Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Lower Lakes of the Clouds Coos NH Holocene (11500 BP) Plant fossils NH0001
Whitefield Coos NH Crinoid columnals and gastropods 3.2km NW of Whitfield at the NE end of Dalton Mountain. Devonian Littleton Crinoid columnals and gastropods NH0002 Original says Whitfield
Whitefield Coos NH in Devonian Littleton Formation 6.4km WNW at NE end of Dalton Mountain Devonian Littleton Crinoid columnals,Brachiopods,Gastropods NH0003
Coos,Grafton NH Devonian Fitch brachiopods,crinoids,gastropods NH0004
Coos,Grafton NH Devonian Littleton Slate|Fitch brachiopods,coral,crinoids NH0005
Beaver Brook Grafton NH In cascades on SW wall of Kinsman Notch in sandy carbonate rock interbedded with mica schist 44d2m21sN 71d47m33sW Devonian brachiopods-Protoleptostrophia,Leptostrophia,Acrospirifer,Atrypa,Leptocoelia;gastropods-Loxonema NH0029
Enfield Grafton NH In ridges accessible from parking area 1500 meters up Rudsboro Rd from US4 in pink quartzite Silurian Clough fossils NH0007
Franconia Grafton NH 2 km W of Franconia Silurian Fitch ? NH0008
Hanover Grafton NH Between Unity and Hanover in Clough Quartzite (brachiopods,crinoids) and Fitch Formation (brachiopods Silurian Fitch|Clough gastropods,crinoids) NH0009
Lebanon Grafton NH In outcrops glacially polished sandstone on bike path on bikepath on South side of I89 about 3km SW of Whaleback Ski Area. No collecting (used as ref location by geologists) Silurian Clough fossils NH0010
Lisbon Grafton NH 2 km NNE of Lisbon Silurian Fitch ? NH0011
Lisbon Grafton NH On E bank of Ammononoosuc River 4 km NE of Lisbon,In marble Silurian Fitch ? NH0012
Littleton Grafton NH 2.7km WNW of Littleton,Fitch Formation (Hitchcock 1873) in Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0013 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH 3.7km WSW of Littleton on Ammononoosuc River,Fitch Formation (Hitchcock 1873) in Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0014 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH 5.6km WSW of Littleton at Tip-Top Farm. Devonian Littleton Crinoid columnals and gastropods NH0015 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH 9.6km WSW of Littleton at Mormon Hill. Devonian Littleton Crinoid columnals and gastropods NH0016 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH In Old Clark’s quarry Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0017 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH Waterford Road over Fitch Hill in Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0018 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH at Fitch Hill in Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0019 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Littleton Grafton NH at slate quarry,in Silurian Fitch Favosites,Zaphrentis,Astrocerium,Halysites,Pentamerus,Lingula,Crinoid fragments,Lichas,Dalmanites NH0020 http://books.google.com/books?id=041wxo_qUp8C&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&ots=11zWZL-Qtj&dq=old+clark%27s+quarry+littleton+new+hampshire&output=html
Woodsville Grafton NH 13 km SE in Mica Devonian schist interbedded with Silimanite schist rare brachiopods Devonian Spirifer NH0021
Portsmouth Strafford NH Area outcrops Pleistocene Presumpscot? marine fossils NH0030
Claremont Sullivan NH At junction of road from Claremont and NH120 in deformed quartzite layers roadcuts. No collecting (used as ref location by geologists) Silurian Clough crinoid stems,corals,brachiopods NH0023
Claremont Sullivan NH Brachiopods in shell bed in metamorphosed rocks (Quartz,Hornblende) in Western Croydon Township near Claremont,NH. Silurian Clough ? NH0024
Claremont Sullivan NH on the VT,side of the Connecticut River 5 km SW of Claremont,NH. Silurian Corals,brachiopods,crinoid fragments,cephalopods,trilobite fragments NH0025
Grantham Sullivan NH In white ledges near town in (Private) Blue Mountain hunting preserve and other area outcrops Silurian Clough brachiopods NH0026
Hetty Brook Sullivan NH 43d30mN 72d15mW estimated in carbonate lenses in quartzite Silurian Clough Tabulate corals;Rugose corals-Tryplasma?;brachiopods-Resserella,Leptaena,Paleocyclus,Plectodonta,Stricklandia,Cyrtia?,Eospirifer,Howellella,Atrypa;Trilobite fragments;mollusks-Coelospira;gastropods NH0031
[?] NH In Northern New Hampshire and adjacent Quebec Devonian Gile Mountain Plant fossils NH0028