Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
MS Along the Mississippi River from Cairo,IL to Baton Rouge,LA in loess (wind blown silt) deposits ranging from 9 to 23 meters in thickness and 50 to 100km in width (thicker in North and better developed on E side of river) Pleistocene terrestrial and occasional lacustrian gastropods. A few bivalves MS0001
Corinth Alcorn MS 4 km NW in cut on Southern RR Cretaceous Upper Selma chalk Exogyra MS0002
Houlka Chickasaw MS 8 km E on upper slope of hill Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra MS0003
Houston Chickasaw MS 3 km SE in cut on MS8 Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra MS0004
Okolona Chickasaw MS 3 km W Cretaceous Upper Selma Chalk Exogyra MS0005
Okolona Chickasaw MS 5 km W Cretaceous Upper Selma Chalk Exogyra MS0006
Okolona Chickasaw MS 7 km W along Houston Road Cretaceous Upper Selma Chalk Exogyra MS0007
Enterprise Clarke MS 1 km below in bed and banks of Chickasawhay River Scutella,Ostrea,Sharks Teeth,Sea Urchins MS0008
Enterprise Clarke MS 16km S at Wautubbee Cut on the Northeastern RR Eocene Claiborne Astarte,others MS0009
Enterprise Clarke MS 6.5 km NW at Dunn’s Water Mill Eocene Claiborne Claiborne faunas MS0010
Shubuta Clarke MS 6.5 km NE in gorge of Garland Creek Eocene Moodys Branch Pleurotoma MS0011
Barton’s Bluff Clay MS on Tombigbee River 16 km NW of Columbus in Lowndes County numerous fossils MS0012
Carradine Store Clay MS 4 km SE in bald spots adjacent to West Point-Houston Rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra,Diploschiza MS0013 Carradine’s Store seems to have been a landmark in the mid 19th Century. It was a collection point for supplies for the Confederate Army.
Cedar Bluff Clay MS 2 km E on MS10 near W end of Line Creek bridge Cretaceous Selma invertebrates,vertebrates,plants MS0014
Vinton Bluff Clay MS Cretaceous Eutaw Shark teeth – Pseudothryptodus[?],Ischyrhiza MS0015 ‘Pseudothryptodus’ is ‘Pseudohypolopus’ (No citations found) in original
Cynthia Hinds MS 7 km NW on US49 in quarry gastropods,shark teeth,vertebrates MS0016
Cynthia Hinds MS in Miss-Lite aggregate Plant pit 9 km NW of US49 Eocene Yazoo Clay Gastropods,bivalves,shark teeth,fragments of Basilosaurus MS0017
Jackson Hinds MS Eocene Moodys Branch Mollusks -Turritella MS0018
Jackson Hinds MS Coral Flabellum ? MS0019
Jackson Hinds MS Pelecypod Bathytormus ? MS0020
Jackson Hinds MS at Dry Creek Pleurotoma MS0021
Jackson Hinds MS within city on Moodys Branch which is a small tributary of the Pearl River in green sands Eocene Moodys Branch Dentalium,mollusks – Leda,Kelliella,gastropods – Pleurotoma,echinoids,crabs. shark teeth,etc. MS0022
Dorsey Itawamba MS at W edge on N side of US78 Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0023
Fulton Itawamba MS SE at site of Maxey’s Mill Cretaceous Upper Tuscaloosa leaves,mollusk molds MS0024
Mooreville Itawamba MS 3 km E on US78 Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0025
Mooreville Itawamba MS 8 km NE along Mantachie Rd Exogyra MS0026
Ratliff Itawamba MS 4 km E on East facing slope in calcareous micaceous sand Cretaceous Eutaw Exogyra MS0027
Scooba Kemper MS 10 km N on US6 on hill S of Wahalak Creek Cretaceous Selma Exogyra,Diploschiza MS0028
Scooba Kemper MS 6 km NE on N slope of hill Cretaceous Selma Exogyra,Diploschiza MS0029
Lauderdale Lauderdale MS At top of bluff behind Red Hot Truckstop Eocene Bashi Asillahyllos,Archaeomanta,Burnhamia,Galeus,Heterodontus,Meridiania,Microscyliorhinus,Platyrhina,Scyliorhinus MS0030
Meridian Lauderdale MS 25.9km N of Tom Bailey Drive (I59) in Road cuts on MS19 Eocene Bashi mollusks,shark teeth,snake vertebrae MS0031
Meridian Lauderdale MS 3 km S in RR cut Tertiary Woods Bluff abundant fossils : mollusks,pelecypods,cephalopods MS0032
Meridian Lauderdale MS in roadcuts on MS19 vertebrates,mollusks,shark teeth MS0033
Newton Lauderdale MS In area outcrops Eocene Ostrea,Pleurotoma MS0034
Tuscahoma Lauderdale MS at Red Hot Plaza truck stop in glauconitic greensand Eocene Wilcox Carcharias,Dasyatis,Galeorhinus,Lepisosteus,Mustelus,Odontapsis,Physogaleus,Rhinoptera MS0035 References indicate that Tuscahoma no longer exists. It may have been at – lon=89.9931 Lat=33.7772
Bethany Lee MS 400 meters W in area exposures on the W side of Tishomingo Creek Valley Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0036
Saltillo Lee MS 2 km WNW on US45 Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0037
Shannon Lee MS 13 km W in gully S of Troy rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0038
Tupelo Lee MS 2 km W of the Waverly along Tibbee Creek Cretaceous Eutaw Hadrosaurs,ammonites,crabs,fish,mollusks MS0039
Tupelo Lee MS 2.5 km W along Chesterville Rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0040
Tupelo Lee MS 5 km W along Chesterville Rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0041
Tupelo Lee MS 5 km W along Pontotoc Rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0042
Tupelo Lee MS 6 km W along Pontotoc Rd Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0043
Tupelo Lee MS 6 km W on Pontotoc Road (MS6) in Cretaceous Upper Selma Chalk Echinoids,Mollusk casts,large bivalves. MS0044
Tupelo Lee MS 9 km S in bed of Coonewar Creek at US6 crossing Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0045
Tupelo Lee MS In roadcuts on US78 between Mileposts 79 and 82 Cretaceous Selma Exogyra,Gryphaea,mollusk molds MS0046
Waverly Lee MS in Cretaceous Eutaw Formation on the Tombigbee River 2 km West Hadrosaur fragments and mollusks. The overlying Selma chalk with abundant mollusks Cretaceous Eutaw fish,crabs,ammonites,dinosaur bones and a large microfauna MS0047
Columbus Lowndes MS 11 km ESE numerous vertebrate,plant,and invertebrate fossils MS0048
Columbus Lowndes MS 7-8 km NW at Plymouth Buff on Tombigbee River numerous vertebrate,plant,and invertebrate fossils MS0049
Columbus Lowndes MS In bluff a few hundred meters above RR bridge numerous vertebrate,plant,and invertebrate fossils MS0050
Columbus Lowndes MS at Columbus Lock and Dam in Cretaceous Eutaw Cephalopods – Baculites,rays -Ptychodus MS0051
Early Grove Marshall MS 2 km SE of Wellborns[?] on E of road in numerous gullies Wilcox Excellent leaf fossils of many species. MS0052 Can’t find a Wellborns,MS. Possibly Wellborns is the name of a store or farm rather than a formal place name.
Aberdeen Monroe MS 5 km upstream at Blue Buff on E bank of river abundant invertebrates,some vertebrates. MS0053
Aberdeen Monroe MS below RR bridge on Tombigbee River abundant invertebrates,some vertebrates. MS0054
Amory Monroe MS 6 km W on E slope of Tombigbee River valley abundant invertebrates. A few vertebrates. MS0055
Garlandville Newton MS on Suanlovy[?] Creek ? MS0056 Garlandville (such as it is) is at 32.2196N,89.1226W in Jasper County a few hundred meters S of the Newton County Line. Unable to identify a Suanlovy Creek in the area.
Macon Noxubee MS 13 km S on Macon-DeKalb road Eocene Clayton Gryphaeostrea,corals,Turritella,Cucullaea,Venericardia,Ostrea MS0057
Macon Noxubee MS 19-20 km NW in bluff on Horse Creek on Macon-Louisville Rd coral,Cylichna?,Turris,Turritella,Natica,Xenophora,Cucullaea,Ostrea MS0058
New Albany Noxubee MS 6 km S information on Northward facing slope of Kings Creek Valley. Cretaceous Upper Owl Creek Mollusks,Baculites,sharks teeth,mosasaur teeth,mosasaur vertebra MS0059
New Albany Noxubee MS At Agricultural Farm N at city limits W of US45 Cretaceous Upper Exogyra,mollusks MS0060
New Albany Noxubee MS In Agriculture farm on N limits W of US45. Exogyra. Cretaceous Upper Demopolis Chalk Casts of mollusks MS0061
Starkville Oktibbeha MS 4 km N on farm Exogyra MS0062
Starkville Oktibbeha MS 5 km NW Exogyra MS0063
Starkville Oktibbeha MS In gullies on State College campus Cretaceous Upper Prairie Bluff Exogyra MS0064
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS 1 km S in RR cut in sand just above Cretaceous contact Cretaceous Ripley abundant fossils MS0065
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS 2 km W on the Toccopola Rd at top of steep descent fossils MS0066
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS 3 km SE at base of hill at fork in Houston road in Limestone ledge Exogyra,Gryphaea MS0067
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS 4 km S in quarry in100 meters SE of crossing of N fork of Chiwapa Creek by old MS15. Cretaceous Ripley Micrabacia,Hardouinia,Ostrea,Exogyra,Pecten,etc MS0068
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS In on both sides of MS6 3.5 km E Cretaceous Upper Prairie Bluff Chalk echinoids Hardouinia,Hemiaster,mollusks,vertebrates. MS0069
Pontotoc Pontotoc MS in cuts on MS6 echinoids,gastropods,shark teeth MS0070
Tupelo Pontotoc MS 10 km W on MS6 in gullies on N side Cretaceous Selma Exogyra MS0071
Tupelo Pontotoc MS in Cretaceous Eutaw Formation on Tibbee Creek -Hadrosaur fragments and mollusks. The overlying Selma chalk with abundant mollusks,fish,crabs,ammonites,and a large microfauna is present at some Eutaw localities Cretaceous Eutaw ? MS0072
Booneville Prentiss MS 12 km SE on NE slope of Youngs Creek Valle invertebrates,and few vertebrate fragments MS0073
Booneville Prentiss MS 14 km E on Big Brown Creek near Hare’s Mill site invertebrates and a few vertebrates MS0074
Marietta Prentiss MS 400 meters W on Baldwyn Road invertebrates,fish remains MS0075
Brandon Rankin MS 3 km S in quarry Oligocene invertebrates MS0076
Brandon Rankin MS 3.2km SW in Marquette Cement Co Quarry Oligocene Mint Spring Marl mollusks Chlamys. MS0077
Sylvarena Smith MS 1.2 km S near Leaf River in greenish marl exposures Oligocene Vicksburg Very large Oysters (30cm long) MS0078
Sylvarena Smith MS 3 km E in lime quarry a E side of W Tallahala Creek on MS18 ? MS0079
Sylvarena Smith MS 3.2km E of County Lime Quarry and E of West Tallahala Creek on MS18 Oligocene Mint Spring Marl mollusks Chlamys MS0080
Ripley Tippah MS 5 km NE along Owl Creek bluffs Cretaceous Upper Owl Creek Marl friable,well preserved fossils – Ostrea,Exogyra,Gryphaea,Trigonia,Baculites,Scaphites,Sea Urchins,fish teeth MS0081
Ripley Tippah MS area exposures Cretaceous Ripley numerous fossils MS0083
Ripley Tippah MS exposures between Pontotoc and TN line Cretaceous Upper Owl Creek Marl friable,well preserved fossils – Ostrea,Exogyra,Gryphaea,Trigonia,Baculites,Scaphites,Sea Urchins,fish teeth MS0082
Big Springs Tishomingo MS In area cuts and quarries Devonian Iuka Cup corals,blastoids,crinoid stems,bryozoa,brachiopods MS0084
Cherokee Tishomingo MS 6 km W 2 km W of Bear Creek Devonian cup corals,crinoid stems. bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,trilobite fragments – Lithostrotion masses abundant MS0085
Cherokee Tishomingo MS In quarry of John A Denie and Sons as well as adjacent hill Devonian cup corals,crinoid stems,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,trilobite fragments -Lithostrotion masses abundant MS0086
Eastport Tishomingo MS 3 km away at Bear Creek Estuary in shale in banks Devonian trilobites,brachiopods MS0087
Island Hill Tishomingo MS on Yellow Creek in limestones Devonian New Scotland abundant brachiopods,gastropods,fish plates,crustacea,crinoid stems,bryozoa,pelecypods MS0088
Iuka Tishomingo MS In area outcrops Devonian Iuka bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,crustacea,blastoids MS0089
Iuka Tishomingo MS along sw1/4 s17t2sr11e Devonian Iuka bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,crustacea,blastoids MS0090
Iuka Tishomingo MS midway to Tishomingo City in regional exposures Mississippian Tuscumbia Platycrinus,crinoids,corals,trilobites,mollusks MS0091
Yellow Creek Valley Tishomingo MS area outcrops throughout county Devonian New Scotland well preserved Leptaena,Stropheodonta,Tentaculites,Spirifer,Anoplotheca,Dalmanites fragments MS0092
Yellow Creek Valley Tishomingo MS bluffs and ravines near Tennessee River Devonian New Scotland well preserved Leptaena,Stropheodonta,Tentaculites,Spirifer,Anoplotheca,Dalmanites fragments MS0093
Yellow Creek Valley Tishomingo MS on E side in cliffs about 5 km from stream mouth Devonian New Scotland well preserved Leptaena,Stropheodonta,Tentaculites,Spirifer,Anoplotheca,Dalmanites fragments MS0094
Union MS Cretaceous Ripley Echinoderms MS0103
Blue Springs Union MS 4 km NW at RR cut at bridge over branch of Cherry Creek Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra. MS0095
Keownville Union MS 2 km NE at Lees mill site on headwater branch of Tallahatchie River Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra MS0096
Molino Union MS 5 km S in bluff on small stream Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra MS0097
New Albany Union MS 3 km E in RR cuts along Frisco RR Paleocene Clayton Turritella mortoni very abundant. MS0098
New Albany Union MS 5 km S on Hwy 15 Cretaceous Upper Owl Creek mollusks,sea urchin – Linthia,Idonearca,Trigonia MS0099
New Albany Union MS 5.5 km S in road cuts on MS15 Cretaceous Upper fossils MS0100
New Albany Union MS in cut on St Louis-San Francisco RR 7 km S. Paleocene Clayton Hamulus,Lima,Halymenites MS0101
Wallerville Union MS 6 km NE in roadside ditch on local road on NE slope of tributary of Brown’s Creek Cretaceous Ripley Exogyra MS0102
Vicksburg Warren MS Coral Oculina ? MS0104
Vicksburg Warren MS In Mississippi City bluffs in marine limestones in marl Eocene-Oligocene abundant marine fossils – Dentalium,pteropods – Styliola,Lucina MS0105
Vicksburg Warren MS In gorges of small streams in city Eocene-Oligocene abundant marine fossils-Dentalium;pteropods-Styliola,Lucina MS0106
Vicksburg Warren MS near city cemetery in road cuts in Pliocene Loess bluffs Pliocene abundant land snails of many species. A few vertebrates – tigers,sloth,tapir,horses. deer,bison,elephant,mastodon MS0107
Wayne County Wayne MS In area Limestone outcrops Oligocene Vicksburg Teredo MS0108
Sartaria Yazoo MS 2.5 km S on Locust Grove Plantation in deep ravines Eocene Jackson Zeuglodon bones MS0109
Sartaria Yazoo MS In area Eocene outcrops Eocene Jackson Zeuglodon bones MS0110
Thompson Creek Yazoo MS Eocene Chadron Age Mammal Reference Location MS0111
Yazoo City Yazoo MS In marls in bluffs Eocene Jackson Zeuglodon bones and teeth MS0112
[?] MS In marls from Yazoo City through Madison County,Northern Hinds County to Scott,Jasper,Smith and Clarke counties Eocene Jackson Zeuglodon bones and teeth MS0113
[?] MS In outcrops Eocene Whales — Zeuglodon,Zygorhiza usually found in association with shark teeth –Carcharodon MS0114