Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Fremont Alameda CA along creek bed in Bell Quarry Pleistocene? Santa Clara (California) plants,fresh water invertebrates,vertebrates CA0584
Irvington Alameda CA in gravel beds? Pleistocene Mammal Fossils-Antelope,Mammoths CA0585
Livermore Alameda CA 13 km SE on Arroyo del Valle SE1/4t4sr2e. Cretaceous Horsetown Lytoceras CA0003
Livermore Alameda CA In creek cut in SE1/4S25T3sr3e near junction of Livermore Rd and Western Pacific RR. Eocene Upper Tejon Panopea CA0004
Livermore Alameda CA near Altamont Pass Miocene San Pablo fossil plants CA0005
Pleasanton Alameda CA In RR cut on Pleasanton-Sunol Road Miocene Briones Broad Marine fauna. CA0006
Sunol Park Alameda CA Off I680 SE of Fremont,CA,In sandstone boulders along visitor trail. Cretaceous? Franciscan abundant fossils. CA0007
Bear Valley Alpine CA Mount Reba Fauna 38-31N 120-01W Pliocene Lower 6+ species of plants CA0008
Kirkwood Alpine CA Carson Pass Fauna 38-41n 120.34W Miocene Middle plant fossils CA0009
Markleeville Alpine CA Ebetts Pass Fauna 38-32n 119.48W Miocene Middle plant fossils CA0010
Markleeville Alpine CA Niagara Fauna 38-40n 119.48W Miocene Middle plant fossils CA0011
Butte CA at Butte County Hospital 2 km N N1/2s36t20nr3e Eocene Tejon Nyctilochus CA0019
Chico Creek Butte CA Cretaceous ammonites CA0012
Feather River Butte CA 1 km S of old Banner Mine on River bank in se1/4s32t20nr4e in Jurassic Abundant fossil plants CA0013 Original says Oroville formation, But that probably is meant to indicate similarity to the Monte de Oro formation at Oroville
Feather River Butte CA 1.5 km S of old Banner Mine in ravine. fossil plants CA0014
Feather River Butte CA on dumps of old Banner Mine. fossil plants CA0015
Oroville Butte CA Cretaceous Chico (CA) fish teeth-Enchodus CA0016
Oroville Butte CA 4 km N n1/2s31t20nr4e Eocene Tejon Acmea(Limpet),Cerithiopsis,Drillia CA0017
Oroville Butte CA NE In an area of a few square km 4.8km Jurassic Monte de Oro 52 plant species CA0594 http://books.google.com/books?id=d6fLUrXRmu4C&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=oroville+formation+jurassic&source=web&ots=gGF4EYASZH&sig=tLx6imgdETgCGuKnS7kTVST4Hgg
Reynolds Ferry Butte CA At Botwick’s bar in the Stanislaus River in Jurassic Mariposa Oecotraustes,Perisphinctes CA0018
Mokelumne Calaveras CA Valley Spring Fauna 38-19N 120-46W Miocene Middle 17 Plant Species CA0020
Wilbur Springs Colusa CA In white Cretaceous Limestone on Sulphur Creek Cretaceous Turbo CA0021
Williams Colusa CA S of road between Williams and the springs in first range of foothills. Cretaceous Chico (CA) Atresius[?],Ringinella,Liocium,Cordiera,Palaetractus[?] CA0022 No citations for ‘Atresius (lirata)’/’Palaetractus (crassus)’ or anything similar 050522
Williams Colusa CA W on US20 at Hot Sulphur Springs in NW1/4t1nr4w Cretaceous Knoxville Modiola CA0023
Berkeley Contra Costa CA At mouth of Strawberry Canyon in Jurassic Knoxville Pecten CA0024
Berkeley Contra Costa CA S of I8(?) and E of I5 In hills E of city. In ash beds above pebbly conglomerate Pliocene mammal bones and teeth CA0025
Clayton Contra Costa CA 5 km NE Eocene Tejon Flabellum,Trochocyathus. CA0026
Clayton Contra Costa CA 7 meters E abundant fossils Cuspidaria CA0027
Clayton Contra Costa CA N of Mt Diablo Miocene San Pablo fossil plants CA0028
Hercules Contra Costa CA at Pecten Pt in San Pablo Bay large number of Pecten at tidal level. CA0029
Kirker Pass Contra Costa CA Miocene San Pablo Littorina,Cerithiopsis CA0030
Las Trampas Ridge Contra Costa CA Cerithiopsis CA0031
Martinez Contra Costa CA 2 km W in massive Limestone Trochosmilia CA0032
Martinez Contra Costa CA At bulls head Point in n1/2s82nr2w in gray-green Limestone Eocene Martinez (California) Aporrhais,Solen,Cinula,Morio,Neptunea CA0033
Martinez Contra Costa CA In area cutbacks and ravines in gray-green Limestone Eocene Martinez (California) Aporrhais,Solen,Cinula,Morio,Neptunea CA0034
Martinez Contra Costa CA In sw1/4s23t2nr3w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Inoceramus,Cucullaea CA0035
Martinez Contra Costa CA NE,in ne1/4s8t2nr2w Cretaceous Shasta Olivella,Dentalium CA0036
Mount Diablo Contra Costa CA In Bagley Creek 2 km from summit in Jurassic Knoxville Aucella CA0037
Mount Diablo Contra Costa CA In southernmost foothills it Black Hawk Quarry Pliocene wide variety of Pliocene mammals – Mastodon,beaver,dog,Aelurodon,Bassariscus,Pseudaelurus,Merycodus,rabbit,ground squirrel,fox,weasel,raccoon,Smilodon,horse,peccary,camel,Oreodonts CA0038
Mount Diablo Contra Costa CA on S side in se1/4sw1/4s9t1sr1e Cretaceous Chico (CA) Trochocyathus CA0039
Muir Station Contra Costa CA 4 km due S Eocene Martinez (California) Hercoglossa. Nerita. Nautilus,Anchura,Surcula,Fissurella CA0040
Pacheco Contra Costa CA 2 km N in ne1/4 s27t2nr2w Tellina CA0041
Pacheco Contra Costa CA NW in sw1/4s21t2nr1w Eocene Upper Tejon Spatangus(an urchin) CA0042
Pittsburg Contra Costa CA 5 km S 2 km W of Kirker Creek Oligocene San Lorenzo Actaeon,Clavella,Modiolus CA0043
Rodeo Contra Costa CA 400 meters E Miocene Upper San Pablo Cerithium CA0044
San Pablo Bay Contra Costa CA s1/2s11t2nr4w Miocene Upper San Pablo Macoma CA0045
Sobrante Ridge Contra Costa CA N in valley on W fork of Bear Creek. Oligocene Turris,Fusinus CA0046
Stewartsville Contra Costa CA 2 km S in nw1/4s15t1nr1e Eocene Martinez (California) Turritella,Amauropsis CA0047
Walnut Creek Contra Costa CA 1 km S of town center in road cuts in Formation Oligocene San Lorenzo Cancellaria,Turris,Dentalium,Serpula,Pandora,Antigonia[?] CA0048
Auburn El Dorado CA 10 km E at Hawver Cave in w1/2s7t12nr9e in cave deposits Pleistocene Nototherium,Felis(Cougar) CA0049 ‘Nototherium’ is a giant marsupial form from the Pliocene of Australia.
Coalinga Fresno CA 23.5 km N Eocene Tejon Spiroglyphus CA0050
Coalinga Fresno CA 25.6 km W on branch of Salt Creek s15t18sr13e Turbinolia,Trochocyathus,Flabellum CA0051
Coalinga Fresno CA 7 km W Tellina,Tritonidea CA0052
Coalinga Fresno CA In Kettleman Hills 12.8 km SE of NW end of hills Pliocene Etchegoin Sismondia CA0053
Coalinga Fresno CA In small canyons South of Town Fossils CA0054
Coalinga Fresno CA Joaquin Ridge Cretaceous ammonites. CA0055
Coalinga Fresno CA Los Gatos Creek Cretaceous ammonites. CA0056
Coalinga Fresno CA Ragged Valley Cretaceous ammonites. CA0057
Coalinga Fresno CA Warthan Creek Cretaceous ammonites. CA0058 Original says ‘Walthan’ Creek. There is no such place?
Coalinga Fresno CA at Coalinga Oil Filed NW corner s22t19sr15e on hillside Miocene Santa Margarita Lyropecten,Ostrea,Barnacles CA0059
Coalinga Fresno CA on Anticline Ridge,in NE corner S3T20Sr15e Pliocene Etchegoin pelecypods,gastropods CA0060
Fresno Fresno CA Fresno Hadrosaur presumably from Coast ranges W of Fresno. CA0061
Jacalitos Creek Fresno CA in S26t21sr15e Miocene Upper Etchegoin barnacle reef CA0062 There is a Jacalitos Creek in Fresno County near Coalinga
Kettleman Hills Fresno CA In Central part of hills Littorina CA0063
New Idria Fresno CA 19 km N on San Carlos Creek in nw1/4s29t15sr13e Cretaceous Chico (CA) Baculites CA0064
Panoche Hills Fresno CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0065
Panoche Hills Fresno CA Cretaceous Upper Moreno Ophiuroids (brittlestars) CA0066
Parson’s Peak Fresno CA nw1/4s24t18sr14e Eocene Tejon Glycymeris,Phacoides,Turris CA0067
Salt Creek Fresno CA nw1/4s15t18sr15e Eocene Tejon Crassatellites,Metula CA0068
Wagonwheel Mountain Fresno CA S36T25SR18E on west slope of mountain Miocene Temblor fossils in several beds — mollusks,vertebrate bones CA0069
Willows Glenn CA 3 km N of Stonyford in large road cut Jurassic Knoxville Buchia,ammonites CA0070
Anza-Borrego Imperial CA Area exposures Pliocene Latrania Invertebrates-Shark teeth-Carcharodon,Odontapsis,Isurus,Myliobatis;fish teeth CA0071 Collecting is not allowed in the State Park
Anza-Borrego Desert Imperial CA In Sandstone Canyon and adjacent badlands in Anza Borrego State Park Pliocene Lower Hypolagus,Pewelagus,horses,camel tracks. CA0072
Coyote Mountains Imperial CA on SE side in nw1/4s26t15sr10e Pliocene Carrizo (California) Clypeaster,Hipponoe CA0073
Coyote Wells Imperial CA N in Cretaceous clams,Oysters CA0074
Plaster City Imperial CA 2 km S of Dunaway Rd offramp from I8 in steep bank of wash Pleistocene Well preserved fresh water mollusks – Physa,Helisoma,Hydrobia,Amnicola,Anodonta CA0075
Salton Sea Imperial CA in sand and mud around the shores of the Salton Sea up to Sea Level about 70 meters above current water levels. Recent mollusk shells CA0076
Inyo CA Another good exposure is found on the Ridge South of the Saline Valley-Death Valley Road as it drops down toward the Eureka Valley 24-32 km East of Big Pine. Those roads are paved and maintained. Many other localities are accessible via dirt roads. Cambrian Campito ? CA0116
Andrews Mountain Inyo CA Precambrian Reed Dolomite Algal structures near Middle of Formation{2} CA0077
Badger Flat Inyo CA In limestones overlying graptolitic shales South of Badger Flat Ordovician Badger Flat Limestone Brachiopods,Receptaculites,pelmatazoa,trilobites,gastropods. CA0078
Big Pine Inyo CA Roughly 35 km SE E of summit on Saline Valley road on E slope in se1/4s35t10sr38e Mickwitzia,Holmia (Could be Harkless Formation) Cambrian Poleta ? CA0079
Coso Mountains Inyo CA Pliocene Lower Coso Horse teeth CA0080
Cowhorn Ridge Inyo CA E of the crest on both sides of the Death Valley road about 35 km East of Big Pine,CA Cambrian Campito ? CA0081
Darwin Inyo CA Permian Lone Pine (CA) abundant Brachiopods,Fusulinids,Corals CA0082
Darwin Canyon Inyo CA Permian Lower Owens Valley Fusulinids CA0083
Daylight Pass Inyo CA Between Grapevine and Funeral Mountains Cambrian Lower Wood Canyon Nevadia,Nevadella{2} CA0084
Funeral Mountains Inyo CA Cambrian Lower Carrara trilobites-Olenellus fremonti CA0085
Grapevine Springs Inyo CA In s21t10sr42e Ordovician Pogonip Orthoceras,Clionychia CA0086
Harkless Inyo CA on divide between flats and Squaw in nw1/4s14t10sr35e Cambrian Cornfield Springs brachiopods – Ehmania,Obolus,Pteropoda,Sponges?,Trilobites? CA0087
Hastings Springs Inyo CA E in sw1/4s36t21nr8e in Cambrian Lower Silver Peak Group Billingsella CA0088
Independence Inyo CA At elbow of Mazourka Canyon in Inyo Mountains in SE1/4s31t11sr36e type locality of Ordovician Middle Mazourka Orthis,Encrinus,Cybeloides,Ceraurus,Pliomerops CA0089
Independence Inyo CA At head of Mazourka Canyon in Inyo Mountains in s34t11sr36e Cambrian Silver Peak Group Trematobolus CA0090
Inyo Mountains Inyo CA In area exposures of Deep Springs Limestone in the Wyattia zone in recrystallized limestone Ediacaran Deep Springs tubular fossils-Nevadatubulus,Coleoloides,Sinotubulites;hyolithid-Salanytheca CA0586
Inyo Mountains Inyo CA On Andrews Mountain above Harkless Flats about 20 km East of Big Pine,CA Cambrian Campito ? CA0091
Last Chance Range Inyo CA Near Cucomungo Springs in the Last Chance Range in CA Cambrian Campito ? CA0092
Lost Burro Gap Inyo CA At NW end of gap in quartzite and Limestone Devonian-Mississippian Lost Burro|Tin Mountain brachiopods,corals CA0093
Nopah Range Inyo CA At Emigrant Pass on Old Spanish Trail Cambrian Lower Carrara Olenellus,Bristolia,Peachella CA0094
Nopah Range Inyo CA At the base of the Cambrian Nopah Formation Cambrian Nopah trilobites and brachiopods CA0095
Owens Valley Inyo CA In Union Wash 4 km NE of ruins of Owenyo Station IN,Inyo Mountains N of road to Cerro Gordo. Much of the exposure is within a wilderness area and is closed to collecting Triassic Union Wash Diverse ammonite fauna – Owenites,Xenodiscus,Anasibirites,Sturia,Lanceolites,Clypeoceras,Lecanites,many others. CA0096
Owenyo Station Inyo CA In area of Union Wash-Reward Mine in se1/4s10t14sr36e in Permian Owenyo Limestone Euphemus CA0097
Resting Springs Inyo CA 11.5 km Eon E side of Pass in Cambrian Middle Cornfield Springs Obolus CA0098
Resting Springs Inyo CA On Armagosa River in sw1/4s10t21nr8e Cambrian Silver Peak Sandstones Olenellus CA0099
Saline Valley Inyo CA SE of Waucoba Springs in the Saline Valley Cambrian Campito ? CA0100
Shoshone Inyo CA E on road to Pahrump,NV,(Old Spanish Trail) 500 meters W of summit in road cuts on S side of road in green and maroon Pyramid shales (N side of road is a wilderness area Cambrian Carrara Olenellus cephalons,rarely complete specimens. CA0101
Shoshone Inyo CA In broad valley to the South of the Valley that the paved road follows over Emigrant Pass Cambrian Carrara trilobite cephalons CA0102
Slate Range Inyo CA 400 meters N or Limestone quarry at N end of range Mississippian Perdido|Tin Mountain abundant crinoid stems CA0103
Slate Range Inyo CA in 2 to 8 meter thick lacustrian limestones Miocene-Pliocene twigs,mollusks-Corteus[?] CA0104 No citations for ‘Corteus’ a mollusk 050522
Southern White Mountains Inyo CA Precambrian Deep Springs Wyattia — a small conical fossil — near bottom of Formation{2} CA0105
Southern White Mountains Inyo CA Precambrian Reed Dolomite Wyattia near top of Formation{2} CA0106
Tecopa Lake Inyo CA From lacustrian deposits at ancient terminus of the Armagosa River Pliocene Camels,other vertebrates CA0107 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Union Springs-Inyo Mountains Inyo CA 2 km E on S side of McAboy[?] trail over Union Wash in se1/4s23t14sr36e in Triassic rocks Triassic Union Wash Xenodiscus,Hungarites,Tirolites,Popanoceras CA0108 Couldn’t identify a Union Spring or McAboy Trail in the Union Wash area. Only ‘trail’ in the area is a footpath(?) a few km South crossing Inyo range via Forgotten Pass.
Union Springs-Inyo Mountains Inyo CA 3 km E in sw1/4s24t14sr36e Triassic Union Wash Prophingites,Danubites,Aspenites,Meekoceras,Lecanites,Inyoites,Xenaspis CA0109
Union Wash Inyo CA 250 meters N from town Lone Pine on CA14, Rt on Lone Pine-Narrow Gauge Rd. Rt 5 km E to Lone Pine-Owenyo Rd. Left. N 8.3 km to jeep trail. Rt,2.7 km. Park. Hike down into Union Wash. Parapopanoceras beds are 1 meter black Limestone high on very steep s Triassic Union Wash ? CA0110
Union Wash-Inyo Mountains Inyo CA Triassic Union Wash Many Triassic Cephalopods — Inyoites,Lanceolites,Pseudosageceras,Nannites,Xenaspis CA0111
Waucoba Springs Inyo CA 1.6km E of Saline Valley Rd 4km ENE of Waucoba Springs, in indurated shales Cambrian Lower Brachiopod fragments-Mickwitzia CA0593 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P54
White Mountains Inyo CA Precambrian Deep Springs Pteridinium in Middle member{2} CA0112
White Mountains Inyo CA Good exposures of the rocks can be found along the Westgard Pass Road and Bristlecone pine forest access road as they climb 2000m from the desert at the Owens Valley floor to the treeline high up in the White Mountains. Cambrian Campito ? CA0113
White–Inyo Mountains Inyo CA Cambrian Lower Harkless|Campito|Poleta Trilobites – Fallotaspis,Traces fossils – Scolicia ) Harkless fm),Rusophycus (Campito Fm),Skolithos (Poleta fm),Planolites (Harkless Fm),Arthrophycus (Campito Fm). CA0114
White-Inyo Mountains Inyo CA Cambrian Lower Poleta Helicoplacus (an Echinoderm){2} CA0115
Kern CA Eocene Ricardo vertebrates-Paracosoryx,Protolabis CA0140 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bakersfield Kern CA In road cuts in unconsolidated sand on Granite Station Road several km N of China Grade Loop Junction Miocene Lower Pyramid Hill Sand Marine Vertebrate Teeth -Myliobatis,Isurus,sawfish CA0117
Bakersfield Kern CA N and somewhat E on Road to Granite Station in pockets in Road Cuts Miocene Temblor marine vertebrate teeth,Myliobatis,Isurus,etc. CA0118
Bakersfield Kern CA N of Poso Creek in road cut in chalky bed of poorly preserved mollusks Miocene Temblor small marine vertebrate teeth and a few bones CA0119
Bakersfield Kern CA NE,on China Grade Loop as it climbs out of Kern River Canyon. On First small hill on left of road and East along Ridge to Right of road. Vertebrate teeth weathering out of shale. (Note: Well preserved mollusks are exposed 20 meters lower in sandstone bed Miocene Temblor Vertebrate teeth,mollusks. CA0120
Barker’s Ranch Kern CA s1/2s33t28sr19e Miocene Monterey? marine vertebrates – Paleorhinus,Heptranchias,Agasoma,Rhinoptera CA0121 ‘Paleorhinus’ is a Mesozoic phytosaur. ‘Agasoma’ is a gastropod.
El Paso Mountains Kern CA thick sequence Paleozoic Schwagerina CA0122
Fort Tejon Kern CA along Alizos Creek Cretaceous Tritonium,Olivella,Fasciolaria CA0123 Can’t find an Alizos Creek or anything similar near Fort Tejon,but many of the drainages seem to be unnamed on USGS maps
Fort Tejon Kern CA along Alizos Creek in ne1/4s16t9nr19w in Cretaceous Upper Chico (CA) Septifer,Conus,Meretrix,Architectonica CA0124 Can’t find an Alizos Creek or anything similar near Fort Tejon,but many of the drainages seem to be unnamed on USGS maps
Kern River Kern CA low in cliffs on S side of River opposite Hart Memorial Park E of Bakersfield Miocene Temblor Abundant vertebrate teeth in bone bed. CA0125
Kettleman Hills Kern CA Pliocene San Joaquin Echinoderms CA0126
Kettleman Hills Kern CA Pliocene San Joaquin Mollusks – Turritella CA0127
Kettleman Hills Kern CA In Pliocene San Joaquin Formation Pliocene San Joaquin Echinoderms CA0128
Kettleman Hills Kern CA In Pliocene San Joaquin Formation. Pliocene San Joaquin Mollusks – Turritella CA0129
McKittrick Kern CA tar pit deposits similar to Rancho La Brea Pleistocene mammals,insects,plants CA0130
Oil City Kern CA n1/2s10t29sr28e in shale Miocene Monterey Myliobatis,Squatina CA0131
Paso Creek Kern CA Miocene Round Mountain shark-Cetorhinus CA0132
Phillips Ranch Kern CA Miocene (Hemingford) Kinnick vertebrates-Merychippus,Moropus CA0133 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Ricardo Kern CA Miocene Dove Spring Mammal Fossils CA0134
San Emigdio Canyon Kern CA on E side in lower bluffs in nw1/4s16t10nr21E Oligocene San Emigdio Siphonalia CA0135
Sharktooth Hill Kern CA In S25t28sr28e in beds Miocene Temblor birds-Puffinis,Moris(Gannet),Presbychen;Allodesmus CA0136
Tehachapi Kern CA Tehachapi Fauna 35-14N 118-14W Miocene Middle 70 Species of Plants CA0137
Tejon Hills Kern CA at S end of San Joaquin Valley Protohippus CA0138
Tejon Hills Kern CA on W side of Comanche Creek in nw1/4s13t32sr29w Miocene Upper Santa Margarita Pecten CA0139
Avenal Kings CA 8 km E and 2 km S in Arroyo Bifido area SE of s35t21sr17e Pliocene San Joaquin mollusks,bryozoa CA0141
Avenal Kings CA 8 km E and 2 km S in La Ceja area SW of s35t21sr17e Pliocene San Joaquin mollusks,microfossils CA0142
Avenal Kings CA In Big Tar Canyon in S7T23SR17E Pliocene Etchegoin abundant sand dollars,bryozoa,Balanus (barnacle) CA0143
Avenal Kings CA On first high hill in Big Tar Canyon in S8T23SR17E Pliocene Etchegoin mollusks CA0144
Avenal Kings CA On first high hill on left in Big Tar Canyon in S8T23SR17E Pliocene Etchegoin mollusks CA0145
Avenal Kings CA at Double Hill in NE1/4s2t22sr17E in hill top exposure Pliocene Etchegoin mollusks,echinoderms CA0146
Kettleman Hills Kings CA Pliocene Middle San Joaquin Pelecypods,echinoids CA0147
Kettleman Hills Kings CA ‘Navy Pipeline Locality’. In extensive exposures of 3-6m thick fossil bed Permission required from Chevron Oil Company in Bakersfield Pliocene Tulare|San Joaquin|Etchegoin abundant,well preserved mollusks,sand dollars-Dendraster;fish tumors;mammals-beaver CA0148 http://members.aol.com/Waucoba5/kh/kettlefieldtrip.html
Kings,Kern CA Echinoderm,Dendraster CA0149
Grizzly Canyon Rd Lake CA Near divide between Burns Valley and Cache Creek N fork Pliocene Anodonta,Valvata CA0150
Herndon Creek Lake CA Turritella CA0151
Lower Lake Lake CA Eocene Martinez (California) Modiolus CA0152
Lower Lake Lake CA 400 meters Ene1/4s11t12Nr7w Eocene Martinez (California) Macrocallista,Tellina,Fusus,Meretrix,Yoldia,Phacoides,Ostrea,Macrocallista,Paphia CA0153
Puta Creek Lake CA type locality Jurassic Knoxville Aucella,Arca CA0154
Susanville Lassen CA 12 km SW on slope above Gold Creek in Eocene gold bearing gravels Eocene fossil plants Oreodaphne(Sassafras) CA0155
Susanville Lassen CA 40-30n 120-40W Eocene Middle 22 species of plants CA0156
Benedict Canyon Los Angeles CA S27,S34T1NR10W Miocene Modelo Forams,fish scales CA0157
Calabasas Los Angeles CA 5 km S along Topanga-Dry Canyon Rd Miocene Vaqueros ? CA0158
Calabasas Los Angeles CA Old Topanga Canyon Rd. From Summit down hill in many exposures [This exposure is almost certainly Topanga Formation,not Vaqueros] Miocene Vaqueros? ? CA0159
El Sereno Los Angeles CA area exposures Miocene Puente plants — Willow,Oak,Magnolia. Fish Scales,Invertebrates in diatomite and mudstone. CA0160
Elsmere Canyon Los Angeles CA Pliocene Turris,Astrodapsis,Cancellaria,Chione CA0161
Exposition Park Los Angeles CA LA County Museum,Good displays of Rancho La Brea fossils Pleistocene ? CA0162
Glendora Los Angeles CA Miocene Topanga stomatopod crustacea CA0587
Hancock Park Los Angeles CA at corner of La Brea Blvd and Wilshire Blvd – La Brea Tar Pits. Pleistocene mammals. Displayed in Museum. No collecting Pleistocene Teratornis,Breameryx,Megalonyx,Nothrotherium,Tremarctotherium,Mammuthus,Mammut,Camelops,Equus,Smilodon,Canis,Felis,Many modern forms. CA0164
La Brea Tar Pits Los Angeles CA Tar beds Pleistocene Insects – Coleoptera CA0165
Lomita Los Angeles CA Lomita quarry near intersection of Hawthorne Blvd and Wilmington Blvd. Pleistocene Cassidulina CA0166
Long Beach Los Angeles CA at Signal Hill Pleistocene mollusks CA0167
Los Angeles Los Angeles CA 3rd Street Tunnel Pliocene Mancalla CA0168
Los Angeles Los Angeles CA Corner of 4th and Broadway Astrangia(a coral),Borsonia,Pecten,Siphonalia(a whelk),Turris,Cancellaria CA0169
Malibu Canyon Los Angeles CA nw1/4 s19tt1sr17W Miocene Vaqueros Purpura|Tegula CA0170
Mint Canyon Los Angeles CA se1/4s30t5nr14w Tertiary Mint Canyon Miolabis(A camel) CA0171
Newhall Los Angeles CA Elsmere Canyon Pliocene ? CA0172
Newhall Ranch Los Angeles CA area exposures Miocene Modelo fish,birds,mollusks,plants CA0173
Newhall Ranch Los Angeles CA area exposures Miocene-Pliocene Towsley vertebrates,invertebrates CA0174
Pacific Palisades Los Angeles CA In Temescal (Long Wharf)Canyon. Pleistocene Ischnochiton,Leptochiton CA0175
Pacific Palisades Los Angeles CA in Temescal Canyon Pliocene ? CA0176
Palos Verde Hills Los Angeles CA area exposures marine Vertebrates CA0177
Palos Verdes Los Angeles CA In George F Canyon in Sandstone lens Miocene Monterey 55 species of mollusks CA0178
Pasadena Los Angeles CA In South Pasadena Miocene Topanga stomatopod crustacea CA0588
Pierce College Los Angeles CA Shark teeth,marine vertebrates CA0180
Playa del Rey Los Angeles CA Vertebrate Fossils CA0181
Playa del Rey Los Angeles CA No modern references to this site. Presumably lost to development in the 1960s or so Pleistocene Shark Teeth CA0182
Point Fermin Los Angeles CA Callistochiton CA0183
Point Fermin Los Angeles CA In shale exposures above beach whale bones,petrified wood CA0184
Rancho La Brea Los Angeles CA Wilshire Blvd,In Pleistocene tar pits Pleistocene many genera of mammals and birds. Smilodon,Canis,Teratornis CA0185
San Pedro Los Angeles CA vertebrate fossils CA0186
San Pedro Los Angeles CA Crayfish Georges’s in road cut at intersection of 22nd St and Marina Drive Pleistocene San Pedro very diverse mollusks in 30cm bed. CA0187
San Pedro Los Angeles CA In bank below Harbor freeway near Gibson Blvd Pleistocene San Pedro sand |Palos Verdes sand abundant mollusks. CA0188
San Pedro Los Angeles CA In lower part of city in Pleistocene exposures in road cuts Pleistocene oysters,clams,scallops,mussels,sand dollars CA0189
San Pedro Los Angeles CA at Berth 73 near the intersection of 22nd St and Signal St in San Pedro (Timms Point Silt Member) Pleistocene San Pedro fossils? CA0190
San Pedro Los Angeles CA downtown on 2nd Street Pleistocene Timms Point mollusks,68 species of fish CA0191
San Pedro Los Angeles CA in E San Pedro at Timms Point Pleistocene Timms Point mollusks CA0192
San Pedro Los Angeles CA in area marine outcrops Pleistocene ? CA0193
San Pedro Los Angeles CA near Bay end Cerithiopsis CA0194
Santa Monica Los Angeles CA Vertebrate fossils CA0195
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0196
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA Along Dixie Canyon Avenue S34T1NR15W??,CA in very extensive exposures Miocene Modelo diatoms CA0197
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA Along Mullholland Drive near Las Virgines Drive in shales and sandstones Miocene Topanga fossils CA0198
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA Along trail W of Tapia Park Miocene Topanga Mollusk molds and fossils CA0589
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA In roadcut on Mulholland Drive just E of I405 Miocene Monterey Fish fossils CA0590
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA In roadcuts on Mulholland Drive E of I405 Miocene Topanga Mollusks,marine vertebrate bones CA0591
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA On Mullholland Drive E of San Diego Freeway near Fire Station Miocene fossil fish CA0202
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA On North slopes in shales Miocene Modelo occasional well preserved small fish CA0203
Santa Monica Mountains Los Angeles CA Sepulveda Canyon N of Mullholland Drive Miocene Modelo fish-Lampanyctus CA0204
Soledad Pass Los Angeles CA ne1/4s31t5nr12w Vertebrates,Etringus,Rogenio[?] CA0205 No citations for ‘Rogenio (bowersi)’ 050522
Spanish Bight San Pedro Los Angeles CA 14.4 km NE of intersection of Gaffey and Channel. Pleistocene Upper Palos Verdes Sand 150 taxa of marine invertebrates. CA0206 Surely Spanish Bight was in San Diego Bay and was filled in 1941
Timms Point – LA harbor Los Angeles CA Cassidulina CA0207
Topanga Canyon Los Angeles CA in roadcuts on Old Topanga Canyon road E of Mulholland drive Miocene Topanga gastropods and pelecypods CA0208
Topanga Canyon Village Los Angeles CA W on Saddle Peak many fossiliferous exposures Miocene Topanga ? CA0209
West Covina Los Angeles CA San Jose Hills Miocene Modelo fish-Bathylagus,Ganolytes?,Lampanyctus?,Plectrites? CA0210
White’s Point Los Angeles CA Pleistocene Cerithiopsis CA0211
Woodland Hills Los Angeles CA area road cuts Cretaceous ? CA0212
Bolinas Marin CA In Sea Cliff on beach Pliocene Nassa CA0213
Bolinas Bay Marin CA se1/4s24t1nr8w Miocene Monterey Shale Carcharodon CA0214
Marin Highlands Marin CA Near Golden Gate Bridge termination — generally unfossiliferous – but ammonites in at least two localities Mesozoic Franciscan Ammonites CA0215
Millerton Pt Marin CA Along NE shore of Tomales Bay between Millerton Pt and Tom’s Pt in sea cliffs Pleistocene Millerton Mollusks-47 species CA0216
Marin,Sonoma CA between Santa Rosa Valley and Pacific Coast Pliocene Upper Merced mollusks CA0217
Merced River Mariposa CA Left Bank 400 meters below Old Benton Mill Site sw1/2s6t4sr17e – Gold Bearing Jurassic slates Jurassic Aucella,Pholadomya,Belemnites,Amusium CA0218
Mendocino CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0221
Round Valley Mendocino CA s6t21nr12w Eocene Capay Turritella CA0219
Wallala[?] Mendocino CA sw1/4s27t11nr15w Cretaceous Gualala[?] Solarium,Coralliochama CA0220 Original says Wallala|Guala assumed to be ‘Valhalla/Gualala’ a stream in that area
Gustine Merced CA along hills on W side of San Joaquin Valley in gullies Cretaceous Moreno pelecypods,gastropods,Plotosaurus (a mosasaur),Elasmosaurus (plesiosaurs),Pternadon,Prosaurolophus CA0222
Pacheco Pass Merced CA At E end in se1/4s21t10sr7e Cretaceous Chico (CA) Lunatia CA0223
Pacheco Pass Area Merced CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0224
Alturas Modoc CA Alturas Fauna 41-30n 120-35W Miocene Upper 7 species of plants CA0225
Canby Modoc CA Upper Cedarville-Pit River Fauna 41-22n 121-4W Miocene Upper 21 species of plants CA0226
Monterey CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0233
Monterey Monterey CA 300 meters from trail at Jack’s Peak Leaves and shells CA0227
Monterey Monterey CA E,At Jacks Peak in Jacks Peak Park on Jacks Peak Rd off CA68. Take Skyline Trail 500m to Coffeyberry Trail. Best exposures on Coffeyberry Trail. No Collecting Miocene Aguajito Fossil leaves,fish(rare),Decapods-Pinnixa CA0228 http://www.gtlsys.com/Leaves/Leaves.html
Monterey Monterey CA In shales down trail from West parking lot at Jack’s Peak Shells and leaves CA0229
Stone Canyon Coal Mine Monterey CA 8 km NW in nw1/4s6t22sr13e Miocene Vaqueros Scutella? CA0230
Vaqueros Canyon Monterey CA Along Ridge between Vaqueros and Reliz Canyons in nw1/4s26t20sr6e Miocene Lower Vaqueros Solenosteira,Mytilus CA0231
Vaqueros Canyon Monterey CA N end of road along W side of divide Antigonia CA0232 Antigonia is Antigona in the original
Knoxville Napa CA On road from Reed to Royal Quicksilver mine in n1/2s34t11nr5w Cretaceous Knoxville Aptychus CA0234
Rag Canyon Napa CA Cretaceous Upper Chico (CA) Arca CA0235
Buckeye Flat Diggings Nevada CA Auriferous gravels Eocene Middle Petrified Wood CA0236
Nevada City Nevada CA Remington Hill Fauna 39-17n 120-45W Miocene Upper 32 species of plants CA0237
Scotts Bluff Reservoir Nevada CA In a layer of chocolate clay shales at the top of the mother load beds of auriferous gravels at Sailor Flat. The fossils are of real scientific interest and should not be casually collected. Several sites on private land and in Tahoe Natl Forest Eocene Chalk Bluff (California) Chalk Bluff flora. unmineralized leaves – Many Species — Cinnamon,Laurel,Sycamore,petrified wood. CA0238
Orange CA Numerous (at least 19) localities Miocene Capistrano Abundant shark teeth CA0260
Orange CA exposed discontinuously along coast from Newport to San Clemente as far inland as El Toro Pliocene Capistrano forams,ostracods,brachiopods,echinoids,mollusks CA0261
Orange CA in road cuts along the Eastern toll Road Cretaceous fossils from various formations CA0262
Orange CA in road cuts along the Eastern toll Road Tertiary fossils from various formations CA0263
Abalone Pt Orange CA 4 km N 21deg E in n1/2s14t7sr9w Miocene Vaqueros Modiolus CA0239
Carbondale Orange CA At the now defunct town of Carbondale at the Mouth of Silverado Canyon in coal beds Paleocene Silverado (California) plant fossils (9) CA0240
El Toro Orange CA Miocene-Pliocene Capistrano forams,ostracods,echinoderms,mollusks CA0241
El Toro Orange CA In Miocene marine vertebrates at Leisure World development. Now built over marine vertebrates. CA0242
Ladd Canyon Orange CA in Limestone on East Fork Jurassic Bedford Canyon a few ammonites CA0243
Ladd Canyon Orange CA in gray Limestone Carboniferous? pelecypods,corals,gastropods CA0244
Lake Forest Orange CA In dry wash Miocene Topanga Pecten reef CA0245
McBride Canyon Orange CA in Limestone near head of canyon Jurassic Bedford Canyon a few ammonites CA0246
Mission Viejo Orange CA Pliocene Niguel abundant sea shells CA0247
Newport Orange CA Miocene-Pliocene Capistrano forams,ostracods,echinoderms,mollusks CA0248
Newport Orange CA shell beds in ravines Pleistocene ? CA0249
Newport Bay Orange CA Probable Newport Formation Pliocene Newport (California)? Vertebrate fossils CA0250
Newport Beach Orange CA In cliffs along CA1 Pleistocene Palos Verdes Sand fossils? CA0251
Newport Beach Orange CA on private land not currently accessible Pliocene Newport (California) seashells,vertebrate and sea bird fossils. CA0252
Plano Trabuco Orange CA W end e1/2s28t6sr7w Miocene Lower Vaqueros Turritella CA0253
San Clemente Orange CA N along coast Miocene-Pliocene Capistrano forams,ostracods,echinoderms,mollusks CA0254
San Joaquin Hills Orange CA In exposures on West side of hills Miocene Topanga Whale bones,shark teeth,partial shark skeletons,etc CA0592
Santa Ana Mountains Orange CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0256
Santiago Canyon Orange CA sw1/4s8t5sr7w Pectunculus,Pholadomya CA0257
Silverado Canyon Orange CA left side in basal conglomerate 300m above Sea Level sw1/4s8t5sr7w Trigonarca CA0258
Silverado Canyon Orange CA ns1/4s17t5sr7w Schloenbachia CA0259
Colfax Placer CA At Chalk Bluffs 39-15n 120-52W Eocene Lower 71 species of plants CA0264
Plumas CA Mohawk Fauna 39-46n 120-38W Miocene Middle 13 species of plants CA0276
LaPorte Plumas CA 39-42n 120W Oligocene Lower 41 species of plants CA0265
Mount Jura Plumas CA In Hinchman Ravine N toward Mt Jura Trigonia CA0266 ‘Papilliceras’=’Sonninia’
Mount Jura Plumas CA N Slope Lima CA0267
Mount Jura Plumas CA NW of Mount Jura near Deadfall Lane Gervillia CA0268
Mount Jura Plumas CA SW Slope Glyphaea CA0269 ‘Glyphaea’ is a rare Jurassic Shrimp. The name is suspiciously close to a common fossil mollusk ‘Gryphaea’
Mount Jura Plumas CA SW of Mt Jura on slopes of Indian Creek Pinna CA0270
Mount Jura Plumas CA SW slope in ravine in SW1/4s36t26nr10e Jurassic Mormon Papilliceras,Ornithella CA0271
Mount Jura Plumas CA many area exposures ? CA0272
Taylorsville Plumas CA 4 km SSE along banks of Montgomery Creek Sw1/4s11t26nr10e Silurian Montgomery (California) Limestone Stromatopora,Zaphrentis,Heliotis,Syringopora,Halysites,Orthis,Ormoceras CA0273
Taylorsville Plumas CA 5 km NE in S fork of Foreman’s Ravine ne1/4s30t26nr11e Jurassic Foreman Trigonia CA0274
Taylorsville Plumas CA on Mt Jura above County Park Jurassic Hardgrave[?] Sandstone Mollusks and leaves CA0275 There is a county park on the lower slope of Mt Jura about 500m East of Taylorsville. Haven’t found a description of the rock sequence there
Elsinore Riverside CA at NW end of San Jacinto Mountains Pliocene Mount Eden Fossil Plants CA0277
Elsinore Quadrangle Riverside CA sw1/4s24t3sr2w Pliocene Lower Mount Eden Pliohippus,Procamelus,Pliauchenia,Prosthennops,Hypolagus,Hyaenarctos,Trilophodon(a mastodon) CA0278
Riverside Riverside CA Mount Eden vertebrates-Texoceros CA0279 Formation is said to be well exposed S of Beaumont at West end of San Gorgonio Pass. CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
San Gorgonio Pass Riverside CA 2 km W of Thousand Palms Canyon Pliocene Imperial fossils CA0280
San Jacinto Riverside CA Bautista Creek area vertebrates,Tapirus CA0281 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
San Jacinto Riverside CA sw1/4sw1/4s25t5sr1e Pleistocene Bautista Equus CA0282
Whitewater Canyon Riverside CA In E wall of Canyon near mouth Pliocene Imperial fossils? CA0283
Willis Palms Riverside CA 2 km W of Thousand Palms Canyon Pliocene Imperial fossils CA0284
Winchester Riverside CA SE in magnesite quarry in marble Carboniferous a single fossil CA0285
Alexander Hills San Bernardino CA Nannofossils in 12.Ma-1.4Ma stromatolites and algal mats in partially silicified dolomites Precambrian Beck Springs Dolomite Algae-numerous taxa http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3360%28197807%2952%3A4%3C767%3ABOTLPB%3E2.0.CO%3B2-W&size=SMALL&origin=JSTOR-reducePage
Baker San Bernardino CA Petrified Palm Wood somewhere in region. CA0286
Baker San Bernardino CA Small hills next to the I15 access road Permian Bird Spring Brachiopods CA0287
Baldwin Lake San Bernardino CA NE in Limestone Mississippian Furnace Dictyoclostus,Spirifer,Caninia CA0288
Barstow San Bernardino CA Miocene Barstow Mammal Reference Location CA0289
Barstow San Bernardino CA Miocene Upper Barstow Mammal Fossils CA0290
Barstow San Bernardino CA Miocene? Barstow mammal Fossils CA0291
Barstow San Bernardino CA 15 km NW in e1/2s32t11nr2w Miocene Barstow Merychippus CA0292
Barstow San Bernardino CA 18 km N of Black Mountain Cretaceous typical fossils CA0293 Unlikely that this is Cretaceous. If marine,is probably Paleozoic or Triassic. If terrestrial,probably Miocene or quaternary.
Barstow San Bernardino CA SW1/4s31t11nr1e Miocene Mojave Parahippus and other vertebrates. CA0294 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Barstow San Bernardino CA n1/2s33t11nr2w Miocene Barstow Merychippus CA0295 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Barstow San Bernardino CA nw1/4s6t11nr1e Miocene Mojave Merycodus CA0296 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Barstow San Bernardino CA sw1/4s31t11nr1w Miocene Mojave Alticamelus CA0297 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bassett Point San Bernardino CA In extensive badlands exposed below point. I15 to Harvard off Ramp,East 5.3 km,Right across tracks,Straight 500 meters,Left 3.2 km,Left 650 meters to Parking area. Collecting is by BLM permit only. Pleistocene Upper Manix Fossils include 21 species of mammals including camels,horses,sloths,several carnivores and mammoth. There are 5 species of ostracods,11 mollusks,2 fish,a turtle,and 25 species of birds. CA0298 Collecting is by BLM permit only.
Cadiz San Bernardino CA 2 km N 28 degrees E on N side of Canyon in green-gray shale Cambrian Latham Paedeumias CA0299
Cadiz San Bernardino CA 3 km ENE in SE extremity of Marble Mountains Cambrian Cadiz Shale Corynexochus,Bathyuriscus,Anomocarella,Acrocephalites CA0300
Cadiz San Bernardino CA A small hill North of the Ship Mountains SE of Cadiz CA Permian Bird Spring Brachiopods CA0301
Cady Mountains San Bernardino CA SW side of range 24 km E of Newberry Miocene Oreodonts,Camels,Mustelids,Carnivores CA0302
Cajon Pass San Bernardino CA in marine beds Cretaceous Upper Plesiosaur bones CA0303
Chambless San Bernardino CA 5 km NE S Slope in buff Limestone Cambrian Dolichometopus CA0304
Chambless San Bernardino CA 5 km NE in Limestone Ridge W side ne1/4s20t6nr14e Cambrian Latham Mesonacis CA0305 ‘Mesonacis’ is apparently a synonym for ‘Olenellus’
Hector San Bernardino CA 6.5 km N on SW side of Cady Mountains vertebrates – camels,carnivores,Oreodonts CA0306 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Hinkley San Bernardino CA 18 km NE in nw1/4s4t10nr1w Miocene Upper Barstow Eutamias(chipmunk),Peromyscus(deer mouse) CA0307
Kelso San Bernardino CA 6 km E on trail from Tough Nut Mine to mine Workings Cambrian Lower Mesonacis CA0308
Kelso San Bernardino CA Northwest Cambrian Latham ? CA0309
Kingston Range San Bernardino CA Nannofossils in 12.Ma-1.4Ma stromatolites and algal mats in partially silicified dolomites Precambrian Beck Springs Dolomite Algae-numerous taxa http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3360%28197807%2952%3A4%3C767%3ABOTLPB%3E2.0.CO%3B2-W&size=SMALL&origin=JSTOR-reducePage
Kingston Range? San Bernardino CA In a chert layer Proterozoic Beck Springs Dolomite Bacteria CA0310
Marble Mountains San Bernardino CA 16 km East of Amboy. East side of Range at the Southern tip Cambrian Lower Chambless trilobites,other fossils CA0311
Marble Mountains San Bernardino CA 16 km East of Amboy. East side of Range at the Southern tip Cambrian Lower Latham trilobites,other fossils CA0312
Marble Mountains San Bernardino CA 16 km East of Amboy. East side of Range at the Southern tip Cambrian Middle Cadiz Shale trilobites,other fossils CA0313
Marble Mountains San Bernardino CA East of Amboy,North of old US 66 below highest peak in range Cambrian ? CA0314
Marble Mountains San Bernardino CA East of Amboy,West side of Range about 1 km N of South end of range Cambrian Latham ? CA0315
Mojave Desert San Bernardino CA A various locations-Barstow-North End,Black Hill,Camp Quarry,Chert Ridge,Deep Quarry,Hidden Hollow,Leader Quarry,May Day Quarry,Ness Quarry,New Hope Quarry,New Years Quarry,Old Mill Quarry … Miocene (Barstow) Barstow vertebrates–bird bones,many mammal taxa CA0316 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission See Barstow sites at http://paleo.amnh.org/fossil/rock.html for more details.
Mojave Desert San Bernardino CA in nodules deposited in 125 sites along 480 km of ancient lakes. Miocene Briones|Cierbo plants and silicified insects CA0317
Mountain Pass San Bernardino CA Jurassic Aztec Dinosaur tracks CA0318
Newberry San Bernardino CA 22.4 km E in Hector Fm on SW side of Cady Mountains,6.4 km N of Hector siding on AT+SF RR Oreodonts,Camelids,Mustelids,carnivores. CA0319
Providence Mountains San Bernardino CA At Providence Mine in se1/2s17t11nr14w Cambrian Lower Paedeumias CA0320
Providence Mountains San Bernardino CA East of Kelso,In strip along W side of range Cambrian ? CA0321
Rainbow Basin San Bernardino CA Miocene Barstow Horse bones,camel tracks CA0322
Salt Spring Hills San Bernardino CA Cambrian Lower Wood Canyon Volborthella CA0323
Salt Spring Hills San Bernardino CA North of Baker,CA Cambrian Latham ? CA0324
San Gorgonio Pass San Bernardino CA to East Pleistocene Mammuthus bones and teeth CA0325
Victorville San Bernardino CA E in Limestone Conglomerate Pennsylvanian-Permian brachiopod-Meekela;mollusk-Heritschia;gastropod-Omphalotrochus? CA0326
Yermo San Bernardino CA 8 km N in SE part of Calico Mountains 500 meters E of Mule Canyon Road. Disk shaped concretions (button beds) in petroliferous Limestone Miocene small silicified insects,spiders,fairy shrimp,etc. CA0327
Yermo San Bernardino CA 8km E Miocene (Barstow) Barstow bird bones,Aepycamelinae,Merriamoceros,Merychenia,Merychippus,Pliolabis,Pseudaelurus,Rakomeryx CA0328 See Barstow sites at http://paleo.amnh.org/fossil/rock.html for more details.
San Diego CA Cretaceous Upper mollusks,brachiopods,forams. ammonites: W and S ends of Pt Loma CA0414
Chula Vista San Diego CA 5 km E in fossil canyon Pliocene San Diego ? CA0329
Cockatoo Grove San Diego CA just W Pliocene San Diego Pecten,Dendraster CA0330
Coronado San Diego CA at Spanish Bight Pleistocene Pecten,Arca,shark teeth CA0331
Coyote Mountain San Diego CA near Dos Cabezos Springs Pliocene Carrizo (California) Coral-Madrepora[?] CA0332 ‘Madrippora’ in the original
Del Mar San Diego CA in isolated outcrops NE and SE of town Jurassic Bedford Canyon Buchia piochii CA0333
False Pt San Diego CA at S end of La Jolla business district Cretaceous ? CA0334
Grantville San Diego CA nearby in bank of San Diego River Eocene excellent vertebrate fossils CA0335
La Jolla San Diego CA pelecypod Pitar CA0336
La Jolla San Diego CA 1 km N of Scripps Institute near top of Sea Cliff Eocene Ardath|Scripps Fossils CA0337
La Jolla San Diego CA N side of Mt Soledad Cretaceous ? CA0338
La Jolla San Diego CA at beach Pleistocene Pecten,Arca,shark teeth CA0339
La Mesa San Diego CA to North in area excavations Eocene Poway Conglomerate vertebrate fossils CA0340
Mount Soledad San Diego CA North side Cretaceous mollusks,brachiopods,forams,ammonites CA0341
Murray Canyon San Diego CA Old Fenton Materials Company Quarry Eocene excellent foraminifers CA0342
Oceanside San Diego CA At Ocean Ranch industrial park in marine and non-marine beds Eocene Santiago Crustacea-shrimp,crabs;sand dollars,mollusks,fossil fish,shark and ray teeth,gastropods,mammal bones-Metarhinus CA0343 Material is probably inaccessible,but future development may expose similar beds in area
Oceanside San Diego CA In Road Cuts on S side of San Luis Rey River just E of I5 at Hill Street Off Ramp. One shark tooth Isurus found in float. Possibly eroded from overlying San Mateo Creek Formation when area was actively quarried. Miocene San Onofre Breccia shark tooth CA0344 The Hill Street ramp was removed in the 1980s. CA78 was subsequently run through this general area
PT Loma San Diego CA at a locality on S end of point other than the southern tip Cretaceous cephalopods CA0345
Pacific Beach San Diego CA in Canyon 500 meters W of mouth of Rose Canyon Pliocene San Diego Pecten CA0346
Pacific Beach San Diego CA in concretions in exposures N of Tourmaline St Surfing Park Eocene fossils CA0347
Poway Pipeline Two San Diego CA Eocene Friars Mammal Fossils CA0348
Pt Loma San Diego CA In crevices and holes along the West side of the Pt Loma Peninsula in San Diego Recent many genera of mollusks CA0349
Pt Loma San Diego CA Southern and Western shore Cretaceous mollusks,brachiopods,forams,ammonites CA0350
Pt Loma San Diego CA at NE end of peninsula Eocene Rose Canyon a few fossils CA0351
Pt Loma San Diego CA in gray shale at base of cliffs at extreme South end of the point Cretaceous Baculites,plants,forams,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods,brachiopods CA0352
Rose Canyon San Diego CA Eocene mollusks CA0353
Rose Canyon San Diego CA SE of Mt Soledad and N of Ladrillo RR Station nw1/4s30t15sr3w Eocene Rose Canyon Shale Lucina,Mitra CA0354 Ladrillo RR Station no longer exists
Rose Canyon San Diego CA SE of Mt Soledad and N of Ladrillo RR Station sw1/2s30t15sr3w Eocene Rose Canyon Shale Pecten,Fusinus,Natica,Corbula CA0355 Ladrillo RR Station no longer exists
San Diego San Diego CA Pliocene San Diego Mollusks CA0356
San Diego San Diego CA 1 km E of I5 in S wall of Tecalote Creek NW of University of San Diego fossils CA0357
San Diego San Diego CA 100 meters N of Friars Road in lower part of cliffs about 1 km E of San Diego Union High School Eocene Friars fossils CA0358
San Diego San Diego CA At Curtis St and also at Dumas Street Pleistocene Ostrea bed CA0359
San Diego San Diego CA At Sunset Cliffs park along top of sea cliff Pleistocene Bay Point tide pool mollusks CA0360
San Diego San Diego CA At base of bluff at foot of 26th St (reportedly now buried by dredging operations Pleistocene mollusks CA0361
San Diego San Diego CA At intersection of 34th St and Tompkins St Pliocene San Diego Ostrea CA0362
San Diego San Diego CA At low elevations around Mission Bay and in the low lying area between Old Town and the Pt Loma Peninsula at San Diego Recent mollusk shells CA0363
San Diego San Diego CA In S wall of Los Penasquitos Canyon just E of I5 near base and also near top Eocene Ardath fossils CA0364
San Diego San Diego CA In W wall of Soledad Canyon 1 km S of Los Penasquitos Canyon just W of I5 near top Eocene Ardath|Scripps fossils CA0365
San Diego San Diego CA In banks of San Diego River near Friars Road and Ulric Street Eocene Excellent vertebrate fossils CA0366
San Diego San Diego CA In cliffs on Reagents-Claremont Mesa Road Eocene Scripps fossils CA0367
San Diego San Diego CA In lower part of cliffs about 300 meters S of San Diego Union High School Eocene Scripps fossils CA0368
San Diego San Diego CA In silt at bottom of ravine in Kate Sessions Botanical Park (in Balboa Park?) Pliocene? San Diego? Pecten CA0369
San Diego San Diego CA On Market Street 200 meters E of Euclid Avenue Pliocene San Diego Pecten CA0370
San Diego San Diego CA S of West end of Cabrillo Bridge in Balboa Park Pliocene San Diego Dosinia CA0371
San Diego San Diego CA Upper Section of Sea Cliffs from Imperial Beach to Pacific Beach Pleistocene Livermore? Mollusks CA0372
San Diego San Diego CA at top of mesa at N end of Mt Carol St Eocene Friars fossils CA0373
San Diego San Diego CA at Balboa Park Pleistocene Pecten,Arca,shark teeth CA0374
San Diego San Diego CA at Pt Loma Cretaceous primitive abalone CA0375
San Diego San Diego CA at Pt Loma on terrace about 13 meters above modern sea level in two beds Pleistocene Upper abalone,other mollusks CA0376
San Diego San Diego CA at government jetty Pleistocene Pleistocene Cerithiopsis CA0377
San Diego San Diego CA at top of mesa at N end of Mt Carol St Eocene Friars Fossils CA0378
San Diego San Diego CA in Cabrillo Canyon in Balboa Park Pliocene San Diego Merrimaster CA0379
San Diego San Diego CA in Cabrillo Heights Park near N end of Murray Canyon about 700 meters S of I15 – Aero Drive junction Eocene Mission Valley fossils CA0380
San Diego San Diego CA in Ocean bluff partially buried Pleistocene diverse mollusks,crustacea CA0381
San Diego San Diego CA in Pliocene San Diego Fm Pliocene San Diego Mollusks CA0382
San Diego San Diego CA in cliff in S wall of wash 1 km NW of Linda Vista School Eocene Scripps Fossils CA0383
San Diego San Diego CA in excavations at corner of India and Upas Streets Pliocene San Diego Pecten CA0384
San Diego San Diego CA in low RR cut E of Mission Bay between Moreno Blvd and I5 Pleistocene Bay Point ? CA0385
San Diego San Diego CA in low RR cuts adjacent to I5 in Pacific Beach area. Pleistocene Upper Bay Point Large and abundant invertebrates CA0386
San Diego San Diego CA in road cut below Mercy Hospital Pliocene San Diego fossils CA0387
San Diego San Diego CA in roadcut 300 meters SW of junction of Alamo Dr and Center St Pliocene San Diego Echinoids-Dendraster;Gastropods-Acanthina CA0388
San Diego San Diego CA in terrace deposits at S ends of grounds of Pt Loma College Pleistocene 50 or so species of mollusks,Chiton CA0389
San Diego San Diego CA in upper part of cliffs along Pacific and Imperial Beaches Pleistocene mollusks CA0390
San Diego San Diego CA in walls of Rose Canyon S of Ardath Road overpass over I5 Eocene Ardath fossils CA0391
San Diego San Diego CA near top of mesa 400 meters S of end of Murray Ridge Road Eocene Mission Valley Fossils CA0392
San Marcos San Diego CA roadcut on CA78 5.5 km NW of San Marcos Eocene mollusks,ostracods CA0393
San Ysidro San Diego CA W of exposure of conglomerate in wall of tributary to Tia Juana River Canyon just N of Mexican border Pliocene San Diego fossils CA0394
San Ysidro San Diego CA in various localities close to the Mexican border starting at the beach and running East Pliocene San Diego fossils CA0395
Solana Beach San Diego CA in debris S of parking area on Southbound I5. Eocene Torrey (California) Sandstone Oysters CA0396
South Las Choyas Valley San Diego CA Pliocene San Diego fossils CA0397
Tecolote Creek San Diego CA Eocene fossils CA0398
Tecolote Creek San Diego CA Pliocene Shark Teeth;mammal bones;Glottidia CA0399
Torrey Pines San Diego CA Pleistocene Pecten,Arca,shark teeth CA0400
Torrey Pines San Diego CA 2 km S of Carmel Valley about 50 meters above base Eocene Ardath fossils CA0401
Torrey Pines San Diego CA 3.5 km S of Carmel Valley near top of sea cliff Eocene Ardath fossils CA0402
Torrey Pines San Diego CA 4.5 km S of Carmel Valley about 70 meters above base Eocene Scripps fossils CA0403
Torrey Pines San Diego CA Along base of sea cliffs for about 2 km starting just S of Carmel Valley Eocene Del Mar fossils CA0404
Torrey Pines San Diego CA Oyster beds in sandstones in canyons to East Eocene Torrey (California) Sandstone Oysters CA0405
Torrey Pines San Diego CA at base of beach bluff Eocene Rose Canyon lignitic coal CA0406
Torrey Pines San Diego CA in shaley bed along base of cliffs Eocene Torrey (California) Sandstone poorly preserved mollusks CA0407
Torrey Pines State Park San Diego CA Eocene mollusks CA0408
Torrey Pines State Park San Diego CA No collecting Eocene abundant mollusks CA0409
Vallecito San Diego CA 4 km below at Parrot’s Ferry road nw1/4s32t3nr14e in gold bearing tertiary gravels Stylemys CA0410 ‘Stylemys’ is a Oligocene tortoise
Vallecito Wash San Diego CA Pleistocene Palm Springs Turtles-Geochelone CA0411
Vista San Diego CA 5.2 km SE in roadcut on S side CA78 Eocene abundant invertebrates CA0412
Vista San Diego CA 5.2 km SE of Vista, 4.8 km NE of San Marcos on SW side of CA78 Eocene corals,bryozoa,mollusks,ostracods CA0413
Ocotillo San Diego? CA Exit off I8. up Painted Gorge Road Pliocene Imperial abundant fossils in bioherms CA0415 ‘Ocatillo’ is a fairly common alternative spelling
Alcatraz Island San Francisco CA Cretaceous Franciscan clams CA0416
Alcatraz Island San Francisco CA Mesozoic Franciscan bivalve mollusks CA0417
San Francisco San Francisco CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0418
San Francisco San Francisco CA At Baker Beach Mesozoic Franciscan a few fossils CA0419
Alamos Creek San Luis Obispo CA Headwaters of Creek (a tributary of Cuyama River, w1/2s16t31sr17e Jurassic Upper Franciscan Cephalopod-Protothurmannia CA0420
Anderson Creek San Luis Obispo CA La Panza Mountains,at transition to Temblor Formation Oligocene-Miocene Vaqueros Cardium CA0421
Caliente Mountains San Luis Obispo CA Miocene Caliente Vertebrate teeth CA0422
Carrizo Creek San Luis Obispo CA at E end E-W Ridge S of road near bend in Creek coral – Oculina CA0423
La Panza Mountains San Luis Obispo CA In E part of County in s1/2s4t31sr18e Miocene Lower Vaqueros Thais CA0424
Oceanic Mine San Luis Obispo CA s15t27nr9e-s21t27nr9e Fossils replaced with cinnabar CA0425
San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo CA 8 km E in Canyon de Piedra Dosinia CA0426
Santa Margarita San Luis Obispo CA N in s1/2s17t29sr13e Miocene Upper Turritella CA0427
San Mateo CA 1.6 km above junction of Mindego Creek and Alpine Creek in ne1/4s24t7sr42 Oligocene-Miocene Vaqueros Cardium CA0436
Balsa Pt San Mateo CA 4 km N Turritella CA0428
Daly City San Mateo CA At Mussel Rock in cliffs in interbeds in mudstone and siltstone. CA1 to Skyline Blvd to Westmoor to Skyline Drive to unnamed road along seacliff to parking area. Collecting area near parking, 2nd 800m N Pliocene Upper Merced Lower Echinoderms-Scutellaster,Gastropods-Neptunea,Bivalves,petrified wood,pine cones CA0429 http://groups.msn.com/FossilsintheSanFranciscoBayArea/musselrocktour.msnw
Moss Beach San Mateo CA In brown-orange shale in sea cliffs at N end of exposure. In Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. Collecting prohibited Pliocene Upper Purisima bivalves-Pecten;gastropods CA0430
Pigeon Pt San Mateo CA 2 km N NE1/4s33t8sr5w in Blue-Gray Sandstone Archaeopus CA0431
Pillar Point San Mateo CA Pliocene Purisima Diverse invertebrate fossils CA0432
San Gregorio Creek San Mateo CA Pliocene Purisima Diverse invertebrate fossils CA0433
San Lorenzo River San Mateo CA se1/4s14t8sr3w Eocene Lower Martinez (California) Fissurella,Patella,Hipponyx,Tritonium,Semele,Cidaris CA0434
Tunitas Creek San Mateo CA Pliocene Purisima Diverse invertebrate fossils CA0435
San Mateo,Santa Clara CA Pliocene Purisima Diverse invertebrate fossils CA0437 The original source does not indicate a County. ‘Purisima Creek’ is listed in both San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties
Buellton Santa Barbara CA 5 km SW along West Nojoqui Creek Miocene Vaqueros Turritella,Tritonia,Olivella,Xenophora CA0438
Carpinteria Santa Barbara CA Fossils CA0439
Carpinteria Santa Barbara CA In road cuts between US101 and CA150 Pleistocene Gastropods CA0440
Cuyama Valley Santa Barbara CA Miocene Neroly Echinoderms CA0441
Cuyama Valley Santa Barbara CA In extensive badlands Miocene Caliente Vertebrate teeth CA0442
Gaviota Beach State Park Santa Barbara CA In steeply tilted tar soaked shales S of Fishing pier whales,fish CA0443
Gaviotito Santa Barbara CA at Santa Anita Divide Eocene-Oligocene Matilija Sandstone pelecypods,Macrocallista,Gari,Nemocardium,Pitar,Schedocardia; Gastropods,Turritella,Ficopsis,Ficus,Galeodea,Olequahia,Seraphs,Ectinochilus,Amaurellina CA0444 There doesn’t seem to be a place called Gaviotito,but there is a Gaviotito Creek in Santa Barbara County
Gaviotito Santa Barbara CA at Santa Rosa Hills Eocene-Oligocene Matilija Sandstone pelecypods,Macrocallista,Gari,Nemocardium,Pitar,Schedocardia; Gastropods,Turritella,Ficopsis,Ficus,Galeodea,Olequahia,Seraphs,Ectinochilus,Amaurellina CA0445
Goleta Santa Barbara CA 4 km SW at Coal Oil Pt (W of Camino Majorca Rd) Pleistocene Upper 116 species of invertebrates CA0446
Goleta Santa Barbara CA 5.5 km SW in sea cliffs 100 species CA0447
Goleta Santa Barbara CA Along sea cliffs between Goleta pt and Coal Oil Pt in 70 cm thick bed Pleistocene well over 100 species of invertebrates CA0448
Goleta Santa Barbara CA In Sea Cliffs East of Coal Oil Point to (and past) Camino Majorca Road Pleistocene Upper 116 species of marine invertebrates. CA0449
Isla Vista Santa Barbara CA In ocean bluffs Pleistocene mollusks CA0450
Isla Vista Santa Barbara CA at Coal Point Pleistocene mollusks in sea cliff CA0451
Isla Vista Santa Barbara CA wave terrace to west Pleistocene Upper mollusks CA0452
Jalama Canyon Santa Barbara CA Cretaceous Upper abundant fossils — abundant fossils; Calva,Glycymeris,Inoceramus,Trigonia,Volutoderma,Baculites CA0453
Las Cruces Santa Barbara CA West Eocene-Oligocene Gaviota Pelecypods; Crassatella,Ostrea,Pecten. Tivela,Venericardia,Cardium; Gastropods Turritella,Ficus CA0454
Las Cruces Santa Barbara CA near San Julian Ranch house Eocene-Oligocene Gaviota Pelecypods; Crassatella,Ostrea,Pecten. Tivela,Venericardia,Cardium; Gastropods Turritella,Ficus CA0455
Lompoc Santa Barbara CA sw1/4s31t7nr34w Miocene Evesthes(a flounder) CA0456
Los Olivos Santa Barbara CA area exposures fossils and minerals – jade and silica minerals CA0457
New Cuyama Santa Barbara CA in Branch Canyon Miocene Branch Canyon pelecypods,gastropods,echinoderms,vertebrate teeth CA0458
Rincon Point Santa Barbara CA at CA150 off ramp from CA101 Pliocene-Pleistocene Santa Barbara Marine fossils. CA0459
Rincon Pt Santa Barbara CA Pleistocene Lower Santa Barbara Bryozoa,Gastropods,Pecten CA0460
San Miguel Island Santa Barbara CA South part Miocene Lower Vaqueros Pecten Ostrea CA0461
Santa Anita Canyon Santa Barbara CA Cretaceous Upper abundant fossils; Calva,Glycymeris,Inoceramus,Trigonia,Volutoderma,Baculites CA0462
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA SW of top of Packard Hill Pleistocene Pecten CA0463
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA marine fossils in mud flat sediments elevated 3 to 10 meters above modern beach levels. Widely exposed in region. Pleistocene Tresus,Macoma,Penitella,Clinocardium,Platyodon,Saxidomus,Polynices,Prothaca,Chione,Ostrea,Acmaea,Calyptraea and many other mollusks. CA0464 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Santa Rosa Island Santa Barbara CA Fossils along coast CA0465
Santa Rosa Island Santa Barbara CA Pecten CA0466
Santa Ynez Santa Barbara CA 2 km N in RR cut Pliocene Fernando Bittium CA0467
Santa Ynez Santa Barbara CA In small canyon below mission in Sandstone near shale boundary Miocene Ostrea,Pecten CA0468
Santa Ynez Mountains Santa Barbara CA Eocene Upper Coldwater (California) Sandstone[?] Oysters CA0469 USGS knows nothing of an Eocene Coldwater Sandstone.
Ventucopa Santa Barbara CA In Quatal Quarry Miocene Caliente Vertebrate teeth CA0470
Ventura Santa Barbara CA at Rincon Point in road cut at CA150 northbound offramp from US101 Pliocene-Pleistocene marine fossils CA0471
Del Puerte Canyon Santa Clara CA Cretaceous Moreno wood fragments,plants CA0472
Diablo Hills Santa Clara CA S of San Francisco Dinosaurs – as many as 5 specimens. CA0473
Milpitas Santa Clara CA 4 km NE at base of foothills Pecten CA0474
Palo Alto Santa Clara CA in excavations for Stanford Linear Accelerator Miocene Middle mammals – Paleoparadoxia,shark teeth CA0475
San Jose Santa Clara CA to E in Alum Rock Canyon 500 meters up canyon above falls Miocene Monterey Chione CA0476
Capitola Santa Cruz CA 9 km S of US1 CA17 junction in sea cliff S of New Brighton State Beach Pliocene Purisima 55 species of mollusks CA0477 http://www.gtlsys.com/Shells/ShellText.html
Capitola Santa Cruz CA In ocean bluffs Pliocene mollusks,sand dollars CA0478
Capitola Santa Cruz CA on beach Pliocene clams,snails,sand dollars CA0479
Olympia Santa Cruz CA Miocene Santa Margarita Marine mammal-Imagotaria CA0480
Scotts Valley Santa Cruz CA CA 17 to Mt Hermon Rd. W 1/6km to Scotts Valley Dr. 1st left onto Bean Creek Rd. 3.6km to exposure Miocene Santa Margarita abundant echinoderms-Astrodapsis;gastropods-Thais; occasional shark teeth CA0481
Scotts Valley Santa Cruz CA Mount Harmon exit from CA17 proceed NW 2.1km. Rt at Lockhart Gulch. 300m and park. Fossil bed is a bit over 20m above road level. Site reported closed Miocene Santa Margarita Shark Teeth-Isurus,Carcharodon; Mammal bones CA0482 Reported as developed and closed to collecting. But also reported as possibly open with permission and that adjacent,unposted,exposures are accessible http://www.gtlsys.com/Sharks/Sharks.html
Shasta CA In regional caves Pleistocene Tremarctotherium,Euceratherium,Oreamnos CA0508
Shasta CA regional Lower Triassic limestones Triassic Icthyosaurus,Thalattosaurus,ammonites,gastropods,pelecypods. CA0509
Brock Mountain Shasta CA N end between Squad Creek and Pit River se1/4s32t35nr2w Triassic Upper Hosselkus Spiriferina,Poisidonia,Nautiloids – Cosmonautilus CA0483
Brock Mountain Shasta CA area exposures Triassic Upper Hosselkus Ammonites Trachyceras,Nautiloids-Cosmonautilus CA0484
Cottonwood Creek Shasta CA along the creek Cretaceous Horsetown many invertebrates CA0485
Cow Creek Shasta CA nws3t31nr2w Cretaceous Upper Chico (CA) Neptunea,Ringicula{4} CA0486
Devil Rock Shasta CA Triassic Upper coral – Isatrea{4} CA0487
Devil Rock Shasta CA Triassic Upper coral – Isatrea{4} CA0488
Horsetown Shasta CA Cottonwood Creek, se1/4s36t31nr5w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Ammonites CA0490
Horsetown Shasta CA Cottonwood Creek,at sw1/4se1/4s2t30nr7w Cretaceous Horsetown Lunatia(moon snail),Ammonites,Helicaulax,Arca,Meretrix,Pecten CA0489
Horsetown Shasta CA on Cottonwood Creek SE of old Horsetown along N fork of the creek Cretaceous Belemnites CA0491
Horsetown Shasta CA on Cottonwood Creek at old Horsetown along N fork of the creek Cretaceous abundant cephalopods CA0492
Huling Creek Shasta CA Pecten{4} CA0493
Kennett Shasta CA 10 km NW on road to Mammoth Mine s18t34nr5w Devonian Kennett Aulopora,Alveolites{4} CA0494
Kennett Shasta CA 6.4 km W between Squaw and Backbone Creeks s6t33nr5w Devonian Kennett vertebrates -Cyathophyllum{4} CA0495
Little Cow Creek Shasta CA 1 km E of Cedar Creek junction ne1/4s8t34nr2w Triassic Upper Hosselkus Spongiomorpha{4} CA0496
Madison’s Ranch Shasta CA 5 km E,2 km N of road to Brock Ranch sw1/4s9t34nr2w Triassic Hosselkus Orthoceras,Cosmonautilus,Mojsvaroceras,Polycyclus,Sandlingites,Sirenites CA0497
McCloud River Shasta CA At Bear Cave, s1/2s8t34nr5w Pleistocene vertebrates – Procyon{4} CA0498 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Mill Creek Shasta CA From Red Bluff on CA36,40km to Paynes Creek. Rt on Plum Creek Rd 11.2km. Rt on Ponderosa Way,30.4km to Black Rock Campground. Follow trail 1600m downstream to beach on creek with large purple rock. Fossils in gray-green material eroded from cliff up Cretaceous Ammonites,Mollusks,large clams in concretions CA0499 http://www.gtlsys.com/Ammonites/Ammonites.html
Ono Shasta CA 40 km NW of Redding in creeks and roadcuts in Budden Canyon (aka Ono) Formation. 2000 to 7000 meters of Cretaceous sediments in Klamath Mountain foothills. 61 genera of ammonites in sediments and concretions Cretaceous Ono ammonites -Aspinoceras,Cheloniceras,Puzosia,Brewericeras,Douvilleiceras,Desmoceras,Pseudohelicoceras,Cymatoceras; gastropods,belemnites,brachiopods– See Fossils Quarterly SpSum 1983 CA0500
Ono Shasta CA at Byron Gulch sw1/4s2t30nr7w Acaciaephyllum,other plants CA0501
Ono area Shasta CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0502
Potter Creek Cave Shasta CA se1/4s23t34nr4w in Limestone Pleistocene Catharista CA0503 ‘Catharista’ is a vulture. Presumably,the fossils are found in the cave floor debris.
Redding Shasta CA 3 km E of Shasta Lake City in gullies near abandoned road bridge Cretaceous Marine mollusks. CA0504
Redding Shasta CA area exposures Cretaceous ammonites CA0505
Samwell Cave Shasta CA se1/4s29t36nr3w Pleistocene Vertebrates – Scirus,Preptoceras,Gymnogyps CA0506 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Squaw Creek Shasta CA Se1/4s31t36nr2w Triassic Hosselkus Vertebrate – Thalattosaurus CA0507
Sierra CA Forest Fauna 39-30n 125-52W Miocene Upper 9 species of plants CA0510
Gazelle Siskiyou CA Duzel Rock Silurian Gazelle Conchidium,Heliolites,Encrinurus,Illaenid trilobites,crinoid stems,favositid corals,stromatoporoids,Orthoceroids,brachiopods -Leptaena,Atrypa,Chonetes{4} CA0511
Gazelle Siskiyou CA Lovers Leap SW of Gazelle Mt peak Silurian Gazelle Conchidium,Heliolites,Encrinurus,Illaenid trilobites,crinoid stems,favositid corals,stromatoporoids,Orthoceroids,brachiopods – Leptaena,Atrypa,Chonetes{4} CA0512
Gazelle Siskiyou CA W from 3 to 11 km W on Callahan Rd Silurian Gazelle Conchidium,Heliolites,Encrinurus,Illaenid trilobites,crinoid stems,favositid corals,stromatoporoids,Orthoceroids,brachiopods – Leptaena,Atrypa,Chonetes{4} CA0513
Henley Siskiyou CA sw1/4s20t47nr6w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Middle Fagesia,Mortoniceras,Hamites[?],Mactra CA0514 Hamites was ‘Hemites’ in the original
Hornbrook Siskiyou CA Cretaceous ammonites{4} CA0515
Hornbrook-Yreka Siskiyou CA area exposures Cretaceous ammonites CA0516
Montague Siskiyou CA on N side of Black Butte in draws and gullies Miocene cephalopods{4} CA0517
Montague Siskiyou CA on Richardson Ranch nw1/4s22t45nr6w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Desmoceras,Pachydesmoceras,Puzosia{4} CA0518 Pachydesmoceras is ‘Pachysiskiyouensis’ in the original ‘Pachydesmoceras’ is a guess
Scott Valley Siskiyou CA Etna-Fort Jones near summit on Yreka road in Sandstone Turritella{4} CA0519
Scott Valley Siskiyou CA Limestone gulches (especially McConaughy Gulch) in Mountains on E side of Valley Silurian starfish,brachiopods{4} CA0520 spelled ‘McConnehue’ in original notes
Shasta Valley Siskiyou CA N part Scaphites {4} CA0521
Shasta Valley Siskiyou CA scattered outcrops Cretaceous Chico (CA) Scaphites {4} CA0522
Willow Creek Siskiyou CA In w1/2s31t47nr5w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Inoceramus{4} CA0523
Yreka Siskiyou CA to N in Shasta Canyon 6.5 km N of Highway Bridge in se1/4s18t46nr6w Prinotropis CA0524
Yreka Siskiyou CA to N on Cottonwood Creek Cretaceous Fusus{4} CA0525
Yreka Siskiyou CA to N on Cottonwood Creek in ne1/4s22t45nr7w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Ostrea{4} CA0526
Benicia Solano CA 3 km N in ne1/4s25t3nr3w Cretaceous Shasta Acteonina{4} CA0527
Benicia Solano CA 3 km W in ne1/4s1t2nr2w Cretaceous Chico (CA) Venus,Cardium,Margaritella CA0528
Sonoma CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0531
Eldridge Sonoma CA Petrified Palm Wood at Keekay No 1 Mine ? CA0529
Santa Rosa Sonoma CA E from US101 on Mark West Springs Rd for 12.8km. Left on Petrified Forest Rd several km to Petrified Forest. No collecting. Tours available Pleistocene? Petrified tree trunks to 30m in length CA0530 http://www.gtlsys.com/Trees/Trees.html
Oakdale Stanislaus CA Oakdale Fauna 27-47N 120-42W Pliocene Lower 16 species of plants CA0532
South Butte Sutter CA 4 km W ne1/4s28t16nr1e Eocene Tejon Drillia,Galeoda,Fusina[?],Monodonta,Architectonia,Cordiera,Surcula. CA0533 No citations for ‘Fusina (merriami)’ 050522. HA thinks Fusina is probably a valid gastropod genus. That’s good enough for me-DJK
West Butte Sutter CA NE,in SE1/4s28t16nr1e Eocene Trochosmilia,Cardita CA0534
Marysville Buttes Sutter? CA Paleocene-Eocene Llajas echinoderms CA0535 ‘Marysville Buttes’ = ‘Sutter Buttes’
Cottonwood Creek Tehama CA 1 km up small ravine in e1/2s25t7nr8w Cretaceous Knoxville Corbula,Dentalium,Helcion,Fissurella,Opis,Astarte,Pectundulus,Myoconcha,Lima,Spondylus{4} CA0536
Paskenta Tehama CA 3 km W on Paskenta-Lowrey road at McCarthy Creek sw1/4s19t24nr6w Aucella{4} CA0537
Paskenta Tehama CA 5 km NW is s20t24nr6w Cretaceous Knoxville Lucina,Turbo,Corbula,Nucula,Astarte{4} CA0538
Paskenta Tehama CA 8 km N on small hill Olcostephanus,Arca{4} CA0539
Paskenta Tehama CA On bald hills between Paskenta and Lowrey’s ne1/4s8t24nr6w Cretaceous Knoxville Crioceras{4} CA0540
S Fork Elder Creek Tehama CA 2 km NW of Cooper’s S36t25nr7w Cretaceous Knoxville Hoplites{4} CA0541
S Fork Elder Creek Tehama CA ne1/4s6t29nr6w Cretaceous Knoxville Belemnites{4} CA0542
Tuscan Springs Tehama CA 16 km NE of Red Bluff on Little Salt Creek, nw1/4s32t28nr2w Fusus,Ficus,Turritella{4} CA0543
Tuscan Springs Tehama CA Nw1/4s32t28nr2w Cretaceous Upper Chico (CA) Turritella{4} CA0544
Tuscan Springs Tehama CA area exposures Cretaceous many fossil species{4} CA0545
Watson Creek Tehama CA Cretaceous Knoxville Belemnites CA0546
Big Bar-Trinity River Trinity CA at Pattison and Wilshire Mines in ne1/4s5t33nr12w Pecten,Mytilus,Aucella,Cyprina,plants.{4} CA0547
Rattlesnake Creek Trinity CA 12 km SW of Peanut in sw1/4s20t1sr8e in Sandstone-shale conglomerate Jurassic shells,plants — Unio,Cyclopitys,Taeniopteris{4} CA0548
Weaverville Trinity CA along Trinity River Oligocene Weaverville fossil plants CA0549
Weaverville Trinity CA along Trinity River,CA Cretaceous Upper Horsetown Crioceras{4} CA0550
Owen’s Lake Tulare CA 21 km N on E side of valley Triassic ammonites CA0551
Columbia Tuolumne CA Table Mountain Fauna 39-02n 120-23W Miocene Upper 28 species of plants CA0552
Stanislaus River Tuolumne CA near canyon opposite mouth of Bear Creek ne1/4 s11t1nr13e Jurassic Foreman abundant fossil plants.{4} CA0553
Ventura CA In se1/4s13t3nr21w Eocene-Miocene Sespe Leptauchenia? (an oreodont){4} CA0576
Apache Canyon Ventura CA In nearby ravine in S2+11t8nr23w vertebrates – Hypolagus,Perognathus{4} CA0554 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gas Plant Canyon Ventura CA ne1/4s18t3nr20w Eocene-Miocene Sespe Promerychoerus CA0555
Grimes canyon Ventura CA 2 km E on long spur NW of Oak Ridge Miocene Anomia{4} CA0556
Little Sespe Creek Ventura CA 2 km above Sespe Creek Miocene Potamides(4) CA0557
Los Posas Hills Ventura CA Kew Quarry Eocene-Miocene Sespe Nimravus,Mesocyon,Hoplophoneus(a sabertooth cat),Subhyracodon{4} CA0558
McCray Wells[?] Ventura CA N side of Simi Valley,sw1/4 s33t3nr17w Eocene Llajas Isocardia,Cucullaea Pinna CA0559 No citation for McCray Wells on Google or USGS 050522. The PLSS location appears to be a steep hillside just North of White Oaks Park at roughly 34.2963N 118.6615W. USGS shows no wells or springs in the area
Pearson Ranch Quarry Ventura CA Eocene (Duchesnean) Sespe Mammals-Chumashius,Griphomys,Hyaenodon,Pareumys,Sespedectes CA0560
Quatal Canyon Ventura CA In s1/2s27t9nr23w Miocene Monterey Vertebrate – Citellus{4} CA0561 There does not seem to be a Quatel Canyon in California–perhaps Quatal
Rincon Hill Ventura CA in road cuts at the interchange of US101 and CA150 in 17 distinct beds Pleistocene Pico|Santa Barbara|San Pedro diverse fossils,mostly mollusks CA0562
Santa Paula Ventura CA due S along base of cliffs Miocene Lower Solenosteira,Solen,Scutaster(4) CA0563
Santa Susana Ventura CA 1 km E on RR in Se1/4s7t2nr17w Leda.(4) CA0564
Santa Susana Ventura CA In Arroyo Simi on S side of town in Eocene Llajas mollusks CA0565
Sespe Creek Ventura CA N side on N-S Ridge Miocene Turritella(4) CA0566
Simi Hills Ventura CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0567
Simi Valley Ventura CA at the Simi Valley Landfill Eocene-Miocene Sespe ? CA0568
Simi Valley Ventura CA in W bank of Simi Arroyo Paleocene-Eocene Llajas mollusks,echinoderms CA0569
Simi Valley North Ventura CA Eocene (Duchesnean) Sespe Mammals-Tapochoerus CA0570
Tapo Ranch Ventura CA Eocene (Uintan) Sespe Mammals-Dyseolemur,Miacis,Procynodictis,Tapochoerus,Tapocyon CA0571
Topatopa Bluff Ventura CA In Mt Pinos quad se1/4s18t5nr22w in black shales Cretaceous Chico (CA) Cyclammina{4} CA0572
Ventura River Ventura CA W along S side of Ridge N of Coyote Creek Miocene Lower Vaqueros Ostrea {4} CA0573
Wheeler Springs Ventura CA Eocene Cozydell Starfish-Asteropecten CA0574
Wiley Canyon Ventura CA along NE-SW Ridge W of mouth Miocene Lower Vaqueros Arca,Pinna {4} CA0575
Ventura,Santa Barbara CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0577
Capay Valley Yolo CA s1/2s28t11nr3w Eocene Capay Gemmula,Lacinia,Turritella,Trochocyathus,Fusinus,Spiroglyphus{4} CA0578
[?] CA Mammal Reference Location Miocene Ricardo ? CA0581
Fruto–Lodoga quadrangles [?] CA N to Rumsey Hills Cretaceous ammonites. CA0579
Lobetus[?] [?] CA Pliocene Purisima Diverse invertebrate fossils CA0580 Can’t identify a Lobetus,CA — Lobetus might be a family of wasps
extreme Northern [?] CA Triassic Hosselkus Echinoid spines CA0582
near Sutter Buttes [?] CA Cretaceous ammonites. CA0583