse Potter PA 5 km E on local road 52014 Devonian Upper Chadakoin fish scales,brachiopods,plants,bryozoa PA0220
Shinglehouse Potter PA at SW end of town in barrow pit on PA44 Devonian Upper Chadakoin fish scales,brachiopods,plants,bryozoa PA0221
Deer Lake Schuylkill PA In gravel pit on hwy 61 Carboniferous brachiopods,cephalopods,trilobites PA0222
Deer Lake Schuylkill PA Off PA61S Near Michael Bros Restaurant Pennsylvanian Fern fossils PA0223
Deer Lake Schuylkill PA in barrow pits on PA61 Devonian Mahantango abundant mollusks,brachiopods,trilobites PA0224
Deer Lake Schuylkill PA on W side of PA61 500 meters N of PA895 junction Devonian Mahantango ? PA0225
Joliet Schuylkill PA in area anthracite coal seams and spoil piles accessible form PA209 Pennsylvanian ferns,petrified wood PA0226
Pottsville Schuylkill PA Mississippian Mauch Chunk Footprints-amphibians,insects;Plant fossils http://www.scientificblogging.com/news_account/330_million_year_old_full_body_amphibian_imprints_found_in_pennsylvania
St Clair Schuylkill PA At old St Claire Coal Co mine — Now the WalMart parking lot Pennsylvanian plant material PA0227 Original says ‘St Clarie’
St Clair Schuylkill PA In old strip mines on hwy 61 plant fossils PA0229
St Clair Schuylkill PA in abandoned strip mines in area. Some areas are posted,some aren’t. Cuts in the parking lot of the WalMart have a few fossils. Pennsylvanian diverse,well preserved,plants PA0233
Suedberg Schuylkill PA 1.5 km SW on the S side of Township road 365. Devonian Mahantango diverse fossils PA0235
Suedberg Schuylkill PA S from Suedberg,cross creek. Immediate left. W about 600m. Dump site is on Left just past road on left near Lebanon County line roughly 40.52165N-76.47895W In spoil pile material removed from Swatara Gap during construction work on I81 in 2004 — reported (2006)to be completely worked over although a few Devonian Mahantango Fm fossils may be found in the bedrock Ordovician Martinsburg Trilobites,brachiopods,starfish,etc PA0234 http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/topogeo/collecting/swataraloc.aspx
Suedberg Schuylkill PA in barrow pit on side road S from PA72 about 1 km W of Suedberg near the Lebanon County line Devonian Mahantango ? PA0236
Suedberg Schuylkill PA within Swatara Gap State Park — collecting permitted Devonian Mahantango Diverse fossils PA0237
Tremont Schuylkill PA in long road cut on I81 NW of parking area at PA209 I81 overpass Pennsylvanian Llewellyn plant fossils in coal seams and adjacent rocks PA0238
Selinsgrove Snyder PA 7.2km W in red claystones interbedded with graywacke sandstones Silurian Upper Bloomsburg A few brachiopods and ostracods. Trilobite ichnofossils — Cruziana,Rusophycus — near top of beds PA0239
Shadle[?] Snyder PA E side of Mahantango creek NE of PA104 Devonian Mahantango ? PA0240 Couldn’t identify a Shadle PA,PA104 is on the West side of the Susquehanna River running from a point opposite the mouth of Mahantango Creek for about 35km to Mifflinburg
Deer Valley Lake Somerset PA about 1 km W of Mt Davis in Quarry 200 meters E of LR50008 Mississippian Wymps Gap Brachiopods,Bryozoa,trilobites-Kaskia PA0241
Auburn Susquehanna PA 2.4km W at Township Maintenance facility at Woodward Drive on PA895 Trilobite fragments PA0242
Lanesboro Susquehanna PA At Cascade Creek E from PA171 5 km N of Lanesboro E of RR tracks Devonian Upper West Hill Brachiopods,crinoid columnals,plants PA0243
Montrose Susquehanna PA 19 km SE along Butter Creek in Chemung micaceous shales and sandstones Devonian New Milford ? PA0244
Montrose Susquehanna PA 8 km E in RR cuts in Chemung micaceous shales and sandstones Devonian New Milford ? PA0245
Rush Township Susquehanna PA Devonian Lock Haven fish-Holonema PA0246
Smiley Susquehanna PA at Tunkhannock Creek in Chemung micaceous shales and sandstones Devonian New Milford Mansfield,Tioga County,PA,6 km NW at Seeley’s Creek off Lambs Creek — — Chemung — Holoptychius,fish beds,plants,shells,Bothriolepis,Dipterus PA0247
Tioga PA Regional exposures along tributaries of Tioga River Devonian Upper West Falls brachiopods,pelecypods,crinoids,bryozoa,plants PA0259
Blossburg Tioga PA 3.6 km toward Covington on RR fish conglomerate,Holoptychius scales and teeth PA0248
Blossburg Tioga PA Area exposures of sands associated with coal seams Fish teeth PA0249
Blossburg Tioga PA Between Blossburg and Covington on bank of Tioga River in red mudstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish parts,fins,spines,scales-Bothriolepis,Holoptychius,Sauripteris PA0250 Original says ‘Blassburg’
Blossburg Tioga PA in sandstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish parts,fins,spines,scales-Bothriolepis,Holoptychius,Sauripteris,Sterropterygion PA0251
Lamb’s Creek Tioga PA Devonian Upper Catskill fish teeth,spines,scales-Dipterus,Gyracanthus,Holoptychius PA0252
Lawrenceville Tioga PA near State Line Devonian Chemung vertebrates-Holonema PA0253
Mansfield Tioga PA Devonian Upper Catskill fish parts,fins,spines,scales-Bothriolepis,Ganorhynchus,Holoptychius,Sterropterygion PA0254
Mansfield Tioga PA 6 km NW at Seeley’s Creek off Lambs Creek Silurian [Devonian?] Chemung Holoptychius,fish beds,plants,shells,Bothriolepis,Dipterus PA0255
Mill Creek Tioga PA in sandstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish parts-Bothriolepis PA0256
Sullivan Township Tioga PA in sandstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish scales-Holoptychius PA0257
Tioga Junction Tioga PA 2 km E on PA238 in road cut and bed of Mutton Creek Devonian Upper West Falls brachiopods,pelecypods,crinoids,bryozoa,plants PA0258
Winfield Union PA 5 km W in outcrops on roads leading N from PA304 in sandstones and shales Silurian Rose Hill|Keefer diverse fossils PA0260
Pleasantville Venango PA 6.4km S in sandstones Devonian Upper Catskill fish spines-Ctenacanthus PA0261
Wesley Venango PA N in limestones in abandoned strip mines Pennsylvanian Vanport fossils PA0262
Tidioute Warren PA 2 km W on PA127 Devonian-Mississippian Corry|Oswayo Abundant and diverse brachiopods PA0263
Warren Warren PA 3.2km NE Pennsylvanian Olean Conglomerate fish-Ctenacanthus PA0264
Canonsburg Washington PA Shark coprolites PA0265
Vance Washington PA In Permian Washington and Dunkard formations of PA186 in Washington Stone Co Quarry,Fish Permian Washington|Dunkard Sharks-Xenacanthus,Hybodus,Ectosteorhachis;Lungfish-Sagenodus,Monongahela;Amphibia-Diploceraspis,Lysorophus PA0266
Honesdale Wayne PA On PA,191 700 meters N of PA670 junction Devonian Catskill carbonized tree trunks PA0267
Blackburn Westmoreland PA NE in cliffs above quarry Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone There is also a Blackburn in Clearfield County PA0268
Blackburn Westmoreland PA NE,in quarry Pennsylvanian Pine Creek There is also a Blackburn in Clearfield County PA0269
Ligonier Westmoreland PA Pennsylvanian Petrified wood PA0270 Original says ‘Ligoneer
Murrysville Westmoreland PA In first cliff west on Wm Penn Hwy Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone ? PA0271
New Kensington Westmoreland PA At foot of Logans Ferry Hill Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0272
Trafford Westmoreland PA S along RR tracks Pennsylvanian Pine Creek ? PA0273
Laceyville Wyoming PA on PA367 500 meters N of US6 Devonian Middle Cyrtospirifer,a few plants PA0274
Occana Wyoming PA in hillside to SW and along Cedar Creek above Eagle Creek Coal bed Pennsylvanian Pottsville, Upper Aviculopecten PA0275
Emigsville York PA At LeCron’s Copper Mine. 19th Century site visited by Cope and,later,Wanner Triassic New Oxford Galtonia PA0276 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
Emigsville York PA At Wheatley’s Copper Mines about 3.2km W Triassic New Oxford Reptile teeth and bones-Clepsysaurus,Eupelor,Palaeoctonus,Rutiodon,Suchoprion,Thecodontosaurus PA0277
Goldsboro Quarry York PA First reported 1889. on hill side W of Goldsboro Rd. Reported visible,but on private property in 2005 Triassic Gettysburg footprints-Grallator,Atreipus PA0278 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
Hanover York PA At Codorus State Park on shore of Marburg Lake fossils PA0279 This site seems unlikely to be valid
Manchester Township York PA on Locust Lane West from PA181 where Locust Lane crosses I83 Cambrian Lower Kinzers trilobites PA0280
Mount Wolf York PA Along RR tracks 3.2km NNE of Mount Wolf (York Co,PA) Triassic-Jurassic Newark ferns and Calamites. PA0281
New Cumberland York PA 1934 – in a roadcut on Rt 111 Triassic Gettysburg A single footprint-and some poorly preserved plant stems PA0282 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
Trostle’s Quarry York PA 1937 -Haile. In limestone quarry on Bermudian Creek in siltstones Triassic Gettysburg footprints-Atreipus,Anchisauripus,Otozoum,reptile tracks PA0283 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
Yocumtown York PA Dinosaur tracks PA0284
Yocumtown Quarry York PA Hickok,Hayes,Willard 1932 — Now under housing development Triassic Gettysburg Tracks-Grallator,Atreipus PA0285 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
York Haven York PA Triassic petrified wood PA0286
York Haven York PA ferns in sandstones Triassic S of town PA0287
Zion’s View Site York PA visited by Hoff in 1910 and Stahle in 1972 Triassic New Oxford Rutiodon,Buettneria,ostracods,fish PA0288 http://www.ricksweb.netfirms.com/Jeri/dinoarticle.htm
[?] PA Three ‘Humble Oil and Refining Company’ beds in weathered shale somewhere in SouthEast Pennsylvania 10m below the Ledger Formation contact Cambrian Kinzers trilobites-Bathyuriscus,Elrathina,Ogygopsis,Olenoides,Oryctocephalus PA0294
Darlington [?] PA Pennsylvanian fish scales PA0289 There are Darlingtons in both Beaver and Westmoreland Counties
Good Springs [?] PA Area exposures 13-16km S of St Claire Pennsylvanian Good plant material in spoil piles PA0290 Can’t identify a Good Springs or Goodsprings in PA
New Salem [?] PA 2 km S at junction of US22 and PA66 on NE side Mississippian Ames Limestone Brachiopods – Chonetes,Crurithyris,Dechya[?],Rhipidomella; Coral – Lophophyllidium; mollusks; crinoid columnals PA0291 HA thinks,and I agree that ‘Dechya’ (no citations) should be ‘Derbyia’ which is the correct age and is often associated with Chonetes and Crurithyris. There are New Salems in Armstrong,Fayette and York Counties
Witmer[?] [?] PA on lower bench of B and O RR cut opposite Glenshaw,PA Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone Witmer,PA is in Lancaster County but would be an unlikely location for Ames Limestone exposures PA0292
York Springs [?] PA Triassic Newark dinosaur tracks PA0293