Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Andrews Billings ND In divide in SW1/4s9t140r103 Cretaceous Vertebrates – fish,turtles,Champsosaurs. ND0001 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bacon Creek Billings ND near mouth of creek Cretaceous plants,shells,saurian bones – Triceratops,other dinosaurs ND0002
Medora Billings ND 3.5 km SW Cretaceous fossil plants ND0003
Medora Billings ND At Wannagan Creek Paleocene crocodiles,about 100 species of fossils ND0004
Sand Creek P.O. Billings ND at White Butte Oligocene White River fish – Plioplarchus; vertebrates – Eporeodon,rhinoceros,crocodiles ND0005 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bowman Bowman ND area exposures Cretaceous dinosaurs ND0006
Rhame Bowman ND Cretaceous Hell Creek vertebrates-Triceratops,plants ND0007 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission https://www.dmr.nd.gov/ndfossil/digs/digs.asp
Bowman,Billings ND Cretaceous Plants – Taxodium,Populus,Platanus,Juglans,Hicoria,Sapindus,Viburnum,Trapa,Cocculus. ND0008 Can’t find any citation for a ‘Somber’ formation
Moffit Burleigh ND 11 km W and 2 km S Just S of crest of hill in bypassed road cut Paleocene Cannonball Decapods,Ranina ND0009
Moffit Burleigh ND 2 km S Decapods ND0010
Moffit Burleigh ND 2 km S 10 km W in old road cut on crest of hill Paleocene Crabs,Ranina[?] ND0011
Moffit Burleigh ND 2 km S in sand blowout on W side of road NE1/4S28t127Nr77w Paleocene Crabs ND0012
Moffit Burleigh ND Sand Blow outs 9 km W,2 km S on W side of the road Paleocene Cannonball Decapods,Camarocarcinus ND0013
Beaver Creek Emmons ND along Beaver Creek for 11 km in sand concretions Cretaceous Pierre Acanthoscaphites,Gervillia,Inoceramus,Sphenodiscus,Sphaeriola ND0014
Beaver Creek Emmons ND at bridge 5 km up Sand Creek in sand concretions Cretaceous Pierre Acanthoscaphites,Gervillia,Inoceramus,Sphenodiscus,Sphaeriola ND0015
Linton Emmons ND 2 km SW at Seeman Park in cutback on Beaver Creek bivalves,ammonites,gastropods ND0016
Linton Emmons ND 6.5 km N in channel scour Cretaceous Hell Creek reptile bone fragments ND0017
Linton Emmons ND In North facing cutbank on Beaver Creek in Seeman Park 2 km S in Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone bivalves,ammonites,gastropods,Decapods,echinoids. ND0018
Golden Valley,Slope ND In dark clay bands in fresh water beds Paleocene Cannonball oysters turtles,Champsosaurs,ganoid fish fragments,plants ND0019
Cooperstown Griggs ND SE in 2km area along Sheyenne River http://www.state.nd.us/ndfossils/Research/Articles/Cooperstown/Cooperstown_Pierre_Shale.html Cretaceous Pierre Marine vertebrates — Mosasaurs,sharks,fish,diverse invertebrates ND0020 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Burnstead Logan ND In area road cuts bivalves,gastropods,ammonites. ND0021
Burnstead Logan ND in area road cuts Cretaceous ? ND0022
Alexander McKenzie ND At Titanoides site Paleocene Fort Union vertebrates-reptiles-Champsosaurus ND0023 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Riverdale McLean ND at Lake Sakakwea. Several outcrops accessible only at times of very low water Paleocene Upper Sentinel Butte Titanoides,26 taxa of non-marine mollusks;Vivaparus,Grangerella,Planaconvexa[?],mammal teeth ND0024 There doesn’t seem to be a genus ‘Planoconvexa’. It is possibly ‘Planorbis planoconvexus’.
Almont Morton ND In shale in mounds on area farms Paleocene Sentinel Butte Well preserved plant (conifer) fossils ND0048
Breien Morton ND In SE1/4S17T134NR81W at base of cliff Paleocene Cannonball Halymenites ND0026
Breien Morton ND along base of bluffs is Se1/4s17t134Nr81w Halymenites ND0027
Cannonball River Morton ND In SE1/4S21T134NR80W Paleocene Cannonball Mollusks Anomia,Cymbophora,Ostrea,Protocardia,Pteria,Tellina,Fasciolaria,Polynices,Halymenites,gastropods,bone fragments crocodile teeth ND0028 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Cannonball River Morton ND In se1/4s21t134nr80w along river in coquina bed and concretions Anomia,pelecypods,Cymbophora,Ostrea,Protocardia,Pteria,Tellina,Fasciolaria,Polynices,Halymenites,gastropods,bone fragments,crocodile teeth ND0029 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Judson Morton ND Slope Paleocene Upper Bullion Creek non-marine mollusks ND0030
Schaller[?] Morton ND Abandoned P.O. — in area outcrops Cretaceous pelecypods and other fossils. ND0031 Unable to locate Schaller 050606.
Fort Berthold Mountrail ND on Missouri River Paleocene Upper Sentinel Butte non-marine mollusks. ND0032
New Town Mountrail ND Bison Latifrons ND0033
Walhalla Pembina ND 11 km W in Pembina Gorge Cretaceous Pierre fossils ND0034
Fort Yates Sioux ND Cretaceous Fox Hills Ammonites-Hoploscaphites ND0035
Niobrara River headwaters Sioux ND In badlands Miocene Harrison fossil Daemonelix burrows ND0036
Chalky Buttes Slope ND In a blowout on top of butte Oligocene Killdeer amphibians-Anura ND0037
Marmarth Slope ND 24 km NNE 1 km E of Little Missouri River forams,corals,bryozoa,mollusks,ostracods,Decapods ND0038
Marmarth Slope ND 27 km NNE in SW facing exposure 1 km W of Little Missouri River Paleocene Cannonball ? ND0039
Marmarth Slope ND Area badlands Cretaceous vertebrates ND0040 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Dickinson Stark ND 21km S and 13km W in channel sandstones at Fitterer Ranch SE 1/4 s7t137NR97W Oligocene Brule turtles-Stylemys ND0041
Dickinson Stark ND 22 km SW in area badlands exposures Oligocene White River Ictops,Palaeolagus,Merycoidodon,Leptomeryx,Mesohippus,Hyracodon,Aceratherium. ND0042
South Heart Stark ND 11.2km S Oligocene Brule Squamata-Peltosaurus ND0043
South Heart Stark ND 11km S Oligocene Brule mammals-Hyaenodon,Ischyromys,Leptictis,Merycoidodon,Mesohippus,Miniochoerus,Palaeolagus ND0044
White Butte Stark ND Eocene Golden Valley (ND) vertebrates-Parectypodus,Phenacolemur ND0045 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
[?] ND Regional exposures in W part of state Paleocene Fort Union Fossil Plants ND0047
South Central ND [?] ND In Cretaceous outcrops in Sioux,Morton,Emmons Counties. Cretaceous Scaphites,bivalves,annelids,arthropods,fish,crocodiles,turtles,trace fossils,cirripedes,Lingula ND0046