Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Kanaga Island Aleutians East AK mollusks Chlamys AK0001
Cape Lisburne Aleutians West? AK Coal seams with Mesozoic plants Mesozoic ? AK0002
Cape Lisburne Aleutians West? AK In massive Limestone-chert above mixed sediments Pennsylvanian corals and bryozoa AK0003
Cape Lisburne Aleutians West? AK in thin bedded Pennsylvanian mixed sediments Pennsylvanian brachiopods,trilobites,cephalopods,mollusks AK0004
Tununak-Nelson Bethel AK 65d45m N 165d W leaf imprints. Amber in float on beach. AK0005
Alaska Range Bethel? AK Ordovician fossils on West Side. Ordovician ? AK0006
Fairbanks Fairbanks-North Star AK At filled in beaver pond on S Fairbanks Creek Pleistocene Pelecypods – Spisula,Schizothaerus AK0007
Fairbanks Fairbanks-North Star AK Engineer Creek in Pleistocene peat muck Pleistocene mollusks AK0008
Fairbanks Fairbanks-North Star AK NE in tailings between Ester Creek and Cripple Creek Pleistocene Gastropods — Helisoma,Stagnicola,Gyralus,Valvata; mastodon,camel,antelope,moose,deer. sheep,muskox,yak,sloth,beaver,rodents,rabbit. AK0009
Fairbanks Fairbanks-North Star AK Regional gravel pits in muck beds Pleistocene plants,Bison,birds,Insectivores,Chiroptera (bats),bear,dire wolves,wolf,coyote,fox,badger,skunk,weasel,otter,wolverine,Smilodon,lion. lynx,elephant AK0010
Glacier Bay Haines AK Fossiliferous Paleozoic Lower Leperditia,Acervularia,Megalomus AK0011
Glacier Bay Haines AK shells,corals in thick Carboniferous Limestone Carboniferous ? AK0012
Homer Kenai Peninsula AK in nodule Oligocene Kenai (Alaska) Fish fossil AK0013
Pybus Bay Ketchikan Gateway AK At Admiralty Is in Cretaceous Lower Limestone Cretaceous Lower Aucella AK0014
Kaguyak Kodiak Island AK In cutbanks along coast at 58d37mN 153d55mW roughly 100m above Naknek Formation USGS Mesozoic 25280 Cretaceous Upper Mollusks-Inoceramus,Pleuromya;Ammonites AK0015 http://www.alaskafossil.com/ Loc 3
Kodiak Kodiak Island AK Triassic Fossils in contorted shales and Limestones on Woody Island Triassic ? AK0016
Swikshak Bay Kodiak Island AK NW of Swikshak Bay,Afognak Quad Eocene? Plants-Alnus AK0017 http://www.alaskafossil.com/ Loc 1,2 RPO-158,RAW-101
Kujulik Bay Lake and Peninsula AK 56d30m N 158d W petrified wood AK0018
Palmer Matanuska-Susitna AK Fossils reported at fee collecting site At Atlanta House at Milepost 166 on Glenn Hwy ? AK0019
Talkeetna Dome Matanuska-Susitna? AK 13 km from Glenn Hwy,marine shales poorly preserved Pecten AK0020
Cape Mountain Nome AK On E flank Mississippian-Pennsylvanian fossils AK0021
Cape Prince of Wales Nome AK In limestones Devonian Devonian faunas AK0022
Nome Nome AK In Silurian Nome series Silurian Port Clarence Limestone fossils AK0023
Arctic North Slope AK In late Triassic limestones and cherts of Shublik Formation Triassic Shublik (Alaska) ? AK0024
Arctic North Slope AK Other exposures Triassic Shublik (Alaska) Posidonia AK0025
Arctic North Slope AK at 69d22.5m N and 152d56m W in 3 km bluff on N side of creek Permian-Triassic Shublik (Alaska)? Entomonotis,Halobia,Arcestes,Trachyceras,Posidonia,Leiophyllites,Pseudaplococeras,Hungarites AK0026
Arctic North Slope AK at 69d22.5m N and 152d56m W in 3 km bluff on N side of creek Triassic Shublik (Alaska)? Permian AK0027
Fortress Mountain North Slope AK 68d35m N 152d58m W in Fortress Mountain Formation along 560 km front between Sagavanirktok River and Kukpowruk River. Late Jurassic to Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous Fortress Mountain ? AK0028
Fortress Mountain North Slope AK E of Castle Mountain of Torok Creek Cretaceous Fortress Mountain Fish AK0029
Fortress Mountain North Slope AK Kiruktagiak River Cretaceous Fortress Mountain Aucellina AK0030
Ketic River North Slope AK Arctic Alaska Cretaceous Chandler|Prince Creek Cretaceous. Amber with insects,plant fossils,Ostrea in Coal seams. AK0031
Killik River North Slope AK Arctic Alaska along E trending belt 10-20 km wide,narrowing to East from Killik River nearly to Itkillik River Cretaceous Lower Torok Mollusks – Inoceramus,Beudanticeras,Colvillia,Subarcthoplites,Gastroplites. AK0032
Kuk River North Slope AK Arctic Alaska Cretaceous Chandler|Prince Creek Cretaceous. Amber with insects,plant fossils,Ostrea in Coal seams. AK0033
Torok Creek North Slope AK between 68d40 meters and 68d44 meters N Cretaceous Lower Torok ? AK0034
Tuktu Bluffs North Slope AK Arctic Alaska at Tuktu Bluffs on Chandler River in 300 meter thick Tuktu formation above Torok Formation Cretaceous Lower Tuktu abundant fossils: Gastroplites,Cleoniceras,Dicranodonta,Inoceramus,Solecurtus,Panopea,Yoldia,Ditrupa. AK0035
Arctic North Slope? AK Tiglukpuk Creek in Triassic Lower shale vertebrates Triassic coelacanth fish,reptile bones,paleoniscoid fish -Boreosomus AK0036 Tiglukpuk Creek appears to be on the Alaskan North Slope probably East of Chandler Lake
North Slope North Slope? AK In block sooty shale Triassic Shublik (Alaska)|Karen Creek Monotis AK0037
Okpikruak River North Slope? AK Arctic Alaska on Okpikruak River Colvillia AK0038
Klawock Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan AK W coast Devonian Upper brachiopods,Spirifer,Corals Zaphrentis,Productella AK0039
Klawock Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan AK W coast Devonian Upper brachiopods Devonian Upper Spirifer,Corals Zaphrentis,Productella AK0040
Long Is-Kassan Bay Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan AK European-Asian Devonian faunas in Limestones. Devonian Gastropods – Hercynella,corals,brachiopods,mollusks AK0041
Prince of Wales Island Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan AK ? AK0042
Trocadero Bay Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan AK On small island in Pennsylvanian Lower Limestone ammonites — Gastrioceras,Glaphyrites AK0043
Freshwater Bay Sitka AK On Chicagof Island in long narrow peninsula extending out 7 km in Limestones Carboniferous corals,brachiopods,crinoid fragments. AK0044
Freshwater Bay Sitka AK S side of Chicagof Island in 300 meters of Silurian limestones.. Bottom 200 meters Leperditia,fragmentary crustacea. Top 100 meters Megalomus Silurian Ceratiocaris,Ostracods – Isochilina AK0045
Sitka Sitka AK Silurian limestones Silurian Catenipora AK0046
Eagle-Circle district Southeast Fairbanks AK Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Calico Bluff, Lower Middle Goniatites,Neoglyphioceras,Girtyoceras AK0047
Nation River Southeast Fairbanks AK at mouth of Yukon River brachiopods,mollusks. AK0048
Yukon River Southeast Fairbanks? AK near Canadian border Triassic Glenn Shale Monotis AK0049
Kletsan Creek Valdez-Cordova AK (in White River basin,in St Elias range) well preserved Paleozoic Upper fossils ? AK0050
Copper River Basin Valdez-Cordova? AK in Limestone Pennsylvanian brachiopods and mollusks AK0051
Hamilton Bay Wrangell-Petersburg AK North Shore in Triassic Limestone Conglomerate Brachiopods and pelecypods Triassic Pseudomonotis,Speriferina (Spiriferina?),Pecten,Pleuromya,ammonites,Rhynchonella AK0052
Kuiu Island Wrangell-Petersburg AK In Mead Point area — NE in 700 meters of Silurian Limestone Silurian Diphyphyllum,Conchidium,Whitfieldia,Holopea,Murchisonia AK0053
Kupreanof Island Wrangell-Petersburg AK regional Carboniferous limestones Carboniferous brachiopods,mollusks AK0054
Chandler River Yukon-Koyukuk AK in cutbanks from Torok Creek to Kiruktagiak River Cretaceous Lower Torok ? AK0055
Endicott Mountains Yukon-Koyukuk AK in Limestone and Chert Triassic Otuk Monotis,other bivalves,radiolaria,conodonts AK0056
Melozitna River Yukon-Koyukuk AK from mouth back into Koyokuk River basin Impure Cretaceous Limestones. Cretaceous Aucella AK0057 Original says ‘Melozi River’
Porcupine River Yukon-Koyukuk AK Devonian fossils in Limestone Devonian ? AK0058
Yukon River Yukon-Koyukuk AK In East Central Alaska in Eagle,Tatonduk River,Nation,Woodchopper area Proterozoic-Cambrian Tindir (Alaska) Algae,Fungi,Protists,trilobites (lower to Cambrian Upper),archeocyathids,stromatolites,acritarchs,Oldhamia. AK0059
Brooks range Yukon-Koyukuk? AK In W part in dark gray Mississippian Lisburne Shale Cephalopods – Beyrichoceras,Goniatites,Sudeticeras,Girtyoceras,Entogonites,Eochalassoceras[?],Dimorphoceras AK0060 Eothalassoceras is ‘Eochalassoceras’ in original Ransom ‘Fossils in America’
Nunvainuk Lake[?] [?] AK 59d N 255d40m W petrified wood AK0061 There does not seem to be a ‘Nunvainuk Lake’ in Alaska
White River Basin [?] AK Carboniferous brachiopods and Mollusks AK0062 There seem to be several White Rivers in Alaska