Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Criner Hills Carter OK At Rock Crossing Ordovician Middle Bromide diverse trilobites OK0001
Criner Hills Carter OK Quarry just N of road along Sec 19 – Sec 16 boundary. 36m of Poolville member of Ordovician Bromide Brachiopods,Rafinesquina,Dinorthis,Sowerbyella,coral,bryozoa in dense gray Limestone. Below is 6m of limestone with Endoceras and trilobite fragments. 25m shale and silt -moderately fossiliferous. 130cm of Homotelus trilobite beds. OK0002
Criner Hills Carter OK Regional exposures accessible to W from Exit 24 on I35. Exposed in NW to SE trending strip about 1.6km wide,narrowing to SW across S9T5SR1E-S35T5SR1E Secs 9,15,16,17,21,22,26,27,35.Exit 24 is in Sec 36. Ordovician Bromide Trilobites – Homotelus OK0003 in Poolville Member of
Criner Hills Carter OK S20T5SR1E Ordovician Fossils OK0004
Criner Hills Carter OK Several localities in SW1/4S22T5SR1E Ordovician Fossils OK0005
Criner Hills SW of Ardmore Carter OK trilobites,Homotelus OK0006
Henryhouse Falls Carter OK Silurian Clarita trilobites OK0007
Rock Crossing Carter OK in Criner Hills in Middle Ordovician Poolville member of Bromide Formation Ordovician Bromide 30 Trilobite taxa – Ceraurus,Amphilichas,Lonchodomas,Vogdesia OK0008
Tulip Creek Carter OK Exposures along I35 and US77 in Tulip Creek Valley where the roads and creek cut into the Arbuckle Mountains about 2km S of the Carter-Murray County line 34.35065N -97.14739W Ordovician fossils OK0009
Washita River Carter OK On E bank 3.2km S of Carter-Murray County Line Ordovician Fossils OK0010
Kenton Cimarron OK 12.8km NE at Roberts Ranch petrified wood and cycads OK0011
Kenton Cimarron OK at Roberts Ranch Petrified Wood,cycads and Algae (fee in 1970s) OK0012
Norman Cleveland OK 4km W Permian Hennessy vertebrates-Cotylorhynchus OK0013
Coal OK Devonian Haragan Dicranurus and other well preserved trilobites OK0017
Clarita Coal OK Devonian Haragan Trilobites – Reedops OK0014
Clarita Coal OK E in abandoned quarry crinoids OK0015
Clarita Coal OK In abandoned quarry to East in Pennsylvanian Lower Wapanucka Crinoids OK0016
Dolese Quarry Comanche OK in fissure fill Permian Garber[?] Upper vertebrates-Captorhinus,Doleserpeton OK0018 Very likely the same location as Ft Sill. GEOLEX does not include a Gabor formation assumed mispelling of Garber
Ft Sill Comanche OK Permian Garber[?] Upper vertebrates-Cardiocephalus OK0019 Very likely the same location as Dolese Quarry. GEOLEX does not include a Gabor formation assumed mispelling of Garber
Lawton Comanche OK At Ft Sill (Permission required) in La Brea type asphalt Permian Lower vertebrates OK0020
Deep Red Run Cotton OK On old road between Fort Auger and Fort Sill near crossing of Deep Red Run Permian Garber Vertebrates-Archeria,Captorhinus?,Diadectes?,Dimetrodon,Diplocaulus,Edaphosaurus,Eryops,Ophiacodon,Trimerorhachis,Zatrachys OK0021
Richards Spur Cotton OK 9.6km N of Ft Sill Permian Garber Vertebrates-Captorhinus OK0022
Richards Spur Cotton OK In Dolese Brothers Quarry Permian Reptiles-Cardiocephalus OK0023
Waurika Cotton OK 11.2km E Permian Admiral sharks-Orthacanthus,Xenacanthus OK0024
Whiskey Creek Cotton OK Permian Garber Vertebrates-Eryops OK0025 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Hillsdale Garfield OK in area road cuts Pleistocene Mammoth OK0026
Tabler Grady OK 2 km NE on S side OK62 vertebrates OK0027
Tabler Grady OK In Permian exposures along Ridge 3 km NE in exposures on S side of US62. Permian Vertebrates -numerous reptiles and amphibians. OK0028
Harper OK in S11t25nr21w-12t25nr21w Cretaceous Kiowa abundant fossils: Cyprimeria,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Trigonia,Turritella,Oxytropidoceras OK0029
Harper OK in S17r23wt25n Cretaceous Kiowa abundant fossils: Cyprimeria,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Trigonia,Turritella,Oxytropidoceras OK0030
Harper OK in S6t26nr23w-24t26nr23w Cretaceous Kiowa abundant fossils: Cyprimeria,Gryphaea,Exogyra,Trigonia,Turritella,Oxytropidoceras OK0031
Hughes OK in t4ns26r11 W of road in creek bed Pennsylvanian Boggy Anthozoa,conularids,echinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,nautiloids,ammonites. trilobites,Chondrichthyes,Calamites OK0034
Hughes OK t5ns12r11e in roadcut Pennsylvanian Stuart Numerous invertebrates{4} OK0035
Holdenville Hughes OK In 4 km wide belt between Holdenville and Spaulding Mississippian Holdenville Shale, Sandstone 63 species: Mesolobus,Marginifera OK0032
Stuart Hughes OK Pennsylvanian Stuart Shale 37 species OK0033
Jefferson OK Permian Lower Ryan Very small (1-4mm) shark teeth-Xenacanthus,Eryops,Trimerorhachis OK0038
Waurika Jefferson OK Permian Admiral Lower sharks Pleuracanthus OK0036
Waurika Jefferson OK 11 km W in road cuts. Permian Wellington ? OK0037
Branch Creek Johnston OK 7km E of Carter County Line,1km S of Murray County Line — approximate 34.32367N -96.84325W Ordovician Fossils OK0039
Kingfisher OK in ne1/4nw1/4nw1/4nw1/4s34t17nr9w Permian Upper Flowerpot bones and teeth of reptiles and amphibians{4} OK0041
Kingfisher OK in nw1/4nw1/4nw1/4nw1/4s19t17nr9w at road intersection just E of Blaine County line Permian Upper Flowerpot bones and teeth of reptiles and amphibians{4} OK0042
Omega Kingfisher OK In in Omega quarry. Permian Chickasha Vertebrates – caseids,Cotylorhynchus,Angelosaurus,Actinopterygian fish OK0040
Navina Logan OK 7.6km W Permian Hennessy vertebrates-Cotylorhynchus OK0043
Kingston Marshall OK Cretaceous Washita Group mollusks – Pecten OK0044
Murray OK W side of US77 in Murray County,OK Silurian Henryhouse Well preserved trilobites,Anaspis,Dalmanites,Calymene,Proetus,Kosovopeltis,Cheirurus. OK0054
Arbuckle Mountains Murray OK on I35 at Mile 44.4 on E side of Northbound lanes Ordovician Viola Trilobites — Cryptolithus,Homotelus. OK0045
Arbuckle Mountains Murray OK on S side of range Silurian Lower Chimneyhill Artiotreta (20) OK0046
Delaware Creek Murray OK Reported to have been flooded by Lake Arbuckle Mississippian Caney fish OK0047 No such unit as Coney formation-assumed Caney
Spring Creek Murray OK 1200m N of Carter County Line near E boundary of S17T2SR1W 34.386N -97.31821W W1/2W1/2S17T2SR1W E of pond at side road crossing of Spring Creek Ordovician fossils OK0048
Spring Creek Murray OK 800m N of Carter County Line near center of S16T2SR1W 34.38366N -97.30787W S16T2SR1W Main road crossing of Spring Creek tributary Ordovician fossils OK0049
Sulphur Murray OK 5 km S in Buckhorn asphalt pit Pennsylvanian Boggy Michelinoceras{4} OK0050
Sulphur Murray OK in asphalt layer Pennsylvanian mollusks with original color — gastropods,nautiloids OK0051 No citations for ‘Buckhorn Asphalt’
West Spring Creek Murray OK 5.6km N of Carter County Line on S and 200m E of Carter County on W near head of Creek between two main tributaries 34.42812N -97.34998W W1/2W1/2S31T1SR1W Ordovician fossils OK0052
White Mound Murray OK Silurian Haragan Large,and varied trilobite and brachiopod fauna in surface exposure. OK0053
Murray,Pontotoc OK Silurian Henryhouse Well preserved trilobites,Anaspis,Dalmanites,Calymene,Proetus,Kosovopeltis,Cheirurus. OK0055
Murray,Pontotoc OK Silurian Henryhouse well preserved trilobites,Anaspis,Dalmanites,Calymene,Proetus,Kosovopeltis,Cheirurus. OK0056
Muskogee OK Greenleaf Lake Spillway,SE of Braggs,OK Pennsylvanian Lower Bloyd crinoids and other invertebrates OK0061
Muskogee OK North of Ft Gibson,OK Pennsylvanian Lower Bloyd crinoids and other invertebrates OK0062
Chisum Quarry Muskogee OK Pennsylvanian Lower Sausbee|Chisum Quarry ? OK0057
Fort Gibson Muskogee OK Keough Quarry invertebrates OK0058
Muskogee Muskogee OK In bed of Verdigris River at Okay Pennsylvanian Atoka Sandstone Myalina{4} OK0059
Webber’s Falls Muskogee OK Pennsylvanian Hale Endolobus{4} OK0060
Billings Noble OK In black shales and other beds Permian Vertebrates,Insects,fish scales,plant fragments,Lingula OK0063
Ceres Noble OK Midco insect beds Permian Insects-Glaphyrophlebia,Probnis,scorpion flies,dragonflies OK0064
Perry Noble OK NW of Perry on Black Bear Creek Permian Wellington Large numbers of vertebrate fossils Labyrinthodonts – Trimerorhachis,amphibia,fish,reptiles,lungfish burrows with Gnathorhiza specimens. OK0065
Nowata OK Nw1/4s9t27nr16e Pennsylvanian Altamont Mooreoceras{4} OK0066
Nowata OK T12Nse1/4s36r9e Pennsylvanian Coffeeville nautiloid – Brachycycloceras OK0067
Wann Nowata OK 4km W, 8km NE of Copan Pennsylvanian Eudora shale Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Okfuskee OK s11T10Nr12e Pennsylvanian Senora crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,nautiloids OK0069
Hogshooter Creek Okfuskee OK t26nr14e Mississippian Hogshooter fairly abundant fossils {4} OK0068
Beggs Okmulgee OK along small creek in ne1/4s24t15nr11e Pennsylvanian Des Moines crinoid crowns,Neospirifer,Juresania,Linoproductus,Derbyia,Aviculopecten,Wilkingia,nautiloids corals – Stereostylus,Michelinia in creek gravel bars OK0070
Newell Okmulgee OK 400 meters E of Canadian River Bridge on N side of US56 Pennsylvanian Wewoka nautiloid – Poterioceras OK0071
Okmulgee Okmulgee OK 9 km W in thin fossiliferous ferruginous Limestone near spillway of Lake Okmulgee Carboniferous Upper Wewoka Limipecten. OK0072
Senora Okmulgee OK Pennsylvanian Senora crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,gastropods,nautiloids OK0073
Osage OK S32-s33t28nr9e in yellow shaley,calcareous Limestone Pennsylvanian nautiloid – Tainoceras OK0075
Foraker Osage OK 12 km NE at Barroum[?] Ranch Pennsylvanian White Cloud Shale Clavicosta,Streblochondria OK0074 Can’t identify a Barroum Ranch near Foraker 050612
Foraker Osage OK 12km NE at Baroum Ranch Pennsylvanian Auburn (NE) Shale Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Frankfort Osage OK S18T35SR7E Pennsylvanian Boggy shale Pelecypod-Streblopteria Best guess is that the locality is about 3km WNW in Cowley County, KS http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Pawnee Pawnee OK In Roadcut on OK14 8 km West of OK18 Permian Havensville Shale bryozoa,brachiopods OK0076
Ralston Pawnee OK Permian Hughes Creek trilobites,gastropods OK0077
Pontotoc OK along Lawrence Uplift. In Fossil beds in shale layers between hard marlstones. Silurian Henryhouse Trilobites Diacalymene (sometimes complete),Fragiscutum (sometimes complete),Ananaspis,Cheirurus,Dalmanites,Kosovopeltis,Proetus,Ceratocephala; Brachiopods — Rhipidomella,Camarotoechia,Strophomena OK0090
Pontotoc OK in quarry 3 km SE of Lawrence Quarry Silurian Clarita many invertebrates OK0091
Ada Pontotoc OK 8 km NE Mississippian Holdenville nautilid-Foordiceras OK0078
Ada Pontotoc OK Along Jackfork Creek Mississippian Welden Limestone trilobites-Pudoproetus,etc OK0079
Ada Pontotoc OK In brick pit in Pennsylvanian Upper Francis Shale several species of crinoids,Oklahomacrinus,Chlidonocrinus,Aesiocrinus,others OK0080
Ada Pontotoc OK SE in Sec 18 Pennsylvanian Middle Wetumka Shale nautilid – Foordiceras OK0081
Ada Pontotoc OK South of Pontotoc Arthropods Cheirurus OK0082
Ada Pontotoc OK South of Pontotoc arthropods Cheirurus OK0083
Cedar Hill Pontotoc OK On W side of US 77 to and past Murray County line trilobites – Dalmanites,Calymene,Proetus OK0084
Fittstown Pontotoc OK Bois d’Arc Formation in Quarry on N side of OK61 4 km E Brachiopods Atrypa,Cyrtina,Leptaena,Meristella OK0085
Fittstown Pontotoc OK SE Mississippian Holdenville Shale nautiloids OK0086
Fittstown[?] Pontotoc OK Ordovician Fossils OK0087 Original says Pittstown,,,
Lawrence Pontotoc OK 3.2km SE of Ideal Cement Co quarry ? OK0088
Stonewall Pontotoc OK NW at Lovelady Switch abundant cephalopods – Eoasianites,Pseudoparalegoceras OK0089
Marble City Sequoyah OK In area quarries and outcrops. Devonian Frisco Brachiopods and other invertebrates. OK0092
Marble City Sequoyah OK area outcrops diverse brachiopods OK0093
Guymon Texas OK Miocene (Hemphill) Ogallala Turtles-Geochelone OK0094
Tillman OK 8 km W of US183 on Manitou Road Permian Wellington Amphibia Eryops,Trimerorhachis. Reptiles -Dimetrodon. Shark teeth – Orodus OK0097
Grandfield Tillman OK 10 km SW Permian vertebrates OK0095
Grandfield Tillman OK on Floyd Lawson Property 11 km SW of Grandfield and 6 km N of the Red River in Permian Lower Hennessy Vertebrates – 6 species of fish,amphibians,reptiles Grantfielddiana[?],Ectosteorhachis,Tersomius,Lysorophus,Cardiocephalus,Hapsidopareion OK0096 ‘Grantfielddiana’ surely should be ‘Grandfieldiana’. It’s unclear whether this is a generic name,species name,or a global term for the Grandfield fauna
Coffeeville Tulsa OK NE1/4S22T19NR12E Pennsylvanian Coffeeville Fish fins-Bythiacanthus,Physonemus OK0098
Collinsville Tulsa OK S1/2s32t22Nr14E Pennsylvanian Skiatook Maximites,Bisatoceras,Gonioglyphioceras,Gastrioceras,Eoasianites,Owenoceras,Pintoceras,Eothalassoceras OK0099
Glenpool Tulsa OK Mississippian Seminole fish-Ctenacanthus spines OK0100
Sand Springs Tulsa OK Pennsylvanian Skiatook Imitoceras?,Proshumardites,Gonioloboceras,Eoasianites,Eupleuroceras,Schistoceras,Prouddenites OK0101
Tulsa Tulsa OK Pennsylvanian Dewey Limestone crinoids -Isoallagecrinus OK0102
Tulsa Tulsa OK NE at Garnett quarry Pennsylvanian Oologah Limestone Annuliconcha OK0103
Tulsa Tulsa OK in SE1/4sw1/4s18t20Nr14E Pennsylvanian Oologah crinoid calices,Erisocrinus,Paradelocrinus,Sciadiocrinus,Apographiocrinus,Laudonocrinus,Bathronocrinus OK0104
Tulsa Tulsa OK in ditch along OK33 in nw1/4s4t19nr14e Pennsylvanian Oologah crinoid calices,Erisocrinus,Paradelocrinus,Sciadiocrinus,Apographiocrinus,Laudonocrinus,Bathronocrinus OK0105
Tulsa Tulsa OK in road cut on 51st se1/4se1/4s27 Pennsylvanian Oologah crinoid calices,Erisocrinus,Paradelocrinus,Sciadiocrinus,Apographiocrinus,Laudonocrinus,Bathronocrinus OK0106
Tulsa Tulsa OK on E31st St extension in nw1/4s21t19nr14e Pennsylvanian Oologah crinoid calices,Erisocrinus,Paradelocrinus,Sciadiocrinus,Apographiocrinus,Laudonocrinus,Bathronocrinus OK0107
Tulsa Tulsa OK on road cuts on I44 in NE1/4s5t19nr14e Pennsylvanian Oologah crinoid calices,Erisocrinus,Paradelocrinus,Sciadiocrinus,Apographiocrinus,Laudonocrinus,Bathronocrinus OK0108
Tulsa? Tulsa OK At Dewey Cement Co Quarry Pennsylvanian Oologah fish teeth-Actinolepis,Agassizodus,Listracanthus,Petrodus OK0109
Bartlesville Washington OK In butte W of town Pennsylvanian Lansing Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Bartlesville Washington OK at ‘the mound’ Pennsylvanian Stanton Limestone Promytilus OK0110
Copan Washington OK Gastropods – Trepospira OK0111
Copan Washington OK 7 km NNE Pennsylvanian Lansing Shale Poterioceras OK0112
Copan Washington OK To N Gastropods Worthenia OK0113
Nellie Blye Creek Washington OK in s28t24nr13e plus S29,S31,S32 Mississippian Nellie Bly abundant fossils OK0114
[?] OK Silurian Clarita Invertebrates OK0118
[?] OK in 13 km wide strip in shale exposures se1/4s13t11sr11e-se1/4s31t10nr11e Pennsylvanian Wewoka broad invertebrate faunas OK0119
[?] OK in fine argillaceous shales Pennsylvanian Boggy, Middle brachiopods,mollusks -Myalina OK0116
[?] OK in shales Mississippian Holdenville Pelecypods,brachiopods OK0115
Wawnee[?] [?] OK in road cut on OK14 6.5 km W of OK18 brachiopods,bryozoa OK0117 Can’t locate Wawnee OK. OK14 and OK18 are in different parts of the state about 200km apart. Both run NS. Maybe Shawnee which is the Southern terminus of OK18.