Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Bristol Bristol RI marine fossils RI0001
Bristol Bristol RI Carboniferous Narragansett Annularia (Commercial) RI0002
Jamestown Newport RI On E side of Conanicut Island in lower two members of Cambrian Middle Jamestown Trilobite fragments in phyllitic rocks — Paradoxides,Badulesia RI0003
Newport Newport RI At end of Cory’s Lane in shales below high tide line Pennsylvanian Plant fossils RI0004
Newport Newport RI In outcrops of distorted shale near Pirate Cave Cambrian Lower Pirate Cave hyolithids RI0005
Newport Basin Newport RI Cambrian Lower fossils RI0006
Portsmouth Newport RI Carboniferous Narragansett Alethopteris,Pecopteris (Commercial) RI0007
Portsmouth Newport RI Pennsylvanian ferns,cattails,etc RI0008
Portsmouth Newport RI Along shore at the end of Corey’s Lane in shale Pennsylvanian more than a dozen taxa of plants RI0009
Portsmouth Newport RI in low shale cliffs fossils RI0010
Narragansett basin Newport? RI Area exposures around Narragansett Bay Pennsylvanian plants,a few insects RI0011
College Hill Providence RI Carboniferous Narragansett Many plants collected during tunnel construction in 1914 RI0012
Pawtucket Providence RI Carboniferous Narragansett Neuropteroids,Anthracomartus,Protophasmids RI0013
Valley Falls Providence RI In coal shales E to Sockanosset and S of Sockanosset Carboniferous Narragansett ? RI0014
Block Island Washington RI Tertiary fossils in sea cliffs. ? RI0015
Block Island Washington RI limited outcrop of Raritan formation Cretaceous Raritan plants-amber RI0016
Mohegan Bluffs Washington RI Raritan Clays,possibly fossiliferous on Block Island. Cretaceous Potomac ? RI0017
Narragansett Pier Washington? RI in inclusions of metasediments in Narragansett Pier Granite Pennsylvanian Plants-Annularia RI0018
Diamond Pt[?] [?] RI marine fossils RI0019 Diamond Point appears to be a town in Warren County NY