Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Baker OR In Northern,Eastern,and Western parts of County Permian Clover Creek brachiopods,a few gastropods OR0001
Baker Baker OR Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0575 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Baker Baker OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clover Creek Baker OR Triassic Clover Creek OR0002
Clover Creek Baker OR In Northern,Eastern,and Western parts of County Permian Clover Creek brachiopods,a few gastropods OR0003
Cornucopia Baker OR Permian brachiopod-Kuvelousia OR0004
Cornucopia Baker OR 8km E Permian OR0005
Cow Creek Baker OR Cow Creek Valley Jurassic Mowich OR0006
Cow Creek Baker OR Cow Creek Valley Triassic Brisbois OR0007
Homestead Baker OR Triassic Grassy Ridge? OR0008
Homestead Baker OR Hunsaker Creek Permian Hunsaker Creek brachiopods,crinoids,bryozoa,bivalves OR0009
Huntingdon Baker OR Jurassic ammonites-Tmetoceras,Witchellia,Stephanoceras OR0010
Huntington Baker OR Triassic OR0011
Huntington Baker OR 20.8km W Jurassic OR0012
Rye Valley Baker OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Sumpter Baker OR Permian Elkhorn Ridge? gastropod-Omphalotrochus,fusulinids,echinoid spines OR0013
Unity Baker OR Miocene Upper Ironside vertebrates OR0611 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Willow Creek Baker OR Miocene? Freshwater fish OR0014
Albany Benton OR 8km NW Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0015
Bellfountain Benton OR Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0016
Corvallis Benton OR Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0017
Mary’s Peak Benton OR Eocene Siletz River invertebrates OR0018
Butte Creek Valley Clackamas OR (Scotts Mills Valley) Oligocene-Miocene Butte Creek Mammals-Aetiocetus OR0510 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Butte Creek Valley Clackamas OR aka Scotts Mills Oligocene-Miocene Butte Creek invertebrates OR0019
Canby Clackamas OR On Molalla River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Champoeg Creek Clackamas OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Estacada Clackamas OR 15-20 km SE along Clackamas River Petrified Wood OR0020
Gladstone Clackamas OR On Clackamas River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Marquam Clackamas OR 3.6km NE Oligocene Butte Creek invertebrates OR0021
Oregon City Clackamas OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Wilhoit Road Clackamas OR Probably near Molalla,OR Oligocene-Miocene Butte Creek invertebrates OR0022
Wilsonville Clackamas OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Astoria Clatsop OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0509 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Astoria Clatsop OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates,arthropods-Balanus OR0023
Astoria Clatsop OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Astoria Clatsop OR Along waterfront-largely built over–Type locality for Astoria Formation Miocene Astoria abundant fossils OR0024
Astoria Clatsop OR NW corner of 10th St and Harrison Avenue,Astoria Fm. (type locality) Miocene Astoria forams OR0025
Big Creek Clatsop OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0026
Cannon Beach Clatsop OR At mouth of Elk Creek Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0027
Elsie Clatsop OR Mishawaka (Mishawaka is near the junction of OR26 and OR103) Eocene? Cowlitz? Arthropods-Pilumnoplax,Portunites,Raninoides OR0028
Saddle Mountain Clatsop OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0029
Westport Clatsop OR Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0030
Wolf Creek Clatsop OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey|Cowlitz invertebrates OR0031
Youngs River Clatsop OR Miocene Astoria ichnofossils OR0032
Canaan School Columbia OR nw1/4s3t5nr2w in tuffaceous sediments Spisula,Pitar,Tellina,Taras,Lucina,Venericardia,Natica OR0033 This would seem to be around 45.9494N,122.9126W about 5km WNW of Deer Island
Clatskanie Columbia OR Oligocene Gries Ranch Conglomerate Glycymeris,Arca,Loxocardium,Puncturella OR0034
Clatskanie River Columbia OR At headwaters Oligocene Scappoose invertebrates OR0035
Coal Creek Columbia OR Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0036
Conyers Creek Columbia OR Oligocene Gries Ranch? invertebrates OR0037
Deer Island Columbia OR near St Helens Oligocene Gries Ranch Conglomerate Glycymeris,Arca,Loxocardium,Puncturella OR0038
Mist Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey Fish-Calilepidus,Probathygadus,Paleobathygadus,Promacrurus;Sharks-Carcharodon,Centrophorus,Heptranchias,Isurus,Lamna,Notorhynchus,Odontapsis,Pristiophorus,Squatina OR0526 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Mist Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey invertebrates,ichnofossils OR0039
Mist Columbia OR Oligocene Keasey ichnofossils OR0040
Nehalem River Columbia OR On E Fork Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0041
Nehalem River Columbia OR at Rocky Point Quarry W of river on W side of Timber-Veronia road 9 km N of Sunset Hwy, 7 km S of OR47 in conglomerate above basalt Eocene? pelecypods,shark teeth{4} OR0042
Nehalem River Valley Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates,Arthropods-Pinnixa,Portunites,Raninoides OR0043
Nehalem River Valley Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Pittsburg Bluff Fish-Congridae,Macouridae;Sharks-Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis,Notorhynchus,Odontapsis,Pristiophorus,Raja,Squalus,Squatina OR0528 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Pebble Creek Columbia OR Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0044
Pittsburg Columbia OR Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0045
Pittsburg Columbia OR In road cut on OR47 400 meters N of Scappoose Road Junction. in bed about 4 meters above hwy. Oligocene? Gastropods and bivalves OR0046
Pittsburg Columbia OR in sandstone bluffs along Nehalem River Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff Bruclarkia,Molopophorus,Perse,Polynices,pelecypods – Acrilla,Nuculana,Macrocallista,Spisula,Solen,Tellina,Thracia OR0047 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Pittsburg Columbia OR in sandstone bluffs along Nehalem River Oligocene? abundant gastropods. OR0048
Ranier Columbia OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Rock Creek Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates OR0049
Rock Creek Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates OR0050
St Helens quadrangle Columbia OR 1 km S of Coweman River Bridge on E side of Pacific Hwy Eocene Upper|Oligocene Lower Nuculana,Pteria,Ostrea,Volsella,Crassatellites,Pitar,Pachydesma,Gari,Solena,Spisula,Corbula,Dentalium,Ficopsis{4} OR0051
St Helens quadrangle Columbia OR 3 km S of Coweman River Bridge near junction of country road with Pacific Hwy Eocene Upper-Oligocene Lower Nuculana,Volsella,Pachydesma,Tellina,Polynices {4} OR0052 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Tide Creek Columbia OR Oligocene Gries Ranch? invertebrates OR0053
Vernonia Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey invertebrates OR0054
Vernonia Columbia OR Cliffs at both ends of RR trestle over OR47 Oligocene Keasey Isocrinus,decapod Zanthopsis,bivalves Thyasira,Glycymeris,Acila,Deletopecten[?],Epitonium,Exilia,Polynices,Bruclarkia,Dentalium OR0055 ‘Deletopecten’ nay be a valid genus,but this might be a misspelling of ‘Delectopecten’. ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Vernonia-Scappoose Road Columbia OR Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff invertebrates OR0056
Veronia Columbia OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey invertebrates OR0057
Veronia-Scappoose Rd Columbia OR At Wiulark[?] Miocene Astoria invertebrates,marine reptiles OR0058 Couldn’t identify a Wiulark or anything similar on Veronia-Scappoose Highway W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Columbia,Washington OR 1 km E of RR station at N end of 3rd Hwy bridge on Rock Creek. Oligocene Keasey Keasey faunas OR0061
Columbia,Washington OR 1 km N in W bank of road in gritty sandstone Myadesma,Pachydesma,Spisula OR0070 Couldn’t locate Shiloh (School),Oregon
Columbia,Washington OR 10 km S on Cherry Grove road off of OR47 2 km W in Sandstone ledge Oligocene well preserved faunas{4} OR0060
Columbia,Washington OR 13 km out from Veronia toward Keasey in RR cut SW of 2nd Hwy bridge-3rd RR bridge Oligocene Keasey Keasey faunas OR0068
Columbia,Washington OR 14 km S of Veronia marine fossils,crinoids. OR0067
Columbia,Washington OR 2 km S or RR crossing at prominent cut at sharp bend in Timber-Glenwood Rd well preserved faunas OR0073
Columbia,Washington OR 25 km NW near highway bridge over E fork on Nehalem River 8 km SE of OR47 abut 10 meters above Hwy at W end of bridge Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff Very well preserved pelecypods in concretions.{4} OR0069
Columbia,Washington OR 500 meters S of OR47, OR202 Junction in grey tuffaceous siltstone Oligocene Lower Keasey crinoids – Isocrinus; Dentalium,sea urchins,Decapods,Zanthopsis,pelecypods,gastropods{4} OR0063
Columbia,Washington OR High Cliff on W side of Nehalem River 500 meters S of junction of OR47 and OR202. This locality was reported to be a lens which was subsequently quarried out. It is not known if other exposures in the area might have similar material Oligocene? well preserved Crinoids and other fossils. Isocrinus,Dentalium,Sea urchins -Salina[?],crabs – Zanthopsis,pelecypods,gastropods,sharks -Heptranchias,forams,sponges. OR0064 There does not seem to be a genus ‘Salina’. ‘Salina’ is a valid species name for several sea urchins and there is a genus ‘Salenia’ reported from the Oligocene Keasey Fm in OR
Columbia,Washington OR In cuts on farm road 400 meters S of junction of Tide Creek Yoldia,Aucilla,Pitar,Spisula,Thracia,Tellina,Taras,Venericardia,Solen,Bruclarkia,Epitonium,Natica,Dentalium OR0059
Columbia,Washington OR On OR26. Quarry near mouth of tunnel. Fossils OR0071
Columbia,Washington OR Outcrops of Keasey Formation near the RR Station Oligocene? Keasey ? OR0062
Columbia,Washington OR Sunset Highway area Oligocene Keasey|Pittsburg Bluff ? OR0065 Original says Pittsburg formation
Columbia,Washington OR in shale in cuts for several km from each end abundant,well preserved marine faunas OR0072
Columbia,Washington OR on E side of Timer-Veronia Road 5 km N of Sunset Hwy junction Eocene Thyasira{4} OR0066
Bandon Coos OR Miocene Empire (OR)? invertebrates OR0074
Bandon Coos OR At Coquille Point Pleistocene Coquille 58 taxa–mollusks-Hiatella,Macoma,Mya,Psephidia,Saxidomus,Fusitriton;crustacea;bryozoa,echinoderms;brachiopods,corals;forams OR0075
Bandon Coos OR At Grave Point Pleistocene Coquille 58 taxa–mollusks-Hiatella,Macoma,Mya,Psephidia,Saxidomus,Fusitriton;crustacea;bryozoa,echinoderms;brachiopods,corals;forams OR0076
Bastendorff Beach-Coos Head Coos OR 8km NW Eocene Bastendorf Shale invertebrates OR0077
Cape Arago Coos OR Eocene Coaledo invertebrates OR0078
Cape Arago State Park Coos OR Eocene Fossil shells and shark teeth OR0079
Cape Arago State Park Coos OR in Headland SW of Coos Bay 27 km from US101 on trail leading down to beach. Eocene Coaledo bivalves,gastropods,echinoids and Decapods in concretions. OR0080
Coos Bay Coos OR Eocene Coaledo Sharks-Aetobatis,Carcharias,Galeorhinus,Heterodontus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis,Odontapsis,Pristiophorus,Squalus,Squatina OR0523 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Coos Bay Coos OR Miocene Empire (OR) Arthropods-Balanus OR0081
Coos Bay Coos OR Miocene Empire (OR) Mammals-Phoca,Pontolis OR0518 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Coos Bay Coos OR Oligocene Bastendorf forams,a few mollusks OR0082
Coos Bay Coos OR Area exposures Eocene Coaledo invertebrates OR0083
Coos Bay Coos OR Area exposures Eocene Coaledo|Bastendorf Ophiuroids;Acila,Tellina,Pitar,Turritella,Polinices OR0084
Coos Bay Coos OR At Fossil Point Miocene Empire (OR) invertebrates OR0085
Coos Bay Coos OR At Fossil Point, 3 km N of South Slough Bridge, 6 km from Empire. Pliocene Empire (OR) 50 species of bivalves,gastropods,scaphopods,echinoids,crustacea. OR0086
Coos Bay Coos OR In channel dredging debris at Coos Bay channel Miocene Tarheel 19 genera of mollusks OR0087
Coos Bay Coos OR S to Port Orford,Petrified wood in float on beaches petrified wood OR0088
Coos Head Coos OR Miocene Empire (OR) invertebrates OR0089
Coquille Pt Coos OR Pliocene invertebrates OR0090
Coquille River Coos OR North Fork Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Coquille River Coos OR On S fork in Eden Ridge-Powers area Eocene Lookingglass|Tyee invertebrates OR0091
Coquille River Coos OR On middle fork Eocene Roseburg|Lookingglass invertebrates OR0092
Daniels Creek Coos OR in quarry in SE1/4s26t25Sr12w Eocene Umpqua typical faunas OR0093
Dement Creek Coos OR Cretaceous invertebrates OR0094
Dora Coos OR on Steel Creek 2 km E near bridge at mouth of creek Eocene Nemocardium,Glycymeris,Gari,Anomia,Solena,Pelecyora,Nucularia,Turritella,Ectinochilus,Dentalium,crabs in concretions OR0095
Five Mile Creek Coos OR N of Bandon Eocene? Elkton? Arthropods-Callianassa,Portunites,Raninoides OR0096
Foggy Creek Coos OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0097
Fossil Point Coos OR in conglomerate bed Miocene Empire (OR) 72 genera of mollusks,marine vertebrate bones OR0098
Fossil point Coos OR Along beach North to Coos Head Miocene Empire (OR) very diverse mollusks – 90 species OR0099
Fourmile Creek Coos OR Eocene Umpqua Venericardia,Barbatia,Ostrea,Volsella,Gari,Eomeretrix,Loxocardium,Anomia,Aucilla,Nuculana,Pitar,Calyptraea,Turritella OR0100
Grave Pt Coos OR Pliocene invertebrates OR0101
Gravelford Bridge Coos OR 200m S Eocene Umpqua Turritella,Nitadivenus,Crassatellites,Dentalium OR0102
Johnson Creek Valley Coos OR Jurassic Galice OR0103
Juniper Mountain Valley Coos OR Jurassic OR0104
Matson Creek Coos OR Eocene Tyee invertebrates OR0105
Medford Coos OR 8km SW at 49 Placer Mine Cretaceous Hornbrook invertebrates OR0106
Pigeon Point Coos OR In Coos Bay Miocene Tarheel|Astoria invertebrates OR0107
Riverton Coos OR Area exposures Eocene Coaledo invertebrates OR0108
Salmon Creek Coos OR Near Powers Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0109
Shore Acres State Park Coos OR In exposures stretching N to Yoakam[?] Pt Eocene Coaledo shells;fairly abundant shark and ray teeth-Odontapsis,Squalus,Myliobatis OR0110 Original says Yokum Point
Sitkum Coos OR In Quarry on Camas Creek on E fork of Coquille River Eocene Tyee large Ostrea OR0111
Summer Coos OR Eocene Coaledo invertebrates OR0112
Sunset Bay Coos OR Eocene Fossil shells and shark teeth OR0113
Sunset Bay Coos OR Eocene Coaledo birds-Hydrotherikornis OR0114
Tunnel Point Coos OR Oligocene Tunnel Point mollusks-Spisula,Molopophorus,Bruclarkia,Pachydesma,Tellina OR0115
Crook OR Area outcrops Wedberg member of Snowshoe Formation Jurassic Snowshoe Reptile-Telosaurid OR0534 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Bear Creek Valley Crook OR Miocene John Day fresh water invertebrates OR0116
Bear Creek Valley Crook OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0537 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Camp Creek Crook OR Tertiary John Day mammals-Agriochoerus,Archaeolagus,Dayohyus,Diceratherium,Eporeodon,Mesocyon,Miohippus,Nothocyon,Oreodontoides,Paraenhydrocyon,Perchoerus,Promerycochoerus,Pseudogenetochoerus OR0117
Camp Creek Crook OR At Schrock’s Ranch NE of Sheep Mountain Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0571 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Camp Creek Valley Crook OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0543 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Camp Creek Valley Crook OR On Paulina Road Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0579 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Crooked River Creek Valley Crook OR On Post-Paulina Road Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0546 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Crooked River Valley Crook OR S fork on Paulina-Post Road Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0581 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dayville Crook OR 16km W on John Day River at Cants Ranch (Butler Basin) Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0544 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dayville Crook OR 6.4km W in Cottonwood Creek Valley Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0551
Grindstone Creek Crook OR Permian Coyote Butte brachiopods OR0118
Hampton Butte Crook OR S36t19sr19e 19 km N of Bend-Burns Hwy colorful silicified wood OR0119
John Day Valley Crook OR Oligocene-Miocene John Day|Mascall fresh water invertebrates OR0120
Logan Butte Crook OR 19.2km S of Crooked River Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0549 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Paulina Crook OR 4.8km W at Beaver Creek Valley Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0577 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Paulina Creek Valley Crook OR Miocene Middle Mascall? vertebrates OR0586 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Paulina Creek valley Crook OR Miocene Mascall? birds-Phoenicopterus OR0121 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Post Crook OR to SE in area exposures between Post and Hampton petrified wood OR0122
Prineville Crook OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Prineville Crook OR 100 km E in area exposures in Crook,Grant,Harney County Mesozoic marine fossils – invertebrates,fusulinids,forams OR0123
Prineville Crook OR 55 km up Crooked River 1 km N of Hwy on W bank of Wickiup Creek plants – Pinus,Quercus,Sassafras,Platanus,Rhamnus OR0124
Prineville Crook OR Chamber of Commerce provides maps. Petrified wood. OR0125
Prineville Crook OR E in Sandstone outcrops on BLM land Cretaceous Plesiosaur bones OR0556
Stewarts[?] Crossing Crook OR NE at McKay Ranch Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0584 Can’t identify a Stewarts Crossing in Oregon W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Suplee Crook OR Permian Coyote Butte brachiopods OR0127
Suplee Crook OR 16km SW in Coffee Creek Valley 1 Mississippian Coffee Creek brachiopods,corals OR0128
Suplee Crook OR 5.6km SW in Trout Creek Valley Mississippian Coffee Creek brachiopods,corals OR0129
Suplee Crook OR Area outcrops Wedberg member of Snowshoe Formation Jurassic Snowshoe Reptile-Telosaurid OR0533 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Suplee Crook OR N in Beaver Creek Valley at Bernard Ranch Cretaceous Bernard invertebrates OR0130
Suplee Crook OR at Berger Ranch Devonian conodonts OR0131
Suplee-Izee Crook OR Eastern Crook County Cretaceous Bernard Ammonites-Turrilites,Desmoceras,Anthonya;bivalves-Trigonia,Exogyra,Inoceramus,Ostrea OR0132
Tuckers Butte Crook OR Permian Coyote Butte brachiopods OR0133
Twelvemile Creek Crook OR Permian Coyote Butte brachiopods OR0134
Twelvemile Creek Valley Crook OR Jurassic Snowshoe OR0135
Wade Butte Crook OR Jurassic Snowshoe OR0136 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Crook,Jefferson? OR on Lost Creek N and E of Clarno surface nw1/4s27t16sr20e Miocene Clarno 17 species of silicified wood. OR0137
Suplee Crook|Grant OR Area exposures Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0138
Agness Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0139
Agness Curry OR 1.6 km S on Rogue River Cretaceous Days Creek arthropods-Hoploparia OR0140 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Agness Curry OR 2 km downstream on S side of Rogue River in concretions in shales Cretaceous Days Creek lobsters,ammonites OR0141
Agness Curry OR 4.8km E on Snout Creek Rd Eocene Flournoy invertebrates OR0142
Agness Curry OR 4.8km E on Snout Creek Road Eocene Flournoy arthropods-Lophopanopeus,Plagiolophus,Raninoides,Zanthopsis OR0143 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Agness Curry OR 5 km East Eocene Middle Lookingglass mollusks,forms,echinoderms,Decapods — Abundant Zanthopsis and Lophopanopeus. OR0144
Agness Curry OR In Cretaceous Lower Days Creek Formation in S bank of Rouge River 3 km downstream. Decapods and ammonites in concretions Cretaceous Lower Days Creek Hoploparia OR0145
Agness Curry OR in Eocene Umpqua Formation in road cuts along Road 3406 adjacent to South Creek about 4-5 km E. Eocene Umpqua Decapods- Raninoides;Plagiolophus(Orbitoplax) OR0146 The Eocene Umpqua formation is in Oregon. There appears to be no town of Agnes in either Oregon or New Jersey
Agness Curry OR in thin outcrop of sandstone Cretaceous Days Creek bivalve-Buchia;Ammonites-Simbirskites,Hollisites,Hoplocrioceras OR0147
Bald Mountain Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0148
Butler Creek Curry OR at junction with Elk River in ne1/4s17t33sr13w and along Elk River in conglomerates and graywacke Cretaceous Lower Buchia,other fossils OR0149
Cape Blanco Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point? OR0150
Cape Blanco Curry OR Pleistocene Arthropods-Balanus,Cancer,Hapalogaster,Phyllolithoides,Pinnixa,Pugettia OR0151
Cape Blanco Curry OR Pliocene Elk River? Mammals-Enhydra,Otarid OR0511
Cape Blanco Curry OR Pliocene Port Orford Mammals-Eumetopias,Phoca OR0516 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Cape Blanco Curry OR At mouth of Elk River Pleistocene Elk River vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Cape Blanco Curry OR Elk River Beds Pleistocene Elk River mollusks OR0153
Cape Blanco Curry OR Elk River Beds Pleistocene Elk River mollusks OR0562
Cape Blanco Curry OR Holocene in Recent Terrace Deposits Pliocene-Pleistocene-Holocene Elk River|Port Orford invertebrates OR0152
Cape Blanco Curry OR Terrace deposits above Elk River Beds Pleistocene Elk River mollusks;barnacles;forams;echinoid fragments;bryozoa OR0154
Cape Sebastian State Park Curry OR On N side of cape in s36t37sr15w in sandstone ammonites – Pachydiscus OR0155
Cape Sebastian State Park Curry OR On S side of cape on US101 near Myers Creek bridge Cretaceous Upper Inoceramus OR0156
Cape Sebastian State Park Curry OR at Hunters Cove on NW side Cretaceous Upper Inoceramus OR0157
Chetco River Curry OR Jurassic Dothan (OR)? OR0158
Chetco River Curry OR on Boulder Creek Jurassic Dothan (OR)? Bivalve-Buchia OR0159
Collier Butte Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0160
Collier Butte Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point? OR0161
Crook Point Curry OR 8km S Jurassic Otter Point OR0162
Elk River Curry OR Jurassic Myrtle OR0163
Elk River Curry OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0164
Euchre Creek Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0165
Euchre Creek Curry OR In Euchre Creek Valley Jurassic Otter Point OR0166
Gold Beach Curry OR To South Cretaceous A single dinosaur bone OR0557
Humbug Mountain Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0169
Humbug Mountain Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point OR0170
Humbug Mountain State Park Curry OR Jurassic Ichthyosaur remains found S of Park Jurassic ichthyosaurs OR0168
Hunter Creek Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point OR0171
Otter Point Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point OR0172
Pistol River Curry OR Cretaceous invertebrates OR0173
Pistol River Curry OR near coast Cretaceous mollusks-Inoceramus,Meekia,Cymbophora,Mytilus OR0174
Port Orford Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point OR0175
Port Orford Curry OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0176
Port Orford Curry OR Along Elk River Cretaceous Lower ferns,cycads,Ginko OR0177
Port Orford Curry OR On Beach S to Brookings,Agatized coral along beaches Glide OR,5 km SE Petrified wood OR0178
Port Orford Curry OR SE on Hubbard Creek Miocene invertebrates OR0179
Rouge River Valley Curry OR Cretaceous Days Creek arthropods-Hoploparia OR0180 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Sisters Rocks Curry OR Jurassic Otter Point? Reptile-Icthyosaurus OR0532 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Sixes River Curry OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0181
Basket Point Douglas OR Eocene Elkton invertebrates,Arthropods-Callianassa,Portunites,Raninoides OR0182
Bottom Creek Douglas OR Eocene Bateman invertebrates OR0183
Buck Peak Douglas OR Jurassic Riddle ? OR0184
Cottage Grove Douglas OR 8km SW at Comstock Eocene Elkton invertebrates OR0185
Cow Creek Douglas OR At Nichols Station Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0186
Dillard Douglas OR Jurassic Myrtle OR0187
Dillard Douglas OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0188
Drain Douglas OR NW at Jack Creek Eocene Tyee?|Spencer invertebrates OR0189
Elkton Douglas OR Eocene Elkton invertebrates OR0190
Glide Douglas OR Eocene Lookingglass invertebrates OR0191
Glide Douglas OR At mouth of Little River Eocene Roseburg|Flournoy? abundant,diverse mollusks OR0192
Glide Douglas OR SE at Little River Eocene Lookingglass invertebrates OR0193
Myrtle Creek Douglas OR SE of Roseburg Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Myrtle Creek Valley Douglas OR Jurassic Upper-Cretaceous Lower Myrtle OR0194
Myrtle Creek Valley Douglas OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0195
Nichols Creek Douglas OR Jurassic Riddle ? OR0196
Riddle Douglas OR 16km NNW at Buck Peak Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0197
Riddle Douglas OR 16km NW at Buck Creek Jurassic Myrtle OR0198
Riddle Douglas OR 19.2km W Jurassic Upper-Cretaceous Lower Myrtle OR0199
Riddle Douglas OR 19.2km W Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0200
Riddle Douglas OR E at Days Creek Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0201
Riddle Douglas OR In Cretaceous Lower Days Creek Formation in bank of Cow Creek 0.4 km downstream from bridge. Decapods and ammonites in concretions Cretaceous Lower Days Creek Hoploparia OR0202
Riddle Douglas OR NW at Thompson Creek Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0203
Riddle Douglas OR near shore marine Formation found primarily in Douglas County,OR,near the town of Riddle. Jurassic Riddle Fossils consist of a mixture of marine and plant fossils. Fossils include Pelecypods-Buchia; Ferns – Coniopteris,Thyrsopteris,Sagenopteris; cycads – Nilssonia,Ptilozamites;conifers – Sphenolepidium,Pinus,Araucarites; Ginko OR0204
Roseburg Douglas OR Eocene Roseburg|Flournoy Acila,Anomia,Crassatella,Glycymeris,Nuculana,Ostrea,Solena,Tellina,Fusinus,Homalopoma,Mitra,Olivella,Siphonalia,Turritella,Volutocorbis OR0205
Roseburg Douglas OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0206
Roseburg Douglas OR 19.2km W Jurassic Upper-Cretaceous Lower Myrtle OR0207
Roseburg Douglas OR NW at Cleveland Eocene invertebrates OR0208
Roseburg Douglas OR S in regional exposures along tributaries of the Umpqua River Cretaceous Days Creek Bivalves-Buchia OR0209
Roseburg Douglas OR To S in Umpqua River Valley Jurassic Riddle Bivalves-Buchia;ammonites-Proniceras,Spiticeras,Protacanthodiscus OR0210
South Umpqua River Douglas OR Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0211
South Umpqua River Douglas OR Jurassic Upper-Cretaceous Lower Myrtle OR0212
Thompson Creek Douglas OR Jurassic Riddle ? OR0213
Thompson Creek Douglas OR Jurassic Upper-Cretaceous Lower Myrtle OR0214
Umpqua River Douglas OR At Lone Rock on North Fork Eocene Roseburg invertebrates OR0215
Grave Creek Douglas|Josephine|Jackson OR Cretaceous Hornbrook? invertebrates OR0216
Arlington Gilliam OR Miocene freshwater fish OR0217
Arlington Gilliam OR Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0574 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Arlington Gilliam OR Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0595 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Arlington Gilliam OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Arlington Gilliam OR SE at Krebs Ranch Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0604 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Grant OR Area outcrops Wedberg member of Snowshoe Formation Jurassic Snowshoe Reptile-Telosaurid OR0535 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Alamo Ranch Grant OR On John Day River–exact location uncertain Oligocene Upper vertebrates OR0536 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Aldrich Mountains Grant OR Cretaceous Hudspeth? invertebrates OR0218
Beaver Creek Grant OR Jurassic Snowshoe OR0219
Begg Creek Grant OR Begg Creek Valley Triassic Begg OR0220
Bridge Creek Grant OR Miocene John Day mammals:Dinohyus OR0221 There are a number of Bridge Creeks in Oregon. The town of John Day is in Grant County which makes it a likely target
Camp Creek Grant OR Camp Creek Valley Triassic Brisbois OR0222
Camp Watson Grant OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0542 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Canyon City Grant OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dayville Grant OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dayville Grant OR 19.2km E at Van Horn Ranch Oligocene John Day fish-Novumbra,Pholidophorus,Plioplarchus? OR0223
Dayville Grant OR 8km NE at Schneider Ranch Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0589 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dayville Grant OR E in Road Cuts Miocene Mascall fossil plants OR0224
Dayville Grant OR SW at Battle Creek-Spanish Gulch Cretaceous Hudspeth? invertebrates OR0225
Deer Creek Grant OR (S fork of John Day River Cretaceous Hudspeth? invertebrates OR0226
Dixie Mountain Grant OR Cretaceous A few waterworn mollusks-Meekia,Anomia,gastropods,Aphrodina OR0227
Elkhorn Creek Canyon Grant OR Triassic Rail Cabin OR0228
Flat Creek Grant OR Jurassic Snowshoe|Trowbridge OR0229
Foree Fossil Beds Grant OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0547 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Izee Grant OR 8km SE at Big Flat Triassic Brisbois OR0230
Izee Grant OR Between Izee and John Day Jurassic Keeler Creek Shale Jurassic OR0231 Ammonites-Arnioceras,Crucilobiceras,Gleviceras
Izee Grant OR Between Izee and John Day Triassic Aldrich Mountains Ammonites-Placerites[?],Sandlingites,Vredenburgites OR0232 No citations for ‘Placerites’ and ‘Vredenburgites’,070608
Izee Grant OR area exposures Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe|Lonesome OR0233
John Day River Grant OR On North Fork Miocene Mammals-Agriochoerus,Archaeolagus,Coloreodon,Dayohyus,Diceratherium,Eporeodon,Miohippus,Promerycochoerus OR0234
Kimberly Grant OR 8km S at Picture Gorge Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0568 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Kimberly Grant OR 8km SE at Rudio Creek Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0570 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Morgan Creek Valley Grant OR Jurassic Graylock OR0235
Mount Vernon Grant OR Between Mt Vernon and Canyon City on John Day River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Picture Gorge Grant OR Miocene John Day Mammals-Entoptychus OR0236
Picture Gorge Grant OR Area exposures Miocene Upper Rattlesnake (OR) vertebrates OR0608 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Prairie City Grant OR Dixie Creek–area exposures Cretaceous invertebrates OR0237
Ritter Grant OR Fossils OR0238
Ritter Grant OR 8km above at Powell’s Ranch Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0569 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Rosebud Creek Grant OR Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0239
Seneca Grant OR Area exposures Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0240
Sheep Rock Grant OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0552 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Silvies River valley Grant OR S of Seneca Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0241
Suplee-Izee Grant OR Triassic Begg|Brisbois|Rail Cabin Triassic OR0242 belemnoids,brachiopods,bivalves,cephalopods
Suplee-Izee Grant OR fossils from a number of formations Jurassic brachiopods-Discina;ammonites-Paracaloceras,Phylloceras,Psiloceras,Waehnoceras,Weyla;Bivalves-Trigonia,Pholadomya,Lima,Astarte,Lucina,Gryphaea OR0243
Thomas Condon-John Day Fossil Beds State Park Grant OR in Mascall Ranch area between Cottonwood and Rattlesnake Creeks Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0594 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Turtle Cove Grant OR Oligocene John Day Mammals-Aceratherium,Agriochoerus,Anchitherium,Archaeolagus,Daphoenus,Dayohyus,Desmatochoerus,Diceratherium,Entoptychus,Eporeodon,Eucrotaphus,Hypertragulus,Hypsiops,Leidymys,Mesocyon,Nimravus,Nothocyon,Oligobunis,Oreodontoides,Paciculus,Palaeocastor… OR0244
Turtle Cove Fossil Beds Grant OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0553 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Warm Springs Creek Grant OR Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0245
Freeman Creek Grant|Harney OR Jurassic Mowich|Snowshoe OR0246
Andrews Harney OR Miocene Trout Creek (OR) Fossil plants OR0247
Beatys Butte Harney OR Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0576 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Beatys Butte Harney OR 32km NW at Corral Butte Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0580 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Buchanan Harney OR 10 km SE on Stinkingwater Mountain Petrified Wood OR0248 There is a Buchanan in Benton County as well
Buchanan Harney OR NE at Stinking Water Creek Miocene Middle Columbia River Basalt vertebrates OR0592 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Burns Harney OR In small area of sandstone about halfway between Burns and Suplee-Izee Jurassic Donovan Ammonites-Uptonia,Coeloceras,Metechioceras,Deroceras;bivalves-Plicatostylus,Pecten,Pholadomya,Pleuromya,Pinna,Modiolus,Gervillia OR0249
Burns Harney OR area road cuts Miocene Stinking Water fossil Plants OR0250
Drewsey Harney OR 8km E at Drinkwater Pass Miocene Upper Drewsey vertebrates OR0600 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Drewsey Harney OR 8km NE at Otis Basin Miocene Upper Drewsey vertebrates OR0607 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Drewsey Harney OR 8km SE at Bartlett Mountain Miocene Upper Drewsey vertebrates OR0596 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Grindstone Creek Harney OR Jurassic Snowshoe OR0251
Ashland Jackson OR 4.8km S Cretaceous Hornbrook invertebrates OR0252
Bear Creek Valley Jackson OR Cretaceous Hornbrook? invertebrates OR0253
Jacksonville Jackson OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Jacksonville Jackson OR Dark Hollow Cretaceous Hornbrook? invertebrates OR0254
Phoenix Jackson OR Cretaceous Hornbrook invertebrates OR0255
Pinehurst Jackson OR to S in area exposures Petrified Wood OR0256
Roseville Jackson OR SE of Roseville Cretaceous Hornbrook Gastropods-Turritella;Bivalves-Inoceramus,Trigonia;Ammonites-Nipponites,others OR0257
Talent Jackson OR On Anderson Creek Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Umpqua River Jackson OR S part of county in regional exposures along tributaries of the Umpqua River Cretaceous Days Creek Bivalves-Buchia OR0258
Bedortha Ranch Jefferson OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0259
Bedortha Ranch Jefferson OR petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0260
Big Muddy Ranch Jefferson OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0261
Cherry Creek Jefferson OR t10sr19e Eocene Middle Clarno Plants,vertebrates OR0262
Crooked River basin Jefferson OR Spotted Ridge Formation,Pennsylvanian age non-marine rocks overlying the marine Coffee Creek Formation in the Crooked River Basin of central Oregon. They underlie the Permian age marine Coyote Butte Formation. Fossils are plants similar to Pennsylvania Pennsylvanian Spotted Ridge Flora – Pecopteris,Asterophyllites,Mesocalamites,Phyllotheca,Cordaianthus,Schizopteris,Dicranophyllum,Stigmaria;A few fresh water mollusks OR0263
Currant Creek Jefferson OR t9sr18e Eocene Middle Clarno Plants,vertebrates OR0264
Gateway Jefferson OR Miocene Deschutes fish-Smilodonichthys OR0265
Gateway Jefferson OR 4.8km SE Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0582 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Gateway Jefferson OR SE Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0555 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Hay Creek Ranch Jefferson OR 19 km E of Madras,OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0266
Kennedy Ranch Jefferson OR 21 km NW of Madras,OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0267
MacDonald Ranch Jefferson OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0268
Marston Ranch Jefferson OR Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0269 North of Madras
Trout Creek Valley Jefferson OR Near Antelope Creek junction Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0573 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Waldo Josephine OR Jurassic-Cretaceous Myrtle invertebrates OR0270
Enrico Ranch Klamath OR Pliocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Klamath Falls Klamath OR 24km E at Lost River Pleistocene fresh water fish OR0271
Klamath Falls Klamath OR 24km NE at Wilson Quarry Pit Pliocene Yonna fresh water invertebrates OR0272
Klamath Falls Klamath OR 24km NE at Wilson’s Quarry Pit Pliocene Yonna vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Klamath Falls Klamath OR 24km NE at Wilson’s Quarry pit Pliocene Yonna? fish-Chamisa,Gila,Notropis,Oncorhynchus,Salmon OR0273
Lost River Klamath OR 24km E of Klamath Falls Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Merrill Klamath OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Worden Klamath OR Pliocene Yonna? fish-Chamisa,Gila,Notropis,Oncorhynchus,Salmon OR0274
Yreka-Hornbrook Klamath OR to North Cretaceous ammonites OR0275
Adel Lake OR On 20 Mile Creek Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Alkali Flat Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Antelope Canyon Lake OR on OR66 W of Goose Lake Valley 32 km between Cottonwood and Thomas Creeks Miocene Lower leaves,vertebrate bones and teeth – rhinoceros – Diceratherium OR0276
Christmas Lake Lake OR N at Button Springs Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Christmas Lake Valley Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Eugene Lake OR 1.2 km SE of junction of US99 and MacKenzie River Hwy in concretions in road cut Oligocene Eugene crab claws OR0277
Eugene Lake OR At E edge on N side of US99 at US126 junction Oligocene Eugene large pelecypods OR0278
Eugene Lake OR NE of Coburg via Harrisburg Rd to Brownsville Rd N 3 km to dirt road running E into Coburg Hills on S and W slope of hill Oligocene Crepidula,Spisula OR0279
Eugene Lake OR Rock quarry at entrance to Hendrick’s Park; Smith’s quarry between Millrace and Franklin Blvd; under E end of Franklin Blvd Overpass over SP tracks Eocene marine fossils. Bivalves: Modiolus,Nemocardium,Lucinoma,Diplodonta. Gastropods – Acrilla,Crepidula,Calyptraea. Shark Teeth. Cephalopod: Aturia OR0280
Eugene Lake OR at City End in quarries Oligocene Amiantis,Chione,Sanguinolaria,Panope,Mesodesma,Spisula,Solen,Thracia,Diplodonta,Tellina,Agasoma,Natica OR0281
Eugene Lake OR at City Reservoir and College Crest Oligocene Amiantis,Chione,Sanguinolaria,Panope,Mesodesma,Spisula,Solen,Thracia,Diplodonta,Tellina,Agasoma,Natica OR0282
Eugene Lake OR at Fern Ridge at Richardson Butte at W end of Dam Eocene Spencer sandstone mollusks (25 species) OR0283
Eugene Lake OR in eastward dipping area outcrops Eocene-Oligocene Aturia,Agasoma,Solen,Spisula,Tellina,Epitonium,Mulinia OR0284
Eugene Lake OR near Reservoir Hill in road cuts along Jefferson and Washington streets near 26th-28th Ave Oligocene Eugene Casts of marine shells OR0285
Eugene Lake OR on RR cut between Eugene and Glenwood near Sears warehouse Oligocene rich faunas OR0286
Eugene Lake OR on S edge on Lorane Rd 3.7 km SW of corner of Willamette St and 29th Ave in sandstone concretions molds of mollusks OR0287
Fort Rock Village Lake OR 48 km E mammals,birds,other vertebrates OR0288 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Fossil Lake Lake OR Silver Lake (OR) Mammals-Canis,Castor,Elephas,Equus,Eschatius,Lepus,Lutra,Ondatra,Paramylodon,Smilodon,Vulpes OR0289 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Fossil Lake Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Fossil Lake Lake OR 55 km East of Fort Rock in Fort Rock-Christmas Lake basin. Numerous bones in sand blow outs,cliffs and dunes Pleistocene 23 species of mammals,68 of birds,Fresh water mollusks — Canis,Felis,Arctotherium,Microtus,Thomomys,Mylodon (edentate),Elephas,Equus,artiodactyls -Antilocapra,Platygonus,Camelops,Eschatius OR0290 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission See http://www.utep.edu/leb/paleo/site42.htm for faunal list
Fossil Lake-Christmas Lake Lake OR Pleistocene fresh water invertebrates;fish-Chasmistes,Gila,Notropis,Oncorhynchus OR0291 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Goose Lake Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Goshen Lake OR 2 km S on Pacific Highway Oligocene good leaf imprints OR0292
Guano Lake Lake OR Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0583 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
North Goshen Lake OR In road cuts on N side of US99, OR58 Oligocene well preserved plant fossils OR0293
Paisley Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Rujada Lake OR on Laying Creek 1 km above Ranger Station Miocene good leaf imprints. OR0294
Silver Lake Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Springfield Butte Lake OR 1 km E Oligocene leaf impressions, OR0295
Summer Lake Lake OR Pleistocene fresh water invertebrates OR0296
Summer Lake Lake OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Valley Falls Lake OR 16km E in Snyder Creek Valley Miocene Middle vertebrates OR0591 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Warner Lake Lake OR Pleistocene fresh water invertebrates OR0297
West Side Lake OR SW of Lakeview Near S side of Drew Reservoir Petrified Wood OR0298
Basket Point Lane OR on Umpqua River Eocene Tyee Venericardia,Glycymeris,Turritella OR0299
Coburg Lane OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0300
Coyote Creek Lane OR at junction with Spencer Creek in s11t18sr5w Eocene Venericardia. Glycymeris,Turritella,Tellina OR0301
Coyote Creek Valley Lane OR W of Eugene Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0302
Eugene Lane OR Oligocene Eugene Arthropods-Balanus,Calappa,Callianassa,Eucrate,Mursia,Portunites,Zanthopsis OR0558 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Eugene Lane OR Oligocene Eugene Sharks-,Odontapsis;Mammals-Aetiocetus OR0524 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Eugene Lane OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0304
Eugene Lane OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Eugene Lane OR Area outcrops of siltstone and sandstone Oligocene Eugene 66 genera of mollusks-Nuculana,Acila,Tellina,Parvicardium,Diplodonta,Gemmula,Pitar,Bruclarkia,Crepidula,Solena,Spisula;Ophiuroids;echinoids;barnacles;forams;Decapods;brachiopods;shark teeth;ichnofossils OR0305
Judkins Point Lane OR Oligocene Eugene Arthropods-Balanus,Calappa,Callianassa,Eucrate,Mursia,Portunites,Zanthopsis OR0559 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Spencer Creek Lane OR At mouth of Creek Miocene Astoria Abundant shark teeth OR0307
Spencer Creek Lane OR W of Eugene Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0308
Springfield Lane OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0309
Springfield Lane OR Southern Pacific RR Cut Oligocene Eugene Arthropods-Balanus,Calappa,Callianassa,Eucrate,Mursia,Portunites,Zanthopsis OR0560 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Ten Mile Creek Lane OR S of Cape Perpetua Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Alsea Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Alsea|Yaquina invertebrates OR0311
Alsea Bay Lincoln OR Oligocene Alsea|Yaquina invertebrates OR0312
Alsea Bay Lincoln OR Oligocene Yaquina Fish-Paleobathygadus;Promacrurus,Pyknolepidus;Mammals-Aetiocetus OR0531 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Beverly Beach Lincoln OR At state park and in sea cliffs S for 5 kilometers. Miocene Astoria Fossils: Anadara. Bones. Invertebrates. Bones in concretions. OR0313
Cape Foulweather Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0517 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Depot Bay Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0314
Devils Punch Bowl Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Yaquina invertebrates OR0315
Elk City Lincoln OR Eocene? Tyee? Arthropods-Callianassa,Portunites,Raninoides OR0316
Euchre Mountain Lincoln OR Eocene Siletz River invertebrates OR0317
Fogarty Creek Lincoln OR Boiler Bay Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0318
Fogarty Creek State Park Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria ? OR0319
Johnson Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0519 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Newport Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0520 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Newport Lincoln OR Miocene Nye Mudstone|Astoria invertebrates OR0320
Newport Lincoln OR Miocene Middle Astoria vertebrates OR0585 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Newport Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Yaquina? Callianassa,Eucrate,Mursia,Portunites,Zanthopsis OR0321
Newport Lincoln OR Pliocene Coquille invertebrates OR0322
Newport Lincoln OR Good section through fossiliferous tertiary formations along Yaquina River Tertiary OR0323
Newport Lincoln OR In small cove N of Newport Jetty Pleistocene Coquille mollusks OR0561
Newport Lincoln OR North to Fogarty Creek Miocene Astoria 97 species of mollusk;corals;forams;brachiopods;bryozoa;vertebrates-fish,pinnipeds,terrestrial mammals OR0325
Newport Lincoln OR Petrified wood along Beach S to Waldport Petrified wood OR0326
Newport Lincoln OR from 5 km S to 20 km N in road cuts and other exposures:At Fogarty Creek State Park; 2 km S of Lincoln Beach Post Office;On US101 in cliffs along the beach;Sea cliffs extending about 8 km at Beverly Beach State Park; Spencer Creek 11 km S of Depoe Bay Miocene Middle Astoria Gastropods-Chlorostoma,Turritella,Polynices,Natica. Bivalves –Anadara,Macoma,Aturia,Macrocallista,Acila,Pecten,Marcia OR0327 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Newport Lincoln OR in mudstones under the Astoria formation from Newport to Seal Rock Miocene Lower Nye Mudstone Shark Teeth-Hexanchus,Squalus,Pristiophorus,Squatina,Odontapsis,Isurus OR0328
Otis Junction Lincoln OR Eocene Siletz River invertebrates OR0329
Otter Rock Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0512 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Otter Rock Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Yaquina|Astoria invertebrates OR0330
Schooner Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0521 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Schooner Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0331
Seal Rock Lincoln OR Oligocene Yaquina Fish-Paleobathygadus;Promacrurus,Pyknolepidus;Mammals-Aetiocetus OR0513 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Seal Rock Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Yaquina invertebrates OR0332
Spencer Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0514 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Spencer Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0333
Stott Mountain Lincoln OR Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0334
Toledo Lincoln OR Eocene Nestucca fish-Paleobathygadus,Promacrurus;sharks-Galeocerdo,Isurus,Lamna,Odontapsis,Raja,Squalus OR0530
Toledo Lincoln OR In glauconitic green sands Eocene? Shark teeth-Isurus,Galeocerdo,Raja;mammal bones OR0335
Wade Creek Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0336
Yachats Lincoln OR Oligocene Alsea? invertebrates OR0337
Yaquina Lincoln OR Oligocene-Miocene Alsea|Yaquina invertebrates OR0338
Yaquina Lincoln OR in town Oligocene-Miocene Alsea?|Yaquina? Callianassa,Eucrate,Mursia,Portunites,Zanthopsis OR0339
Yaquina Bay Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria|Nye Mudstone invertebrates;marine reptiles OR0340
Yaquina Bay Lincoln OR Oligocene Yaquina forams,mollusks,fish scales,vertebrates,whale bones OR0341
Yaquina Bay Lincoln OR crabs and mollusks in concretions Oligocene Alsea 33 genera of mollusks-Bruclarkia,Acila,Parvicardium,Macrocallista,Turritella OR0342
Yaquina Bay Lincoln OR crabs and mollusks in concretions Oligocene Alsea Bruclarkia,Acila,Parvicardium,Macrocallista,Turritella OR0343
Yaquina Bay Lincoln OR crabs and mollusks in concretions Oligocene Alsea Bruclarkia,Acila,Parvicardium,Macrocallista,Turritella OR0344
Yaquina Head Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0515 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Yaquina Head Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria Sharks-Carcharodon,Centroscymus,Galeocerdo,Hexanchus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis;Turtles-Psephophorus;Mammals-Cophocetus,Desmatophoca,Desmostylus OR0522 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Yaquina Head Lincoln OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0345
Yaquina River Valley Lincoln OR Miocene Yaquina|Nye mollusks-Acila,Lucina,Nuculana,Yoldia,Thracia,Thyasira,Pecten,Tellina,Macoma,Pitar,Polinices,Cancellaria,Siphonalia OR0346
Albany Linn OR At Mill Race and 2nd St Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Brownsville Linn OR SW on Calapooya River Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0347
Granger Linn OR Eocene Upper Brachiodontes,Macrocallista,Nuculana,Pitar,Tellina,Venericardia,Crepidula,Polinices,Tivelina. Turritella OR0348
Harrisburg Linn OR On Willamette River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Holley Linn OR Along Calapooya River to E Petrified Wood OR0349
Jordan Creek Linn OR above junction with Thomas Creek in t9-10sr1-2e large logs in tuff Petrified wood 13 genera – Pinus,Tsuga,Sequoia,hornbeam(Carpinus),hickory(Hicoria),cinnamon,persimmon,beech,ash,sycamore,oak OR0350
Lebanon Linn OR 6.4km E Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Lewisburg Linn OR Eocene Upper Brachiodontes,Macrocallista,Nuculana,Pitar,Tellina,Venericardia,Crepidula,Polinices,Tivelina. Turritella OR0351
Lyons Linn OR in Upper Thomas Creek,Northwestern Canyon area 10 km SE. 24 species of flora Oligocene Little Butte Volcanics Ginkgo,Cunninghamia,Sequoia,Pterocarya,Rosa,Holmskioldia,Alangium OR0352
North Albany Linn OR Eocene Upper Brachiodontes,Macrocallista,Nuculana,Pitar,Tellina,Venericardia,Crepidula,Polinices,Tivelina. Turritella OR0353
Suplee Linn OR Nearby in Sandstone Jurassic Ammonites;vertebrates-Thalattosuchian OR0563 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Suplee-Izee Linn OR reef exposures pelecypods,etc OR0355
Sweet Home (near Prineville) Linn OR at Carey Agate Beds Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0356
Sweet Home (near Prineville) Linn OR at Macker[?] ranch Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0357 No references to Macker ranch 050613
Tangent Linn OR On Calapooya River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Black Butte Malheur OR Miocene Juntura fresh water invertebrates OR0358
Blackjack Butte Malheur OR Miocene Deer Butte fish-Acrocheilus,Archoplites,Catostous,Chasmistes,Cottus,Ictalurus,Idadon,Kerocottus,Mylocheilus,Myoxocephalus,Orthodon,Paleolox,Prosopium,Ptychocheilus,Rhabdofario OR0359
Brogan Malheur OR 9.6km N Jurassic OR0360
Clover Creek Malheur OR Jurassic ammonites-Tmetoceras,Witchellia,Stephanoceras OR0361
Harper Malheur OR Miocene Upper? vertebrates OR0601 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Harper Malheur OR S at Skull Springs Miocene Middle Butte Creek vertebrates OR0590 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Ironside Malheur OR 16km SE in Clover Creek Valley Jurassic OR0362
Ironside Malheur OR near Post Office Miocene Upper Ironside vertebrates OR0602 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Ironside Mountain Malheur OR Jurassic OR0363
Juniper Mountain Malheur OR Jurassic ammonites-Tmetoceras,Witchellia,Stephanoceras W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Juntura Malheur OR Miocene birds-Eremochen,Megapaloelodus,Neophrontops,Oxyura,Phasianus,Rallus OR0365
Juntura Malheur OR 4,8km W at Black Butte Miocene Upper Juntura vertebrates OR0597 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Juntura Malheur OR 48km SE at Juniper Creek Valley Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0603 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Lake Owyhee Malheur OR W at Wild Horse Canyon Pliocene fresh water invertebrates OR0366
Little Valley Malheur OR 8 km SE Miocene? freshwater arthropods OR0367
Malheur City Malheur OR At Eldorado Pliocene? Fresh water arthropods OR0564 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Mitchell Butte Malheur OR Miocene fresh water invertebrates OR0369
Owyhee Dam Malheur OR 10 km NW Petrified Wood OR0370
Owyhee Dam Malheur OR 10 km SE near Sucker Creek campground Petrified Wood OR0371
Quartz Basin Malheur OR Miocene Middle Deer Butte vertebrates OR0587 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Red Basin Malheur OR Miocene Middle Butte Creek vertebrates OR0588 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Riverside Malheur OR Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0609 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Riverside Malheur OR 10 km N Petrified wood OR0372 There is also a Riverside in Linn County
Riverside Malheur OR 15 km E in Skull Springs area Petrified Wood OR0373 There is also a Riverside in Linn County
Rockville Malheur OR 15.4km N in Sucker Creek Valley Miocene Middle Sucker Creek vertebrates OR0593 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Rockville Malheur OR along Sucker Creek to and beyond the ID line area road cuts Miocene Sucker Creek Fossil plants OR0374
Rome Malheur OR 8km SW at Dry Creek Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0610 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Rome Malheur OR 8km SW on Dry Creek Miocene birds-Branta,Cygnus,Phalacrocorax,Phoenicopterus OR0375
Rome Malheur OR 8km SW on Dry Creek Miocene fish OR0376
Tunnel Mountain Malheur OR Miocene Deer Butte fish-Acrocheilus,Archoplites,Catostous,Chasmistes,Cottus,Ictalurus,Idadon,Kerocottus,Mylocheilus,Myoxocephalus,Orthodon,Paleolox,Prosopium,Ptychocheilus,Rhabdofario OR0377
Tunnel Mountain Malheur OR SE at Shenk Ranch Miocene Deer Butte fish-Acrocheilus,Archoplites,Catostous,Chasmistes,Cottus,Ictalurus,Idadon,Kerocottus,Mylocheilus,Myoxocephalus,Orthodon,Paleolox,Prosopium,Ptychocheilus,Rhabdofario OR0378
Vale Malheur OR Miocene? freshwater arthropods OR0379
Vale Malheur OR 12 km W Petrified Wood OR0380
Vale Malheur OR 16 km SW at Little Valley Miocene Chalk Butte freshwater fish-Ictalurus OR0381
Vale Malheur OR 16km SW at Little Valley Miocene Upper Chalk Butte vertebrates OR0605 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Willow Creek Valley Malheur OR Miocene? birds-Hydrotherikornis,arus,Limicolavis,Pediocetes,Phasianus OR0508 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Abiqua Creek Marion OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Evans Creek Valley Marion OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Independence Marion OR To E Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0382
Salem Marion OR Scattered area outcrops Oligocene Butte Creek Neverita,Bruclarkia,Solen,Pitar,Nuculana OR0383
Scotts Mills Marion OR Scattered area outcrops Oligocene Butte Creek Neverita,Bruclarkia,Solen,Pitar,Nuculana OR0384
St Paul Marion OR At Mouth of Willamette River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Talbot Marion OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0385
Veneta Marion OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0386 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Woodburn Marion OR At Mill Creek Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Marion,Polk OR 3 km W in Limestone quarry Eocene Yamhill Ostrea,Lima,Mollusks,forams. Brachiopods OR0387
Boardman Morrow OR Miocene Upper vertebrates OR0598 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Scappoose Multnomah OR S on Jackson Creek Oligocene-Miocene Scappoose invertebrates OR0388
Troutdale Multnomah OR Lewis and Clark State Park Miocene Petrified Wood OR0389
Buell Polk OR Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0390
Dallas Polk OR 4 km S OR33 to Liberty Road,W 2 km to Polk County Quarry Eocene Ostrea,Raninoides,Pelecypods,Nautilus,shark teeth,sea urchins,forams OR0391
Dallas Polk OR 4 km S OR33 to Liberty Road,W 4 km to Oregon Portland Cement Co Quarry Eocene Ostrea,Raninoides,Pelecypods,Nautilus,shark teeth,sea urchins,forams,Arthropods-Zanthopsis OR0392
Dallas Polk OR 9 km S S31t8sr5w Nucula,Aucilla,Nuculana,Portlandia,Thracia,Lucina,Pitar,Macoma,Tellina,Polinices,Sinum,Ficopsis,Siphonalia,Exilia,Dentalium OR0393
Dallas Polk OR Ellendale quarry on Ellendale Rd,5 km W of OR223 gastropods-Calyptraea,Turritella,Pleurotomaria;pelecypods-Barbatia,Ostrea,Pecten;brachiopods,bryozoa OR0394
Dallas Polk OR SW at Oregon Portland Cement Co Quarry Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0395
Dallas Polk OR W at Ellenendale Basalt Quarry Eocene Siletz River invertebrates OR0396
Dallas Polk OR in Polk Portland Cement Co Quarry. Eocene Upper Yamhill gastropods – Pleurotomaria. OR0397
Dallas Polk OR in quarry 2 km SW Eocene Upper Yamhill diverse gastropods OR0398
Ellendale Polk OR In Ellendale basalt quarry in calcareous grit Eocene gastropods-Acmaea,Calyptraea,Nerita,Spiroglyphus,Turritella;gastropods-Barbatia,Lima,Ostrea,Pecten,Plicatula,Spondylus,Venericardia,Volsella,Teredo,Caryophyllia,echinoid spines,crustacean borings,bryozoa-Heteropora,calcareous algae OR0399
Eola Mills Polk OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0400
Helmick Hill Polk OR Eocene Spencer Sharks-Carcharodon,Galeocerdo,Heterodontus,Isurus,Lamna,Myliobatis,Odontapsis,Sphyrna,Squalus,Squatina OR0525 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Hemlick[?] Hill Polk OR Eocene Spencer invertebrates OR0401
Hemlock Park[?] Polk OR N,in road cut on US99W near Luckiamute River Eocene Upper Spencer Abundant shark teeth OR0402 Original said ‘Hemlick Park’
Little Luckiamute River Polk OR Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0403
Mill Creek Polk OR Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0404
Mill Creek Polk OR ne1/4s4t7sr6w in creek banks and bed above Dallas-Buell highway bridge Eocene Tyee Polynices,Turritella,Glycymeris,Pitar,Psammobia,Venericardia OR0405 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Monmouth Polk OR in thin discontinuous lens of limonite stained pebbles Eocene? Numerous water worn shark teeth–Heterodontus,Odontapsis,Squalus,Squatina,Myliobatis OR0406
Oregon Portland Cement Co Polk OR In Limestone lenses in quarry Eocene Raninoides,Crassatellites,Cinnamomum. Mesophyllum,bryozoa,shark teeth,forams,echinoids,nautiloids,Epitonium,crabs OR0407
Rickreall Polk OR N at Holmes Gap Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0408
Rickreall Creek Polk OR At Boulder Camp Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0409
Salem Polk OR to West Eocene Nestucca Acila,Nuculana,Yoldia,Euspira,Homalopoma,Cymatium,Conus,Exilia OR0410
Salem Polk OR to West Eocene Siletz River gastropods,bivalves,coral,bryozoa,crustacea,brachiopods OR0411
Salem Polk OR to West at Boulder Camp Eocene Yamhill Limestone gastropods,bivalves,coral,bryozoa,crustacea,brachiopods OR0412
Salem Polk OR to West at Buell Quarry Eocene Yamhill Limestone gastropods,bivalves,coral,bryozoa,crustacea,brachiopods OR0413
Salem Polk OR to West at Dallas Quarry Eocene Yamhill Limestone gastropods,bivalves,coral,bryozoa,crustacea,brachiopods OR0414
Siletz River Polk OR On North Fork Eocene Siletz River invertebrates OR0415
Sugarloaf Mountain Polk OR Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0416
Sunshine Creek Polk OR 2 km W of Polk County line in cuts on logging road in calcareous tuffaceous sandstone Eocene large forams,Leptoseris,Leptophyllastrea,pelecypods – Glycymeris,Macrocallista,Nemocardium,Ostrea,Pitar,Schedocardia,Spondylitis,Venericardia,echinoid spines,gastropods OR0417 ‘Schedocardia is Scedocardia in original source
Yamhill River Creek Polk OR on south branch Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0418 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Polk,Marion OR 10.5 km W on US99 2 km E of OR223 junction in shales in road cut Eocene well preserved mollusks OR0421
Polk,Marion OR 15 km S in cut on frontage road 2 km N of Jefferson overpass Oligocene Eugene abundant mollusks OR0425
Polk,Marion OR 15 km SE of Salem on road from Oak Ridge Cemetery to Witzer[?] 3 km E of Turner in old quarry Oligocene Eugene mollusks – Spisula OR0427 Couldn’t find Witzer on USGS maps
Polk,Marion OR 8 km N at US99 RR Xing at Holmes Gap in Sandstone outcrops to NW pelecypods – Acila,Pitar;gastropods – Bruclarkia,Molopophorus OR0424
Polk,Marion OR 8 km SW at S end of Illahe Road 200 meters N of South River Road and S of South River Road,Sandstones Oligocene Eugene pelecypods – Acila,Solen,Pitar,Nuculana,Spisula,Yoldia,Tellina; Gastropods – Polynices,Perse,Crepidula,Molopophorus,Bruclarkia OR0426 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Polk,Marion OR 9 km S in road cut on US99 through N bank of Luckiamute River Eocene Helmick Spisula,Tellina,Volsella,gastropods – Ampullina. Acrilla,Shark Teeth OR0422
Polk,Marion OR In cut on US99W through Helmick Hill Eocene Helmick Spisula,Tellina,Volsella,gastropods – Ampullina. Acrilla,Shark Teeth OR0423
Polk,Marion OR area exposures below lavas of Stayton Formation Oligocene Eugene marine faunas OR0419
Polk,Marion OR on top of divide on road from Lincoln to McCoy below lavas of Stayton Formation Oligocene Eugene marine faunas OR0420
Beaver Creek Tillamook OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0428
Cape Kiwanda Tillamook OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0429
Miami River Tillamook OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0430
Oswald West State Park Tillamook OR Oligocene ichnofossils OR0431
Tillamook Tillamook OR Miocene Astoria invertebrates OR0432
Tillamook Tillamook OR Oswald State Park in sea cliffs at Short Sands Beach Oligocene invertebrates OR0433
Wheeler Tillamook OR In Southern Pacific RR Cur Eocene? Nestucca? Pilumnoplax OR0434
Wilson River Tillamook OR Eocene Nestucca? invertebrates OR0435
Cold Springs Umatilla OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
East Birch Creek Umatilla OR 20 km SE of Pilor Rock. Miocene Clarno Plant fossils. OR0436
Hermiston Umatilla OR 4.8km E of Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
McKay Reservoir Umatilla OR Miocene Deschutes? birds-Bartramia,Lophortyx,Nettion OR0437
McKay Reservoir Umatilla OR Miocene Upper Deschutes vertebrates OR0606 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Milton-Freewater Umatilla OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Pilot Rock Umatilla OR 15 km E on E Birch Creek ne1/4s7t2sr33e Eocene broad silicified flora. OR0438
Pilot Rock Umatilla OR 15 km E on E Birch Creek sw1/4s12t2sr32e Eocene broad silicified flora. OR0439
LaGrande Union OR 3.2km SE Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Enterprise Wallowa OR 8km SW at Sheep Ridge Jurassic Hurwal OR0440
Hurricane Divide Wallowa OR Jurassic Martin Bridge|Hurwal OR0441
Hurricane Divide Wallowa OR Triassic Martin Bridge|Hurwal OR0442
Imnaha River Wallowa OR Imnaha River Valley Triassic Hurwal OR0443
Imnaha River Wallowa OR In Snake River Canyon N of Mouth Jurassic Coon Hollow Mudstone OR0444
Imnaha River Valley Wallowa OR Jurassic Hurwal OR0445
Joseph Wallowa OR 16km E of Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Joseph Wallowa OR 16km SE Jurassic Hurwal OR0446
Joseph Wallowa OR 16km SE Triassic Hurwal OR0447
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR 2 km below mouth of East Eagle Creek in s1/2s8t7sr44e Triassic corals,sponges,brachiopods,pelecypods,ammonites,etc. OR0448
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR 4 km above mouth of East Eagle Creek in S1/2s35t6sr43e Triassic corals,sponges,brachiopods,pelecypods,ammonites,etc. OR0449
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR 600 meters below mouth of East Eagle Creek in nw1/4ne1/4s7t7sr44e Triassic corals,sponges,brachiopods,pelecypods,ammonites,etc. OR0450
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR At Black Marble Quarry? Triassic Upper Martin Bridge|Hurwal Cephalopods,gastropods,corals OR0451
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR at Martin’s bridge on East Eagle Creek Triassic corals,sponges,brachiopods,pelecypods,ammonites,etc. OR0452
Wallowa Mountains Wallowa OR below Martin’s Bridge on East Eagle Creek in Triassic corals,sponges,brachiopods,pelecypods,ammonites,etc. OR0453
Antelope Wasco OR Along Road to E in regional exposures over 30 km Petrified wood,Nuts OR0454
Antelope Wasco OR Eagle Creek Ranch Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0455
Antelope Wasco OR Indian Creek Ranch Petrified Wood (Fee in 1970s) OR0456
Bridge Creek Wasco OR Tertiary John Day mammals-Daeodon,Enhydrocyon,Eporeodon,Promerycochoerus,Pseudodesmatochoerus OR0457
Eight Mile Creek Wasco OR At The Dalles Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
The Dalles Wasco OR 4.8km NW at Chenoweth Creek Valley Miocene Upper The Dalles vertebrates OR0599 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
The Dalles Wasco OR 5 km W on Dirt roads S of US30 Petrified Wood OR0458
The Dalles Wasco OR At five mile rapids Holocene birds-Coragyps,Gymnogyps,Haliaeetus,Limicolavis,Pediocetes,Phasianus OR0459
The Dalles Wasco OR On 10 Mile Creek Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
The Dalles Wasco OR On 15 Mile Creek Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
The Dalles Wasco OR SW along Deschutes River Pliocene Deschutes plant fossils OR0460
Warm Springs Wasco OR N in Mutton Mountains Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0567 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Buxton Washington OR N in RR cut Eocene-Oligocene-Miocene Keasey|Pittsburg Bluff|Scappoose invertebrates OR0461
Forest Grove Washington OR 4 km NW on Gales Creek. Shells,Concretions with crabs. OR0462
Forest Grove Washington OR 5 km W of city center for several km in road cuts on OR 6 Oligocene shells; crabs in concretions.{4} OR0463
Forest Grove Washington OR 8 km S on OR47 in Scroggin Quarry Oligocene Abundant,well preserved faunas Pachydesma{4} OR0464 Presumably this would be near where OR47 crosses Scroggin Creek
Forest Grove Washington OR In stream beds to W Eocene Yamhill Shark cartilage and teeth-Odontapsis,others OR0465
Gales Creek Washington OR Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0466
Gales Creek Valley Washington OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey Eumorphocorystes,Isopoda,Zanthopsis OR0467
Gales Creek Valley Washington OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey invertebrates OR0468
Gaston Washington OR On Scroggins Creek 2 km NW. Shells OR0469
Longview Washington OR 3 km N, 1200 meters E of Crest of the Lone Oak Road in tuffaceous sandstone Oligocene Turritella,Acrilla OR0470
McKay Creek Washington OR Oligocene-Miocene Scappoose invertebrates OR0471
Portland Washington OR West Park ond City Park Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Scroggins Creek Valley Washington OR Eocene Yamhill Shark-Echinorhinus,Odontapsis OR0529 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Scroggins Creek Valley Washington OR Eocene Yamhill? invertebrates OR0472
Timber Washington OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates OR0473
Timber Washington OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates OR0474
Tunnel Point Washington OR Oligocene Tunnel Point invertebrates OR0475
Wolf Creek Washington OR Eocene-Oligocene Keasey|Cowlitz invertebrates OR0476 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Washington,Clatsop OR Eocene-Oligocene Cowlitz|Keasey invertebrates OR0477
Antone Wheeler OR Cretaceous Hudspeth? invertebrates OR0478
Black Butte Wheeler OR Area exposures Cretaceous Hornbrook invertebrates OR0479
Bridge Creek Valley Wheeler OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0541 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR Eocene Clarno vertebrates OR0538 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0545 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR 1 km N of Camp Hancock on John Day River Miocene Clarno abundant fossil leaves OR0480
Clarno Wheeler OR 3.2km E at Clarno Mammal Quarry Oligocene Lower vertebrates OR0540 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR 3.2km E at Iron Mountain Eocene Clarno vertebrates OR0539 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR 3.2km E at Iron Mountain Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0548 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Clarno Wheeler OR 9.6 km E at Knox Ranch Oligocene John Day fish-Novumbra,Pholidophorus,Plioplarchus? OR0481
Clarno’s Ferry Wheeler OR Eocene Upper Clarno very good plant leaves OR0482
Clarno’s Ferry Wheeler OR 2 km E in se1/4s27t7sr19e Eocene Middle Clarno 8 genera of fossil plants – Juglans OR0483
Dugout Gulch Wheeler OR 3.2km NE of Clarno Oligocene John Day Insects-Cecidomia,Passalus,Somatochlora,Trichoptera OR0484
Fossil Wheeler OR Oligocene fossil mammal remains OR0485
Fossil Wheeler OR At Wheeler School,Bridge Creek Flora of Miocene John Day Carpinus,Castanea,Metasequoia,Myrica,Quercus,Acer OR0486
Fossil Wheeler OR at public collecting site behind High School (amounts limited) Miocene John Day? unknown material OR0487
Fossil Wheeler OR behind school Oligocene John Day, Lower fossil plants OR0488
Gray Ranch Wheeler OR (McCullough Ranch) 16km E of Post Oligocene John Day Insects-Cecidomia,Passalus,Somatochlora,Trichoptera;fish-Novumbra,Pholidophorus,Plioplarchus? OR0489
Haystack Valley Wheeler OR Oligocene John Day mammals-Anchitherium,Daphoenus,Enhydrocyon,Entoptychus,Epigenetochoerus,Eporeodon,Kalobatippus,Nothocyon,Oreodontoides,Oxydactylus,Pleurolicus,Poebrotherium,Promerycochoerus,Pseudocastor;Turtles-Stylemys OR0490
John Day River Wheeler OR throughout watershed Miocene Lower plants – ginkgo,fig,magnolia,walnut,maple,dawn redwood,mammals – sabre tooth,dogs,horses,rhinoceros,camels,Oreodonts OR0491
Kimberly Wheeler OR 9.6km SW of Picture Gorge in Birch Creek Valley Miocene Middle Mascall vertebrates OR0578 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Kimberly Wheeler OR SW on Johnson Creek Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0566 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Mitchell Wheeler OR Cretaceous Ammonite and Palm nut in Cretaceous rocks OR0492
Mitchell Wheeler OR Cretaceous palms OR0493
Mitchell Wheeler OR Cretaceous Hudspeth Sharks-Scapanorhynchus;Reptiles-Icthyosaurus OR0527 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Mitchell Wheeler OR 14.4km NW at Allen(later Wade) Ranch Oligocene John Day fish-Novumbra,Pholidophorus,Plioplarchus? OR0494
Mitchell Wheeler OR 9.6km N Cretaceous Hudspeth? invertebrates OR0495
Mitchell Wheeler OR Area exposures Cretaceous Hudspeth Ammonites,mollusks OR0496
Mitchell Wheeler OR In black mudstone outcrops to N Cretaceous Hudspeth A very few shark teeth-Scapanorhynchus OR0497
Mitchell Wheeler OR In hills overlooking Bridge Creek in thick Mesozoic sequence Cretaceous mammals OR0498
Mitchell Wheeler OR NW at Sutton Mountain Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0572 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Mitchell Wheeler OR along Bridge Creek in thick Mesozoic sequence Cretaceous marine lizards. OR0499
Ochoco Mountains Wheeler OR Eocene Clarno fish-Amia,Amyzon,Hiodon,Siluriformes OR0500
Painted Hills State Park Wheeler OR Oligocene John Day fossil plants–Bridge Creek Flora OR0501
Spray Wheeler OR Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0554 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Spray Wheeler OR 8km NE in Haystack Creek Valley Miocene Lower John Day vertebrates OR0565 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Tickenham Wheeler OR Below at McAllister’s Ranch Oligocene Upper John Day vertebrates OR0550 W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
West Branch Creek Wheeler OR s20t11sr21e-s29t11sr21e-30t11sr21e Eocene Middle Clarno plants – Astronium,Catalpa,Cordia,Celastrus,Alchornia,Casearia,Cinnamomum,Nectandra,Vitus,Persea,Abuta,Ficus,Alangiophyllum,Platanophyllum,Gouania,Meliosma; abundant vertebrates OR0502 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Dayton Yamhill OR Nearby on Yamhill River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Dundee Yamhill OR 3.2km W Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
McMinnville Yamhill OR 3.2km NW of Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Newberg Yamhill OR Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Nye Creek Yamhill OR At mouth Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Palmer Creek Yamhill OR S of Dayton On Yamill River Pleistocene vertebrates W.N.Orr Handbook of Oregon Plant and Animal Fossils
Sheridan Yamhill OR E on Yamhill River Eocene Yamhill invertebrates OR0503
Yamhill River Creek Yamhill OR on south branch Oligocene Eugene invertebrates OR0504
Eagle Point [?] OR area exposures Petrified Wood OR0505 There are five Eagle Point’s in Oregon in Douglas,Jackson,Jefferson,Klamath,and Yamhill counties
Lightning Creek [?] OR Cretaceous Lower Tempskya OR0506 There are four Lightning Creeks in Oregon in Clackamas,Grant,Josephine and Wallowa Counties
Logans Bluff[?] [?] OR Miocene John Day Mammals-Eusmilus OR0507 Couldn’t identify a Logans Bluff or Logan’s Bluff