Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
AR Along the Mississippi River from Cairo,IL to Baton Rouge,LA in loess (wind blown silt) deposits ranging from 9 to 23 meters in thickness and 50 to 100km in width (thicker in North and better developed on E side of river) Pleistocene terrestrial and occasional lacustrian gastropods. A few bivalves AR0001
Mountain Home Baxter AR Mississippian Fossils AR0002
Little Clifty Creek Benton AR on E fork in Middle Devonian Clifty Limestone Spirifer,Tropidoleptus,Homalonotus AR0003
Boone AR and areas to E in Cambrian Upper dolomite Cambrian Upper Cryptozoon,gastropods,cephalopods. AR0004
Warren Bradley AR 5 km E in RR cut Mactra,Corbula,Venericardia,abundant Leda. AR0005
Eureka Springs quadrangle Carroll AR se1/4nw1/4 s25t16nr26w South of bridge over War Eagle Creek. In narrow band of Pitkin Limestone on both banks Pennsylvanian Pitkin Chester age cup corals. AR0006
Arkadelphia Clark AR 1.6km N of Oklahoma-Hollywood Rd Junction on Widow Cox Farm Cretaceous Taylor fish teeth-Cretolamna AR0007
Arkadelphia Clark AR 1.9 km N in Bluffs along Ouachita River at low tide mollusks,cephalopods,shark teeth AR0008
Arkadelphia Clark AR 12 km SW near the Okolona Rd Gryphaea AR0009
Arkadelphia Clark AR 12.8km W Cretaceous Marlbrook Ischyodus,Ischyrhiza AR0010
Arkadelphia Clark AR 2.4km W of Caddo River Bridge on AR67 Cretaceous Nacatosh Shark Teeth-Stephanodus AR0011
Arkadelphia Clark AR 3 km N from High Bluff on Ouachita River Inoceramus. AR0012
Arkadelphia Clark AR 3.2km E on Gaither Bros Farm Cretaceous Marlbrook shark teeth-Enchodus,Squalicorax AR0013
Arkadelphia Clark AR 800m E on Gaither Bros Farm Cretaceous Nacatosh Shark Teeth-Ischyrhiza AR0014
Arkadelphia Clark AR 9 km SW in bank of Big Decipher Creek Exogyra,large Hemiaster,Inoceramus,Trigonia,Anatimya AR0015
Okolona Clark AR In a field W of Nacatoch Bluff in Cretaceous Upper Saratoga Chalk Paranomia AR0016
Caney Pt Cleveland AR In area exposures of fossiliferous clay. ? AR0017
Cow Ford Cleveland AR 6 km downstream form Caney Pt Fossils in cylindrical concretions AR0018
Herbine Cleveland AR 10 km NW in drainage ditch on AR35 in Rison Clay member of White Bluff Formation Eocene White Bluff Abundant molds. Also in a second ditch about 200 meters East. AR0019
Herbine Cleveland AR 9 km NW scattered mollusk molds AR0020
Kingsland Cleveland AR 5.5 km N at Cross Roads Church in drainage ditches and road cuts in Eocene White Bluff Fossils in ironstone nodules. AR0021
Marks Mill Cleveland AR Just S of the battleground monument at Junction of AR8 and 97 in drainage ditch exposing White Bluff Formation – fossiliferous ironstone nodules. Also about 350 meters East in left bank of small stream,fossiliferous calcareous greensand. Eocene White Bluff ? AR0022
New Edinburg Cleveland AR 1.3 km NE in road cut in SE corner of S27 Caney Point Marl many species of fossils. AR0023
Pansy Cleveland AR 6 km S 1 km E of AR15 in water well mollusk molds and shells. ? AR0024
Rison Cleveland AR 10 km SW on E side of Saline River 50 meters upstream from US79 bridge in Eocene White Bluff mollusk molds. AR0025
Rison Cleveland AR 400 meters W in road cuts and barrow pit. Eocene White Bluff Mollusks. AR0026
Rye Cleveland AR 4 km NW in ditch beside road from Rye to AR35. Abundant mollusk molds in clay AR0027
Saline River Cleveland AR 1.2 km upstream from Vince Bluff accessible at low water many mollusks Avicula,Leda,Venericardia,Tellina,Cytherea,Corbula and 14 other species. AR0028
Saline River Cleveland AR 6 km downstream from mouth of Big Creek Fossils in concretions AR0029
Van Buren Crawford AR Pennsylvanian fossils -Crinoid fragments,Lophophyllum,Composita,Pleurophorus,Soleniscus,Pleurotomaria. AR0030
White River Desha AR Isotelus like trilobite in (single specimen 15cm long) in Lower Ordovician Cotter of Jefferson City Formation. In cove about 1 km from town. Ordovician Jefferson City ? AR0031
Monticello Drew AR 12.5 km NW along AR35 in road cuts and ditches Mollusk Molds AR0032
Monticello Drew AR 5.5 km SW along local road to Green Hill Mollusk molds AR0033
Montongo Drew AR 6 km SW in RR cuts poorly preserved fossils Corbula,Yoldia,Turritella AR0034
Jessieville Garland AR Cambrian Upper Trilobites AR0155
Grapevine Grant AR In escarpment above flood plane in Eocene White Bluff mollusk molds AR0036
Redfield Grant AR 1 km N in road cut on US65. mollusk molds and fossils in ferruginous concretions AR0037 Redfield is in Jefferson County
Redfield Grant AR 5.5 km W in drainage ditch SE of the Orion Crossroads ferruginous concretions with fossils AR0038 Redfield is in Jefferson County
Sheridan Grant AR 6.5 km S in road cuts fossil molds AR0039
Sheridan Grant AR 700 meters W of town square in road cuts on US270 concretions with fossil molds. AR0040
White Bluff Grant AR area exposures 14 species of pelecypods,24 species of gastropods,Scaphopods AR0041
Hempstead AR in 75 meters of Cretaceous brownstone marl along line from Nashville,Howard County to Columbus,Hempstead County. Cretaceous Brownstone Abundant fossils. Exogyra common AR0059
Hollywood Hempstead AR 2 km S on Dobyville Road in thin lenses of greenish sand in clay abundant small calcareous fossils. AR0042
Hollywood Hempstead AR 3 km E on Arkadelphia Road in thin lenses of greenish sand in clay abundant small calcareous fossils. AR0043
Hollywood Hempstead AR 4 km S in road cuts where road crosses small creek near edge of Terre Noire bottom in sw1/4 s34t7sr21w. Very fossiliferous lenses. AR0044
McNab Station Hempstead AR In RR cut just W of station. Ostrea AR0045
Nashville Hempstead AR 6 km S on road to Clow poorly preserved fossils AR0046
Ozan Hempstead AR 5 km S of Nashville in roadside ditch,white clay Cretaceous Upper Tokio clay poorly preserved plant fossils above white Inoceramus bearing Limestone. AR0047
Ozan Hempstead AR 7 km N along Bingen Road in brown sandstone. Exogyra AR0048
Ozan Hempstead AR 7 km S along Bingen Rd in Brownstone marl Ostrea AR0049
Washington Hempstead AR 200 meters N or RR station Gryphaea AR0050
Washington Hempstead AR 4 km NE along old military Road Capulus,Belemnitella,Nostoceras AR0051
Washington Hempstead AR 4.5 km NW Ostrea AR0052
Washington Hempstead AR 5 km NE Inoceramus AR0053
Washington Hempstead AR 5.3 km N from Ozan road Capulus AR0054
Washington Hempstead AR 5.5 km N in shell bed along Saratoga Road Exogyra AR0055
Yancy Hempstead AR 1.5 km SW from Columbus Rd Actaeon,Baculites AR0056
Yancy Hempstead AR 2.9km S Cretaceous Annona Chalk fish teeth-Enchodus,Squalicorax AR0057
Yancy Hempstead AR 3 km S from Columbus Rd Veniella AR0058
Malvern Hot Spring AR In old barrow pit on North I35 Service Rd 1.6km N of Malvern exit crab carapaces AR0060
Malvern Hot Spring AR S on Ouachita River in small outcrop of Cretaceous rock Cretaceous Arkadelphia vertebrate remains-mosasaur vertebrae,shark teeth AR0061
Malvern Hot Spring AR in beds of lignite/lignitic clay Eocene Middle plant fossils,insects in amber AR0062
Malvern (near) Hot Spring AR in the Acme Brick Co and Malvern Brick Company quarries in Claiborne age lignite Eocene? Claiborne amber with small insect inclusions. Plant fossils are also found in the lignite. AR0063
Rockport (Malvern) Hot Spring AR marine fossils in crystalline Limestone Cucullaea,Turritella,Venericardia AR0064
Buckrange Howard AR 2 km SE on dead end road in nw1/4ne1/4 s35t10sr27w in marly fine grained mud phosphatic shell casts AR0065
Saratoga Howard AR 1 km E on Columbus road in Yellow Creek Valley Gryphaea and other fossils AR0066
Saratoga Howard AR 1.4 km W of town in RR cut in Cretaceous Upper Chalk Cretaceous Upper sponges,echinoids,Mollusks. AR0067
Saratoga Howard AR 2 km E Gryphaea,Exogyra,sponges AR0068
Saratoga Howard AR 500 meters E in gullies Gryphaea,Exogyra,sponges AR0069
Saratoga Howard AR N along Mineral Springs Road in sands Gryphaea,Inoceramus,gastropods AR0070
Saratoga Howard AR in RR cut to West Cretaceous Upper Saratoga well preserved sponges,echinoids AR0071
Tollette Howard AR 1 km W in 6 meters of sand Shells,phosphatic shell casts,shark teeth AR0072
Tollette Howard AR 2 km W in Ozan Brownstown near the edge of he bottomland gastropods,Exogyra,Ostrea AR0073
Independence AR is exposures or Ordovician Upper Kimmswick Limestone Trilobites – Illaneus,Goldius,Brachiopods – McEwanella,Algae – Receptaculites. AR0083 Illaneus is a Russian trilobite
Batesville Independence AR In gray to Black Shale Mississippian Upper Moorefield Shale Leiorhynchus,Moorefieldella,87 other species AR0074
Cushman Independence AR 9 km NE at Montgomery Mine in clays derived from Manganese Oxide casts Silurian Brassfield Limestone Cyclonema,Triplecia,Girvanella,Cycloceras,Orthoceras AR0075
Locust Grove Independence AR 12 km S on AR21 Mississippian Boone fossils AR0076
Locust Grove Independence AR 3 km W on AR14 Mississippian Boone fossils AR0077
Locust Grove Independence AR 9 km W on AR14 in road cut Mississippian Boone invertebrates AR0078
Locust Grove Independence AR in 2.4km S on Hwy 21 Mississippian Boone invertebrates AR0079
Locust Grove Independence AR in Quarry 3.4km W on Hwy 14 Mississippian Boone invertebrates AR0080
Marshall Independence AR NW in gully many invertebrate species AR0081
Moorefield Independence AR In gray to Black Shale Mississippian Upper Moorefield Shale Leiorhynchus,Moorefieldia,87 other species AR0082
Bradford Jackson AR Across White County line 4 km N on Iron Mountain RR in light-gray Limestone Turritella,corals Ostrea,Cytherea AR0084
Bradford Jackson AR Across White County line 5.5 km N on Iron Mountain RR in light-gray Limestone Turritella,corals Ostrea,Cytherea AR0085
Grand Glaise Jackson? AR E in RR cuts along the M.O.P. RR Paleocene Midway corals,echinoids,mollusks AR0086
Grand Glaise Jackson? AR in RR cuts Paleocene Midway corals,echinoids AR0087
Redfield Jefferson AR 3.5 km N at South Red Bluff mollusk molds – Nuculana AR0088
Sheridan Jefferson AR in regional exposures. mollusks AR0089
White Bluff Jefferson AR 7 km E of Redfield on Arkansas River exposures for 4 km downstream beyond Tar Creek Camp in E1/2S19/30T3SR10W exposures classic locality Eocene Redfield Many mollusks. AR0090
Smithville Lawrence AR Gastropods – Helicotoma AR0091
Cornerville Lincoln AR 7 km SE in drainage ditch on E side of local road. Plant fossils AR0092
Star City Lincoln AR 2.5 km At AR81 road junction fossil plants. AR0093
Star City Lincoln AR 3.5 km NW in drainage ditch fossil plants. AR0094
Foreman Little River AR 27 km SW at Rocky Comfort in Annona chalk along Laynesport Rd. Cretaceous Annona Echinoids – Echinocorys,mollusks – Inoceramus,Gryphaea,Pecten AR0095
Foreman Little River AR 9 km N in stream bank near Arkinda road in Cretaceous Upper Ozan, Lower Ammonites -Mortoniceras,Baculites up to 30cm. AR0096
White Cliffs Little River AR 2 km NW Cretaceous Upper Ozan, Upper Gryphaea,Sauvagesia AR0097 The generic name Sauvagesia is also used for a plant known commonly as ‘Creole Tea’
White Cliffs Little River AR in quarry Inoceramus AR0098
Cabot Lonoke AR se1/4nw1/4s36t15nr21w ? AR0099
Blaylock Mountains Montgomery AR in SW corner of County in Silurian Blaylock Sandstone graptolites AR0100
Crystal Springs Montgomery AR in roadside shale exposure Ordovician graptolites — Didymograptus,Nemagraptus,Dicellograptus,Climacograptus,Diplograptus,Glyptograptus,Glossograptus,Orthograptus,Cryptograptus,Retiograptus,Lasiograptus,Thamnograptus AR0101
Crystal Springs Montgomery AR to E of Post office on US270 in black,carbonaceous Ordovician Womble Shale Graptolites – Nemagraptus AR0102
Jasper Newton AR Red Rock Rd 3 km E of AR7 S of town in road cut and gully se1/4nw1/4s36t15nr21w Pennsylvanian crinoids fragments AR0103
Camden Ouachita AR ? AR0104
Camden Ouachita AR in lignite Insects in amber AR0105
Antoine Creek Pike AR to E Gryphaea AR0106
Delight Pike AR 1 km SE in a brownstone marl Cyprimeria AR0107
Okolona Pike AR 1.5 km N in road cuts and other area exposures in dark gray sandy marl Gryphaea AR0108
Okolona Pike AR 4 km N in gullies W of road fossil casts. AR0109
Okolona Pike AR ne1/4 s3t8sr21w along Okolona-Arkadelphia rd in dark,sandy marl Exogyra,Gryphaea AR0110
Tokio Pike AR In Cretaceous Limestone at Plaster Bluff-Gypsum Bluff on Little Missouri River Cretaceous Glauconia AR0111
Wolf Creek Pike AR 4 km NW Cretaceous Dierks Limestone Ostrea AR0112
Poinsett County Poinsett AR in lignites AR0113
Polk AR Outcrops of late shale. Black,Fissile,contorted,graphitic shales or slates. Area outcrops in Polk,Montgomery Garland,Saline,Pulaski Counties. Ordovician Polk Creek abundant graptolites AR0114
Fourche Creek Pulaski AR near mouth of Crooked Creek in s8t15r13w Ostrea,Turritella,Enclimatoceras,Cucullaea,Cytherea,Crassatella,Protocardia,Venericardia,Shark teeth,echinoderm spines AR0115
Little Rock Pulaski AR 800 meters N of County hospital near old lime kiln on Iron Mountain RR in sandy Limestone Turritella mortoni. AR0116
Ravenden Springs Randolph AR Gastropod – Ceratopea AR0117
Benton Saline AR In Clay pit in Nw1/4ne1/4s11t2sr15w fossil leaves — Magnolia,Quercus (Oak) AR0118
Benton Saline AR sw1/4se1/4s9t1sr14w in ferruginous Sandstone Venericardia,Turritella mortoni AR0119
Bates Scott AR In mine dumps on the Poteau Mountain Tower Road in the Pennsylvanian Atoka Sandstone Plants – Calamites,Annularia,Asterophyllites AR0120
Bates Scott AR On mine dumps 1.5 km W on mine dumps along Poteau Mt Tower Road Pennsylvanian Atoka Sandstone ferns,Calamites,Asterophyllites AR0121
Gilbert Searcy AR 0.8 km W on Right side of Dry Creek in Silurian St Clair Limestone Articulate brachiopods AR0122
Gilbert Searcy AR 1 km W Silurian St Clair large Brachiopods AR0123
Leslie Searcy AR S Carboniferous Bryozoa;Brachiopods;Crinoids;Plants;Cephalopods;Mollusks;Trilobites AR0124
Ashdown Sevier AR 3.5 km N of Little River Bridge on Ashdown-Ben Lomand road in Cretaceous Upper Marlbrook marl Exogyra AR0125
Ben Lomand Sevier AR 2 km E along Mineral Springs Road Scaphites,Hippocrepsis AR0126
Ben Lomand Sevier AR 2 km NW on Lockesburg Rd Cretaceous Upper Tokio, Upper Inoceramus,Thracia,Cybophora[Cymbophora?],Leptosolen AR0127
Ben Lomand Sevier AR 9 km N at intersection of Ben Lomand-Mineral Springs road and Brownstown Road. Corbula. AR0128
Brownstone Sevier AR 3.5 km NW between Little River and Ozan Creek in Cretaceous Upper Buckrange Sand abundant fossils – shell banks AR0129
Brownstown Sevier AR 2km NW Cretaceous Brownstone Shark Teeth-Pycnodus,Scapanorhynchus AR0130
Hollywood Sevier AR 2-3km S Cretaceous Brownstone Shark Teeth-Ischyrhiza,Scapanorhynchus AR0131
White Cliffs Sevier AR 5 km NW Cretaceous Upper Ozan, Upper Exogyra AR0132
Madison St Francis AR In outcrop on Crowley’s Ridge near Forrest City Eocene Jackson Vertebrate-Pantolestes paleolist 12/18/2007 10:44 AM Secondary ref is JSTOR
Madison St Francis AR in clays in bed of Crow Creek 1 km W of Madison at AR70 bridge Eocene Jackson oysters,clams,snails,shark teeth,ray plates AR0133
Fayetteville Stone AR Sandstone in Fayetteville,Eureka Springs,Harrison and Yellville quadrangles Mississippian Sylamore fish teeth and bones – Ptychodus,Dinicthys AR0134
El Dorado Union AR 6 km N in cut on E side of RR cut on Camden and Alexandria RR abundant fresh water shells,Unio,Vivipara AR0135
El Dorado Union AR 6 km SW on Three Creeks Road fossil dicotyledonous leaves. AR0136 ‘dicotyledonous’ is a adjective for plants with two seed lobes,not a genus.
Leslie Van Buren AR 8 km SE in Roadcut on AR65 S of Peyton Creek Mississippian Imo Crinoids AR0137
Leslie Van Buren AR South Mississippian Fayetteville (Arkansas) Shale brachiopods AR0138
Leslie Van Buren AR South Mississippian Imo brachiopods,crinoids,corals,cephalopods,mollusks,trilobites AR0139
Leslie Van Buren AR South Mississippian Pitkin bryozoa -Archimedes; brachiopods,crinoids,corals,cephalopods,blastoids AR0140
Peyton Creek Van Buren AR In road cut Mississippian Imo broad invertebrate fauna conodonts,Ammonites AR0141
Peyton Creek Van Buren AR in road cut at Peyton Creek Mississippian Pitkin|Imo conodonts,echinoids AR0142
Fayetteville Washington AR East Mountain near Klyce Spring Pennsylvanian Hale Pelecypod-Psuedomontis http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Fayetteville Washington AR East Mountain near water works Pennsylvanian Kessler Limestone Pelecypod-Psuedomontis http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Fayetteville Washington AR NE in Pennsylvanian Brentwood Limestone pelecypods – Pseudomonotis AR0143
Fayetteville Washington AR NorthEast Pennsylvanian Brentwood Limestone Pelecypod-Psuedomontis http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Fayetteville Washington AR at East Mountain Cretaceous Hale pelecypods – Aviculopecten AR0144
Fayetteville Washington AR near city waterworks on East Mountain in Pennsylvanian Kessler Limestone pelecypods -Pseudomonotis AR0145
Pitkin Quarry Washington AR Mississippian Pitkin and Pennsylvanian Hale Fm. Girvanella,bryozoa,conodonts AR0146
Westfork Washington AR Carboniferous Bryozoa;Brachiopods;Crinoid fragments,Corals,Cephalopods AR0147
Westfork Washington AR 16 km S of Fayetteville in abandoned quarry on US71 Mississippian Pitkin bryozoa – Archimedes;brachiopods,crinoids,corals,cephalopods,blastoids AR0148
Woolsey Washington AR 400 meters N in roadcut Pennsylvanian Lower Brentwood conodonts,bryozoa AR0149 Brentwood Limestone Mbr of Bloyd Shale
Woolsey Washington AR Roadcut 300m N in Pennsylvanian Lower Bloyd Crinoids AR0150
Bradford White AR 4 km N in old Limestone quarry next to Iron Mountain RR. Turritella mortoni in crystalline Limestone..also 300 meters SW of quarry in boulders of Limestone Ostrea,Venericardia AR0151
Caddo River [?] AR Cretaceous Nacatosh Shark Teeth-Cretolamna,Ischyrhiza,Odontapsis,Pycnodus,Scapanorhynchus,Squalicorax AR0152
S20t1nr8e [?] AR Pennsylvanian fish teeth,gastropods — Schizodus,Allerisma,Pharkidonotus(Bellerophon) AR0153
nw1/4s24t5nr19w [?] AR plant fossils in Pennsylvanian Atoka Sandstone Lepidodendron,Sigillaria AR0154