Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Mineral[?] ID Jurassic ammonites,bivalves-Oysters,Gryphaea ID0001 There does not appear to be a Town of Mineral in Eastern Idaho
Ada ID many exposures in area with petrified opalized wood ID0003
Boise Ada ID in hills N and W petrified wood ant roots ID0002
Hell’s Canyon Adams ID 3 km downstream from Oxbow Dam Triassic pelecypods ID0004
Mesa Adams ID in area exposures Opalized wood ID0005
Lava Hot Springs[?] Bannock ID Triassic Thaynes crustacea-Litogaster ID0006 Original just says ‘Hot Springs’ Lava Hot Springs seems to be the most likely candidate
McCammon Bannock ID E of the Portneuf River in roadcut on US30 just S of entrance to South Bannock County landfill Miocene Salt Lake Horse tooth ID0130
McCammon Bannock ID In gravel pits between McCammon and US30 Pleistocene Horse,Bison,Muskox,Camel ID0131
Pocatello Bannock ID at S end of Pend Orielle Lake near mouth of Mind Creek trilobites ID0009
Bear Lake Bear Lake ID area exposures of fossiliferous rock of with poor preservation Jurassic Twin Creek Crinoids-Pentacrinus;Bivalves-Gryphaea,Ostrea,pectens;Brachiopods;Ostracods,Cephalopods-belemnites;worm burrows;gastropods;Hydrozoa ID0010
Bear River Range Bear Lake ID Triassic Thaynes Cephalopods;bivalves;gastropods;shark teeth;dermal denticles ID0011
Bloomington Bear Lake ID 9.6km W at Bloomington Creek in 300+ meters of limestone and shale Cambrian Middle Bloomington Abundant Middle Cambrian fossils ID0144 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P7
Fish Haven Canyon Bear Lake ID Ordovician Fish Haven corals; brachiopods;gastropods;crinoids ID0012
Georgetown Bear Lake ID Phosphoria Canyon–type locality for Phosphoria formation (probably fossiliferous here) Permian Phosphoria fossils ID0132
Georgetown Bear Lake ID at cliffs on West side of Bear River on Georgetown Canyon Road Fossils ID0014
Liberty Bear Lake ID 10 km WSW in ravine from Mill Canyon into Danish Flat Cambrian Middle brachiopods ID0015
Liberty Bear Lake ID 8km W in Mill Canyon Cambrian Middle Spence fossils ID0137 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P5
Liberty Bear Lake ID 8km W in Spence Gulch leading from Mill Canyon to Danish Flat in 10m of shale Cambrian Middle Spence Abundant and divers fossils ID0139 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P7
Liberty Bear Lake ID W in Mill Canyon? in upper part of 600+ meters of massive quartzite Cambrian Middle Brigham Quartzite Typical Middle Cambrian fossils ID0140 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P7
Montpelier Bear Lake ID Ordovician Swan Peak Brachiopods;Ostracods ID0016
Montpelier Bear Lake ID Permian ID0017
Montpelier Bear Lake ID Silurian Laketown Dolomite corals-Favosites,Cyathophyllum ID0018
Montpelier Bear Lake ID 25 km W Cambrian Middle brachiopods – Micromitra,Obolus,Linguella,Acrothele,Nisusia; Hyolithes; trilobites – Agnostus,Olenoides,Zacanthoides,Oryctocephalus,Ptychoparia,Bathyuriscus ID0019
Montpelier Bear Lake ID area exposures Ordovician Garden City Limestone Brachiopods;other fossils ID0020
Montpelier Bear Lake ID area exposures Triassic Dinwoody bivalves;ammonites;Brachiopods-Lingula;gastropods-Bellerophon ID0021
North Georgetown Canyon Bear Lake ID SE of Soda Springs in Preuss Range S1/2ne1/4s16t10sr44e Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0022
Nounan Bear Lake ID In massive grey limestones in Nounan Canyon Cambrian Middle Nounan A few scrappy fossils;worm borings ID0142 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P6
Nounan Bear Lake ID W on E slope of Soda Peak in massive grey limestones Cambrian Middle Nounan A few scrappy fossils;worm borings ID0143 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P6
Paris Bear Lake ID nearby exposures Cambrian Middle Langston Acrotreta,Microdiscus,Ptychoparia? ID0023
Paris Bear Lake ID nearby exposures in black Limestone Permian Phosphoria Streblochondria? ID0024
Paris Canyon Bear Lake ID Triassic A single fish spine ID0025
Spence Gulch Bear Lake ID Cambrian Middle Trilobites ID0026
St Charles Bear Lake ID 4.8km up St Charles Canyon Rd from US89 at entrance to Cache National Forest Cambrian Camelback Mountain ichnofossils-Skolithos ID0133
St Charles Bear Lake ID About 9km N,1.4km W of Blue Pond Spring Ordovician Swan Peak Quartzite trilobites,brachiopods,conularia,ichnofossils ID0134
St Charles Bear Lake ID In area exposures including the stream through town in thick limestones grading into sandstones at the base Cambrian Upper-Ordovician Lower St Charles fossils ID0138 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P6
St Charles Bear Lake ID Near Blue Pond Spring at Minnetonka Cave Mississippian Lodgepole Limestone horn corals ID0135
Bullion Gulch Blaine ID Eocene Lower Challis fossil plants ID0030
Sun Valley Blaine ID 10 km E in road cuts near Trail Creek Summit Ordovician ? ID0031
Sun Valley Blaine ID in road cuts near Trail Creek Summit 9.6km E Ordovician graptolites ID0032
Trail Creek Summit Blaine? ID Ordovician-Silurian Phi Kappa Conodonts;Graptolite-Nemagraptus ID0033
Clark Fork Bonner ID in Road cuts on US95 near Bonner County line Neoproterozoic stromatolites ID0034
Lakeview Bonner ID 9 km SE of Pocatello at S end of Pend Orielle Lake near mouth of Mind Creek Cambrian trilobites ID0035
Lakeview Bonner ID near mouth of Mind Creek at S end of Pend Orielle Lake 8km SE of Pocatello. Cambrian trilobites. ID0036
Bonner,Boundary ID in quarries and US95 road cuts between Clark Fork and the Montana border Precambrian stromatolites ID0037
Ammon Bonneville ID Cretaceous Wayan crocodiles;a few dinosaur fragments;mollusks;plant remains;Well preserved Tempskya ID0038
Herman Bonneville ID 29 km NW at Willow Creek Petrified Tempskya ID0039
Stouts Mountain Bonneville ID SE in ne1/4s6t2nr43e Mississippian Lodgepole Articulated crinoids – 10 genera ID0040
Arco Range Butte ID Permian ID0041
Mackay-Arco area Butte ID Devonian-Mississippian fossils ID0042
Aspen Range Caribou ID Devonian Jefferson corals;brachiopods ID0043
Caribou Range Caribou ID Triassic Thaynes forams;conodonts;sponge spicules;shark teeth ID0044
Little Flat Caribou ID 5.2km E of Hatch School House in limestone outcrops in canyon Mississippian Mission Canyon Corals,brachiopods ID0136
Little Flat Canyon Caribou ID NNW of Soda Springs in Chesterfield range nw1/4 s20t7sr40e Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0046
Soda Springs Caribou ID 12.8km E in Fossil Canyon N of US30. Mississippian fossils ID0047
Soda Springs Caribou ID 13 km E in Fossil Canyon N of US30 Mississippian corals ID0048
Soda Springs Caribou ID 14 km E in Fossil Canyon N of Hwy30 Mississippian corals ID0049
Soda Springs Caribou ID 80 km N of Utah line 29 km W of WY Line 15 km E of Aspen Ridge Triassic Cephalopods -Meekoceras,Pseudosageceras,Lanceolites ID0050
Soda Springs Caribou ID back Wood Canyon about 13 km near top of Aspen Range Triassic Thaynes Limestone Ammonites ID0051
Soda Springs Caribou ID in Wood Canyon about 16 km from top of Aspen Range in grey Limestone 100 meters from road Triassic ammonites ID0052
Wayan Caribou ID Cretaceous Wayan crocodiles;a few dinosaur fragments;mollusks;plant remains;Well preserved Tempskya ID0053
Wayan Caribou ID Triassic ammonites ID0054
Wells Canyon Caribou ID ESE of Soda Springs in Preuss Range sw1/4sw1/4s11se1/4s10t10sr45e Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0055
Cassia ID s25t14sr28e in cherty limestones Pennsylvanian Triticites,Stenopora,Polypora,Rhombopora,Derbya?,Productus,Spirifer,Composita,Plagioglypta ID0059
Cassia ID s8t16sr29e in dark gray limestones Carboniferous Triplophyllum,Stenopora,Rhombopora,Productus,Pugnoides,Eumetria ID0060
Badger Mountain Cassia ID on W side in sw1/4sw1/4s7t15sr20e silicified fossils Permian bryozoa,crinoid fragments,brachiopods ID0056
Burley Cassia ID Fresh water Mollusks in river bluffs ? ID0057
North Heglar Canyon Cassia ID s10t11sr30e in limestones Pennsylvanian Stenopora,Polypora,Rhombopora,Productus,Pustula ID0058 E of Heglar in Sublette Range
Birch Creek Clark ID At Jaguar Cave in Upper Birch Creek valley Pleistocene diverse fauna ID0061
Clarkia Clearwater ID 136km E of Spokane at Buzzard’s Roost Trophy Company. Miocene Extremely well preserved leaves along with a few fish and insects. Leaves retain original colors — green or autumn. Magnolia,Metasequoia,Taxodium other genera. Cytoplast DNA has been recovered and sequenced from this site. ID0062
Clarkia Clearwater ID 3 km S in laminated lakebed deposits abundant plants. Insects ID0063
Clarkia Clearwater ID 3.6km S on Kienbaum property lakebed deposits Miocene plants and insects ID0064
Democrat Creek Clearwater ID Eocene Lower Challis fossil plants ID0065
Challis Custer ID 10 to 30 km S in regional exposures between US93 an 93A and E of 93A Petrified Wood ID0066
Clayton Custer ID in road cuts 3.6km W of Clayton Ordovician graptolites ID0067
Little Fall Creek Custer ID Ordovician-Silurian Phi Kappa Conodonts;Graptolite-Archiclimacograptus ID0068
Lost River Range Custer ID Mississippian abundant,diverse fossils ID0069
Lost River Range Custer ID Southern part of Range Permian ID0070
Mackay Custer ID Devonian Jefferson Stromatopora ID0071
Mackay Custer ID Mississippian abundant,diverse fossils ID0072
Sullivan Hot Springs Custer ID S of Salmon River Ordovician Saturday Mountain coral-Columnaria;graptolites;crinoids;brachiopods;gastropods;cephalopods-Endoceras ID0073
Bayhorse Quadrangle Custer? ID in coral reef assemblages Silurian corals ID0074
Germer[?] Custer? ID Eocene Lower Challis fossil plants ID0075 Can’t identify Germer in ID,but there is a Germer Basin near Lone Pine Peak
Lost River Range Custer? ID between Mackay and Dickey Devonian Three Forks Brachiopods-Schizophoria,Athyris,Cyrtospirifer,Spirifer;gastropods-Euomphalus; bryozoa;pelecypods;crinoids;tabulate corals;rugose corals;cephalopods;conodonts;fish bones;Worm tracks;Algae ID0076
Trail Creek Custer|Blaine ID Ordovician-Silurian Phi Kappa Conodonts;Graptolite-Paraorthograptus,Diceratograptus,Paraclimacograptus;Crustacea;brachiopods ID0077
Glenns Ferry Elmore ID NE at Sugar Bowl Hill Pleistocene fragments of a proboscidian ID0078
Glenns Ferry Elmore ID On S bank of Snake River opposite town boat launching ramp,above and below dark sandstone. Pliocene-Pleistocene ? ID0079
Wasatch Mountains Franklin? ID Triassic Thaynes numerous fossils ID0080
Emmett Gem ID SE Petrified Wood ID0081
Hagerman Gooding ID Pliocene-Pleistocene vertebrates ID0082 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Hagerman Gooding ID At Hagerman Fossil Beds NM,about 50 localities in Sandstones Pliocene Horses,voles,frogs,snakes,shrews,fish,rabbits,beaver,turtles,llamas,mastodonts,Mustelids ID0083
Hagerman Gooding ID Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument on ID30 across from Hagerman High School Pliocene Remains of 220 species of plants and animals–most notably horses ID0084
Challis Idaho ID Silurian Roberts Mountain corals ID0085
Gospel Peak Idaho ID Area outcrops Proterozoic? Stromatolites ID0086
Grandview Idaho ID in gravel deposit Pleistocene mammoth and bison bones ID0087
Leesburg Idaho ID SW Petrified Wood ID0088
Oxbow Dam Idaho ID Hell’s Canyon of the Snake River – 3 km downstream from dam Triassic bivalves in roadcuts ID0089
Coeur d’Alene Kootenai ID Also at Clarkia,Julietta,White Bird,Weiser and other localities in Western ID. and with Insects as well in N ID Miocene floras ID0090
Lemhi Range Lemhi ID Devonian Jefferson disarticulated fish scales-Psephaspis,Holonema ID0091
Lemhi Range Lemhi ID Southern part of range Permian ID0092
Salmon Lemhi ID Petrified Wood (Fee) ID0093
Salmon Lemhi ID Eocene Lower Challis fossil plants ID0094
Salmon Lemhi ID At Salmon River near city dump Eocene Middle fossil plants-Acer,Alnus,Amelanchier,Betula,Glyptostrobus,Metasequoia,Salix,sequoia,Typha,etc ID0095
Salmon Lemhi ID N of town near power plant Miocene Osmunda,Pteris,Sequoia,Glyptostrobus,Typha,Salix,other plants ID0096
Salmon Lemhi ID Upland floras in stream beds and quarries in Challis Volcanic rocks. Eocene Challis flora ID0097
Salmon Lemhi ID W of town in lignite deposit Miocene Osmunda,Pteris,Sequoia,Glyptostrobus,Typha,Salix,other plants ID0098
Salmon Lemhi ID in area ash beds in regional volcanic rocks upland plants ID0099
Salmon Lemhi ID near city dump Eocene Fossil Plants ID0100
Bliss Lincoln ID E of Clover Creek opalized wood ID0101
Cavendish Nez Perce ID opalized wood ID0102
Lewiston Nez Perce ID Triassic Seven Devils ammonites;echinoids;worm tubes;corals;gastropods;bivalves;sponges;bryozoa;brachiopods ID0103
Lewiston Nez Perce ID to East Miocene Latah Fossil plants ID0104
Mission Creek Nez Perce ID At Mission Creek Limestone Quarry, NW1/4S15T34NR3W Triassic Martin Bridge vertebrates ID0105 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Canyon Oneida ID SSW of Malad in Samaria Mountains sw1/4 s12t16sr35e Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0106
Malad Oneida ID 3.2km E in quartzitic sandstone on N side of Two Mile Canyon Cambrian Middle Brachiopod-Micromitra ID0141 Walcott-Cambrian Geology and Paleontology P56
Malad City Oneida ID 3.5 km SE on N side of Two Mile Canyon near mouth in quartzite Cambrian Micromitra,Linguella,Acrothele,Acrotreta,Billingsella,Hyolithes,Orthotheca,Stenotheca,Platyceras,Microdiscus,Solenopleura,Agnostus ID0107 Mouth of canyon is at 42.1604N,112.2142W
Sublette Creek Valley Oneida ID s3t13sr29e Permian sponge spicules,crinoid stems,Crinoid stem casts,brachiopods – Stenopora,Rhombopora,Schizophoria,Derbya?,Pustula,Productus?,Composita,Cleiothyridina?,Bellerophon ID0108
Two Mile Creek Oneida ID Malad Range Cambrian Middle Twin Knobs Albertella,Amecephalus?,Chancia,Kootenia,Nyella,Onchocephalus,Oryctocephalus?,Pagetia,Poliella,Ptarmiganoides,Zacanthoides ID0109
Two Mile Canyon Oneida? ID Cambrian Middle Langston Abundant,varied faunas ID0110 Original indicated Malad County. Malad is a town in Oneida County
Owyhee ID Little Valley,Castle Creek,other area exposures Pleistocene Glens Ferry vertebrates-Catostomus,Ictalurus,Mylocheilus,Rhabdofario;Turtles ID0112 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bruneau Owyhee ID 15 km S of Bruneau in white outcrops petrified wood ID0111
American Falls Power ID Along the reservoir,Mammal fossils NE of Bannock Creek. Fossils are in basal layers of 12 meters of unconsolidated sediments. A second more recent fossil bed can be found in conglomerates higher in the Formation. Pleistocene American Falls Bison,Camelops,Equus,Odocoileus,Mammut,Mammuthus,Smilodon,Panthurus,Canis,Arctodus,Megalonyx,Castor. ID0113 ‘Panthurus’ is an obscure old world feline genus — not a panther. Very likely the genus here is ‘Puma’
Heglar[?] Power ID in S7t11sr30e in Limestone Pennsylvanian crinoid stems,Lithostrotion,Campophyllum,Euomphalus,abundant large horn corals ID0114 If the PLSS location is correct,this would probably be in Cassia County
Garns Mountain Teton ID Triassic Thaynes Bivalves;worm borings;fucoids ID0115
Cassia Mountains Twin Falls ID in ridges on W side in s6s7s18t13sr17e in tough siliceous matrix in dolomitic Limestone Ordovician poorly preserved cephalopods,gastropods,crinoids stems,bryozoa,brachiopods ID0116
Thunder Mountain Valley ID Eocene Lower Challis fossil plants ID0117
Midvale Washington ID SE at Crane Creek Reservoir petrified wood ID0118
Mineral Washington ID Jurassic oyster beds ID0119
Weiser Washington ID 20 km N on US95 and 20 km NW in 4th of July Canyon in volcanic ash at junction of July and Mann’s Creek petrified wood ID0120
[?] ID S of Snake River in S central ID abundant fossil fish ID0126
[?] ID SE ID Permian Phosphoria fossils. ID0127
[?] ID in northern part of state a few recognizable Middle Cambrian fossils Cambrian Middle Rennie Shale ? ID0128
[?] ID in outcrops in Northern part of state Cambrian Middle Lakeview (ID) trilobites ID0129
Buckskin Hill[?] [?] ID In Fish Creek Range S of US30 W of Soda Springs E1/2s22t9sr29e Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0121 Can’t identify a Buckskin Hill in Idaho
John Gray’s Lake SE [?] ID 8km E of Cephalopods -Meekoceras ID0122 There is a John Grays Lake in Idaho,but I have been unable to determine the location
S of Snake River [?] ID Fish fossils in hills ? ID0123
Slight Canyon [?] ID Triassic Thaynes Fish-Hybodont fish teeth and bones ID0124 Can’t identify a Slight Canyon in Idaho
St. Charles Canyon [?] ID In Wasatch range SW of Montpelier in S23T15SR42E Mississippian Lodgepole brachiopods ID0125