Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
LA Along the Mississippi River from Cairo,IL to Baton Rouge,LA in loess (wind blown silt) deposits ranging from 9 to 23 meters in thickness and 50 to 100km in width (thicker in North and better developed on E side of river) Pleistocene terrestrial and occasional lacustrian gastropods. A few bivalves LA0001
Bayou Manchac Ascension LA In SW1/4s15t8sr2e in shell marl Pleistocene Cincinnati,Pomatiopsis,Physa,Helisoma,Ferrissia,Gyralus,Pisidium LA0002
Arcadia Bienville LA 5 km W in RR cut Eocene mollusk casts LA0003
Bienville Bienville LA s32t14nr7w Cretaceous Ostrea LA0004
Campti Bienville LA 200 meters E of Campti-Sparta road on Lake Village – Vernon road in s31t14nr7w on shell strewn prairie Ostrea LA0005
Gibbsland Bienville LA 4 km E in light brown clay in road cut Eocene casts,Leda,Venericardia,Dentalium,Echinoderms LA0006
Gibbsland Bienville LA at base of Mt Lebanon Eocene Claiborne, Lower fossils. LA0007
Liberty Hill Bienville LA 15 km E Eocene Claiborne typical fossils LA0008
Liberty Hill Bienville LA 16 km SE at Rayburn’s Salt Works s31t15nr5w in Limestone-gypsum beds Cretaceous Exogyra,Gryphaea,Pecten,Inoceramus,Legumen,Linearia,Baculites LA0009
Liberty Hill Bienville LA 24 km E Eocene Claiborne typical fossils LA0010
Liberty Hill Bienville LA 5 km NE on the Ruston road Eocene Claiborne typical fossils LA0011
Liberty Hill Bienville LA In area hillsides Eocene Claiborne typical fossils LA0012
Albany Caddo LA toward Henderson’s Mills in Limestone outcrops Eocene Midway Enclimatoceras LA0013
Bunker Hill Caddo LA in 27m of clay in bluff Venericardia,Pinna LA0014
Columbia Caldwell LA Oligocene Yazoo Clay LA0015 LA0084
Columbia Caldwell LA 2 km N in small branch Zeuglodon,shells LA0016
Columbia Caldwell LA In RR cuts fossil leaves,lignite wood LA0017
Columbia Caldwell LA In bluffs along Ouachita River Eocene Jackson Zeuglodon bones,Cardium LA0018
Columbia Caldwell LA at Gibson’s Landing on Ouachita River in 2.5 meters of sandy clay 15 meters above River Zeuglodon,shells LA0019
Lone Grave Bluff Caldwell LA in lignitic sands plant fossils LA0020
Rosefield Caldwell LA 2 km S on Harrisonburg Road near the Danville Fork in concretions in yellow Limestone Oligocene Vicksburg Dentalium,Ostrea,Pecten,Arca,Byssoarca,Pectunculus,Crassatella,Meretrix,Balanophyllia,Orbitoides,etc. LA0021
Rosefield Caldwell LA 4 km S near Sone’s Store Oligocene Vicksburg Dentalium,Ostrea,Pecten,Arca,Byssoarca,Pectunculus,Crassatella,Meretrix,Balanophyllia,Orbitoides,etc. LA0022
Rosefield Caldwell LA 5 km S along Shell creek in S35t11sr4e Oligocene Vicksburg Dentalium,Ostrea,Pecten,Arca,Byssoarca,Pectunculus,Crassatella,Meretrix,Balanophyllia,Orbitoides,etc. LA0023
Rosefield Caldwell LA near on prairie near Shell creek in S31t11n Oligocene Vicksburg Dentalium,Ostrea,Pecten,Arca,Byssoarca,Pectunculus,Crassatella,Meretrix,Balanophyllia,Orbitoides,etc. LA0024
Cameron Parish Cameron LA Abundant invertebrates along coast LA0025
Catahoula LA 100 meters below the Caldwell Parish line in 10 meters bluff Eocene abundant fossils. LA0033
Bunker Hill Catahoula LA 33 km below Columbia abundant plant and animal fossils – Lepidocyclina,Pecten LA0026
Danville Landing Catahoula LA 52 km below Columbus on Caldwell line Eocene Jackson mollusks – Venericardia,Pitaria,Corbula,Turritella,Scalaria,Volutalithes,Dentalium,corals -Flabellum,Endopachys,shark teeth,otoliths,Bryozoa-Acanthionella,Holoporella,Otionella,Schizorthosecos,Adeonellopsis LA0027
Grandview Bluff Catahoula LA 32 km below Columbia abundant plant and animal fossils – Lepidocyclina,Pecten LA0028
Rosefield Catahoula LA in RR cut Oligocene bryozoa LA0029 Original said Kentucky. Louisiana seems more likely
Rosefield Catahoula LA in marl in RR cut. Oligocene Byram varied bryozoan fauna. LA0030
Sicily Island Catahoula LA A few fragmentary bones Pliocene Citronelle Vertebrate-Ursus LA0031
Wyant’s[?] Bluff Catahoula LA 7 km above Danville Eocene Casts and molds of fossils. LA0032 Can’t locate
Rosefield Catahoula? LA in RR cut near cemetery in Sec 31T11R5E in coquina layer mollusks – Conus,Scapharca,Glycymeris. Ostrea,Procardia,Macrocallista. corals -Archohelia,Balanophyllia,otoliths,shark teeth,bryozoa,Lepidocyclina LA0034
Rosefield? Catahoula? LA in RR cut Oligocene Byram bryozoa LA0035 Original says ‘Rosenfield’
De Soto LA sw1/4ne1/4s13t10nr11w on local road off LA180 Eocene pelecypods,gastropods LA0036
Baton Rouge East Baton Rouge LA Area deposits of chert and gravel mined across Central Louisiana for aggregate for construction. Pliocene Citronelle Devonian and Mississippian fossils – brachiopods,bryozoa,cephalopods,corals,crinoids,pelecypods,and trilobites LA0085
Montgomery Grant LA Coral Parasmilia LA0038
Montgomery Grant LA On Red River near Montgomery Landing Eocene numerous mollusks LA0039
Montgomery Grant LA at Creole Bluff at Montgomery Landing on Red River Eocene Moodys Branch abundant mollusks LA0040
Montgomery Landing Grant LA At Creole Bluff near the Red River SW of Montgomery. Eocene Moodys Branch 50 Species of Eocene mollusks. LA0041
Montgomery Landing Grant LA W part of se1/4s25t8nr5w Eocene Jackson|Moodys Branch abundant Arca,Avicula,Bersonia[?],Callista,Capulus,Protocardium,Caricella,Cassidaria,Cassis,Clavilithes,Conus,Corbula,Crassatella,Cypraea,Dentalium,Fissurella,Fusus,Pseudoliva,Glycymeris,Harpa,Leda,Metula,Mitra,Natica,Nucula,Ostrea LA0042 No citations found for ‘Bersonia’ 060519
Montgomery Landing Grant LA in bluffs along river Eocene Jackson many species of fossils. LA0043
Tannock’s[?] Prairie Grant LA in Limestone concretions Ostrea,Haminea LA0044 Can’t locate Tannock’s Prairie or Bens Creek which apparently lies to its North
Tullos Grant LA 1.3 km N of RR station in fields and small washes well preserved faunas LA0045
Tullos Grant LA in gray sandy clay Zeuglodon bones LA0046
Belle Isle–Myrtle Bayou Iberia LA 14 km up Atchafalaya River on E slope of Shaft Hill near old sand pit poorly preserved Ostrea,Scapharca,Gnathodon,Dosinia,Cardium,Corbula,Mactra,Lucina,Venus,Semele,Fulgur LA0047
Petite Anse Island Iberia LA In well shafts and mining excavations Pleistocene Mastodon,Mylodon,Equus. LA0048
Grand Isle Jefferson LA Abundant invertebrates LA0049
Adonis Natchitoches LA in calcareous concretions on top of Ridge Eocene mollusks LA0050
Ajax Natchitoches LA 8 km S in fields near junction of LA404 and LA429 in septarian concretions fossils LA0051
Black Lake Natchitoches LA in small black land prairies Ostrea LA0052
Black Lake Natchitoches LA km N,2 km W of Remy Creek S of the Saline-Weaver’s Ferry Road Ostrea LA0053
Marthaville Natchitoches LA 13 km E and in belt of abundantly fossiliferous exposures to about 8 km from Zwolle,Sabine Parish Eocene Sabine|Marthaville Anthozoa-Madracis,Haimesiastraea,pelecypods – Ostrea,Modiolus,Venericardia,Cardium,Pitaria,Tellina,Tritonidea,Buccinanops,Pseudoliva,Nassarius,Levifusus,Cornulina,Voluta,Hemisurcula,Pleurotomella,Ostracods LA0054
Marthaville Natchitoches LA 75 meters E of RR depot on glauconitic,calcareous silt Eocene? abundant Ostrea LA0055
Marthaville Natchitoches LA area exposures Eocene corals,mollusks,ostracods LA0056
Marthaville Natchitoches LA area exposures Eocene Marthaville corals-Madracis,Haimesiastraea; bivalves,gastropods,ostracods. LA0057
Natchitoches Natchitoches LA West on I49 Eocene Cane River 150 species of invertebrates and vertebrates plus many microfossil taxa LA0058
Provencal Natchitoches LA 1 km W on N side of RR track Abundant Ostrea LA0059
Victoria Mills Natchitoches LA In Limestone along hills in back of mills Ostrea LA0060
Rocks Creek Natchitoches? LA nw1/4se1/4s333t10nr10w clays Eocene Logansport (LA) Pelecypods – Nucula,Yoldia,Pinna,Anomia,Modiolus,Venericardia,Lucina,Cardium,Tellina,Corbula,Martesia. Gastropods – Fissurella,Epitonium,Ampullina,Polynices,Sinum,Turritella,Calyptraphorus,Galeodea,Priscoficus,Mitrella,Levifusus LA0061 ‘Polynices’ is likely a misspelling of Polinices,the modern ‘moon snail’
Catahoula Ouachita LA In hills N to Arkansas River and W to Red River Pectenites,Belemnites LA0062
Catahoula Ouachita LA In hills N to Arkansas River and W to Red River Pleistocene vertebrates LA0063
Sabine LA T8ns12rw in road cut Eocene Anomia LA0073
Sabine LA T9n,nw1/4s1r12w in ravine in concretions Eocene Anomia LA0074
Sabine LA ne1/4s2t9nr12w in lignitic outcrop Eocene Venericardia,Yoldia,Volutalithes,Calyptraphorus,Levifusus LA0075
Sabine LA s24T10nr11w in SW corner on hilltops Eocene fossils LA0076
Fort Jessup Sabine LA 2 km E along banks of Rocky Creek Eocene Turritella,Volutilithes,fucoids LA0064
Fort Jessup Sabine LA E along banks of Rocky Creek Eocene Turritella,Volulithes,fucoids LA0065
La Nana Bayou Sabine LA at sec 29-30 line in dark micaceous clay Eocene Turritella,Volutilites,Pleurotoma,Astarte,Venericardia,Pseudoliva. LA0066
Many Sabine LA 2.5 km SE in boulders near Tar River Eocene Venericardia LA0067
Negreet P.O. Sabine LA in lignitic strata in local streams Ostrea,Pecten,Cypraea,Turritella LA0068
Negreet P.O. Sabine LA on area hills in yellow limestones Ostrea,Pecten,Cypraea,Turritella LA0069
Pleasant Hill Sabine LA 4 km NE on road cut on W side of MI180 in large calcareous concretions Eocene fossils LA0070
Rocky Spring Church Sabine LA on Marthaville-Many Road ne1/4s24t8nr11w in Limestone Cretaceous Cardium,Ostrea LA0071
Sabinetown Bluff Sabine LA in green-gray glauconite Nucula,Trinacria,Arca,Periploma,Venericardia,Phacoides,Bornia,Pitaria,Macrocallista,Spisula,Corbula,gastropods – Teinostoma,Skenea,Tuba,Melanella,Architectonica,Epitonium,Natica,Sinum,Bittium,Cerithiella,Scaphopods – Cadulus,Ostracod LA0072
Fort Polk Vernon LA Terrestrial vertebrates including many teeth of small mammals in thin limestone beds Miocene vertebrates-horses,gomphotheres,artiodactyls,rodents,insectivores,Lagomorphs,carnivores LA0077
Tunica Hills West Feliciana LA In stream bed Pliocene? Citronelle? vertebrate bones-Cormohipparion LA0078
New Hope Church Winn LA 1 km NW in ferruginous concretion Turritella LA0079
Sparta Winn LA 1 km S of Milepost 24 on Sparta-Montgomery road in ferruginous and limey concretions Anomia,Plicatula,Pseudoliva,Ostrea LA0080
St Maurice Winn LA in bluff along bayou Eocene Claiborne, Lower typical fossils. LA0081
[?] LA In NW corner of the state in occasional lignite outcrops Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox plants and leaves LA0083
Little Bayou Sata[?] [?] LA s10R1sr4w in stream bluffs Pleistocene 20 species of invertebrates – Plants –Pleistocene–Cincinnatia,Pomatiopsis,Helisoma,Physa,Lymnaea,Campeloma,Helicodiscus,Retinella,Hawaiia,Succinea,Pisidium LA0082 Can’t locate