Location | County | State/Province | Directions,Notes | Age | Formation | Fossils | Comments | Reference | Lat-Long |
Andrews | Billings | ND | In divide in SW1/4s9t140r103 | Cretaceous | Vertebrates – fish,turtles,Champsosaurs. | ND0001 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | ||
Bacon Creek | Billings | ND | near mouth of creek | Cretaceous | plants,shells,saurian bones – Triceratops,other dinosaurs | ND0002 | |||
Medora | Billings | ND | 3.5 km SW | Cretaceous | fossil plants | ND0003 | |||
Medora | Billings | ND | At Wannagan Creek | Paleocene | crocodiles,about 100 species of fossils | ND0004 | |||
Sand Creek P.O. | Billings | ND | at White Butte | Oligocene | White River | fish – Plioplarchus; vertebrates – Eporeodon,rhinoceros,crocodiles | ND0005 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | |
Bowman | Bowman | ND | area exposures | Cretaceous | dinosaurs | ND0006 | |||
Rhame | Bowman | ND | Cretaceous | Hell Creek | vertebrates-Triceratops,plants | ND0007 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | https://www.dmr.nd.gov/ndfossil/digs/digs.asp | |
– | Bowman,Billings | ND | Cretaceous | Plants – Taxodium,Populus,Platanus,Juglans,Hicoria,Sapindus,Viburnum,Trapa,Cocculus. | ND0008 | Can’t find any citation for a ‘Somber’ formation | |||
Moffit | Burleigh | ND | 11 km W and 2 km S Just S of crest of hill in bypassed road cut | Paleocene | Cannonball | Decapods,Ranina | ND0009 | ||
Moffit | Burleigh | ND | 2 km S | Decapods | ND0010 | ||||
Moffit | Burleigh | ND | 2 km S 10 km W in old road cut on crest of hill | Paleocene | Crabs,Ranina[?] | ND0011 | |||
Moffit | Burleigh | ND | 2 km S in sand blowout on W side of road NE1/4S28t127Nr77w | Paleocene | Crabs | ND0012 | |||
Moffit | Burleigh | ND | Sand Blow outs 9 km W,2 km S on W side of the road | Paleocene | Cannonball | Decapods,Camarocarcinus | ND0013 | ||
Beaver Creek | Emmons | ND | along Beaver Creek for 11 km in sand concretions | Cretaceous | Pierre | Acanthoscaphites,Gervillia,Inoceramus,Sphenodiscus,Sphaeriola | ND0014 | ||
Beaver Creek | Emmons | ND | at bridge 5 km up Sand Creek in sand concretions | Cretaceous | Pierre | Acanthoscaphites,Gervillia,Inoceramus,Sphenodiscus,Sphaeriola | ND0015 | ||
Linton | Emmons | ND | 2 km SW at Seeman Park in cutback on Beaver Creek | bivalves,ammonites,gastropods | ND0016 | ||||
Linton | Emmons | ND | 6.5 km N in channel scour | Cretaceous | Hell Creek | reptile bone fragments | ND0017 | ||
Linton | Emmons | ND | In North facing cutbank on Beaver Creek in Seeman Park 2 km S in Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone | bivalves,ammonites,gastropods,Decapods,echinoids. | ND0018 | ||||
– | Golden Valley,Slope | ND | In dark clay bands in fresh water beds | Paleocene | Cannonball | oysters turtles,Champsosaurs,ganoid fish fragments,plants | ND0019 | ||
Cooperstown | Griggs | ND | SE in 2km area along Sheyenne River http://www.state.nd.us/ndfossils/Research/Articles/Cooperstown/Cooperstown_Pierre_Shale.html | Cretaceous | Pierre | Marine vertebrates — Mosasaurs,sharks,fish,diverse invertebrates | ND0020 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | |
Burnstead | Logan | ND | In area road cuts | bivalves,gastropods,ammonites. | ND0021 | ||||
Burnstead | Logan | ND | in area road cuts | Cretaceous | ? | ND0022 | |||
Alexander | McKenzie | ND | At Titanoides site | Paleocene | Fort Union | vertebrates-reptiles-Champsosaurus | ND0023 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | |
Riverdale | McLean | ND | at Lake Sakakwea. Several outcrops accessible only at times of very low water | Paleocene Upper | Sentinel Butte | Titanoides,26 taxa of non-marine mollusks;Vivaparus,Grangerella,Planaconvexa[?],mammal teeth | ND0024 | There doesn’t seem to be a genus ‘Planoconvexa’. It is possibly ‘Planorbis planoconvexus’. | |
Almont | Morton | ND | In shale in mounds on area farms | Paleocene | Sentinel Butte | Well preserved plant (conifer) fossils | ND0048 | ||
Breien | Morton | ND | In SE1/4S17T134NR81W at base of cliff | Paleocene | Cannonball | Halymenites | ND0026 | ||
Breien | Morton | ND | along base of bluffs is Se1/4s17t134Nr81w | Halymenites | ND0027 | ||||
Cannonball River | Morton | ND | In SE1/4S21T134NR80W | Paleocene | Cannonball | Mollusks Anomia,Cymbophora,Ostrea,Protocardia,Pteria,Tellina,Fasciolaria,Polynices,Halymenites,gastropods,bone fragments crocodile teeth | ND0028 | ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’ | |
Cannonball River | Morton | ND | In se1/4s21t134nr80w along river in coquina bed and concretions | Anomia,pelecypods,Cymbophora,Ostrea,Protocardia,Pteria,Tellina,Fasciolaria,Polynices,Halymenites,gastropods,bone fragments,crocodile teeth | ND0029 | ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’ | |||
Judson | Morton | ND | Slope | Paleocene Upper | Bullion Creek | non-marine mollusks | ND0030 | ||
Schaller[?] | Morton | ND | Abandoned P.O. — in area outcrops | Cretaceous | pelecypods and other fossils. | ND0031 | Unable to locate Schaller 050606. | ||
Fort Berthold | Mountrail | ND | on Missouri River | Paleocene Upper | Sentinel Butte | non-marine mollusks. | ND0032 | ||
New Town | Mountrail | ND | Bison Latifrons | ND0033 | |||||
Walhalla | Pembina | ND | 11 km W in Pembina Gorge | Cretaceous | Pierre | fossils | ND0034 | ||
Fort Yates | Sioux | ND | Cretaceous | Fox Hills | Ammonites-Hoploscaphites | ND0035 | |||
Niobrara River headwaters | Sioux | ND | In badlands | Miocene | Harrison | fossil Daemonelix burrows | ND0036 | ||
Chalky Buttes | Slope | ND | In a blowout on top of butte | Oligocene | Killdeer | amphibians-Anura | ND0037 | ||
Marmarth | Slope | ND | 24 km NNE 1 km E of Little Missouri River | forams,corals,bryozoa,mollusks,ostracods,Decapods | ND0038 | ||||
Marmarth | Slope | ND | 27 km NNE in SW facing exposure 1 km W of Little Missouri River | Paleocene | Cannonball | ? | ND0039 | ||
Marmarth | Slope | ND | Area badlands | Cretaceous | vertebrates | ND0040 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | ||
Dickinson | Stark | ND | 21km S and 13km W in channel sandstones at Fitterer Ranch SE 1/4 s7t137NR97W | Oligocene | Brule | turtles-Stylemys | ND0041 | ||
Dickinson | Stark | ND | 22 km SW in area badlands exposures | Oligocene | White River | Ictops,Palaeolagus,Merycoidodon,Leptomeryx,Mesohippus,Hyracodon,Aceratherium. | ND0042 | ||
South Heart | Stark | ND | 11.2km S | Oligocene | Brule | Squamata-Peltosaurus | ND0043 | ||
South Heart | Stark | ND | 11km S | Oligocene | Brule | mammals-Hyaenodon,Ischyromys,Leptictis,Merycoidodon,Mesohippus,Miniochoerus,Palaeolagus | ND0044 | ||
White Butte | Stark | ND | Eocene | Golden Valley (ND) | vertebrates-Parectypodus,Phenacolemur | ND0045 | CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission | ||
– | [?] | ND | Regional exposures in W part of state | Paleocene | Fort Union | Fossil Plants | ND0047 | ||
South Central ND | [?] | ND | In Cretaceous outcrops in Sioux,Morton,Emmons Counties. | Cretaceous | Scaphites,bivalves,annelids,arthropods,fish,crocodiles,turtles,trace fossils,cirripedes,Lingula | ND0046 |