Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
CO W-Park Range Jurassic Pseudomonotis,Belemnites{4} CO0241
CO at Millie Gibson Mine – gastropods replaced with native Silver,Galena,Sphalerite ? CO0242
Deer Trail CO Paleocene Fort Union vertebrates-crocodile-Brachychampsa CO0239 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Arboles Archuleta CO 3km N on E side of Piedra River Paleocene Animas vertebrates-Periptychus,Phenacodus CO0001 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Piedra Archuleta CO 8km N in Piedra River Canyon S3?T35NR4W Jurassic Wanakah Fish-Hulettia,Todiltia CO0002 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Piedra River Archuleta CO 13 km N of US160 on road along E side of river crinoids,brachiopods CO0003
Pritchett Baca CO to North Cretaceous Graneros Shale vertebrates-Plesiosaur-Thalassomedon CO0004 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Bellvue Boulder CO 4 km N sandstone Cretaceous Dakota Avicula,Inoceramus,Ostrea,Fish scales,fish vertebra CO0005
Bellvue Boulder CO At exit of Boxelder Creek from Foothills Ostrea CO0006
Bellvue Boulder CO At mouth of Owl Canyon Avicula,Inoceramus,Ostrea CO0007
Berthoud Boulder CO W in fold within first hogback in sandy shales Cretaceous Avicula,Inoceramus,Ostrea CO0008
Berthoud Boulder CO W just outside first hogback in shales Cretaceous Benton Avicula,Inoceramus,Ostrea CO0009
Boulder Boulder CO 5-10 km N Cretaceous Pierre shells,petrified wood,Dinosaur Bones,Mosasaurus,Cephalopods CO0010
Boulder Boulder CO 5-10 km N below Hygiene Sandstone Cretaceous Baculites,Inoceramus,a few vertebrate bones CO0011
Boulder Boulder CO 6 km E at 40th parallel Cretaceous Fox Hills invertebrates CO0012
Boulder Boulder CO 6 km S just outside foothills at mouth of Bear Canyon Inoceramus,Baculites CO0013
Boulder Boulder CO In Front range foothills in the area of Horsetooth Reservoir,Spring Canyon Dam and North toward Wyoming in Cretaceous Lower Dakota|Skull Creek Shale Inoceramus,Ostrea,etc CO0014
Boulder Boulder CO NE,on Haystack Butte and in fields to W Cephalopods CO0015
Boulder Boulder CO at University Hospital E in brickyard cephalopods,wood,fish bones,dinosaur bones,pelecypods{4} CO0016
Boulder Boulder CO on S side of Spring Canyon Dam in Horsetooth reservoir banks Cretaceous Dakota trace fossils,invertebrates CO0017
Bulger Boulder CO 1 km S Avicula,Pholadomya,Baculites,Scaphites{4} CO0018
Bulger Boulder CO 2 km NE in grayish calcareous Sandstone Halymenites,Crenella,Dentalium {4} CO0019
Cottonwood Spring Boulder CO at top of Cottonwood Draw – 24 km NNE of Orchard Halymenites,Ostrea,Corbicula,Melania,reptile teeth,many invertebrate species{4} CO0020
Fort Collins Boulder CO N and NW at lower boundary of Hygiene Sandstone Cretaceous Hygiene Avicula,Inoceramus,Ostrea CO0021
Fort Collins Boulder CO at Fossil Ridge Many invertebrates in concretions{4} CO0022
Greasewood Lake Boulder CO 3 km SE of Osgood S and SW of lake Cretaceous Fox Hills cephalopods{4} CO0023
Greasewood Lake Boulder CO 3 km SE of Osgood fresh water shells along shoreline Pleistocene-Holocene mollusks{4} CO0024 No Osgood in area of Greasewood lake
Greeley Boulder CO 2 km E of Fosston on E side of Valley ? CO0025
Greeley Boulder CO 3 km N of Fosston at abandoned reservoir ? CO0026
Greeley Boulder CO At Cow Creek Many species of invertebrates CO0027
Greeley Boulder CO E of Cornish on E side of South Platte Valley ? CO0028
Greeley Boulder CO In area exposures: ? CO0029
Little Thompson Canyon Boulder CO 7 km SSE Cretaceous Fox Hills Sphaeriola CO0030
Little Thompson Canyon Boulder CO E of mouth Cretaceous Pierre Shale Inoceramus,Baculites CO0031
Little Thompson Canyon Boulder CO WSW in Tepee Buttes Cretaceous Pierre Baculites,Inoceramus,Membranipora,Avicula,Ostrea,Lucina,Pelecypods,Gastropods,Scaphites CO0032
Little Thompson Canyon Boulder CO at mouth Cretaceous Niobrara Limestone Inoceramus,Ostrea,Halymenites CO0033
Longmont Boulder CO 3 km SE Cretaceous Pierre Crenella.{4} CO0034
Longmont Boulder CO 400 meters E at Reservoir Hill Cretaceous Pierre Ostrea,Veniella,Lucina,Cardium,Callista,Mactra,Dentalium,Lunatia,Melania,Cylichna,gastropods,reptile teeth.{4} CO0035
Longmont Boulder CO 8 km E Cretaceous Pierre Ostrea,Veniella,Lucina,Cardium,Callista,Mactra,Dentalium,Lunatia,Melania,Cylichna,gastropods,reptile teeth.{4} CO0036
Longmont Boulder CO S Cretaceous Dakota Inoceramus. Ostrea,fish vertebrae,Plesiosaur teeth.{4} CO0037
Marshall Boulder CO SW along coal Creek Cretaceous Inoceramus,Baculites,Scaphites,Heteroceras{4} CO0038
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO 10 km NE Corbicula,Melania,Planorbis{4} CO0039
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO 36 km ENE of Greeley Corbula{4} CO0040
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO 7 km E Ostrea CO0041
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO 7 km NE in coal outcrop at old stone corral 400 meters down gully Ostrea,Anomia,Mytilus,Modiolus,Corbicula{4} CO0042
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO 7 km W abundant Corbicula{4} CO0043
Osgood P.O. Boulder CO NE,in area exposures Ostrea{4} CO0044
Platteville Boulder CO 8 km NNW at Wildcat Mound in gullies Cretaceous Upper Milliken gastropods,pelecypods,teredo wood,fish vertebrae,reptile teeth{4} CO0045 Original said ‘Millikan’ formation
Valmont Boulder CO In White Rock Bluff and NE along a fault line Cretaceous Upper Milliken Halymenites,Nucula,Yoldia,Avicula,Ostrea,Dentalium,gastropods,shark teeth,reptile teeth. CO0046
Wellington Boulder CO 1 km NE in canal banks Yoldia,Baculites CO0047
Wellington Boulder CO 10 km NE in gullies Avicula,Veniella,Dentalium,Mactra CO0048
Wellington Boulder CO 22 km NNW at Round Butte in bluffs at top of talus slope many invertebrates,fish scales,shark teeth,reptile teeth. CO0049
Wellington Boulder CO 22 km NNW at Round Butte in bluffs in area Cretaceous Hygiene sandstone fossils in concretions CO0050
Wellington Boulder CO 22 km NNW at Round Butte in bluffs in area Mississippian atop mesa Mississippian fossils in chert float CO0051
Wellington Boulder CO 22 km NNW at Round Butte in bluffs in area Tertiary atop mesa,Tertiary age petrified wood. — Tertiary CO0052
Wellington Boulder CO 5 km E below Millikan Sandstone Veniella CO0053
Wellington Boulder CO 5 km N and to west in road cuts and stream beds Cretaceous Pierre Shale Inoceramus and others CO0054
Wellington Boulder CO 8 to 10 km E abundant invertebrates and vertebrate teeth CO0055
Monarch Hill Chaffee CO In Limestone Ordovician Halysites,Diphyphyllum,Zaphrentis,Heliolites,Stromatopora,Orthoceras CO0056
Monarch area Chaffee CO In two horizons one black Limestone and the other shale 1000 meters higher Devonian Ouray Athyris,Camarotoechia,Orthoceras,Orthothetes,Productella,Spirifer,Syringopora,Fenestella,Productus,Spiriferina, CO0057
Russell Chaffee CO 1.5 km NE W of old RR grade above Sangre de Christo Creek and along the axis of the syncline Productus,Aviculopecten,Spirifer,Wood,(Rhombopora),pelecypods CO0058
Sawatch Range Chaffee CO at Pitch Pinnacle http://www.colorado.edu/GeolSci/Resources/WUSTectonics/CzPaleobotany/introduction.html Oligocene fossil plants CO0059
Stearns Gulch Chaffee CO on black calcareous shale Productus,Aviculopecten,Spirifer,Wood (Rhombopora),pelecypods CO0060 There is a Stearns Gulch in Costilla County
Trout Creek Pass Chaffee CO Ordovician Harding Lingula,mollusks,crustacea,conodonts,fish – Dictyorhabdus,Astraspis,Eriptychius CO0061
NE Crowley County Crowley CO Tepee Buttes Fossiliferous limestones Cretaceous Niobrara Baculites,Lucina,Scaphites CO0062
Cedaredge Delta CO 4.8km NW near and in Green Valley Mine Cretaceous Mesaverde dinosaur bones CO0063
Cedaredge Delta CO From roof of Red Mountain Coal Mine Cretaceous Mesaverde dinosaur footprints CO0064
Cedaredge Delta CO From roof of Western Star Coal Mine Cretaceous Mesaverde dinosaur footprints CO0065
Delta Delta CO area exposures Cretaceous fossils CO0066
Delta Bridge Delta CO 10.5 km W near top of Dakota Sandstone Cretaceous Dakota Inoceramus,Cephalopods CO0067
Delta Bridge Delta CO 21 km N and 3 km W s10t13sr96w Eocene Wasatch (WY) mammal vertebrae,Unio{4} CO0068
Delta Bridge Delta CO 5.4 km WNW Cretaceous Benton|Niobrara Scaphites,Prionocyclus,Inoceramus CO0069
Delta Bridge Delta CO 6 km E on N side of Wells Gulch Cretaceous Dakota Plant Fragments CO0070
Delta Bridge Delta CO 8 km WSW near top of Dakota Sandstone Cretaceous Dakota Plant stem casts CO0071
Denver Denver CO 16 km W and 1.2 km S on W slope of Green Mountain above practice fairway. Cretaceous Upper Denver Fossil leaves CO0072
Denver Denver CO Along Alameda Parkway Rd W of Denver dinosaur trackways{7} CO0073
Dinosaur Ridge (Dakota Hogback) Denver CO Dinosaur tracks CO0074
Red Rocks Denver CO E of Morrison Hogback S of Alameda Road in Limestone Cretaceous Upper Timpas plentiful brachiopods CO0075
Scotch Creek Dolores CO 115 meters above base of Rico Formation Rico[?] Myalina CO0076 Unable to identify a ‘Rico’ formation in CO
Castle Rock Douglas CO N near I25 Paleocene Lower Fossil plants-trees. 104 species CO0077
Bond Eagle CO Road cut on U side of CO131 NW1/4SE1/4S16T2SR83W Pennsylvanian Minturn fish-Ctenacanthus CO0078
Colorado River Eagle CO in massive gray Limestone Devonian Chaffee abundant brachiopods – Spirifer,Camarotoechia,Schizophoria,Productella,Athyris CO0079
Eagle Bird Gulch Eagle CO at Red Cliff Cambrian Brachiopods – Obolidae,Westonia CO0080 The original says ‘Westoniaella’,but there are no citations for that and there is a species ‘ella’ listed for genus ‘Westonia’. I’m guessing that the space between genus and species was inadvertently dropped.
Eagle Bird Gulch Eagle CO at Red Cliff Devonian-Mississippian Leadville Spirifer,Schuchertella,Crania,Fenestella,pelecypods,crinoid stems,corals (Zaphrentis),brachiopods (Chonetes) CO0081
Eagle Bird Gulch Eagle CO at Red Cliff Ordovician Zaphrentis CO0082
McCoy Post Office Eagle CO Pennsylvanian,Lower McCoy Megafossils,Microfossils-Ostracods,fusulinids,forams http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-3360(193012)4:4%3C332:TFOTMF%3E2.0.CO;2-1
Ten Mile District Eagle CO Pennsylvanian Weber brachiopods,crinoid stems,corals,brachiopods CO0083
Stone Reservoir-Camp Rice El Paso CO 1.6km N at Gardner Ranch Pleistocene (Irvington) Camp Rice Turtle-Geochelone CO0084
Williams Canyon El Paso CO near Manitou Springs Cambrian Upper Sawatch trilobite tracks CO0085
Canon City Fremont CO Jurassic Morrison dinosaurs-Allosaurus,Amphicoelias,Brachyrophus,Camarasaurus,Caulodon,Dryosaurus,Dryptosaurus,Epantherias,Hypsirophus,Stegosaurus,Symphyrophus,Tichosteus,;crocodiles-Amphicotylus,Goniopholis;turtles-Glyptops CO0086
Canon City Fremont CO Garden Park area on W side of Oil Creek Ordovician Fremont abundant fossils — crinoid stems,corals,porifera,brachiopods,mollusks,crustacea{4} CO0087
Canon City Fremont CO Harding’s Quarry Ordovician Fremont abundant fossils — crinoid stems,corals,porifera,brachiopods,mollusks,crustacea,fish plates{4} CO0088
Canon City Fremont CO In Priest Canyon Ordovician Middle Harding Lingula,mollusks,crustacea,conodonts,fish – Dictyorhabdus,Astraspis,Eriptychius{4} CO0089
Canon City Fremont CO area exposures Jurassic Morrison dinosaur fossils{4} CO0090
Canon City Fremont CO area exposures Ordovician Upper Ostracoderms{4} CO0091
Canyon City Fremont CO In sandstones Ordovician Harding fish plates-Astraspis CO0092
Canyon City? Fremont CO On N side of Arkansas River in shales on road above McCormick Brick Yard Ordovician Harding fish plates-Astraspis,Eriptychius CO0093
Colorado State Penitentiary Fremont CO US50 9 km W of penitentiary on US50. Roadcut exposing red to pink Ordovician Harding Limestone at West End. Ordovician Harding Agnathan Fish bones — Astraspis,Eriptychius CO0094
Garden Park Fremont CO Jurassic Morrison Dinosaur bones-Tichosteus CO0095
Garden Park Fremont CO 9.8km N on Shelf Road,park at turnouts. Protected site-presumably collecting is prohibited Cretaceous? Dinosaur bones,eggs,tracks CO0096 http://www.recreation.gov/detail.cfm?ID=1163
Garfield CO Eocene Green River Bird Feathers,Bird Tracks CO0105
Colorado River Garfield CO In massive gray Limestone Devonian Chaffee abundant brachiopods – Spirifer,Camarotoechia,Schizophoria,Productella,Athyris CO0097
Douglas Pass Garfield CO At FAA radar site parking lot and nearby locations in ‘Mahogany Ledge’ of Parachute Creek member Eocene Green River abundant Fossil leaves,insects CO0098 This site is probably at 39.6383N,108.7616W about 4km N and W of Douglas Pass on the graded road that turns off from Douglas Pass behind the Public Works Garage.
Douglass Pass Garfield CO in oil shale Tertiary abundant plant and insect fossils CO0099
Douglass Pass-Rio Blanco Garfield CO Parachute Creek member Eocene Green River scarce but varied vertebrates. Many insects. CO0100 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Glenwood Canyon Garfield CO The at either end of the canyon as the layers bow down to the river level. These layers form cliffs and sloping hills. They are the remnants of shallow seas Cambrian Upper Dotsero rich in mussel,snail and squid fossils. CO0101
Glenwood Canyon Garfield CO The at either end of the canyon as the layers bow down to the river level. These layers form cliffs and sloping hills. They are the remnants of shallow seas Devonian Chaffee rich in mussel,snail and squid fossils. CO0102
Glenwood Canyon Garfield CO The at either end of the canyon as the layers bow down to the river level. These layers form cliffs and sloping hills. They are the remnants of shallow seas Ordovician Lower Manitou rich in mussel,snail and squid fossils. CO0103
Parachute Garfield CO beds are exposed high up in cliffs Eocene Green River Plant material CO0104
Haystack Mountain Gilpin CO 3 km NNW in fork of Arapaho Creek Corbula fragments,fish scales,Goniatites{4} CO0106
Kremmling Grand CO 2 km E of Muddy Creek at base of Muddy Butte Inoceramus,Ostrea{4} CO0107
Kremmling Grand CO In cliff in back of town Cretaceous Pierre Baculites,Inoceramus,cephalopods{4} CO0108
Kremmling Grand CO area Limestone exposures Inoceramus {4} CO0109
Middle Park Grand CO Jurassic Morrison dinosaurs-Poekilopleuron CO0110
Whiteley Peak Grand CO N in bluff in white Sandstone Cenozoic marine algae – Halymenites,Leaves – Platanus CO0111
Whiteley Peak Grand CO S and Se in concretions in black shale Cretaceous Pierre Baculites,Avicula,Chaetetes,Serpula,Nucula,Inoceramus,Avicula,Ostrea,Crenella,Baculites,Scaphites,Heteroceras CO0112
Whiteley Peak Grand CO along valley of Muddy Creek in concretions in black shale Cretaceous Pierre Baculites,Avicula,Chaetetes,Serpula,Nucula,Inoceramus,Avicula,Ostrea,Crenella,Baculites,Scaphites,Heteroceras CO0113
Deadman’s Creek Gunnison CO S14tsr84w in exposures along creek Ordovician Fremont Limestone crinoid stems,chain corals: Receptaculites,shells CO0115
Ohio City Gunnison CO at Fossil Ridge brachiopods and cephalopods CO0116
Apodaca Gulch Huerfano CO May be multiple localities –Apodock Gulch/Apocacha Gulch – Huerfano VII Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Loveina,Hapalodectes,Paramys,Viverravus,Eotitanops CO0117 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Apodacha Gulch Huerfano CO May be multiple localities –Apodock Gulch/Apodaca Gulch – Huerfano VI Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Alphadon,Bunophorus,Esthonyx,Hyopsodus,Hyracotherium,Lambdotherium,Microsyops,Oxyaena CO0118 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Archuleta Draw Huerfano CO Near Gardner-Huerfano IX Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Coryphodon,Hyracotherium,Phenacodus;Squamata CO0119 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 3.1-4.6km N and or W at Muddy Divide,Huerfano-I Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Paramys,Viverravus;reptiles-crocodiles-Allognathosuchus;Squamata-Saniwa;turtles-Hadrianus? CO0120 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 3.2 km E Eocene Huerfano Squamata-Saniwa CO0121
Gardner Huerfano CO 3.2 km NE at Bohannan Canyon Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Squamata CO0122 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 3.2km N Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Squamata-Cheilophis,Paraglyptosaurus;Turtles-Echmatemys? CO0123 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 3.2km N at Fossil Creek Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-bird bones;turtles-Hadrianus;;reptiles-crocodiles;Squamata-Paraglyptosaurus,Odaxosaurus,Xestops CO0124 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 4.6km N Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-reptiles-crocodiles CO0125 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO 4.6km NE Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-reptiles-crocodiles CO0126 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO At C.C.C. Draw Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Squamata;reptiles-crocodiles CO0127 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO At Costillo Pocket–Huerfano VIII Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-turtles-Echmatemys;mammals-Ambloctonus,Diacodexis,Hyracotherium,Knightomys,Lambdotherium,Leptotomus,Microsyops,Paramys;Squamata-Proglyptosaurus,Saniwa CO0128 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO At Garcia Canyon Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Squamata-Paraglyptosaurus;mammals-Hyopsodus,Miacis,Microsyops,Phenacodus,Prolimnocyon;Crocodiles-Allognathosuchus CO0129 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Huerfano CO At Williams Creek Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Bunophorus,Hyopsodus,Trogosus,Viverravus;Squamata-Xestops CO0130 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Gardner Butte Huerfano CO 3.1km E Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Hyopsodus,Hyracotherium;Lambdotherium;Reithroparamys,Squamata-Cheilophis CO0131 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Manuel Draw Huerfano CO Huerfano VII Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-mammals-Hyopsodus,Loveina,Viverravus CO0132 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Oak Creek Huerfano CO 4.6km N Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-reptiles-crocodiles CO0133 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Promontory Bluff Huerfano CO 11-12km NW of Gardner = Black Mountain Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Squamata-Paraglyptosaurus;turtles-Hadrianus CO0134 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Walsenburg Huerfano CO Along CO160 between Walsenburg and Ft Garland in shales Devonian? Madera Brachiopods-Mucrospirifer CO0135
Muddy Pass Jackson CO 2 km S of Kremmling-Steamboat road Cretaceous Niobrara Ostrea CO0136
Rabbit Ears Jackson CO NE,in coal mine Eocene Wasatch (WY)? fresh water snails – Vivipara. CO0137
Steamboat Springs Jackson CO Cretaceous Mancos Shale fish scales CO0138
Jackson,Grand CO E on N side of the West Grizzly Baculites{4} CO0139
Front Range Jackson,Routt CO to E of range in Limestone and shale outcrops Cretaceous Benton Inoceramus,Scaphites,Baculites,Ostrea{4} CO0114
Bear Mountain Jefferson CO In Rabbit Ears region in shale overlying igneous sheet Inoceramus {4} CO0140
Golden Jefferson CO At a local golf course Cretaceous Mammal tracks CO0141
Morrison Jefferson CO at Soda Lakes pelecypods in Limestone CO0142
Watertown Jefferson CO At underground clay mines of Robinson Brick and Tile Cretaceous Laramie|Benton brachiopods CO0143
Durango La Plata CO In area exposures Cretaceous Mancos Inoceramus,Exiteloceras,gastropods,Baculites. CO0144
Durango La Plata CO to E along Florida Road in cuts Cretaceous Mancos Inoceramus,Exiteloceras,gastropods,Baculites. CO0145
Ignacio La Plata CO At Mason Pocket Quarry and nearby localities Paleocene Animas vertebrates-Apatemys,Carpodaptes,Chriacus,Compsemys,Dissacus,Ectypodus,Ignacius,Labidolemur,Leptacodon,Marsupicarnivora,Nannodectes,Navajovius,Ogygoptynx,Peradectes,Periptychus,Phenacodus,Phenacolemur,Platymastus,Thryptacodon,Xenacodon,Zanycteris CO0146 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Ignacio La Plata CO At base of Mesa Mountain on E slope Paleocene Animas vertebrates-Arctocyon,Crocodiles,Ignatiolambda,Nannodectes CO0147 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Mason Pocket La Plata CO Paleocene Animas Mammal Fossils CO0148
Spring Canyon Dam Larimer CO at S end of Horsetooth Reservoir Cretaceous Inoceramus,Ostrea,etc. CO0149
Gardner Las Animas CO 3.2km E Eocene Huerfano vertebrates-Crocodiles-Allognathosuchus CO0150 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Cedar Creek Logan CO Oligocene White River Mammals-Adjidaumo,Aepycamelus,Archaeotherium,Caenopus,Centetodon,Ceratogaulus,Cosoryx,Cynarctus,Daphoenus,Dinictis,Domnina,Ectoconus,Eumys,Geolabis,Heliscomys,Hesperocyon,Hypertragulus,Hyracodon,Ischyromys,Leptictis,Leptomeryx,Megalagus,Merychippus,Merycochoerus,Mesocyon,Mesohippus,Miniochoerus,Miolabis,Mustela,Mylagaulus,Palaeogale,Palaeolagus,Paradjidaumo,Pelycomys,Peratherium,Pliohippus,Poebrotherium,Prosciurus,Protohippus,Protolabis,Protomeryx,Ramoceros,Stibarus,Tomarctus,Ustatochoerus;Squamata-Aciprion,Calamagras,Cremastosaurus,Diacium,Exostinus,Neurodromicus,Peltosaurus,Platyrhachis CO0151
Horsetail Creek Logan CO Oligocene White River Turtles-Stylemys,Testudo CO0243
Lewis Creek Logan CO Oligocene White River reptiles,mammals CO0153
Lewis Creek Logan CO Oligocene Middle White River mammals,reptiles,turtles CO0154
Lewis Creek Logan CO W D Mathew 1898 Oligocene White River Lizard-Heloderma;Squamata-Peltosaurus,Rhineura;Turtles-Stylemys CO0244
Orellan-Lewis Creek Logan CO Oligocene Middle White River Reptile and Mammal specimens. Entelodonts – Archaeotherium,Camelids – Poebrotherium; Hypertragulids – Leptomeryx,Hypertragulus,Hypisodus; Oreodonts – Merycoidodon,Miniochoerus CO0156 might be ‘Kewis’ Creek
Pawnee Buttes Logan CO 4.8km NW Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone CO0157
Sterling Logan CO N of Sterling near Nebraska State Line Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone,Testudo CO0158
Mesa CO Paleocene mammals: Barylambda CO0171
Mesa CO 2.4km W of Finley’s Ranch Paleocene DeBeque vertebrates-Phenacodus CO0172 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Mesa CO 9 km SSE of DeBeque Mesa Rd Paleocene mammals CO0173
Black Ridge Mesa CO Dinosaur bones and gastroliths CO0159
DeBeque Mesa CO 10 km SE on DeBeque-Mesa Rd Paleocene Upper DeBeque mammals CO0160
DeBeque Mesa CO 9.6 km S-SE on DeBeque-Mesa road in Atwell Gulch member,in ‘Hell’s Half Acre’ and also in other sites in neighborhood Paleocene Upper DeBeque mammals: Condylarths. CO0161
Fruita Mesa CO Jurassic Morrison Apatosaurus CO0162
Fruita Mesa CO 3 km S gastroliths,bone{4} CO0163
Fruita Mesa CO In Devil’s Canyon. 2 km S on Colorado National Monument Road, cross River, Turn W 1 km to fork. Left at fork, 2 km to fork left at fork 1 km then 1 km N Gastropods in Limestone replaced by red carnelian{4} CO0165
Fruita Mesa CO In Devil’s Canyon. 2 km S on Colorado National Monument Road, cross River,Turn W 1 km to fork. Left at fork, 2 km to fork left at fork 1 km area exposures to West Jurassic Morrison ? CO0164 Dinosaur bone{4}
Grand Junction Mesa CO Jurassic Morrison Dinosaur bones;Squamata-Glyptosaurus CO0166
Grand Junction Mesa CO Jurassic Morrison Dinosaur bones;Squamata-Glyptosaurus CO0167
Grand Junction Mesa CO 36 km SW 700 meters above Big Dominguez Canyon on Star Mesa. Dinosaur bones in Morrison Formation clays Jurassic Morrison ? CO0168
Grand Junction Mesa CO Dinosaur tracks in Museum of Western Colorado dinosaur tracks{7} CO0169
Grand Junction Mesa CO area exposures W along Colorado River to Utah Border Jurassic Morrison dinosaur bones CO0170
Creede Mineral CO In road cuts along Rio Grande River off of CO149 in volcanic shales Oligocene Plants: Pine cones,needles and willow leaves;Insects CO0245
Creede Mineral CO In yellowish volcanic ash beds in road cuts along the Rio Grande River Eocene Upper Creede plants pine,willow,insects CO0175
Creede Mineral CO in San Juan Mountains in lakebed deposits in caldera http://www.colorado.edu/GeolSci/Resources/WUSTectonics/CzPaleobotany/introduction.html Oligocene fossil Plants CO0176
Creede Mineral CO in road cuts along Rio Grande River Eocene-Oligocene plant fossils,leaves,cones,etc CO0177
Moffat CO In gravels on Green and Yampa rivers dinosaur bone fragments {4} CO0185
Alheit Pocket Quarry Moffat CO Eocene Wasatch (WY) Mammals-Hyopsodus,Leptacodon,Peradectes,Phenacodus,Tetonius CO0178
Despair Quarry Moffat CO Eocene Wasatch (WY) Mammals-Apheliscus,Ectypodus,Haplomylus,Hyopsodus,Macrocranion,Microsyops,Niptomomys,Phenacolemur,Prototomus,Pseudotetonius CO0179
East Alheit Pocket Quarry Moffat CO Eocene Wasatch (WY) Crocodiles-Allognathosuchus;Mammals-Anemorhysis,Apatemys,Apheliscus,Arfia,Cantius,Chriacus,Craseops,Diacodexis,Didelphodus,Didymictis,Ectocion,Ectypodus,Haplomylus,Homogalax,Hyopsodus,Hyracotherium,Itibitimys[?],Leptacodon,Macrocranion,Microsyops,Neoliotomus,Niptomomys,Nyctitherium,Paramys,Parectypodus,Parectypodus,Phenacodus,Phenacolemur,Prodiacodon,Prolimnocyon,Prototomus,Scenopagus,Talpavus,Teilhardina,Tetonius,Thryptacodon,Uintacyon,Viverravus,Wyolestes;Squamata;Turtles CO0180 [?]The only citation for Itibitimys is the original source
Four Mile Moffat CO Four Mile Fauna Eocene Wasatch (WY) Amphibians;Bird Bones;Reptiles-Crocodiles;Squamata;Turtles CO0181
Lily Park Moffat CO S of Yampa River Just S of boundary of White Bear Ranch in Disappointment Draw Jurassic Morrison Dinosaur fragments CO0182
South Alheit Pocket Moffat CO Eocene Wasatch (WY) Mammals-Cantius,Microsyops CO0183
Timberlake Quarry Moffat CO 40.6N,108.1W Eocene Wasatch (WY) Mammals-Apheliscus,Cantius,Haplomylus,Microsyops,Niptomomys,Tetonius CO0184
Dolores River Montrose CO Triassic Chinle vertebrates-Chinlea CO0186 Chinlea appears to be a plant,not a vertebrate. CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Dolores River Montrose CO Paradox Valley in 120 meters of red bed deposits Triassic Chinle Vertebrates-Paleoniscoid fish; coelacanth fish;Labyrinthodonts-Rutiodon;Lungfish-Ceratodus;Phytosaurs; Plants-Phlebopteris,Osmundacaulis,Itopsdema[?],Neocalamites;Cycads-Zamites;Araucarioxylon,Woodworthia;Petrified wood; Pelecypods;Worms CO0187 No citations for ‘Itopsdema’ or anything similar 050525
Dolores River Canyon Montrose CO S36T47NR19W — several localities Triassic Chinle Upper Fish-Chinlea,Cionichthys,Semionotus,Synorichthys,Tanaocrossus,Turseodus CO0188
Naturita Montrose CO 160km S of Grand Junction Cretaceous Mesaverde large dinosaur footprints CO0189
Paradox Valley Montrose CO Jurassic Morrison dinosaur bones-Camarasaurus CO0190
Upper Potters Creek Montrose CO Jurassic Morrison dinosaur teeth CO0191
La Junta Otero CO In area shale exposures Cretaceous Carlisle Ostrea,small shark teeth,thin flatfish scales,ammonites (Prionocyclus),large Inoceramus,Ostrea{4} CO0192
La Junta Otero CO area exposures Jurassic Morrison agatized Dinosaur bone fragments{4} CO0193
La Junta Otero CO in area shale exposures Cretaceous Carlisle Ostrea,small shark teeth,thin flatfish scales,ammonites (Prionocyclus),large Inoceramus,Ostrea{4} CO0194
Alma Park CO 5 km N in Gulch on W side of Platte River Carboniferous Crinoid stems{4} CO0195
Boreas Pass Park CO In continuous belt through region Cretaceous Dakota pelecypods – Ostrea,Inoceramus,Trigonarca,Cephalopods – Scaphites,Prionocyclus{4} CO0196
Buckskin Gulch(Alma District) Park CO In talus at base of slope Cambrian Upper Brachiopods – Billingsella{4} CO0197
London Mountain Park CO along Ridge W of summit Carboniferous Crinoid stems{4} CO0198
Quandary Peak Park CO Cambrian Upper Dikelocephalus CO0199
Lamar Prowers CO 29 km S on CO 287 Petrified Wood{4} CO0200
Pueblo Pueblo CO S in road cuts adjacent to rest area on I25 in limestones Cretaceous Fort Hayes|Greenhorn Ammonites,Inoceramus CO0201
Pueblo Pueblo CO S on I25 Cretaceous Greenhorn ammonites CO0202
Rio Blanco CO Eocene Green River Insect fossils CO0204
Rio Blanco CO Paleocene? Insects:Nematoceran,Pronemobius,Tipula,Eristalis,Coleopteran,Plecia CO0205
Piceance Creek Basin Rio Blanco CO At oil shale mine Eocene Green River fish-Knightia CO0203
Elk river Routt CO S4t7Nr85W Cretaceous Mancos Inoceramus,Scaphites,fish scales – Portheus,Ichthyodectes,Baculites,Ostrea CO0206
Trull Schoolhouse[?] Routt CO S28 Cretaceous Mancos fossils{4} CO0207 USGS search comes up with a Trull Creek (which is not labelled on the 1:25 map) near Lake Windemere at 40.5133N,106.9589W. Other than that,nothing.
Ouray San Juan CO 2 km S in Cliffs Devonian Ouray abundant corals,worms,brachiopods,mollusks CO0208
Ouray San Juan CO E in cliffs adjacent to small waterfall Pennsylvanian Hermosa Myalina,other fossils CO0209
Placerville San Miguel CO 4.8km SE in San Miguel River Valley Permian Cutler vertebrates-Diadectes CO0210 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
San Miguel San Miguel CO Triassic Chinle|Dolores Fish-Cionichthys? CO0211
Allison Summit CO 3km N on E side of Piedra River Paleocene Animas vertebrates-Periptychus,Phenacodus CO0212 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Allison Summit CO 5 km N on W side of Piedra River Paleocene Animas vertebrates-Ectiocion,Phenacodus CO0213 CAUTION:Collecting vertebrate material in the US requires landowner or government permission
Florissant Teller CO Eocene Fish-Trichophanes CO0214
Florissant Teller CO Area exposures. The majority of the exposure is within the National Monument,but there are some beds exposed on Hwy1 N and S of the monument and on US 20 East and West of the town of Florissant Oligocene Florissant fossil plants,insects CO0215
Florissant Teller CO Clare Quarry (Fee) Tertiary insects CO0216
Florissant Teller CO Clare Quarry–reported open weekends in Summer-$5.00 fee. Number in phone book Insects CO0246
Florissant Teller CO area lakebed exposures Oligocene snakefly,Dobson Flies,robber fly,butterflies,plants,Tsetse flies,horseflies{4} CO0218
Florissant Teller CO for fee collecting at Indian Crafts and Construction Co. Probably long since out of business. ? CO0219
Weld CO SW1/4S1/2S24R59T10 Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Mammals-Aphelops,Calippus,Miolabis,Protolabis CO0237
Big Spring Quarry Weld CO area exposures Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek mammals-Aepycamelus,Aphelops,Desmatippus,Dromomeryx,Miolabis,Scaphohippus,Tomarctus CO0220
Big Springs Weld CO Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek turtles-Geochelone CO0221
East Valley Weld CO Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek mammals-Protolabis,Prosynthetoceras CO0222
Fossil Hill Weld CO Section 8 Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek mammals-Aphelops CO0223
Fossil Ridge-Greeley Weld CO pelecypod Pinna ? CO0224
Grover Weld CO Area exposure Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone CO0225
Horse and Mastodon Quarry Weld CO Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Aelurodon,Aepycamelus,Aphelops,Cosoryx,Desmatippus,Dromomeryx,Homocamelus,Hypohippus,Megahippus,Merychippus,Metalabis,Miolabis,Protolabis,Ustatochoerus,Zygolophodon;Turtles-Geochelone CO0226
Horsetail Creek Weld CO Oligocene White River Turtles-Stylemys,Testudo CO0227 Original says NE,but cant identify a Horsetail Creek in NE
Kalouse Weld CO area exposures dinosaur bones,petrified wood{4} CO0228
Keota Rd Weld CO area exposures in Canyons W of Keota Rd Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek mammals-Aphelops CO0229
Pawnee Buttes Weld CO Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek mammals-Agriochoerus,Amphicyon,Aphelops,Blastomeryx,Daphoenus,Daphoenus,Eumys,Hesperocyon,Hypisodus,Hyracodon,Megalagus,Merychippus,Merychyus,Miniochoerus,Miomastodon,Moropus,Palaeogale,Palaeolagus,Paradjidaumo,Parahippus,Protohippus,Protolabis,… CO0230
Pawnee Buttes Weld CO 4.8km W Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone CO0231
Pawnee Buttes Weld CO East Oligocene Brule mammals-Prosynthetoceras CO0232
Pawnee Buttes Weld CO SE at Pawnee Quarry Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek turtles-Geochelone CO0233
Pawnee Buttes Weld CO area exposures Oligocene Duchesne River? mammal bones CO0234
Quarry Hill Weld CO 3.2km S Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone CO0235
Quarry Hill Weld CO Northeast Miocene (Barstow) Pawnee Creek Turtles-Geochelone CO0236
Arickaree Yuma CO near Beecher Island in Arickaree River Miocene Miocene mammals – Teleoceras CO0238
Ute Trail Head [?] CO [?] Eocene Green River Bird feathers-Diatryma CO0240 The Ute Trail appears to be near Colorado Springs — too far SE for Green River?