Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Hamburg Aiken SC classic locality from early 20th century Cretaceous Upper Tuscaloosa ? SC0001
Salley Aiken SC Eocene Congaree ? SC0002
Tinker Creek Aiken SC on S side 500 meters below Cix’s[?] bridge Eocene McBean|Barnwell Volutocorbis,Nucula,Leda,Ostrea,Pecten,Corbula,Tellina,Cytherea,Venericardia,Pteropsis,Spisula SC0003 Tinker Creek runs along the Aiken-Barnwell line mostly in Aiken County and largely within the DOE Savannah River Plant. There aren’t many bridges. Most likely locality looks to be around 33.3997N,81.5084W,but that’s just a guess.
Upper Three Runs Aiken SC 4 km S of SC781 Eocene Congaree ? SC0004
Baldock Barnwell SC 6.5 km NW at Lower Three Runs Eocene Ostrea SC0005
Ellenton Barnwell SC 2 km S in excavation Eocene Barnwell Ostrea SC0006
Shell Bluff Barnwell SC on Savannah River Eocene Ostrea SC0007
Beaufort Beaufort SC vertebrates Carcharodon SC0008
Beaufort,Charleston SC Shark teeth – ProCarcharodon SC0009
Cross Berkeley SC Cross Quarry,Exposures of the Oligocene Cooper Marl + the Pliocene Duplin Marl. Oligocene Cooper Fossils include sharks and rays from each unit,echinoids,shells. SC0010
Cross Berkeley SC Cross Quarry,Exposures of the Oligocene Cooper Marl + the Pliocene Duplin Marl. Oligocene-Pliocene Cooper Marl|Duplin Marl Fossils include sharks and rays from each unit,echinoids,shells. SC0011
Cross Berkeley SC Cross Quarry,Exposures of the Oligocene Cooper Marl + the Pliocene Duplin Marl. Pliocene Duplin Fossils include sharks and rays from each unit,echinoids,shells. SC0012
Cross Berkeley SC in Martin-Marietta Quarry in deposits Eocene-Pleistocene Echinoids,mollusks,bryozoa SC0013
Cross Berkeley SC in Martin-Marietta gravel quarries (Berkeley and Orangeburg) accessible with permission on weekends. 11 km N of SC176 on SC311 then 10 km W on County Line Road Eocene-Pliocene Moultrie|Cross|Cooper wide variety of vertebrates and invertebrates. Ecphora,vertebrates,echinoids,echinoderms,Crabs SC0014
Cross Berkeley SC in quarry Eocene? Duplin?|Yorktown? echinoids,bryozoa,mollusks SC0015
Eadytown Berkeley SC on spoil banks of Santee-Cooper diversion Canal Eocene Santee fossils SC0016
Goose Creek Berkeley SC on S side of creek Pliocene Waccamaw fossils SC0017
Cave Hall Calhoun SC Eocene Warley Hill Ostrea SC0018
Creston Calhoun SC 1 km E in road cut on SC33, type locality Eocene Congaree marine fossils SC0019
Lone Star Calhoun SC 5 km N on abandoned road W of SC237 and S of Warley Creek – Type locality Eocene Warley Hill Venericardia,others SC0020
Poplar Creek Calhoun SC Eocene Warley Hill Ostrea SC0021
Ashley River Charleston SC in feeder creek and area exposures shark teeth SC0022 http://www.ditchweezil.net/tripdetail.asp?TripID=3
Charleston Charleston SC 15 km S on NC17 in spoil pits of Bolton mine Oligocene Cooper bryozoa,bivalves,shark teeth,mammal bones SC0023
Charleston Charleston SC 16 km SE on SC17 in spoil pits Oligocene shark teeth,bones,invertebrates SC0024
Charleston Charleston SC In fill on Hwy 7 at Ashley River Bridge brachiopods SC0025
Charleston Charleston SC in area marl pits along Ashley River Eocene Cooper shark teeth,forams SC0026
Dupont Charleston SC Eocene Ostrea SC0027
James Island RR Station Charleston SC 600 meters S,18 km SW of Charleston on Spoil banks of old Bolton mine on Rt 17 Oligocene Cooper Marl Bryozoa,bivalves,cirripedes,bone fragments,shark teeth SC0028
North Charleston Charleston SC Ashley River Phosphate beds – sharks Alopecias,ProCarcharodon Miocene Hawthorn ? SC0029
Charleston,Colleton SC S of Charleston along beach Pleistocene fossils SC0030
Charleston Charleston? SC near Miocene Hawthorn Vertebrates-reptiles-Gavialosuchus SC0031
Cheraw Chesterfield SC at bridge over PeeDee River. In borrow pit 100 meters S of US1 Cretaceous Tuscaloosa? forams some plant fossils SC0032
Cheraw Chesterfield SC classic locality from early 20th century Cretaceous Upper Tuscaloosa ? SC0033
Middendorf Chesterfield SC classic locality from early 20th century Cretaceous Upper Tuscaloosa 41 plant species SC0034
Middendorf Chesterfield SC in RR cut 3 km N on Hartsville-Ruby Road Cretaceous Middendorf plants – good leaf impressions SC0035
PeeDee River Chesterfield SC in outcrops between Burches Ferry[?] and Yauhannah Ferry Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0036 Can’t locate either Burches or Yahannah Ferry on USGS maps. These are said to be River Bluff exposures East of Florence,SC
Rimini Clarendon SC 2 km S on Spring Grove Creek Eocene Black Mingo Fossiliferous chert SC0037
Tindall’s Mill Clarendon SC on Manning-Paxville Road in bed of Sammy Swamp in Sandstone and chert on Clay bed Eocene Black Mingo Pseudoliva,Calyptraphorus,Miterella,Turritella,Natica,Ostrea,Venericardia. SC0038
Raysor Bridge Colleton SC in small marl exposure on Edisto River Miocene Duplin ? SC0039
St George Colleton SC 13 km SW near Raysor Bridge on Edisto River Miocene Raysor Marl Paracyathus,Epitonium,Turritella,Fissuridea,Cadulus,Nucula,Leda,Yoldia,Glycymeris,Arca,Ostrea,Pecten,Plicatula,Crassatellites,Astarte,others SC0040
Black Creek Darlington SC Cretaceous Upper Black Creek 15 species plants,a few mollusks SC0041
Darlington Darlington SC along Black creek above town Cretaceous Upper Black Creek plants – Algites,Cephalotaxospermum[?],Auricaria,Strobilites,Myrica,Salix,Ficus,Proteoides,Magnolia,Rhus,Others SC0042 No citations for Cephalotaxospermum,but Cephalotaxus is a valid genus that might well be found in a Cretaceous plant collection.
Mechanicsville Darlington SC 2 km NE on SC34 Cretaceous Black Creek|Tuscaloosa ? SC0043 There is also a Mechanicsville in Lee County
Dorchester Dorchester SC 4.3 km E at Four Hole Swamp on W bank of Orangeburg-Summerville Rd in marl Eocene shark teeth,corals,mollusk casts SC0044
Four Hole Swamp Dorchester SC in dredging. Carcharocles SC0045
Givhans Bridge Dorchester SC on Edisto River 3 km S of Four Hole swamp in marl in river bluff 300 meters above bridge Eocene Cooper Pecten,Amusium,Arca,Ostrea,bryozoa SC0046
Givhans Bridge Dorchester SC on Edisto River 3 km S of Four Hole swamp in marl in stream bed on approach Eocene Cooper Pecten,Amusium,Arca,Ostrea,bryozoa SC0047
Harleyville Dorchester SC Eocene Santee Limestone invertebrates,vertebrates-Basilosaurus,Zygorhiza SC0048
Harleyville Dorchester SC 3 km E in quarry Eocene-Oligocene Basilosaurus,Zygorhiza teeth,Invertebrates,shark teeth. SC0049
Harleyville Dorchester SC 3 km N in quarry Eocene-Miocene — Castle Hayne-Cooper — fossils SC0050 Original says NC
Harleyville Dorchester SC Blue Circle Cement,This is an active Limestone mine that cuts 80′ through the Harleyville Formation (Late Marine Eocene) and the Cross Formation (Middle Marine Eocene). This is the deepest mine in Eastern SC. The plant schedules one trip per quarter and Devonian Middle and Upper Harleyville|Cross Has produced a large quantity of undescribed archeocete material. Basilosaurus material shows up regularly along with shark,dugong,fish,and turtle. SC0051
Harleyville Dorchester SC Blue Circle Quarry Eocene Santee Limestone Fossils include shark and ray fauna,Archaeocetes. SC0052
Harleyville Dorchester SC Blue Circle Quarry Oligocene Cooper Marl Fossils include shark and ray fauna,Archaeocetes. SC0053
Harleyville Dorchester SC Giant Portland Cement Co. Quarry ? SC0054
Harleyville Dorchester SC In pit of Giant Portland Cement Co 4 km NNE. Oligocene Cooper Marl Eocene Santee Limestone Basilosaurs vertebra,Zygorhiza teeth,invertebrates,oysters,shark teeth,Chlamys,forams SC0055
Harleyville Dorchester SC This is an active Limestone plant that has a good reputation for providing access for fossil hunting. The main mine is approx. 60′ deep and cuts through the Harleyville Formation (Late Marine Eocene) and Cross Formation (Middle Marine Eocene). Eocene Middle-Eocene Upper Harleyville|Cross This mine is a great place for all types of Eocene shark teeth. Archeocete material is a common find. Several complete skeletons of undescribed Durodon species have been recovered by the SC state museum. SC0056
Summerville Dorchester SC Eocene Cooper Shark Teeth-Hemipristis,Isurus,Odontapsis SC0057 There is a second Summerville in Richland County
Ashley River Dorchester? SC 35.2km above Charleston Eocene Shark Teeth-Carcharodon SC0058
Burches Ferry Florence SC 14 km S of Mars Bluff (141 km above Georgetown). Cretaceous Upper PeeDee Belemnitella,Exogyra. Anomia. Ostrea,Liopistha,Aphrodina,Turritella,Belemnitella SC0059 Can’t locate either Burches or Yahannah Ferry on USGS maps. These are said to be River Bluff exposures East of Florence,SC
Davis Landing Florence SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee Ostrea,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Pecten,Lima,Anomia,Crenella,Veniella,Sphenodiscus SC0060
Elim Florence SC 500 meters SE on US391 at junction of Sparrow swamp and PeeDee River Cretaceous Upper PeeDee mollusks,forams SC0061
Florence Florence SC 16 km E at Mars Bluff at base of sequence Cretaceous Upper Tellina with sponge borings;coral,bryozoa,pelecypods-Leda,Breviarca,Glycymeris,Arca,Ostrea,Anomia,Veniella,Crassatellites,Lucina,Cardium,Corbula,Dentalium,Nerita,Epitonium,Lunatia,Gyrates,Turritella,Pugnellus,Odontapsis,vertebra SC0062
Florence Florence SC 19 km E on old US76 at Mars Bluff on PeeDee River Cretaceous Black Creek mollusks,fish vertebra SC0063
Florence Florence SC along Willow Creek Cretaceous PeeDee Exogyra,etc SC0064
Orum Florence SC 500 meters N Exogyra SC0065
Black River Georgetown SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0066
Choppee Creek Georgetown SC on N bank of Black River about 19 km N10degW of Georgetown Eocene Black Mingo Ostrea,Modiolus,Venericardia,Melina,Liotia SC0067
Georgetown Georgetown SC 5 km NW near source of Whites Creek on Smpit Road in red sand Eocene poorly preserved marine fossil casts SC0068
Litchfield Beach Georgetown SC along Beach Pleistocene fossils SC0069
Pawleys Island Georgetown SC Fossils at S End ? SC0070
Perkins Bluff Georgetown SC on W bank of Black River 5 km above Black Mingo Creek in fossiliferous Limestone (type locality) Eocene Black Mingo Eutrephoceras SC0071
Waccamaw River Georgetown SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0072
Horry SC on Atlantic Ocean beaches from Winyah Bay to NC line Exogyra,shark teeth,gastropods SC0086
Horry SC on beaches Cretaceous PeeDee Exogyra SC0087
Bears Bluff Horry SC Pliocene Waccamaw about a dozen species of mollusks SC0073
Conway Horry SC 15 km E at mouth of Tilly Lake on Waccamaw River Cretaceous Exogyra SC0074 Original reference said North Carolina
Myrtle Beach Horry SC 1 km N along Intercoastal waterway Pleistocene Polinices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Conus,Busycon SC0075
Myrtle Beach Horry SC N along Hwy 17 Pleistocene Polinices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Conus,Busycon SC0076
Myrtle Beach Horry SC N along Intercoastal waterway at NC51 bridge Pleistocene Polinices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Conus,Busycon SC0077
Myrtle Beach Horry SC North Bank of Intercoastal Canal in back of Shrine club on US17 Pleistocene Canepatch Polynices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Noetia,Busycon,Conus,Astrangia SC0078 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Myrtle Beach Horry SC S along coast ? SC0079
Myrtle Beach Horry SC in bank of Intercoastal Waterway in back of Shrine Club on NC17 bivalves SC0080
Myrtle Beach Horry SC in dredged materials along beach shark teeth and other fossils SC0081
Myrtle Beach–Windy Hill Horry SC Cassidulus SC0082
North Myrtle Beach Horry SC 8 km S on W Side NC17 Cretaceous PeeDee abundant fossils SC0083
North Myrtle Beach Horry SC 9 km N in spoil bank along SC17 Cretaceous PeeDee invertebrates SC0084
North Myrtle Beach Horry SC along SC17 10 km S in spoil bank of Cretaceous Upper PeeDee Cucullaea,Trigonarca,Exogyra,Placenticeras,Eutrephoceras SC0085
Savannah River Jasper SC area exposures Miocene Hawthorn a few mollusk shells SC0088
Batesburg Lexington SC Trilobites SC0089
Batesburg Lexington SC nearby Cambrian Middle? Asbill Pond Avalonian trilobites-Skehanos,Paradoxides,Hypagnostus,Peronopsis,Ptychagnostus,Tomagnostus,Agraulos,Skreiaspis? SC0090
Gaston Lexington SC 1.3 km W at head of First Creek (type locality) Eocene Congaree Shale Venericardia,Shark Teeth SC0091
Gaston Lexington SC 3 km S Eocene Congaree ? SC0092
Gaston Lexington SC 3 km S 600 meters E of RR Eocene McBean Venericardia SC0093
Hodges Mill Marion SC (Snow Hill member) 70 meters W of Nichols-Galivants Ferry road 1 km N of Sandy Bluff road Cretaceous Upper Black Creek Ostrea,Exogyra,Trigonia,Veniella,Crassatellites,Cardium,Cyprimeria. Aphrodina,Legumen,Leptosolen,Pholadidae SC0094
Lynches River Marion SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0095
Smithboro Marion SC 5 km SE in bed of branch of Buck Swamp on Mullins road Cretaceous Upper Snow Hill Ostrea,Exogyra,Trigonia,Veniella,Crassatellites,Cardium,Cyprimeria. Aphrodina,Legumen,Leptosolen,Pholadidae SC0096
Eutawville Orangeburg SC 5.5cm ENE at Eutaw Springs in Limestone Eocene Santee fossils SC0097
Orangeburg Orangeburg SC 8 km N at Pooser’s[?] Hill Eocene many genera SC0098 Couldn’t identify Pooser’s Hill
Orangeburg Orangeburg SC 9 km N to the S of Early Branch on the Columbia road Eocene McBean Cancellaria,Turricula,Phos,Crepidula,Leda,Yoldia. Trigonarca,Pinna,Pteropsis,Mactra SC0099
Orangeburg Orangeburg SC In area Limestone deposits ? SC0100
Orangeburg Orangeburg SC on Bull Swamp Rd E of CawCaw road Eocene McBean Actaeon,Bullinella,Terbra,Conus,Pleurotoma,Cancellaria,Oliva,Curricula,Conomitra,Ficus,Murex,Turritella,Tuba,Crepidula,Lunatia,Natica,Leda,Yoldia,Trigonarca,others SC0101
Santee Orangeburg SC on S shore of Lake Marion near US391 bridge in Limestone and sand Eocene Santee a few mollusks SC0102
Springfield Orangeburg SC 3 km downstream at Stroman’s Mill white silicified shells SC0103
Springfield Orangeburg SC 6.2 km E at bluff E of Rocky Swamp on Norway road in sandy chert ledges Eocene Venericardia SC0104
Youngs Island Orangeburg SC In Pleistocene fossil beds in mud bed at low tide with a lower,richer bed available at very low tide. Pleistocene Canepatch Younges Island in original Polynices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Noetia,Busycon,Conus,Astrangia SC0105 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Youngs Island Orangeburg SC in mud flats Pleistocene invertebrates SC0106
Catchall Sumter SC 3 km NE in red roadside sand Eocene Madrepora,Mesalia?,Turritella,Venericardia,Crassatella,echinoid fragments SC0107
Mayesville Sumter SC 8 km NE on Black River Road 1 km NE of Brick Church Miocene Duplin 250 species of mollusks SC0108
Pinewood Sumter SC 6.5 km NNW at river road crossing of Fuller’s Earth Creek Eocene Ostrea,Venericardia,Turritella,corals,mollusks SC0109
Wedgefield Sumter SC 3.5 km N at Moore’s Spring 70 meters W of Stateburg Hwy (Camden Hwy) Eocene Venericardia SC0110
Black Mingo Creek Williamsburg SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0111
Kingstree Williamsburg SC 10 km S at Lower Bridge on Black River Eocene Black Mingo a few fossils SC0112
Kingstree Williamsburg SC 9.3 km SW on Murray’s Ferry Road to Heinemann Eocene Black Mingo coral,Murex,Natica,Gervillia? Perna SC0113
Kingstree Williamsburg SC At Black River Highway bridge Eocene Black Mingo coral,Murex,Natica,Gervillia? Perna SC0114
Kingstree Williamsburg SC On Main Street Eocene Black Mingo coral,Murex,Natica,Gervillia? Perna SC0115
Kingstree Williamsburg SC in spoil piles of area irrigation ponds Eocene mollusks SC0116
Salters Williamsburg SC 2 km E in roadside exposures Eocene silicified Coelohelia,Haimesiastraea,Cucullaea,Ostrea,etc. SC0117 per HA Coelohelia=Oculina
Salters Williamsburg SC 2 km E on unpaved road in coarse red sand Eocene Black Mingo mollusks SC0118
Suttons Williamsburg SC 3 km E in roadside exposures Eocene Black Mingo bryozoa,Ostrea,Anomia,Pecten SC0119
[?] SC In dry beach sands dredged during reclamation projects, screen with fine tooth sieve then manually examine screened material Pleistocene? microfossils, small vertebrate teeth, tiny conical bryozoa Paleolist – 02/04/2008 01:24 AM 36.86389 -89.86083
Ashley River [?] SC Miocene Hawthorn Vertebrates-turtles-Chrysemys SC0120 Could be an any of several counties
Harbyville[?] [?] SC Eocene Castle Hayne Ray teeth-Myliobatis SC0121 Can’t find a Harbyville in South Carolina. There is a Hardeeville in Jasper County
Intercoastal Canal [?] SC Hwy 51 bridge over canal Pleistocene Canepatch Polynices,Terebra,Rangia,Turritella,Noetia,Busycon,Conus,Astrangia SC0122 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Intercoastal Waterway [?] SC Cretaceous Upper PeeDee marine fossils SC0123
Lower Three Runs Creek[?] [?] SC in Allendale quadrangle Eocene Barnwell Ostrea SC0124 Couldn’t identify a three runs creek
Red Bluff [?] SC Oligocene Cooper fossils SC0125 USGS shows Red Bluffs in Horry,Marlboro,and Marion Counties
Santee Falls[?] [?] SC nearby in Limestone Eocene Castle Hayne? forams SC0126 There apparently is a Santee Falls with limestone exposures nearby,but I have been unable to find the exact location.