Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Archer Alachua FL 16 km S 2 km E of RR Station Pliocene Alachua Clay vertebrates; rhinoceros,mastodons,Hippotherium(horse),Auchenia(llama) FL0001
Archer Alachua FL In area ditches,cuts,quarries,pits Pliocene Alachua Clay vertebrates; rhinoceros,mastodons,Hippotherium,Auchenia FL0002
Gainesville Alachua FL 10 km SW near Arredondo Eocene Upper Ocala Limestone Nummulites FL0003
Gainesville Alachua FL NW In area exposures in Hogtown Creek basin Eocene ray teeth,shark teeth,fish teeth FL0004
Gainesville Alachua FL NW at Devil’s Mills Hopper in walls of sinkhole Miocene Hawthorn echinoids (Cassidulus),mollusks FL0005
Neals(?) Alachua FL In area phosphate mines vertebrate teeth Equus,Tapirus,Mastodon FL0006
Newberry Alachua FL In area phosphate mines vertebrate teeth Equus,Tapirus,Mastodon FL0007
Newberry Alachua FL NW in numerous exposures in phosphate pits exploiting fissure fill deposits Eocene Ocala Limestone Mollusks (poorly preserved),Echinoderms(well preserved),Shark Teeth FL0008 Many sites no longer accessible-Permission required for all sites http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/pciesiel/gly3603c/haile.html
Newberry Alachua FL NW in numerous exposures in phosphate pits exploiting fissure fill deposits at depths to 20+ meters in area of extinct village of Haille. Therefore ‘Haille sites’ Miocene-Pleistocene Abundant,diverse,vertebrate remains FL0009 Many sites no longer accessible-Permission required for all sites http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/pciesiel/gly3603c/haile.html
Santa Fe Springs Alachua? FL Pleistocene Equus,Tapirus,Peccaries FL0010
Lake City Baker FL In area quarries many fossils. FL0011
Econfina River Bay FL 2 km below Hwy bridge s4t1sr13w Cancellaria FL0012
Panama City Bay FL on Farley Creek and Tenmile Creek,along banks Miocene Chipola Well preserved mollusks FL0013
Red Oak Church Calhoun FL 300m N in bed Farley Creek under FL275 bridge in fossiliferous sand Miocene Upper Chipola ? FL0014
Casa de Meadows Charlotte FL Philman Pit Pleistocene Upper Fort Thompson mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Punta Gorda Charlotte FL E on Hwy 17 at W end of Bridge over shell creek http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm abundant shark teeth,Shells FL0015
Peace River Charlotte? FL on bed of river accessible to surface divers using snorkels and masks vertebrates FL0016
Peace River above Wachulla Springs Charlotte? FL Pleistocene Mammoth,Tapirus FL0017
Citrus County Citrus FL In area phosphate mines Mastodon,Hipparion FL0018
Hernando Citrus FL In area phosphate pits Nummulites FL0019
Owensboro Citrus FL In Limestone quarry Eocene Upper Ocala Nummulites FL0020
Black Creek Clay FL In area phosphate pits in phosphatic marls invertebrates FL0021
Longan Lakes Collier FL Pleistocene,Lower Bermont mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Ochopee Collier FL Miocene Tamiami echinoderms FL0022
White Springs Columbia FL 1400 meters N on small island in Suwannee River mollusks – Scaphander,Orthaulax,Ampullina,Calliostoma,Dentalium,Glycymeris,Modiolus,Chione,etc{4} FL0023
DeSoto FL Area pebble Phosphate deposits Miocene Bone Valley shark teeth,ray teeth,marine mammal bones,invertebrate casts,silicified corals – mastodon,rhinoceros,horse,turtles camels,alligator{4} FL0029
DeSoto FL Brantley’s Pit Pliocene Upper Caloosahatchee mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Arcadia DeSoto FL Pliocene Peace creek Vertebrates -Elephas,Tapirus,Mammut,Odocoileus,Bison,Equus,Chlamytherium. FL0024
Arcadia DeSoto FL Pliocene Peace creek vertebrates -Elephas,Tapirus,Mammut,Odocoileus,Bison,Equus,Chlamytherium. FL0025
Arcadia DeSoto FL at FL760 bridge over Peace River http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm shark teeth FL0026
Peace Creek DeSoto FL all along length of creek Pliocene Peace Creek Elephas,Tapirus,Mammut,Odocoileus,Bison,Equus,Hippotherium,Cervus,Megalonyx,Glyptodon,Hoplophorus,Manatus,Alligator,Fish — Carcharodon,Galeocerdo,Myliobatis. FL0027
Shell Creek DeSoto FL pelecypod Tellina FL0028
Jacksonville Duval FL at Fernandina Beach shark teeth and land vertebrate bones FL0030
Jacksonville Duval FL at city waterworks casts and molds of Pecten and Carditamera FL0031
Jacksonville Duval FL on A1A at Ponte Verde Beach fish–shark bones and teeth FL0032
Jacksonville Duval FL spoil banks along St Johns River. ? FL0033
Quincy Gadsden FL In fuller’s earth mines Cypraea,Murex,Fulgur,Modulus,Crucibulum,Arca,Pecten,Cardita,Chione,Carolia FL0034
Ichetucknee River Gilchrist FL Pleistocene Megalonyx (sloth) teeth FL0035
Thomas Farm Gilchrist FL Miocene Hawthorn (Hemingford) vertebrates-reptiles-Alligator;turtles-Geochelone FL0036
Thomas Farm Gilchrist FL in sinkhole exposure http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm Miocene fossils FL0037
Gilchrist,Columbia FL Pleistocene mammals-Mammut FL0038
Banana Creek Glades FL In tributary of Caloosahatchee River in fresh water Marl Chlamys,Helisoma,Cerithium,Anomalocardia,Laevicardium FL0039
Harnby Canal(?) Glades FL Lake Okeechobee Gastropods,Typhis,Olivella FL0040 Probably ‘Harney Pond canal’
Moore Haven Glades FL Pliocene Caloosahatchee Mollusks – Turritella FL0041
Ortona Locks Glades FL 400 meters W of Atlantic Coast Line bridge near Coffee Mill Hammock Chione,Transennella,Bulla,Olivella FL0042
Ortona Locks Glades FL near locks in marine marl Vermicularia,Arca,Bothrocorbula,Phacoides,Cerithium,Hanetia,Mitra FL0043
Ellaville Hamilton FL 6.5 km above on Suwannee River on Right bank Rhyncholampas FL0044
White Springs Hamilton FL In area quarries echinoids FL0045
White Springs Hamilton FL along banks of Suwannee River coral heads,Ostrea,shark teeth,bone fragments. FL0046
White Springs Hamilton FL at RR trestle to W echinoids FL0047
Withlacoochee River Hamilton? FL Pleistocene? mammals:Pseudoceras FL0048
Fort Green Mine Hardee FL Miocene Upper Bone Valley Upper Birds;Crocodiles;Turtles-Chrysemys,Geochelone FL0049
Hendry FL Cochran Shell Pit Pliocene Upper Caloosahatchee mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Caloosahatchee River Hendry FL Gastropod Vasum,Ficus FL0050
Caloosahatchee River Hendry FL Pliocene Upper Caloosahatchee mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Caloosahatchee River Hendry FL for 24km along river in vicinity of Ft Denaud pelecypods-Ostrea,Pecten,Lima,Placunanomia,Thracia,Chlamys,Bulinus FL0051
Ft Denaud Hendry FL 2 to 4 km N Abundant faunas FL0052
Ft Denaud Hendry FL W in banks of Caloosahatchee River pelecypods – Ostrea,Pecten,Lima,Placunanomia,Thracia,Chlamys,Balanus FL0053
Ft Denaud near La Belle Hendry FL Gastropods -Planorbis,Clathrodrillia FL0054
Ft Denaud near La Belle Hendry FL In Lower bank of Caloosahatchee River at Ft Denaud bridge 3.2km E of La Belle Pleistocene Fort Thompson mollusks-Anadara Tertiary Gastropods Xenophora,Murex,Conus,Coral: Siderastrea,Meandrina FL0055
Ft Thompson Hendry FL 2.5 km N of La Belle along Caloosahatchee River Miocene-Pliocene Chione,Turritella FL0056
La Belle Hendry FL 3 km E near Ft Denaud Bridge mollusks,corals FL0057
Tri-Britton Ranch Hendry FL Tri-Britton site http://utweb.ut.edu/faculty/mmeers/res/dig/ Pleistocene terrestrial mammals,marine vertebrates FL0058
Lake Okeechobee Hendry? FL in Alligator Alley and US41 canal fills shark teeth FL0059
Brookville Hernando FL 11 km N many varieties of mollusks FL0060
Brookville Hernando FL 16 km NW many varieties of mollusks FL0061
Brookville Hernando FL 2 km SW many varieties of mollusks FL0062
Brookville Hernando FL 6 km W many varieties of mollusks FL0063
Brookville Hernando FL 8 km W many varieties of mollusks FL0064
Brookville Hernando FL area exposures many varieties of mollusks FL0065
Hillsborough FL Area pebble Phosphate deposits Miocene Bone Valley shark teeth,ray teeth,marine mammal bones,invertebrate casts,silicified corals – mastodon,rhinoceros,horse,turtles camels,alligator{4} FL0080
Apollo Beach Hillsborough FL Well preserved shark teeth and land vertebrate bones FL0066
Apollo Beach Hillsborough FL 9 km N of Ruskin on FL41 Miocene shark teeth vertebrates FL0067
Apollo Beach Hillsborough FL S of Tampa W of FL41 http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm shark teeth. mammal bones FL0068
Ballast Point-Tampa Bay Hillsborough FL Silicified coral and coral geodes FL0069
Ballast Point-Tampa Bay Hillsborough FL Altered Silicified Corals Miocene ? FL0070
Blackwater Creek Hillsborough FL 4 km S of Pasco County Line in stream bed at Seaboard Air Line RR crossing Miocene Tampa Limestone Many Species of Mollusks FL0071
Davis Is-Tampa Bay Hillsborough FL Silicified coral and coral geodes FL0072
Four Corners Mine Hillsborough FL Miocene Upper Bone Valley Upper Bird bones FL0073
Hillsborough River N of Tampa Bay Hillsborough FL Silicified coral and coral geodes{4} FL0074
Kingsford Mine Hillsborough FL Miocene Upper Bone Valley Upper Birds bones FL0075 Original says Kinsford Mine-may be in Polk County
Leisey Hillsborough FL in area excavation Pleistocene Mammals,Petrified wood FL0076
Leisey Shell Pit 1A Hillsborough FL Late Irvingtonian mammal bones Mammal Bones FL0077
Orient Park Hillsborough FL S between dam and FL60 mollusks and corals FL0078
Sixmile Creek Hillsborough FL between the RR tracks and the dam S of Orient Park Miocene Tampa Limestone Corals and mollusks. FL0079
Econfina Creek Holmes FL in exposures below water between FL20 and FL388 http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm fossils FL0081
Vero Indian River FL In banks of canal Pleistocene plants,birds,mammals,fish,Indian artifacts FL0082
Vero Beach Indian River FL Fossils along beaches N to Georgia State Line ? FL0083
Mariana Jackson FL Eocene Ocala Limestone mammal bones – sirenians FL0084
Flint Rock Jefferson FL 2 km ESE in quarry mollusks{4} FL0085
Lamont[?] Jefferson FL In small exposure of Jackson beds Eocene Jackson Venericardia,Turritella FL0086 Original listing is for Arkansas. It is doubtful that there is a Lamont in Arkansas although a Topozone search on Lamont does end up on a barren hilltop at 34.1N 92.275W in Grant County
Aucilla River Jefferson? FL 9 km inland from mouth http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm mammals,shark teeth FL0087
Lafayette FL 1 km W of Suwannee River and 1 km N of FL 250 in spoil piles from dredging mollusks,ostracods,etc FL0091
Suwannee River Lafayette FL Vertebrates in old channel deposits Miocene (Arikareean) well preserved vertebrates FL0088
Suwannee River Lafayette FL at mouth of river in mud http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm shark teeth FL0089
Suwannee River Lafayette FL in Quarry .8km N and .8km W of S250 crossing of river Eocene Ocala Limestone ? FL0090
Englewood Lee FL at end of Manasota Beach Road http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm abundant shark teeth. FL0093
Labelle Lee FL Pliocene Turtle bones -Trachemys.{4} FL0094
Bloxham Leon FL s8t1sr3w 1 km above highway bridge at abandoned mill on Harvey’s Creek pelecypods{4} FL0095
Ellenton Leon FL 2 km away at Rocky Bluff on Manatee River Miocene mollusks — Pecten,Perna,Venus,Arca{4} FL0096
Holland P.O. Leon FL 2 km N in hard light-grey Limestone on bank of Ochlockonee River sw1/4s16t1sr4w Miocene Upper Pelecypods FL0097
Tallahassee Leon FL at Jackson Bluff near dam on the East side of the Ochlocknee River in clays Miocene Jackson Bluff mollusks. FL0098
West Sopchoppy Leon FL many species – Carolia,Scutella FL0099
Gulf Hammock Levy FL 4.5 km S SW of FL55 Eocene Inglis echinoids,corals FL0100
Gulf Hammock Levy FL SW on FL 55 Eocene Inglis mollusks and echinoids. FL0101
Inglis Levy FL In exposures on cross Florida Barge Canal 1.6km S Eocene Inglis Mollusks and echinoids. FL0102
Inglis[?] Levy FL 2 km S large echinoid and mollusk fauna FL0103 Original says Ingles. Can’t locate Ingles,but Ingles seems to be an occasional misspelling of Inglis
Williston Levy FL 2.4km NE at Mixon’s Bone Bed Miocene (Hemphill) Alachua Clay Turtles-Geochelone FL0104
Williston Levy FL 2km NE at Mixon’s Bone Bed Miocene Alachua Clay Anhinga,Ciconia,Dendrocygna,Grus,Podilymbus,Rollandia,Penelope,Alligator,Chrysemys,Deirochelys,Trionyx FL0105 Hemphill Age
Alum Bluff Liberty FL 3.5 km N in road cut on old road to Watson’s Landing pelecypods – Ecphora FL0106
Bristol Liberty FL 10 km downstream near Woods Cancellaria FL0107
Bristol Liberty FL 6.5 km N in silty sand on high bluff on E bank of Apalachicola River Miocene Jackson Bluff good mollusks FL0108
Bristol Liberty FL at Alum Bluff on Apalachicola River,on Nature Conservancy property. 2 km by trial NE of end of Garden of Eden Road off of FL12. largest exposed geologic section in Florida (nearly 40 meters) Miocene Lower Alum Bluff fossils FL0109
Bristol Liberty FL in high bluff on E bank of Apalachicola River 6.4km N Miocene Jackson Bluff Mollusks. FL0110
Bristol (area) Liberty FL 3.5 km N of Alum Bluff in road cut on old road to Watson’s Landing Miocene Lower? Alum Bluff pelecypods – Ecphora FL0111
Hosford Liberty FL 3.5 km N on Big Creek at the site of a mill Cancellaria FL0112
Manatee Liberty FL At North Creek Alum Bluff many fossils FL0113
Manatee FL Quality Aggregates Phase 9 Pliocene Upper Tamiami mollusks http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-08072002-110037/unrestricted/etd.pdf
Dunnellon Marion FL In Cullen River Mine Pleistocene deer teeth,Odocoileus FL0114
Marion County Marion FL In area phosphate mines mastodon,Hipparion FL0115
Marion County Marion FL In area quarries Eocene Upper Ocala Limestone many fossil species FL0116
Ocala Marion FL Eocene Ocala Limestone echinoderms FL0117
Ocala Marion FL 400 meters N Nummulites FL0118
Ocala Marion FL Florida Lime Co pit turtle bones FL0119
Ocala Marion FL SW part of city quarries Nummulites FL0120
Ocala Marion FL area quarries Nummulites FL0121
Ocala Marion FL area quarries fossils FL0122
Ocala Marion FL on mine dumps brachiopods FL0123
Reddick Marion FL Fissure and caves. Cited as major site for Rancho LaBrean fauna Pleistocene Mammal Bones FL0124 Original source says Reddick IA but that’s possibly a site designator (I-A) not a state abbreviation
Miami-Dade FL Pliocene Caloosahatchee mollusks – Arca FL0126
Miami Miami-Dade FL Bryozoa Schizoporella FL0125
Brownsville Miami-Dade? FL along Peace River shark teeth,mammal bones and teeth. FL0127
Monroe,Volusia FL Pleistocene mammal fossils – Dire Wolf,Camels,deer FL0092
Fernandina Beach Nassau FL N of Jacksonville Miocene shark teeth,vertebrates FL0128
Belle Glade Palm Beach FL W along US27 to La Belle-Moore Haven in road,canal and pit exposures Pliocene Caloosahatchee Well preserved mollusks,corals,echinoids. FL0129
Belle Glade Palm Beach FL along US27 to and around Moore Haven in pits and road cuts Pliocene Caloosahatchee mollusks,corals,echinoids FL0130
South Bay Palm Beach FL Pit of South Bay Water Plant and in overlying Pleistocene Pliocene Caloosahatchee mollusks and corals. FL0131
South Bay Palm Beach FL at South Bay Water Plant mollusks,corals FL0132
Hudson Pasco FL 2 km N Lyria,Orthaulax,Cerithium,Turritella,Cypraea,Thracia,Cardium,Panopea,Teredo FL0133
Hudson Pasco FL 3.5 km N Lyria,Orthaulax,Cerithium,Turritella,Cypraea,Thracia,Cardium,Panopea,Teredo FL0134
New Port Richey Pasco FL Fossils along beaches N past Sarasota. ? FL0135
New Port Richey Pasco FL to S at Bailey’s Bluff Silicified coral FL0136
Zepherhills Pasco FL 4 km S in pits on Florida trap Rock Co property Oligocene Suwannee Limestone Cerithium,Turritella,Ampullina,Glycymeris,Lima,Modiolus,Chione,Teredo,etc. FL0137
Tarpon Springs Pinellas FL 2 km away along Anclote River in Limestone Nummulites FL0138
Tarpon Springs Pinellas FL area exposures chalcedony and silicified corals and fossils FL0139
Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Agriotherium,Calippus,Calippus,Carcharodon,Edaphocyon,Metaxytherium,Monachus,Nannippus,Platygonus,Plesiogulo,Pliohippus,Pseudhipparion,Tapirus FL0157
Polk FL Area pebble Phosphate deposits Miocene Bone Valley shark teeth,ray teeth,marine mammal bones,invertebrate casts,silicified corals – mastodon,rhinoceros,horse,turtles camels,alligator{4} FL0158
Agrico Mine Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Gomphotherium,Hexameryx,Metaxytherium,Nannippus,Neohipparion FL0140
Bartow Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley? Shark–ray denticles — Trygon,Myliobatis. FL0141
Bone Valley Polk FL in Phosphate pits Miocene-Pleistocene Alligator,Merychippus,Nannippus,Hipparion,Neohipparion (horses) FL0142
Brewster Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Gavialosuchus,Tomistoma FL0143
Brewster Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley? Gar Fish scales,Whale bones,Porpoises FL0144
Brewster Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley? Gar Fish scales,Whale bones,Porpoises FL0145
Ft Meade Polk FL At Cargill Fertilizer quarry on Peeples Road vertebrates FL0146
Ft Meade Phosphate area Polk FL Miocene Hawthorn Echinoderms FL0147
Lakeland Polk FL 11 km NE Silicified coral FL0148
Mulberry Polk FL Area phosphate mines. Museum at intersection of FL37 and FL 60. Miocene Bone Valley marine vertebrate fossils FL0149
Mulberry Polk FL In area phosphate quarries Miocene Bone Valley abundant Fossils FL0150
Payne Creek Mine Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Alligator FL0151
Payne Creek Mine Polk FL Miocene Upper Bone Valley Upper shark teeth-Carcharodon,Myliobatis;Turtles-Geochelone,Trionyx FL0152
Peace Creek Polk FL In regional phosphate mounds Bison,Glyptodonts,Armadillo,Tapirus,Equus,Hipparion,Odocoileus,Elephas,Chlamytherium,Hoplophorus,Glyptodon FL0153
Phosphoria Mine Polk FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Ballistes,fish vertebrae FL0154
Wachula Polk FL In Peace River Beds Pleistocene Mammals – Boreostracon,Megatherian (armadillos,Sloths) FL0155
Wachula Polk FL along river fossils FL0156
Polk,Hillsborough FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Gavialosuchus(a crocodile) FL0159
Polk,Hillsborough FL Miocene Bone Valley Vertebrates-Osteoborus FL0160
Nashua Putnam FL In 160cm of Marl abundant shells FL0161
St Johns River Putnam FL 200 meters upstream from Atlantic Coast Line RR bridge Pliocene Nashua abundant fossils FL0162
Casey Key Sarasota FL 9 km S from Sarasota to Osprey then E on Hwy 789 to key. Along beach on offshore in sand http://www.levins.com/dinosaur.shtml Miocene? shark teeth – Carcharodon FL0163
Casperson Beach Sarasota FL Closed to collecting shark teeth. Mammals FL0164
Fruitville Sarasota FL Shell pit of Macasphalt Co just off I75 at exit 39. Open Saturdays,for small fee as of 1987. Miocene-Pleistocene mollusks and Vertebrates — both marine and terrestrial. Large,and well preserved FL0165
Manasota Beach Sarasota FL at intercoastal waterway shark teeth FL0166
Manasota Beach Sarasota FL off FL776 on intercoastal waterway Miocene? abundant small shark teeth FL0167
Manasota Key Sarasota FL From Stump Pass N to Venice along beach Miocene Shark Teeth FL0168
Sarasota Sarasota FL in Warren Brother’s pit 1.6km E Pleistocene Pinecrest Oysters,biostromes,mollusks,corals FL0169
Anastasia Island St Johns FL opposite St Augustine in coquina abundant shells. FL0170
Florida Coast Line Canal St Johns FL 51.2km N of St Augustine Turtle bones FL0171
Inland Waterway St Johns FL 51.2 km S of St Augustine Mammut,Elephas,Mylodon,Equus,whale bones FL0172
Jacksonville Beach St Johns FL E of FL90 the N on A1A to Beach http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm shark teeth-Galeocerdo,land mammal bones FL0173
Mickler’s Point St Johns FL access to Ponte Vedra Beach Miocene shark teeth FL0174 No Google hits on Mickler’s Point,but Mickler’s Landing is at Ponte Vedra Beach
Ponte Vedra Beach St Johns FL Miocene shark and fish bones FL0175
Indian River St Lucie FL S along Canal banks turtle bones,Testudo,Gopherus,Terrapene FL0176
St Catherines Sumter FL In St Catherine’s Rock Company quarry W of St Catherines and S of RR tracks. Eocene Ocala Limestone Mollusk casts and echinoids. FL0177
St Catherines Sumter FL S of RR tracks in quarry mollusk casts,echinoids FL0178
Live Oak Suwannee FL 2.5 km N in old Lyle quarry mollusks FL0179
Suwannee Sulphur Spring Suwannee FL Oligocene Suwannee Limestone mollusks FL0180
Wacissa Suwannee FL 13-16 km E in road cuts Cerithium,Cardium,Tellina,Rhyncholampas FL0181
Wacissa Suwannee FL under water in Wacissa Creek 2 km S of town http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm fossils FL0182
Walker Spring Suwannee FL 400 meters S of RR and 800 meters SE of depot in Hwy cut Cerithium,Chlamys,Phacoides,Teredo FL0183
Perry Taylor FL 15.5 km SE along Highway mollusks FL0184
De Leon Springs Volusia FL 1 km S Crepidula,Ostrea,Carditamera,Mulinia FL0185
Orange City Volusia FL at Blue Springs Pleistocene mammals-Mammut FL0186
St Johns River Volusia FL 11 km below Sanford RR bridge on E side Pliocene Many Species of Shells FL0187
St Johns River Volusia FL 8 km below Sanford RR bridge on E side Pliocene Many Species of Shells FL0188
Chipley Walton FL 11 km SW,2 km N of Duncan Oligocene Marianna Limestone Orbitoides,Pecten FL0189
Chipley Walton FL 4 km SE Oligocene Marianna Limestone Orbitoides,Pecten FL0190
Defuniak Springs Walton FL off Country Road 238 W of Alaqua Methodist Church in road cut and creekbeds http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm Miocene vertebrate fossils FL0191
Marianna Walton FL 11 km SW about 2 km from Kynesville in Limestone boulders Oligocene Marianna Limestone Orbitoides,Pecten FL0192
Marianna Walton FL Exposures to E Oligocene Marianna Limestone Orbitoides,Pecten FL0193
Marianna Walton FL in area exposures along Chipola River http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm Pleistocene fossils FL0194
Mossy head Walton FL Shell bed in ravine 300m up creek on N bank of Shoal River 6.4km N Miocene Shoal River Mollusks. FL0195
Natural Bridge Walton FL 400 meters S of bridge near old Turpentine mill clayey Limestone outcrop abundant pecten FL0196
Natural Bridge Walton FL near N line of county in clayey Limestone outcrop abundant pecten FL0197
Red Bay Walton FL 2 km S in bluff Turritella,Dentalium,Arca,Pecten,Crassatellites FL0198
Red Bay Walton FL 2 km SE on W bank of Choctawhatchee River in blue gray marl Miocene 200 species of mollusks Mulinia numerous. FL0199
Sandy Creek Walton FL on neighborhood of Country Road 138B and Padgett Road in Creek Bed exposures http://www.treasuresites.com/members/fossil.htm Miocene shark teeth,Mammal bones and teeth FL0200
Croom Walton? FL area phosphate mines Orbitoides,Cassidulus FL0201 Croom seems to be in Hernando Cy
Greenhead Washington FL 8 km SE at the ‘Deadens’ Cancellaria FL0202
Read Head Washington FL 2 km near Rocky Landing on Choctawhatchee River Ecphora,Cancellaria FL0203
Marianna Limestone [?] FL in Northern part of state ProCarcharodon FL0204
West Florida [?] FL Canal dredgings and highway fill along ‘Alligator Alley’ shark teeth FL0205
West Florida [?] FL Canal dredgings and highway fill along US41 shark teeth FL0206