Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Corriganville Allegany MD 1 km W in Road cuts Devonian Romney Spirifer,Tropidoleptus,Stropheodonta,Chonetes,Spirifer,Ambocoelia,Nucula,Leda,Pleurotomaria,crinoid fragments MD0001
Cumberland Allegany MD 4 km E on Williams Rd Devonian Lower Oriskany abundant fossils MD0002
Cumberland Allegany MD 5 km NE on the National Road below Wolfe Mill along the E bank of Evitts Creek Devonian Middle Hamilton Stereolasma,Amplexus,Cystiphyllum,Rhopalonaria,Linguella,Lingula,Orthiculoidea[?],Craniella,Stropheodonta,Chonetes,Rhipidomella,Leiorhynchus,Spirifer,Ambocoelia and many other genera MD0003 No citations for ‘Orthiculoidea’ Culoidea are pelecypods. May be a misspelling of Orbiculoidea,a brachiopod
Cumberland Allegany MD 5.5 km SE on Williams Rd Devonian Romney Linguella,Pholidops,Stropheodonta,Schuchertella,Chonetes,Rhipidomella,Camarotoechia,Spirifer and many others MD0004
Cumberland Allegany MD At Rose Hill SW from Wills Creek parallel to Wills Mountain Silurian Niagaran 32 species of other fauna plus 26 Ostracod species — Coelospira,Camarotoechia,Chonetes,Tentaculites,Orthoceras,Calymene,Liocalymene[?] MD0005 Original is ‘Ciocalymmene’,assume ‘Liocalymene’
Cumberland Allegany MD SE near city limits in shales abundant fossils Tropidoleptus,Spirifer,Paleoneilo,Rhipidomella MD0006
Cumberland Allegany MD in Devonian Lower Oriskany sandstone in Western MD RR cut at the S end of Collier Mountain 100 Meters N of Potomac R and 300 Meters East of Spring Gap P.O. Devonian Lower Oriskany Large brachiopods and gastropods. Rensselaeria,Costispirifer,Platyceras (a gastropod) MD0007
Cumberland Cave Allegany MD Cited as major site for Rancho LaBrean fauna Pleistocene Mammal Bones MD0008
Frostburg Allegany MD Georges Creek Basin Plant fossils MD0009
Gilpin Allegany MD 5 km SW in roadside black shales Devonian Middle fossils – Chonetes,Spirifer,Nucula,Pterinea,Nassa,Pleurotomaria,Cyclonema,Homalonotus MD0010
Gilpin Allegany MD on National road 200 meters W of Town Creek Bridge Devonian Middle fossils MD0011
Oldtown Allegany MD 6.5 km N on road E of Pine Hill Devonian Middle ? MD0012
Oldtown Allegany MD N of the Potomac W of the mouth of South Branch Devonian Lower Oriskany abundant fossils MD0013 The Oriskany formation is Devonian?
Queen City Allegany MD 400 meters E of hotel on Williams Road Lingula,Stropheodonta,Schuchertella,Chonetes,Productella,Spirifer,Nucula,Aviculopecten,Bellerophon,many other taxa MD0014
Westernport Allegany MD 3 km SE at mouth of Stony Run below WV,Central RR Mississippian Greenbriar Abundant Fossils MD0015
Wills Creek Allegany MD E at Devil’s Backbone in RR cuts Stromatopora beds MD0016
Arlington Anne Arundel MD Cretaceous Potomac Casts of Bythinia,Vivaparus,Cyrena in the Arundel near Arlington,Maryland MD0017
Arlington Anne Arundel MD Cretaceous Potomac Casts of Bythinia,Vivaparus,Cyrena in the Arundel near Arlington,Maryland MD0018
Arlington Anne Arundel MD Arlington in area exposures Cretaceous Lower Arundel Bythinia,Vivaparus,Cyrena MD0019
Arlington Anne Arundel MD area exposures Cretaceous Lower Arundel Bythinia,Vivaparus,Cyrena MD0020
Ft Foote Anne Arundel MD Cretaceous Patapsco Araucarites cones and scales MD0021
Ft Foote Anne Arundel MD Auricaria cones and twigs in the Potapsco near Ft Foote,MD Cretaceous Potomac Auricaria MD0022
Jessup Anne Arundel MD US1 in MD Mesozoic Dinosaur bones,footprints — Dryptosaurus,Coelurus,Astrodon MD0023
Mouth of Magothy River Anne Arundel MD Eocene? Aquia ? MD0024
Baltimore Baltimore MD Petrified cycads in the Patuxent at Schoolhouse Hill near Baltimore,MD Cretaceous Potomac cycads MD0025
Schoolhouse Hill Baltimore MD In trench in sandstone Cretaceous Patapsco Silicified Cycadeoida MD0026
Schoolhouse Hill Baltimore MD US1 in MD Mesozoic Dinosaur bones,footprints — Dryptosaurus,Coelurus,Astrodon MD0027
Schoolhouse Hill Baltimore MD along US1 dinosaur bones MD0028
Calvert MD At Matoaka Cottages Miocene Calvert invertebrates,shark teeth,marine mammal bones and teeth MD0057
Breezy Point Calvert MD Privately owned for fee collecting Miocene Calvert ? MD0029
Breezy Point Calvert MD along beach. Fee for use. Closed in Winter Miocene Calvert shark teeth MD0030
Brownies Beach Calvert MD Exposure of Langhian to Serravallian Calvert Fm.,Plum Point Member. Miocene Calvert Fossils include shark + ray teeth,crocodile teeth,cetacean remains,mammal remains,shells. MD0031
Calvert Beach Calvert MD Miocene Gastropod Cancellaria MD0032
Calvert Beach Calvert MD at Matoaka cottage,fee Miocene Choptank abundant invertebrates,some shark teeth and vertebrates MD0033
Calvert Cliffs Calvert MD Public Access points as of 2003, Brownies Beach,Breezy Beach,Flag Ponds Nature area,Calvert Cliffs State Park,Matoaka Beach Miocene Calvert|Choptank|St Marys Shells,corals,mammal bones,shark teeth MD0034
Calvert Cliffs Calvert MD continuous exposure from Chesapeake Beach to 3 km S of Governor’s Run Miocene Calvert Carcharias,Oliva,Ecphora,Fulgur,Surcula,Columbella,Turritella,Mangilia,Mactra,Arca,Isocardia,Spisula,Asaphis,Chione,Pecten,Venericardia,Scutella,Astrangia MD0035
Calvert Cliffs Calvert MD from Parker Creek nearly to Long Pond in two fossiliferous zones Miocene Choptank Ecphora,Turritella,Panopea,Corbula,Metis,Macrocallista,Venus,Dosinia,Isocardia,Cardium,Crassatellites,Astarte,Pecten,Melina,Arca MD0036
Calvert Cliffs State Park Calvert MD Collecting of float material permitted. A substantial walk from the parking area to the beach and only small beach area open for collecting. Well picked over in the Summer. Best collecting after storm in Spring/Fall. Closed in mid-Winter. Phone for status 301-872-5688 Miocene St Marys A variety of fossils. Mollusks – Dentalium,Turritella,Epitonium,Busycon,Urosalpinx,Vertebrates – Odontapsis,turtle bones MD0039 http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/fs/fs10.html
Calvert Cliffs State Park Calvert MD Collecting of float material permitted. A substantial walk from the parking area to the beach. Well picked over in the Summer. Miocene Calvert A variety of fossils. MD0037
Calvert Cliffs State Park Calvert MD Collecting of float material permitted. A substantial walk from the parking area to the beach. Well picked over in the Summer. Miocene Choptank A variety of fossils. Worm tubes; Corals – Astrhelia,Septastrea; Gastropods:Crucibulum,Calliostoma. Ecphora,Busycon,Mytilus,Chesapecten,Ostrea. Arthropods – Balanus. Echinoderms: Abertella,Echinocardium;Vertebrates: Carcharodon MD0038
Chesapeake Bay Calvert MD In concretion found in float Miocene St Marys fish-sardine MD0040
Chesapeake Beach Calvert MD Miocene Calvert Sharks Teeth MD0041
Chesapeake Beach Calvert MD Access is from Bayfront Park on MD261 S of MD260 Junction. 500m walk to beach. Not accessible at high tide. Do not dig in cliffs. Miocene Calvert Shark Teeth http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/fs/fs10.html
Chesapeake Beach Calvert MD At Bay Front Park in float on beach as well as in bone bed outcrops in cliffs — exposures of basal Calvert Formation Miocene Calvert small shark teeth,mammal bones and teeth MD0042
Cove Point Calvert MD Pleistocene Talbot plant fossils MD0043
Flag Pond Nature Park Calvert MD Fee for use Miocene Choptank invertebrates,Shark Teeth MD0044
Governors Run Calvert MD off MD4 Miocene Choptank ? MD0045
Little Cove Pt Calvert MD Miocene St Marys ? MD0046
Long Beach Calvert MD 3.2km S Miocene Choptank ? MD0047
Plum Point Calvert MD Miocene Calvert Sharks Teeth MD0048
Plum Point Calvert MD Exposure of Serravallian Calvert Fm.,Plum Point Member. Private access. Miocene Calvert Fossils include shark + ray teeth,crocodile teeth,cetacean +mammal remains,shells. MD0049
Plum Pt Calvert MD Miocene pelecypod Corbula MD0050
Point of Rocks Calvert MD 2 km N Miocene Calvert ? MD0051
Randle Cliff Calvert MD Exposure of Langhian to Serravallian Calvert Fm.,Plum Point Member. Miocene Calvert Fossils include shark + ray teeth,crocodile teeth,cetacean remains,mammal remains,shells. MD0052
Scientist Cliffs Calvert MD Miocene Calvert Arthropods,Balanus MD0053
Solomons Calvert MD Miocene Choptank echinoderms. MD0054
St Leonard Calvert MD At St Leonard S of Prince Frederick on MD765 accessible from MD2/MD4. Take Calvert Beach Road for 1.4km to dirt road on left to Matoaka Cottages. Open year round for collecting. Best collecting at low tide. Do not dig in cliffs. Phone 410-586-0269 Miocene Calvert Shark Teeth http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/fs/fs10.html
St Leonard Calvert MD along beach Miocene Calvert|Choptank|St Marys vertebrates,shells MD0055
St Mary’s Calvert MD Miocene St Marys Mollusks -Chione MD0056
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Cecil MD Lower slope of Maintenance road E of RR bridge Cretaceous Upper Marshalltown Ammonites,gastropods,bivalves MD0058
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Cecil MD Pit E of RR bridge Cretaceous Upper Marshalltown Ammonites,gastropods,bivalves MD0059
Lower Bohemia Creek Cecil MD along banks Cretaceous Upper Navesink Exogyra,Gryphaea,Idonearca,Cardium MD0060
Sassafras River Cecil MD In stream channels on Eastern Shore Eocene Aquia ? MD0061
Charles MD Thanetian exposures of the Aquia Formation,Piscataway Member along the Potomac River Paleocene Aquia Fossils include,Late Paleocene shark,ray,fish + crocodile teeth MD0092
Blue Banks Charles MD Eocene Nanjemoy ? MD0062
Blue Banks Charles MD Paleocene Aquia ? MD0063
Blue Banks and Clifton Beach Charles MD Eocene Nanjemoy ? MD0064
Clifton Beach Charles MD Eocene Aquia Trionyx MD0065
Clifton Beach Charles MD 1.1 km above Eocene Nanjemoy? Turritella,Meretrix MD0066
Clifton Beach Charles MD about 1 km N on Potomac River Paleocene Aquia Thecachampsa,Euclastes,Xiphias MD0067
Clifton Beach Point Charles MD Eocene Nanjemoy ? MD0068
Clifton and Pope’s Creek Charles MD Exposures of Ypresian Nanjemoy Fm.,Woodstock and Potapaco Members. Eocene Nanjemoy Fossils include shark and ray teeth predominantly. MD0069
Cove Point Charles MD Miocene St Marys|Choptank marine vertebrate remains MD0070
Cove Point Charles MD Pleistocene Talbot fossil leaves MD0071
Goose Bay Charles MD exposures along shore especially at Douglas Pt Eocene abundant fossils MD0072
Hughesville Charles MD 4 km E and 21 km E of La Plata on side road 1.5 km E of intersection of Aquasco Rd and Hughesville-Benedict Road in small stream valley Miocene Venus,Turritella,Astarte,Cytherea,Ecphora,Crassatellites,Chione,Pecten,etc. MD0073
La Plata Charles MD 2 km S in stream bed to W of La Plata-Rock Point Road Eocene Nanjemoy? fossil casts MD0074
La Plata Charles MD 5 km WNW in bed of second stream W and N of Port Tobacco Bridge on old La Plata-Indian Head road Eocene Nanjemoy? fossil casts of Lucina,Meretrix,Corbula,Venericardia MD0075
La Plata Charles MD 5 km WSW in bed of Hoghole Run Eocene Nanjemoy? fossil casts of Corbula and Fusus as well as a few Venericardia MD0076
La Plata Charles MD 9 km SSW at Chapel Point Eocene Nanjemoy? Corbula,Venericardia,Crassatellites,Ostrea MD0077
Liverpool Charles MD Shark Teeth-Otodus,Crocodile teeth MD0078
Liverpool Charles MD 1 km S of wharf Meretrix,Ostrea MD0079
Liverpool Charles MD 4 km S of wharf tightly packed fossils Ostrea,Isocardia?,Dosiniopsis,Crassatellites,Turritella,Venericardia MD0080
Liverpool Point Charles MD Eocene Nanjemoy ? MD0081
Liverpool Point Charles MD Paleocene Shells,Shark Teeth MD0082
Liverpool Point Charles MD Paleocene Aquia ? MD0083
Liverpool Pt Charles MD Paleocene Aquia ? MD0084
Mason Springs Charles MD 2 km NW in RR cut Eocene Nanjemoy? abundant fossils: Turritella,Crassatellites,Ostrea MD0085
Mattawoman Swamp Charles MD Paleocene? Aquia mollusks Cucullaea MD0086
Nanjemoy Charles MD Eocene Nanjemoy ? MD0087
Nanjemoy Charles MD Paleocene Aquia ? MD0088
Nanjemoy Charles MD At Clifton Beach just North of Smith Point Paleocene Aquia Crocodile teeth;Shark teeth-Otodus,Striatolamia,Myliobatis,Physogaleous;Gastropods-Turritella;Bivalves-Ostrea http://www.itano.net/fossils/marylan2/marylan2.htm
Popes Creek Charles MD Cliffs on the Potomac River near this tiny town expose the Lower member of the Miocene age Calvert Formation which was once mined for diatomaceous earth. However,the fossils found here are apparently Eocene Upper sharks teeth found eroded out along the s Eocene Nanjemoy Fossils are not very common but include many rather unusual species such as Squalus,Ginglymostoma and Paleocharcharodon as well as the more common Myliobatis,Otodus and Odontapsis. MD0089
Potomac River Charles MD North of Popes Creek from 3 km to 8 km Eocene Nanjemoy? Corbula,Venericardia,Crassatellites,Ostrea MD0090
Purse State Park Charles MD Paleocene Aquia ? MD0091
Purse State Park Charles MD Off MD224 near Liverpool Point. At boat launch area? At a guess Paleocene and or Eocene fossils from the Nanjemoy and/or Aquia formations bones, shark teeth, shell fragments http://www.visitcharlescounty.com/outdoor.htm#purse
Cambridge Beach Dorchester MD Miocene Choptank ? MD0093
Emmitsburg Frederick MD Emmitsburg Quarry Triassic dinosaur tracks MD0094 No tracks have been found at this site for many decades
Frederick Frederick MD in Devonian Middle Marcellus shale in abandoned slate quarry at junction of MD56 and McCay Ferry Rd near Big Pool. Devonian Middle Marcellus Articulate brachiopods,bivalves,crinoids. MD0095
Frederick Frederick MD in area stone fences Ordovician Chazy Strophomena,Reteocrinus,Acidaspis,Cameroceras,Isotelus MD0096
Middletown Frederick MD S in state sand and gravel pit leaves MD0097
Middletown Frederick MD in gravel pit on MD896 Pleistocene Columbia Group plant fossils MD0098
Chestertown Kent MD 4 km below at Wilson Wharf Eocene Aquia Dosiniopsis,Venericardia,Terebratula,Cucullaea MD0099
Chestertown Kent MD In stream channels on Eastern Shore Eocene Aquia ? MD0100
Chestertown Kent MD exposures along Chester River Eocene Aquia Dosiniopsis,Venericardia,Terebratula,Cucullaea MD0101
Georgetown Kent MD outcrops along Sassafras River Eocene Aquia Dosiniopsis,Venericardia,Terebratula,Cucullaea MD0102
Melitota-Fairlee Kent MD in escarpment between Talbot and Wicomico formations in headwaters of small stream Cretaceous Monmouth Cucullaea,Cardium. Exogyra,Gryphaea,Belemnitella MD0103
Worton Bay Shore Kent MD Cretaceous Raritan Plant fossils MD0104
Worton Bay Shore Kent MD In bluff above Cretaceous Raritan Formation Pleistocene typical faunas MD0105
Beltsville Prince Georges MD dinosaur bones MD0106
Beltsville Prince Georges MD In Quarry of Maryland Clay Products Co Cretaceous Potomac a few dinosaur teeth and bones MD0107 http://www.jhu.edu/~jhumag/696web/dinosaur.html
Bladensburg Prince Georges MD In area exposures Cretaceous Arundel dinosaurs — Astrodon MD0108
Bladensburg Prince Georges MD US1 in MD Mesozoic Dinosaur bones,footprints — Dryptosaurus,Coelurus,Astrodon MD0109
Bowie Prince Georges MD UMSTC Site,Belair road,Exposure of Maastrichtian Severn Fm. Cretaceous Severn Fossils include shark and ray fauna,mosasaurs,plesiosaurs,corals MD0110
Branchville Prince Georges MD Cretaceous Lower Arundel crocodile – Goniopholis MD0111
Brightseat Prince Georges MD Cretaceous fish and reptiles MD0112
Contee Prince Georges MD In area exposures dinosaurs – Priconodon MD0113 Contee is at 39.0790N,76.8655W near the junction of Contee Rd and US1 a few km NE of Beltsville
Fort Washington Prince Georges MD in excavation E of wharf Cretaceous Matawan micaceous sands Cyprimeria,Crassatella,Cucullaea MD0114
Muirkirk Prince Georges MD dinosaur bones MD0115
Muirkirk Prince Georges MD In area exposures Cretaceous Lower Arundel Allosaurus,Coelurus MD0116
Muirkirk Prince Georges MD US1 in MD Mesozoic Dinosaur bones,footprints — Dryptosaurus,Coelurus,Astrodon MD0117
Earle Cove Queen Annes MD just below the cove on the Corsica River Miocene Calvert Typical fossils MD0118
Wicomico Plain Queen Annes MD headwaters of all streams Miocene Calvert typical fossils MD0119
Cedar Point St Mary’s MD at 8.3 km S Ostrea,Arca,Venus,Mya,Barnea,Crepidula,Polynices,Fulgur MD0120 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Cedar Point St Mary’s MD at Cornfield Harbor Ostrea,Arca,Venus,Mya,Barnea,Crepidula,Polynices,Fulgur MD0121 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Drum Cliff St Mary’s MD Miocene Calvert ? MD0122
Drum Cliff St Mary’s MD across from Boone’s Island Miocene Choptank ? MD0123
Drum Cliff St Mary’s MD near Jones Wharf in very fossiliferous beds Miocene Balanus,Panope,Phacoides,Cardium,Pecten. Ostrea MD0124
Hollywood St Mary’s MD 5 km S between Cole Creek and St Thomas Creek Miocene ? MD0125
Hollywood St Mary’s MD S Between Cole Creek and St Thomas Creek Miocene Choptank ? MD0126
Hollywood St Mary’s MD S to St Jerome Creek Miocene St Marys Fossils MD0127
Jones Wharf St Mary’s MD Opposite Boone Island Miocene Choptank ? MD0128
Jones Wharf St Mary’s MD on Patuxent River Miocene Choptank ? MD0129
Jones Wharf St Mary’s MD see Drum Cliff (same locality) Miocene Choptank ? MD0130
St Marys City St Mary’s MD Miocene-Pleistocene Miocene invertebrates and Pleistocene vertebrates MD0131
St Marys State Park St Mary’s MD Miocene St Marys ? MD0132
Wailes Bluff St Mary’s MD Pleistocene Talbot Ilynassa,Eupleura,Polynices,Fulgur,Corbula,Tagelus,Rangia,Arca,Mya,Barnea,Ostrea,Mastodon teeth,Mammut teeth MD0133 Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Dover Bridge Talbot MD 3 km SE type section of Choptank Formation Miocene Choptank ? MD0134
Dover Bridge Talbot MD at MD331 bridge over Choptank River 3 km S in Miocene Choptank Formation (Type locality) Miocene Choptank ? MD0135
Easton Talbot MD Across Choptank River from Frazier’s Neck 7 km S of Easton,Talbot County ? MD0136
Antietam Station Washington MD 2 km S Cambrian Cryptozoon MD0137
Cacapon Mountain Washington MD W of Hancock 34 species Silurian Rabble Run Sandstone Reticularia,Leptaena,Stropheodonta,Whitfieldia. MD0138
Clear Spring Washington MD 2 km S Cambrian Conococheague Cryptozoon MD0139
Eakles Mills Washington MD 2 km S of Smithsburg at Mouth of Little Antietam Creek Ordovician Antietam Sandstone Obolella MD0140
Fort Frederick Washington MD in road cut on MD56 near Fort Frederick State Park plants,brachiopods,crinoids MD0141
Frederick Washington MD near Big Pool in slate quarry at junction ofMD56 and McCay Rd Devonian brachiopods,mollusks,crinoids MD0142
Funkstown Washington MD 4 km SE 2 km S of Pleasant Hill School Cambrian Conococheague Cryptozoon MD0143
Hagerstown Washington MD E edge of town in old brickyard Tetradium MD0144
Hagerstown Washington MD area exposures Ordovician Beekmantown Cryptozoon,Rhabdaria[?] MD0145 No citations for a bryozoan Rhabdaria fragilis Billings or anything similar 051122. The Beekmantown is Lower Ordovician in modern terminology
Hagerstown Washington MD in Onyx Cave Pleistocene Bat teeth MD0146
Hancock Washington MD NE,62 species Silurian Rochester Dalmanites,Homalonotus,Pholidops,Rhipidomella,Stropheodonta,Camarotoechia,Atrypa,Spirifer,Trematospira,Pterinea,Bucanella,Tentaculites MD0147
Hancock Washington MD roadcuts to E in shales Devonian abundant brachiopods,crinoids,trilobites MD0148
Keyser Washington MD 1 km S of 21st St bridge 30 meters above the River on E side Devonian Middle Romney Pholidops,Dalmanella,Goniophora,Panenka,Agoniates,Phacops MD0149
Keyser Washington MD 2 km E of 21st St bridge in three RR cuts Devonian Middle Romney Pholidops,Dalmanella,Goniophora,Panenka,Agoniates,Phacops MD0150
Legore Washington MD in Limestone quarries Ordovician Beekmantown Cyrtocerina,Camarotoechia MD0151
Parkhead Washington MD In Sandstone 11 km E of Hancock Devonian Upper Parkhead Tropidoleptus,Camarotoechia,Spirifer,Rhipidomella MD0152 USGS puts Park Head on Potomac near 39.6652N,78.0650W,SW of Pecktonville,MD
Rickard Mountain Washington MD W slope in sandy debris Ordovician Merocrinus,Bythopora MD0153
Tonoloway Ridge Washington MD W of Hancock in limestones and calcareous shale Silurian Hindella,Rhynchospira,Stenoscisma,Camarotoechia,Spirifer,Schuchertella,Hormotoma MD0154
Williamsburg Washington MD In area exposures Ordovician Martinsburg Corynoides,Climacograptus MD0155
[?] MD Calvert Cliffs 570m N of Harper’s Creek, 1.5 km S of Western Shore; S end of Cliffs S of Long Pond; S end of cliffs S of Flag Ponds Miocene Choptank Lyropecten and other Pecten,Balanus,many genera of bivalves,gastropods,sharks teeth including Carcharodon. MD0157
Rocky Ridge [?] MD At Buck Forest Farm Triassic Newark Reptile tracks MD0156
in cliffs on SW bank of Patuxent River [?] MD Miocene Choptank ? MD0158