Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Arrow Bend Autauga AL On Alabama River in Cretaceous Eutaw Brachiopods,mollusks AL0001
House Bluff Autauga AL In fields along back of town along Alabama River Inoceramus,Leidon bones sharks teeth,fine shells AL0002
Prattville Autauga AL Cretaceous Eutaw shells AL0003
Alexanders Landing Barbour AL 13 km below Eufaula mollusks,crab claws,fish teeth AL0004
Alexanders Landing Barbour AL 4 km below in 8 meters of echinoid bearing rocks echinoderms,mollusks – Ostrea,Cardium AL0005
Clayton Barbour AL area limestones Ostrea AL0006
Eufaula Barbour AL In right bank of Chattahoochee River opposite mouth of Burstahatchee[?] Creek Echinoderms,Hemiaster,Coptosoma; mollusks – Inoceramus,Ostrea,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Pecten,Veniella,Cardium,Turritella; Crab fragments AL0007 Unable to identify ‘Burstahatchee’ Creek. Site may be in Georgia as the original citation is for Eufaula,Barbour County,Georgia. Eufaula and Barbour County are on the Alabama side of the River,but the river/lake are only about a kilometer wide.
Eufaula Barbour AL In river bluff below bridge many taxa; corals,echinoderms,vermes,mollusks AL0008 site may well be on Georgia side of the Chattahoochee River.
Eufaula Barbour AL in roadcuts on AL97 8.5-9km NW of US431 Cretaceous Ripley Oysters,Ray teeth,Sawfish teeth AL0009
Pataula Creek Barbour AL 7 km below mollusks,crocodiles AL0010
Pataula Creek Barbour AL In Cretaceous Upper Providence sand 16km N of Fort Gains on GA39. In Chattahoochee River bank accessible by dirt road from store on N bank of Pataula Creek. Cretaceous Upper Providence Classic locality for mollusks,ammonites,echinoids,coral AL0011
Roods Upper Bend Barbour AL at Roanoke Bluff Crassalites(Crassatella?) AL0012
Soapstone Creek Barbour AL Just above mouth (on creek itself?) Mollusks – Nucula,Leda,Trigonarca,Glycymeris,Ostrea,Trigonia,Pecten,Anomia,Crassatellites,Cardium; vertebrates – Lamna,Corax,Otodus AL0013
Soapstone Creek Barbour AL just above mouth on Chattahoochee River between Upper and Lower Roods Bend turtle-fragments,Taphrosphys; saurian bones,Mosasaurus,Crocodile teeth,coprolites,mollusks AL0014
Wolfridge Landing(?) Barbour AL on Chattahoochee River Ostrea AL0015
Wooldridge Landing Barbour AL on Chattahoochee River 75 km below Columbus and 22 km above Eufaula Worms – Serpula,Hamulus; mollusks; vertebrates – Lamna,Corax,Otodus,Ischyrhiza,Thecachampsa,Polydectes AL0016
Aldrich Bibb AL 1 km W of Montevallo Cambrian Lower Dorypyge,Zacanthoides,Amecephalus,Dolichometopus AL0017
Aldrich Bibb AL In S31T24NR11E(SS?)(33d1.14mN,87d0.67mW) and S6T23NR11E(SS)(33.0048N, 87.0111W) Cambrian Upper Brierfield dolomite Cryptozoon. AL0018
Aldrich Bibb AL NE1/4S20T24R11E In area Limestone quarries fossils AL0019
Aldrich Bibb AL SE1/4SE1/4S31T24R10E In area Limestone quarries fossils AL0020
Brierfield Bibb AL along Mahan Creek Cambrian Upper Brierfield dolomite Cryptozoon. AL0021
Centreville Bibb AL 8 km NE at N end of high knob by Cahaba River Ordovician graptolites Ordovician Climacograptus AL0022
Montevallo Bibb AL along Spring Creek Cambrian Upper Brierfield dolomite ? AL0023
Montevallo Bibb AL in shales in road cut on West side of AL25 between Montevallo and I65 graptolites AL0024
Pratts Ferry Bibb AL Ordovician Athens Shale graptolites Dicellograptus,Glossograptus,Nemagraptus,Diplograptus AL0025
Sixmile Bibb AL 3 km NE along Sixmile Creek Cambrian Lower Dorypyge,Zacanthoides,Amecephalus,Dolichometopus(4) AL0026
Blount Springs Blount AL 400 meters W of RR station in St Louis Limestone Coral – Lithostrotion AL0027
Blount Springs Blount AL In Bangor Quarries in lower argillaceous Limestone beds 300 meters S of Bangor Blastoids AL0028
Blount Springs Blount AL In area quarries Blastoids AL0029
Murphrees Valley Blount AL Cambrian Conasauga Limestone brachiopods – Dicellomus AL0030
Swansea-Inland Blount AL 4 km W in Chickamauga Limestone Brachiopods – Hebertella,Rafinesquina AL0031
Village Spring Blount AL 5 km SE atop Hayes Mountain in Silurian Red Mountain crinoid fragments AL0032
Hurtsboro Bullock AL 3.5 km SW in Central of Georgia RR cut Ostrea AL0033
Union Springs Bullock AL On US82 from city limits to US7 Cretaceous Cusseta Exogyra,oysters,mollusk casts,shark teeth AL0034
Monterey Butler AL along Road to Snow Hill – Lower Tertiary outcrops on hilltops. Tertiary Lower ? AL0035
Butler,Wilcox AL In White Limestone Nautilus,Enclimatoceras. AL0036
Butler,Wilcox AL In White Limestone Nautilus,Enclimatoceras. AL0037
Allsup Calhoun AL 4 km NW Cambrian Upper trilobites-Cedaria AL0038
Cold Spring Gap Calhoun AL 3 km W on Colvin Mt in Silurian Clinton Anoplotheca AL0039
Duke Calhoun AL on high knob halfway to Reads brachiopod – Rhynchotrema. AL0040
Frog Mountain Calhoun AL and NE into Cherokee County,AL Devonian Upper Corals and brachiopods AL0041
Frog Mountain Calhoun AL on high knob halfway to Reads brachiopod – Rhynchotrema. AL0042
Jacksonville Calhoun AL fossil molds filled with exotic minerals,e.g. strengite,cacoxenite Silurian Fort Payne Chert ? AL0043
Piedmont Calhoun AL 6.4 km W Devonian corals AL0044
Spring Gap Calhoun AL In Colvin Mountain in red shales brachiopods — Rhynchotrema AL0045
Sulphur Springs Calhoun AL In massive quartzite crinoid stems AL0046
Sulphur Springs Calhoun AL NE,in mountains crinoid stems AL0047
Cherokee AL S32T6R11E Near state border and 1 km SW fossiliferous iron ore AL0056
Cedar Bluff Cherokee AL Cambrian Conasauga? Tricrepicephalus AL0048
Cedar Bluff Cherokee AL In area exposures of Cambrian Conasauga Limestone in Coosa Valley Cambrian Conasauga well preserved brachiopods — Dicellomus,Trilobites Crepicephalus,Norwoodia,Olenoides,Pseudagnostus,Tricrepicephalus(4) AL0049
Cedar Bluff Cherokee AL along river Cambrian Conasauga abundant trilobites – Tricrepicephalus,Agnostus AL0050
Cedar Bluff Cherokee AL at bridge over Coosa river in a small exposure of Conasauga shale Trilobites Agnostus (4) It is reported that Weiss lake,formed by damming the Coosa River,covers this site Cambrian Conasauga ? AL0051
Cedar Bluff Cherokee AL in outcrops along river Cambrian Upper Agnostids,Tricrepicephalus AL0052
Center Cherokee AL In flint nodules in tilled fields Cambrian Conasauga sponges and trilobites – Asaphiscus(4) AL0053
Center Cherokee AL in fields sponges and trilobites AL0054
Piney Cherokee AL Cambrian Conasauga Trilobites -Olenoides(18) AL0055
Weiss Lake Cherokee? AL In roadcuts along I-59 Ordovician-Devonian Ichnofossils,Invertebrates AL0057
Jemison Chilton AL In Devonian Jemison chert abundant poorly preserved fossils Devonian Jemison corals -Meristella,Favosites,Brachiopods – Spirifer,Delthyris; Strophomenoids. Orthoceras AL0058
Shelby Chilton AL Cambrian Upper Upper Cambrian gastropods and trilobites AL0059
Choctaw AL S7T11NR4W Ostrea in gray calcareous sand outcropping B of creek. ? AL0076
Barrytown Choctaw AL 10 km NNE at Barryton[?] Mill 4 km N on Okatuppa Creek Eocene Claiborne Claiborne fossils. AL0060 May be Barrytown Mill
Barrytown Choctaw AL 11 km NE On Lomack’s Hill[?]. Ostrea in White Limestone ? AL0061 Might be Womack Hill about 4km ENE of Barrytown
Barrytown Choctaw AL 6 km NE at Barryton[?] Mill in all banks of Okatuppa Creek upstream of the mill – in white Limestone or yellow sand. ? AL0062 May be Barrytown Mill
Barrytown Choctaw AL 6 km NE at Barrytown[?] Mill on Okatuppa Creek Ostrea in Greensand. Ostrea AL0063 May be Barryton Mill
Birmingham Choctaw AL 11 km N in Copper Ridge Dolomite Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge Cryptozoon,Gastropods -Melanopsis AL0064
Bladon Springs Choctaw AL 25 km W in greenish sands below white Limestone Crepidula,Corbula AL0065
Bladon Springs Choctaw AL Along Millry road in Buhrstone and Claiborne Formation outcrops Eocene Claiborne ? AL0066 Bladon Springs is in Choctaw County,but the site could well be in Washington County
Bladon Springs Choctaw AL Along St Stephens Rd in S29t8r2 ? AL0067
Bladon Springs Choctaw AL to N on hill above Souwilpa Creek in yellow sands Ostrea. AL0068
Eureka Landing [?] Choctaw AL on the Tombigbee River 8-9 meters of fossiliferous,glauconitic sandy marl Gryphaea,Turritella,Flabellum AL0069 There are several Eureka landings in Alabama
Gilbertown Choctaw AL 32km E of Shubuta,MS — Ref is to Shubuta,Gilbertown looks to be the nearest town to the purported locality Miocene Jackson vertebrates-Carcharhinus,Carcharodon,Cylindracanthus,Isurus,Myliobatis,Odontapsis AL0070
Grove Hill Choctaw AL Amber in white Limestone. AL0071
Hatchetigbee Choctaw AL fossils like those at Butler(???) AL0072
Hatchetigbee Bluff Choctaw AL on Tombigbee River Oligocene-Eocene gastropods – Trophon,Expleritoma[?],pelecypods – Cytherea,Cardium. AL0073 ‘Expleritoma’ is probably misspelled,but I can’t identify the proper spelling
Rescueville Choctaw AL Amber in white Limestone. AL0074
Suggsville Choctaw AL Amber in white Limestone. AL0075
Allen’s Creek Clarke AL Gastropods,pelecypods AL0077
Bashi Creek Clarke AL mollusks similar to those at Wood’s Bluff AL0078
Clarkesville[?] Clarke AL S23T9NR2E in Greensand in creek bottom Eocene Claiborne Claiborne fossils AL0079 Original says ‘Old Clarkeville’,Most likely this is the modern Clarkesville
Clarkesville[?] Clarke AL S23T9NR2E in White Limestone on hillsides Eocene Claiborne Claiborne fossils,Zeuglodon bones AL0080 Original says ‘Old Clarkeville’,Most likely this is the modern Clarkesville
Coffeeville Landing Clarke AL 2 km E in Limey Clay on hills above Satilpa Creek Zeuglodon bones. Eocene? Claiborne Ostrea,Venericardia,Corbula,Pecten,Arca,Nucula AL0081
Gosport Landing Clarke AL Claiborne beds a few km upstream Eocene? Claiborne ? AL0082
Gosport Landing Clarke AL at Rattlesnake bluff downstream on Alabama River Eocene? Claiborne ? AL0083
Jackson Clarke AL along Little Stave Creek. Large exposure Eocene Claiborne? Eocene invertebrates AL0084
Jackson Clarke AL at lower salt works t5nr2e good Lisbon fossils on hillside mollusks Neaera. Pholadomya,Astarte,Solen AL0085
Jackson Clarke AL on Little Stave Creek at outskirts of town Eocene invertebrates AL0086
Jackson Clarke AL on outskirts of town along Little Stave Creek Eocene abundant fossils AL0087
Satilpa Creek Clarke AL gastropods and pelecypods AL0088
Stave Creek Clarke AL In sands at creek level in S8t7nr2e-s9t7nr2e Eocene? Claiborne Claiborne fossils AL0089
Stave Creek Clarke AL S18t7r2e mollusks AL0090
Sunny South Clarke AL 11 km S on Rock House Creek Hatchetigbee well preserved mollusks similar to those at Wood’s Bluff AL0091
Woods Bluff Clarke AL In 2 beds in Hatchetigbee Formation pelecypods – Neaera,Ranella,Fusus,Pisiana,Corbula,Venericardia. Gastropods-Trophon,Turritella. AL0092
Central Salt Works Clarke? AL Probably the Confederate era Central Salt Works on County Rd 15 near Grove Hill? massive coral reef AL0093
Erin Clay AL E of town at base of main range of Talladega Mountain Devonian plants -Lepidodendron in slates and lenses. AL0094
Cleburne,Cherokee AL on Coosa River Conasauga Baltagnostus,Peronopsis,Alokistocare AL0095 Google indicates that Foster Bend might be in Cleburne or Cherokee County
Allsboro Colbert AL 6 km S Brachiopods AL0096
Alsobrook Colbert AL Brachiopods Reticularia AL0097
Fox Trap Colbert AL Roadcut on side of a small hill,NW1/4SE1/4Sec31T5SR10W. Erosional outlier of Bangor Limestone Mississippian Upper Bangor Limestone Gastropods;Bivalves;Echinoderms-Crinoids,Blastoids-Pentremites;Bryozoa-Archimedes;Brachiopods AL0098
Sheffield Colbert AL 6 km W at Keller Quarry blastoids,Mesoblatus AL0099
Sheffield Colbert AL Blastoids Pentremites,Batocrinus AL0100
Coosa?,Chilton? AL Cambrian Conasauga Starfish(?)Jellyfish – Brooksella(4,16) AL0101
Andalusia Covington AL just below Point-A dam on Conecuh River Eocene shark teeth,fish teeth,snake vertebra AL0102
Carlowville Dallas AL At bridge over Snake Creek on Carlowville-Snow Hill Road Cretaceous Ripley Ostrea AL0103
Harrell Dallas AL 1.6km E Cretaceous Selma Turtle-Bothremys AL0104 Harrell is at 32.44 -87.22
Selma Dallas AL Along W bank of Valley Creek beneath Jefferson Ave bridge Cretaceous Upper typical faunas. AL0105
Selma Dallas AL Cretaceous Upper (marine) fossils in Mooreville chalk beds beneath the Jefferson Davis Avenue Creek over Valley Creek Cretaceous Mooreville ? AL0106
Birmingham DeKalb AL At Red Mountain Ordovician Red Mountain Trilobites-Cryptolithus AL0107
Collinsville DeKalb AL 2 km N in Ordovician beds above ferruginous Sandstone Ordovician Solenopora,Platystrophia,Rhynchotrema,Dinorthis AL0108
Wills Valley DeKalb AL NE1/4SE1/4s4t5r10e crinoid stems in clay at Montague Mines ? AL0109
Wills Valley DeKalb AL NW1/4S9T6R9E – fossiliferous chert in black shale. ? AL0110
Wills Valley DeKalb AL SE1/4NE1/4S17T7R8E,SE1/4sw1/4s9T7R8E crinoidal Limestone AL0111
Wills Valley DeKalb AL on NW side ? AL0112
Wetumpka Elmore AL 2 km SE Cretaceous Eutaw Ophiomorpha (Ophiomorpha?) burrows(12) AL0113
Wetumpka Elmore AL 2 km to 4 km SE Cretaceous Mooreville Fossil casts and molds in scattered outcrops and blocks of marl (11) AL0114
Attalla Etowah AL 1.5 km NW at Moragne Mines in Sandstone in mine tunnel Pentamerus Pentamerus AL0115 Probably at or near 34.0297N,86.1102W
Attalla Etowah AL On W bank of Wills Creek in SW1/4NE1/4S4T12R5E (WSW of first sharp bend in Mountain NW of Attalla,fossils in thick flaggy Sandstone ? AL0116
Colvin Mountain Etowah AL over 23 to 40sq km area in SE corner of county crinoids,brachiopods in shale AL0117
Crudup Etowah AL 1 km N in talus Brachiopods Rhipidomella AL0118
Walnut Grove Etowah AL 10 km SW in Manganese ore coral Lithostrotion AL0119
Wills Valley Etowah AL NW side for 20 to 30 km and around head of Greasy Cove. 100m of Upper Silurian strata brachiopods and graptolites. AL0120
Frankfort Franklin AL Along Bell Green Rd crossing of Cedar Creek,many Lafayette Group fossils in road cuts. ? AL0121
Russellville Franklin AL SW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w Fossiliferous limestones well preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods AL0122
Russellville Franklin AL SW1/4sw1/4s16t6r11w Fossiliferous limestones well preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods,Coral – Zaphrentis AL0123
Russellville Franklin AL along Allen Factory Road Fossiliferous limestones well preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods AL0124
Russellville Franklin AL along SW1/4SW1/4S35t6r12w Fossiliferous limestones well preserved crinoid stems,blastoids,(Pentremites),corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods AL0125
Pea River Geneva AL 6 km downstream of Dead River in a yellow sandy bluff Pecten,Scutella,Ostrea,Nummulites,Scalpellum AL0126
Choctaw Bluff Greene AL pelecypods Teredo AL0127
Choctaw Bluff Greene AL In rotten Limestone Cretaceous Inoceramus,Cretaceous marine vertebrates turtles,Mosasaurs,other reptiles AL0128
Clinton Greene AL 2.5km se of Route 14 (N32 54′ / W87 59′) at Trussels Creek Cretaceous Eutaw vertebrates – birds,Archaeolamna,Scapanorhynchus AL0129
Greensboro Hale AL in thin local outcrops of very fossiliferous material such as drainage ditches Cretaceous Tombigbee Sand Shark teeth,pelecypods paleolist-12/16/2007 08:01 PM
Warrior River Hale AL at Erie Bluff Cretaceous Eutaw Ostrea AL0130
Yantayabba Creek(?) Henry AL In 3 meter thick shell bed just below the mouth of the creek Ostrea AL0131
Big Coon Creek Jackson AL Along the foot of the Mountain Corals – Zaphrentis AL0132
Big Coon Creek Jackson AL Along the road running through NW1/4S16T2r7e through ne1/4S18T2r7e ? AL0133
Big Coon Creek Jackson AL At Cedar Bluff on W bank in se1/4sw1/4 s15t2r8w Graptolites AL0134
Big Coon Creek Jackson AL N1/2S11t2r6e ? AL0135
Caperton Ferry Jackson AL ? AL0136
Caperton Ferry Jackson AL 11 km E(?) on E side of river near center of S18t3r8e in a bluff of cherty gray Limestone graptolites. AL0137
Caperton Ferry Jackson AL Along road leading outward in S28t2r8e toward Stevenson in blue-gray Limestone graptolites AL0138
Stevenson Jackson AL 1 km SE along Benges Creek on NW side of red-loam hill crinoids,brachiopods,corals,Pentremites AL0139 There is a Benges Creek in Scott County Virginia,none in Stevenson
Stevenson Jackson AL Along line of faulting from Stevenson to state line. crinoids,brachiopods,corals,Pentremites AL0140
Stevenson Jackson AL In area RR cuts crinoids,brachiopods,corals,Pentremites AL0141
Argo Jefferson AL 4 km SW on Cedar Mountain,in Chickamauga Limestone Isochilina. AL0142
Bessemer Jefferson AL 6 km SW silicified Quebecoceras. AL0143
Bessemer Jefferson AL In area coal pits in Pottsville Shale Shale slabs with plants — Lepidodendron,Calamites,Stigmaria AL0144
Bessemer Jefferson AL S In strip mine along AL31 Pennsylvanian Calamites,Sigillaria,Lepidodendron AL0145
Bessemer Jefferson AL S in abandoned strip mine adjacent to Hwy 31. ? AL0146
Bessemer Jefferson AL S in strip mine along AL31 Pennsylvanian ferns,Calamites,Sigillaria,Lepidodendron AL0147
Bessemer Jefferson AL in area coal mines Carboniferous good plants AL0148
Birmingham Jefferson AL 14th St and 14th Ave So Lingula to 2.5cm AL0149
Birmingham Jefferson AL 19 km SE silicified Scenella AL0150
Birmingham Jefferson AL 30 km NE at base of Foster Mountain Lingula to 2.5cm AL0151
Birmingham Jefferson AL In ravine between Foster and Black Oak Mountains Lingula to 2.5cm AL0152
Blount Mountain Jefferson AL In a knoll of Limestone and chert SW of extreme SW point in nw1/4sw1/4s12/ne1/4se1/4s11t15r1 ? AL0153
Chalkville Jefferson AL 1 km W in Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge Dolomite. Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge Trilobites,gastropods,Scenella AL0154
Chepultepec Jefferson AL 700 meters W gastropod casts Helicotoma. AL0155
Clay Jefferson AL 2 km NW in shale at base of Ordovician Chickamauga Limestone at W base of Foster Mountain Ordovician Chickamauga Lingula AL0156
Gate City Jefferson AL 1 km N in quarry bryozoa,corals (Tetradium) AL0157
Old Jonesboro Jefferson AL 4 km SE in Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge dolomite Cambrian Upper Copper Ridge Quebecoceras. AL0158
Warrior Jefferson AL In Black Creek Coal beds. Pennsylvanian Black Creek (Alabama) Good plant fossils – Neuropteris AL0159
Blue Water Creek Lauderdale AL At crossing of Florence and Athens Road Fossiliferous cherty Limestone ? AL0160
Blue Water Creek Lauderdale AL Below Phillips Mill in sw1/4ne1/4s19t2r8w Fossiliferous cherty Limestone ? AL0161
Gravelly Springs Lauderdale AL brachiopods Spirifer AL0162
Lexington Lauderdale AL Carboniferous Fort Payne crinoid stems – Cleiothyridina AL0163
Pruitton Lauderdale AL 5 km SW at Mount Tabor School – in mid-Devonian Limestone Devonian Middle Abundant Brachiopods – Spirifer. Some trilobites AL0164 Pruitton appears to be extinct. USGS topo maps show it to be on a more or less empty stretch of dirt road at 34.9904N,87.6095W
Big Nancy Creek Lawrence AL S23t5r8w in shaley flagstone Archemedes,Brachiopods,crinoids AL0165
Courtland Lawrence AL 6 km SE on Moulton Road Chester age corals – Zaphrentis AL0166
Elam Creek Lawrence AL NW1/4S12t7r7w a bituminous mass of crinoids in a gray Limestone AL0167
Houlton Lawrence AL 1 km NW at Goodlight Pool Quarry Mississippian Gasper broad faunas,Pentremites AL0168
Moulton Lawrence AL 0.8 km NW at Goodlight Pool Quarry. Mississippian Gasper Limestone Large blastoids-Pentremites,brachiopods,corals AL0169
Moulton Lawrence AL 1 km N at Goodlight Pool Quarry Mississippian Pentremites,brachiopods,corals AL0170
Mount Hope Lawrence AL In area exposures of black waxy soil Pentremites. AL0171
Town Creek Lawrence AL S in creek bed in SW1/4S9t5r9w in chert brachiopods AL0172
Town Creek Lawrence AL W in nw1/4t5r9w on sides of knolls in Limestone brachiopods,crinoids AL0173
Athens Limestone AL In carboniferous rocks crinoid stems AL0174
Franklin Springs Limestone AL 5 km NW at Ligon’s Springs (Ligon Springs?) in a low knoll Pentremites and Archimedes AL0175
Lagrange Limestone AL In area road cuts plants – Lepidodendron,Calamites,Stigmaria. AL0176
Mountain Mills Factory Limestone AL In SE1/4s15T4r13w in Limestone outcrop Archimedes AL0177
Prides’s Station Limestone AL in outcrops to S on little Mountain Cyathophylloid corals; Pentremites AL0178
Prides’s Station Limestone AL in outcrops to S s1/2s9t6r11w cyathophylloid corals,Pentremites AL0179
Prides’s Station Limestone AL in outcrops to S sw1/4s35t5r12w cyathophylloid corals,Pentremites AL0180
Tuscumbia Limestone AL along Frankfort Rd in S33t4r12w in fossiliferous Limestone ? AL0181
Lowndes AL in roadcuts on AL263 for 5km S from junction with AL21 Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra,Flemingostrea,mollusk casts,oysters,a few echinoids,ammonites AL0183
Tombigbee River Lowndes AL Plymouth Bluff Mollusks Hamulus AL0182
Demopolis Madison AL In road cuts near Webb+Sons Warehouse forams,brachiopods – Terebratulina AL0184
Half Acre Madison AL 3 km SE on County 17 in Nanafalia Formation in roadcut mollusks – Ostrea. AL0185
Huntsville Madison AL Mississippian Chester fish teeth-Polyrhizodus,Sandalodus AL0186
Huntsville Madison AL Mississippian Maxville shark teeth-Sandalodus AL0187
Huntsville Madison AL 15 km W on lower slopes of Rainbow Mountain – fossiliferous St Genevieve Limestone ? AL0188
Huntsville Madison AL 18 km S Platycrinus ? AL0189
Huntsville Madison AL 6 km N Platycrinus AL0190
Huntsville Madison AL Along Monte Sano State Park Rd 1 km from WHBS-FM Radio Tower. In massive Limestone crinoid fragments,echinoid fragments,Pentremites AL0191
Huntsville Madison AL At Mt Sano in road cut along US431 on W side of Mountain in Mississippian Gasper corals -Campophyllum,Chonetes; Blastoids – Pentremites; Crinoids -Agassizocrinus,Talarocrinus AL0192
Huntsville Madison AL E in road cuts in Mississippian St Genevieve Limestone crinoids – Platycrinus,Cystelasma,Pustula. Blastoids – Pentremites AL0193
Huntsville Madison AL In roadcuts near top of Monte Sano Mountain on AL431 Mississippian abundant crinoid fragments,blastoids,brachiopods AL0194
Madison Madison AL In Chattanooga shale 1.6 km E of Fisk on E side of Flint River in road cut crinoids fragments,Spirifer,conodonts,Lingula AL0195
Madison County Madison AL In Chattanooga shale 4 km W of Plevna crinoids fragments,Spirifer,conodonts,Lingula AL0196
Madison County Madison AL In fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone In Valley on E side of County between Tennessee state line and Owens Crossroads,in Red residual soils. Mississippian Tuscumbia crinoid and bryozoa fragments — Fenestella,brachiopods –Spirifer,Reticularia,corals — Lithostrotion AL0197
Madison County Madison AL In fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone In a 6 by 20 km region between Brier Fork Creek and Flint River,in Red residual soils. Mississippian Tuscumbia crinoid and bryozoa fragments — Fenestella,brachiopods — Spirifer,Reticularia,corals — Lithostrotion AL0198
Madison County Madison AL In fossiliferous Tuscumbia Limestone On W side of county W of Tennessee River and South of Brier Fork Creek,in Red residual soils. Mississippian Tuscumbia crinoid and bryozoa fragments — Fenestella,brachiopods — Spirifer,Reticularia,corals — Lithostrotion AL0199
Magnolia Madison AL 1.5 km S of County 30 between Shiloh and Magnolia sw1/4s9t13nr4e Ostrea AL0200
Magnolia Madison AL on County 30 near crest of hill W of Goose Creek Well Preserved Mollusks and Plants AL0201
Nanafalia Landing Madison AL on Tombigbee River Eocene Claiborne? Forams (39 species),Mollusks (16 species),Ostracods (27 species),Cardium AL0202
New Hope Madison AL 2 km NE on SE Flank of Hill Mt in road cut in Bangor Limestone abundant Bryozoa – Fenestella,Archimedes,Prismopora,Brachiopods – Spirifer,Composita,Pentremites AL0203
New Market Madison AL 1 km W at base of hill on W side of Mountain Fork Creek crinoid stems,Spirifer AL0204
New Market Madison AL 8 km W along Flint River in Devonian Middle Chattanooga Shale Conodonts AL0205
New Market Madison AL 8 km W in Red Mountain Formation at Sulphur Springs (Quicks Mills[?]) corals; Favosites,Halysites and Conodonts AL0206 Probably near 34.9176N,86.5038W on Flint River. Can’t identify a ‘Quick’s Mills’
Octagon Madison AL 14 km NW in road cuts on County 30 Eocene? Porters Creek Mollusks: Calyptraphorus,Volutocorbis,Venericardia; Sharks teeth,otoliths,corals,forams AL0207
Old Spring Hill Madison AL In road cut on US43. Mollusks in Cretaceous Demopolis chalk Exogyra,Diploschiza AL0208
Ready Crossroads Madison AL along Flint River and tributaries in grey,while,greenish limestone Silurian Fort Payne Chert crinoid stems,Spirifer AL0209
Thomaston Madison AL NE,in glauconitic sand at base of Clayton Formation Eocene? Clayton phosphatic nodules,reworked Cretaceous fossils – Exogyra,other mollusks AL0210
Marengo AL Cretaceous Ripley Formation in 8-15 km wide belt. N boundary 6 km N of McKinley,2 km N of Dayton, 13 km SW of Demopolis at Tombigbee River. S boundary 4 km S of McKinley,Thomaston,Linden,1.6 km N of Jefferson Cretaceous Ripley ? AL0212
Marengo County Marengo AL Across County from outcrops in Wilcox County to Moscow on the Tombigbee River Cretaceous-Tertiary[?] White Limestone (Alabama)[?] with Nautilus,Enclimatoceras underlain by hard crystalline Limestone with poorly preserved shells – Turritella,Venericardia,Ostrea,Cerithium. Rostellaria AL0211 White Limestone appears to be a 19th Century(?) term. Uncertain what the modern equivalent is
Paint Rock River Marshall AL 3 km S Pentremites (several species) AL0213
Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne ? AL0236
Monroe AL S25T7NR8E,S34T7NR8E,S19T7NR9E,S39T7NR9E,S12T7NR7E in yellow sands Eocene Claiborne ? AL0237
Monroe AL Yellow sands with Ostrea – Across the county and S and West through MS,LA,TX ? AL0238
Monroe AL Yellow sands with Ostrea – s12t7nr7e ? AL0239
Monroe AL Yellow sands with Ostrea – s19t7nr9e through s30t7nr9e ? AL0240
Monroe AL Yellow sands with Ostrea – s25t7nr8e,s34t7nr8e ? AL0241
Bell’s Landing Monroe AL Along Alabama River Large Gastropods Pseudoliva,Bulbifusus. pelecypods – Pholas,Martesia AL0214
Bells Landing Monroe AL In bluff Eocene Claiborne Turritella and other fossils AL0215
Bethel Monroe AL 1 km S of Butler Eocene Claiborne ? AL0216
Cave Branch Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne ? AL0217
Claiborne Monroe AL pelecypod Codakia,gastropods Sinum,Coral Endopachys AL0218
Claiborne Monroe AL pelecypod Lirodiscus AL0219
Claiborne Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne Echinoderms -Echinocyamus,mollusks – Lucina,Hindsiella,Erycina,Dentalium AL0220
Claiborne Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne Mollusks:Crepidula (well preserved),Gastropods Emarginula,Fasciolaria,Calyptraphorus,Volutomorpha,Cerithium,Bulla,Dentalium Coral Trochocyathus AL0221
Claiborne Monroe AL 8 km N on top of a high Limestone hill Eocene Claiborne pelecypod casts AL0222
Claiborne Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne Formation 43 meters thick. Complete section exposed in Claiborne Bluff plus Lisbon Bluff. Black clay at base. Eocene Claiborne Cytherea,Pectunculus,Crassatella in top 2 meters. Next meter Turritella,Rostellaria,Crepidula,Turbinella,Voluta,Melongena,Ancillaria. Ostrea lower down. Total 150 species AL0223
Claiborne Bluff Monroe AL on beds at base Eocene Claiborne pelecypods – Pholadomya,Astarte,Mollusks – Arca,Trigonocoelia. AL0224
Hendrick’s Marl Bed Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne ? AL0225
Knight’s Branch Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne ? AL0226
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group 1 km S of Butler Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0227
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Bethel Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0228
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Cave Branch Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0229
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Choctaw Corner Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0230
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Hendrick’s Marl Bed Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0231
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Knight’s Branch Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0232
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group W to MS line Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0233
Turnbull Monroe AL In Woods Bluff Group Wood’s Bluff Woods Bluff[Bashi] Eocene Woods Bluff Turritella in bed 3-4 meters thick AL0234
Wood’s Bluff Monroe AL Eocene Claiborne ? AL0235
Morgan AL In power line right of way at NW1/4S2T6SR4W Mississippian Upper Tuscumbia Ctenacanthus AL0245
Morgan County Morgan AL S15t6r2w S10t6r2w in a NE trending Limestone Fish skeletons AL0242
Morgan County Morgan AL SE1/4se1/4s10t8r3w In a gray Limestone near Stenson asphaltum mine in gully Pentremites AL0243
Valemosa Springs(?) Morgan AL se1/4se1/4s19t6r1w Fossiliferous Limestone ? AL0244
Hamburg Perry AL Cretaceous Eutaw Gryphaea AL0246
Fairfield Pickens AL S in long bluff on Tombigbee River. Many fossils Inoceramus AL0247
Russell AL At junction of US431 and AL651 Cretaceous Eutaw Occasional shark teeth AL0257
Russell AL In road cut at US431 AL165 Cretaceous Eutaw a few shark teeth(13). AL0258
Russell AL On AL52 20km N of Hurtsboro Cretaceous Eutaw Abundant Ostrea AL0259
Russell AL on AL51 Cretaceous Eutaw Ostrea AL0260
Chattahoochee River Russell AL at Broken Arrow Bend Cretaceous Eutaw Exogyra AL0248
Holy Trinity Russell AL 4 km S in road cuts on AL165 Cretaceous Blufftown Mollusks AL0249
Holy Trinity Russell AL 4 km S in road cuts on I65 Cretaceous Blufftown mollusks AL0250
Hurtsboro Russell AL 20 km N NE side of US431 AL165 Intersection Cretaceous Eutaw shark teeth AL0251
Hurtsboro Russell AL on AL51 18 km N Cretaceous Eutaw abundant Ostrea (13) AL0252
Pittsview Russell AL On AL13 4km SE of AL29 junction. Cretaceous Blufftown Mollusks AL0253
Pittsview Russell AL On AL13 below Coolspring Baptist Church Cretaceous Blufftown Mollusks AL0254
Pittsview? Russell AL On AL39 500m S of junction with AL165 Cretaceous Blufftown Mollusks AL0255
Pittsview? Russell AL On AL4 200m E of junction with US4 Cretaceous Blufftown Mollusks AL0256
Cahaba Valley Shelby AL 1 km S of Bowles Spring Church (13 km SW of Leeds) Lecanospira casts AL0261
Calera Shelby AL Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0262
Calera Shelby AL 1 km W Helicotoma uniangulata casts AL0263
Calera Shelby AL 6 km N of Pelham on Montgomery Road Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0264
Calera Shelby AL An regional exposures into St Clair,Bibb,Etowah counties Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0265
Calera Shelby AL Between Leeds and Moody’s Crossroads Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0266
Calera Shelby AL In Quarries between Calera and Pelham Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0267
Calera Shelby AL Little Cahaba River s17t24nr11e Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0268
Calera Shelby AL W of Pelham on Buck Creek Ordovician Newala Limestone gastropods: Turritella,Hormotoma,Coelocaulus,Orospira,Tarphyceras AL0269
Helena Shelby AL 0.4km S in argillaceous shale Cambrian Lower Montevallo brachiopods-Micromitra AL0335 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P60
Helena Shelby AL 500 meters NE Wimanella,Obolus AL0270
Helena Shelby AL 6.4km S in argillaceous shale Cambrian Lower Montevallo brachiopods-Micromitra AL0334 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P60
Helena Shelby AL 8 km S Wimanella AL0271
Montevallo Shelby AL 4 km W along Columbiana road Ordovician Lecanospira. AL0272
Montevallo Shelby AL On AL25 between I-65 and Montevallo in shale outcrops in red clay road cut Abundant,well preserved graptolites AL0273
Montevallo Shelby AL in area shale exposures Ordovician Athens Shale graptolites – Climacograptus,Diplograptus,Retiograptus,Isograptus. etc AL0274
Pelham Shelby AL 17 km NE at road junction 4 km NE Newhope Church in Ordovician New Hope Limestone 50 species of brachiopods and gastropods. AL0275
Pelham Shelby AL 700 meters N Ordovician New Hope Limestone 50 species of brachiopods and gastropods AL0276
Shelby Shelby AL 6 km SW Cambrian Upper Cryptozoon AL0277
Shelby Shelby AL 7 km SE Cambrian Upper Upper Cambrian Gastropods – Casts Lecanospira AL0278
Siluria Shelby AL 4 km SW Cambrian Upper Upper Cambrian Gastropods – Casts Lecanospira AL0279
Montevallo Shelby? AL in reddish shale Cambrian Lower [?] Trilobites-Bristolia,Olenellus AL0280
St Clair AL SE of Blount and Chandler Mountains along Dry Creek in ne1/4s18t13r4e in Mississippian Tuscumbia Limestone|Lauderdale chert Corals – Lithostrotion AL0288
Beaver Creek Mountain St Clair AL on top of Mountain. Gastropods Rhipidomella AL0281
Easonville St Clair AL 4 km E along Devonian Talladega chert gastropods. AL0282
Greenport Ferry St Clair AL 1500 meters S gastropods Chonetes AL0283
Odenville St Clair AL 1300 meters E in RR cut in Ordovician Lenoir Limestone large gastropod casts – Maclurea AL0284
Odenville St Clair AL 600 meters S in Cut. pit on N side of Seaboard Air Line tracks in Ordovician Odenville|Mosheim Limestones Amphineurids-Chiton,Priscochiton;Maclurea,Deltatreta;trilobites;Orthoceras,brachiopods,sponges. Abundant gastropod – Lophospira in Mosheim Limestone AL0285
Springville St Clair AL In hills to W Cambrian Upper Cambrian Upper gastropods and Trilobites AL0286
Talladega St Clair AL 6 km S on Taylor Mill Rd gastropods AL0287
Griffin’s Landing Sumter AL Fossiliferous black clay outcrops N for 15 km on Tombigbee River to Black Bluff in S12T16R1w Gastropods,pelecypods,a few corals,cephalopod fragments,decapod fragments AL0289
Livingston Sumter AL 12 km N on Epes Road in Cretaceous Upper Selma chalk Mollusks-Anomia AL0290
Livingston Sumter AL 4 km N Belemnites AL0291
Talladega AL fossiliferous chert on ridges in SW part of county ? AL0295
Alexandria Talladega AL 4 km N along Gadsen Rd just below Tallasseehatchie Creek bridge. Trilobites ? AL0292
Alexandria Talladega AL 4.8 km N trilobites ? AL0293
Talladega Sulphur Spring Talladega AL E – Fossil Chert. ? AL0294
Kimbrel[?] Tuscaloosa AL In Conasauga Formation – Cambrian Conasauga Linguella(Lingula?)(4) AL0296
Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa AL In Government Quarry Calamites AL0297
Vances(?) Tuscaloosa AL In RR cuts to E Trenton age Ordovician Upper fossils in Limestone AL0298
Woodstock Tuscaloosa AL 5 km S in Silurian Red Mountain brachiopods – Pentamerus AL0299
Baker’s Bluff Washington AL 2 km upstream from St Stephens mollusks AL0300
Baker’s Bluff Washington AL in ferruginous sand bed pelecypods Panopaea AL0301
Dry Creek Washington AL S6t8r2 Turritella,Ostrea,Voluta AL0302
Isney Washington AL At Singley and Peels Store s11t10nr5w 5 km E in banks of PushPush Creek Ostrea AL0303
Isney Washington AL W to MS line area outcrops of fossiliferous white Limestone ? AL0304
Jordans Mill Washington AL S13t9r4w poorly preserved Claiborne fossils in greensand ledge Eocene Claiborne ? AL0305
PushPush Creek Washington AL around W end of Hatchetigbee uplift, S17t10r4w,S17t10r4w,S21t10r4w Eocene Claiborne Claiborne fossils AL0306
Shoemaker’s Mill Washington AL NW in S2t9nr4w in Greensand beds Crassatella AL0307
Silas Washington AL 4 km NE from Powers Store to Turkey Creek bridge along Isney-Bladon Springs Road in Buhrstone beds Ostrea AL0308
St Stephens Washington AL 1 km N on Tombigbee River Eocene? Claiborne ? AL0309
Alabama River Wilcox AL Cretaceous Upper Prairie Bluff Gastropods Anchura AL0310
Allenton Station Wilcox AL 2 km E in Porters Creek Black Clays Forams,corals,mollusks – Turritella Eocene? Clayton ? AL0311
Caledonia Wilcox AL in creek bed in Coal Bluff member of Naheola fm. Naheola Forams (75 species),Ostracods (38 species) AL0312
Camden Wilcox AL 11.3 km E on Allentown Rd in Matthew’s landing Marl Bed Eocene? Clayton molds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa – Conopeum AL0313
Camden Wilcox AL 15.5 km E (1 km W of Darlington Road) Eocene? Clayton molds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa – Conopeum AL0314
Camden Wilcox AL 18.9 km E in Clayton Fm in road cut on Al 28 Eocene? Clayton molds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa -Conopeum AL0315
Camden Wilcox AL 8.2 km NE Cretaceous molds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa – Conopeum AL0316
Camden Wilcox AL 8.2 km NE Paleocene Clayton molds,casts. Reworked Cretaceous fossils (Exogyra),Eocene mollusks,forams,sharks teeth,bryozoa – Conopeum AL0317
Camden Wilcox AL s12t12r6e gastropods,Turritella,pelecypods AL0318
Clifton Wilcox AL 2 km upstream on Left Bank. Low Bluff of highly fossiliferous black clay ? AL0319
Dale’s Branch Wilcox AL Mollusks AL0320
Gravel Creek Wilcox AL Near AL41 Many mollusks. AL0321
Gregg’s Landing Wilcox AL near County Line 3 corals,24 mollusks — Fusus,Fasciolaria,Pholas AL0322
J. Lee Bridge on AL10-26 Wilcox AL 1.3 km W in road cut Eocene? Clayton echinoids,pelecypods,nautiloids,bryozoa AL0323
Lower Peach Tree Wilcox AL 9 km N along Alabama River at Yellow Bluff mollusks — Ostrea,Venericardia,Turritella,Martesia AL0324
Lower Peach Tree Wilcox AL In bank of Bear Creek E of bridge on County 1 to Sunny South mollusks,coral-Haimesiastraea AL0325
Matthew’s Landing Wilcox AL gastropods Pseudoliva,Murex,Fusus AL0326
Midway Landing Wilcox AL 4 km NW in bed of Rock Creek below AL10 bridge 2 km W of Al28 junction abundant nautiloids. AL0327
Oakhill Wilcox AL 2 km W many mollusks AL0328
Oakhill Wilcox AL 7.1 km W in road cut on AL10. Forams AL0329
Old Cannon Landing Wilcox AL Alabama River brachiopods Terebratulina AL0330
Pine Barren Creek Wilcox AL In Creek Banks and road cuts on AL28 near intersection of AL21 and AL28. Abundant mollusks,plants,nautiloids,Turritella AL0331
Prairie Bluff Wilcox AL on Alabama River many Well preserved gastropods AL0332
Elton P.O. [?] AL on Flat Creek toward Martha at Early’s Bridge in Limestone mollusks – Scutella,Pecten AL0333 Can’t find an Elton,Martha,or Early’s Bridge in Alabama. There are more than a dozen Flat Creeks