Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Washington DC Dinosaur vertebrae in the Washington,DC area Cretaceous Potomac ? DC0001
Washington DC In area excavations and cuts Cretaceous Arundel Creosaurus vertebrae DC0002
Washington DC In excavation at 1st and Channing Street NW in 1942 Cretaceous Potomac dinosaur bones DC0003 http://www.jhu.edu/~jhumag/696web/dinosaur.html
Washington DC In excavation at 1st and F street in 1898 Cretaceous Potomac dinosaur bones DC0004 http://www.jhu.edu/~jhumag/696web/dinosaur.html
Washington DC along Good Hope Hill Cretaceous-Tertiary Sharks teeth in greensand DC0005