Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Covington Alleghany VA 6.5 km SW at Island Ford Silurian? [Devonian] Helderberg|Oriskany Spirifer,Rensselaeria,Favosites,Crinoid fragments,Gypidula,Stromatopora,Cladopora,others VA0001
Augusta VA Cambrian? Trilobite-Microdiscus VA0099
Shenandoah Mountain Augusta VA SE slope in shales Silurian [Devonian?] Chemung Camarotoechia,Chonetes,Orthothetes,Spirifer,Leptodesma VA0002
Staunton Augusta VA Staunton-Harrisonburg area Ordovician Silicified fossils–Trilobites-Flexicalymene VA0003
Waynesboro[?] Augusta VA In quartzite in landfill Skolithus burrows VA0004 The original says Wayneville,but there seems to be no such place. Waynesville appears at one time to have been an alternative name for Waynesboro
Carmel Church Caroline VA Off US1 between Richmond and Fredericksburg near Kings Dominion. Exposes about 10m of Paleocene,Eocene,and Miocene marine beds Paleocene-Eocene-Miocene Aquia|Nanjemoy|Calvert|Choptank|Eastover shark teeth,vertebrate bones VA0005
Chesapeake Chesapeake VA in Borrow pits Miocene Yorktown Mollusks — Chesapecten,Crepidula,Ecphora,Busycon,Turritella,Oliva,Dentalium. Coral Astrangia,Septastrea;Worm tubes;Echinoderms-Abertella; Crab claws;Vertebrates-Odontapsis,Carcharodon VA0006 There is also a Chesapeake in Northampton County
Tomahawk Creek Chesterfield VA on abandoned portion of Old Hundred Road on Turkey Branch Triassic Upper Tomahawk vertebrate teeth-Lissodus VA0007
Newcastle Craig VA 2 km S Silurian Becraft Limestone Schellwienella,Stropheodonta,Uncinulus,Eatonia. Spirifer VA0008
Newcastle Craig VA In area exposures in George Washington National Forest Paleozoic abundant fossils VA0009
Culpepper Basin Fairfax VA Triassic Bull Run Shale fish-Redfieldius VA0010
Gainsboro Frederick VA in the West bound lane road cut 3.2km West Devonian trilobites,crinoids,cephalopods VA0011
Gore Frederick VA In concretions in road cut on old road across from Gore Grocery Store 391551N281952W Devonian trilobites VA0012
Gore Frederick VA in road cut at Gore,VA Devonian abundant brachiopods and trilobites – Phacops VA0013
Gore Frederick VA on US50 20 km W of Winchester Silurian-Devonian Brachiopods-Tropidoleptus,mollusks-Modiomorpha,crinoids-Arthrocantha,Trilobites – Phacops VA0014
Middletown Frederick VA 4 km NW along road Ordovician Beekmantown Lecanospira,Finkelnburgia,Ophileta,cephalopods VA0015
Manakin Goochland VA Boscobel Quarry Triassic Newark Fish-Dictyopyge VA0016
Vinita Goochland VA 3.2km E Triassic Newark Fish-Dictyopyge VA0017
Hampton Hampton VA Rice’s Fossil Pit at 29 Harris Creek Rd (small fee) Miocene mollusks VA0018
Hampton Hampton VA in Borrow pits Miocene Yorktown Mollusks — Chesapecten,Crepidula,Ecphora,Busycon,Turritella,Oliva,Dentalium. Coral Astrangia,Septastrea;Worm tubes. Echinoderms Abertella; Crab claws,Vertebrates -Odontapsis. Carcharodon. VA0019 Septastrea is Septasbrea in original
Hampton Hampton VA in Rice’s Fossil Pit on Harris Creek Road. Miocene Yorktown Typical Yorktown faunas with large corals and cetacean fragments. VA0020
Monterey[?] Highland VA In Monterey River Ordovician Crinoid VA0021 http://www.geo.vu.nl/~smit/fossielen/fossils.htm
Chuckatuck Quarries Isle of Wight VA South of Smithfield Abundant,diverse marine fossils VA0022
Mogarts Beach Isle of Wight VA At FHA-AFF girls camp 5 km NNE of Smithfield on South Bank of James River along base of cliffs and in ravines. Miocene Yorktown Mollusks,corals,cirripedes,echinoids,shark teeth VA0023
Mogarts Beach Isle of Wight VA At Hunt Club 1 km ESE of FHA-AFF girls camp on South Bank of James River along base of cliffs and in ravines Miocene Yorktown Mollusks,corals,cirripedes,echinoids,shark teeth VA0024
Carter’s Grove-York Peninsula James City VA on James River in bluffs Miocene Yorktown Chama,Venus,Crassatellites,Pecten,Venus VA0025
King’s Mill James City VA S of old wharf on James River Forams,Pectens,Pholas – 75 species VA0026
Williamsburg James City VA Across James River near Ferry landing-Access to lower bench is W of pier a few fossils VA0027
Belvedere Beach King George VA Paleocene Aquia brachiopods and mollusks VA0028
Belvedere Beach King George VA Aquia Eocene Shark Teeth-Heterodontus,Synechodus VA0029
Rose Hill Lee VA 9 km SE on Yellow Branch Ordovician Stones River Limestone Cryptophragmus,bryozoa,Archeocrinus,Dekayella,Monotrypa,Hindia,Carabocrinus,Batostoma,Crepipora,others VA0030
Stickleyville Lee VA 3.5 km E Ordovician Sequatchie Sandstone, shale Dalmanella,Lingula,Hebertella,Zygospira,Byssonychia VA0031
Aldie Loudoun VA Quarry at James Madison home-Oak Hill in 1920 Triassic Newark dinosaur tracks-Grallator,Eubrontes VA0032 http://www.jhu.edu/~jhumag/696web/dinosaur.html
Martinsville Pittsylvania VA nearby at Solite Quarry on VA-NC border Triassic Newark well preserved insects and other fossils VA0033
Hopewell Prince George VA 9km SW in clay and sand layers in gravel pit of Tarmac Lone Star Industries-‘Puddlerock Locality’ Cretaceous Potomac plants http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9122(199507)82:7%3C933:AAGESN%3E2.0.CO;2-Z
James River Prince George VA West Tidewater area E of Hopewell,VA,in bluffs along James River Miocene Yorktown Mollusks –Chesapecten,Crepidula,Ecphora,Busycon,Turritella,Oliva,Dentalium. Coral Astrangia,Septastrea; Worm tubes. Echinoderms Abertella; Crab claws,Vertebrates – Odontapsis. Carcharodon. VA0034 Septastrea is Septasbrea in original
Pulaski VA sandstones in Mississippian Price Plants Triphyllopteris VA0035
Richmond Richmond VA plant fossils have been found in Triassic-Jurassic coal beds. Triassic-Jurassic Newark ? VA0036
Blacksburg Roanoke VA 5 km NE area exposures Ordovician Athens Shale Trinucleus,Dionide,Triarthus VA0037
Blacksburg Roanoke VA at Thomas Farm Ordovician Whitesburg Arthrorhachis,Eoharpes,Ampyx,Nileus,Bronteopsis,Homotelus VA0038
Catawba Roanoke VA E along road Ordovician Athens Shale trilobites – Triarthus,Cryptolithus,graptolites – Raphiophorus,Robergia VA0039
Catawba Mountain Roanoke VA along Salem-Newcastle Hwy in calcareous shales and sandy limestones Ordovician Trenton Lasiograptus,Praspora,Zygospira,Plectambonites,Pholidops,Dalmanella,Rafinesquina. Hebertella,Sinuites,Orthoceras,Cryptolithus,etc VA0040
Catawba Valley Roanoke VA along Salem-Newcastle Hwy in thin limestones Ordovician Lenoir abundant fossils shells,bryozoa,trilobites – Homotelus,Pterygometopus,Remopleurides,Illaneus,Bumastus,Acrolichas,Glaphurus,Ceraurus,Nieszkowskia VA0041
Mason Creek Roanoke VA between Fort Lewis Mountain and Green Ridge Devonian Chemung Spirifer,Chonetes,Ambocoelia,Sphenotus,crinoid steps,plants Newcastle,Roanoke County,VA,1 km S in massive dark blue Limestone in ledges — Devonian — — Spirifer,Eatonia,Leptaena,Uncinulus,Strophonella,Meristella VA0042
Roanoke Roanoke VA In small shale exposure in pasture on private land–Permission required (and not guaranteed to be granted) Ordovician Liberty Hall Trilobites-Ampyxina,Edmundsonia,Dionide,Porterfieldia,Robergia fragments,Calliopes fragments;Graptolites;Brachiopods;Gastropods;Cephalopods,Ichnofossils VA0043
Salem Roanoke VA 13 km N Ordovician Athens Shale Climacograptus,Corynoides,Cryptograptus,Dicellograptus,Dicranograptus,many other graptolites VA0044
Salem Roanoke VA In Catawba Valley Ordovician Athens Shale graptolites-Diplograptus VA0045
Lexington Rockbridge VA 4 km NW at Whistle Creek in Limestone Ordovician typical faunas VA0046
Brookside Inn Russell VA 2 km SE along VA71 in Limestone and shale Cambrian Nolichucky Lingulepis,Aphelaspis,Coosia,Oedorhachis,Tricrepicephalus,Agnostus,Norwoodella,cystoid plates VA0047 This ‘Brookside Inn’ doesn’t come up in Internet searches. Locating it may be a challenge.
Brookside Inn Russell VA S along VA71 in shale and Limestone Cambrian Rome Trilobites-Elrathiella,Solenopleurella,Glossopleura,Anoria,Periommela VA0048 This ‘Brookside Inn’ doesn’t come up in Internet searches. Locating it may be a challenge.
Cole Russell VA Cambrian Elbrook dolomite Cryptozoon,trilobites – Crepicephalus,Coosia,Kingstonia,Blountia VA0049
Hayter Wind Gap Russell VA on VA40 Ordovician Martinsburg many types of invertebrates VA0050
Gate City Scott VA 13 km NW at Rye Cove in area exposures Ordovician Ottosee brachiopods,sponges,algae,corals,cystoids,crinoids,crinoids,bryozoa,gastropods,cephalopods,trilobites VA0051
Gate City Scott VA 8 km W in Marcem quarry Ordovician typical faunas VA0052
Shenandoah VA 400 meters W of intersection of VA601 and US11 Ordovician Edinburg bryozoa – Rhinidictya,crinoids,brachiopods VA0055
Strasburg Shenandoah VA Ordovician Trilobites-Cryptolithus VA0053
Strasburg Shenandoah VA 2 km SW on Tumbling Run Ordovician Chambersburg Limestone Nidulites,Sowerbyites,Receptaculites,Dendrograptus,corals,cystoid plates,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods,trilobites VA0054
Strasburg Shenandoah VA 6km SE along Route 687 at Passage Creek gap in shale and siltstone partings in hard sandstone Silurian Massanutten Sandstone Microfossils,plant fossils (Earliest known terrestrial plants) http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi?ohiou1108479418
Strasburg Shenandoah VA On slopes of Green Mountain in shale and siltstone partings in hard sandstone Silurian Massanutten Sandstone Microfossils,plant fossils (Earliest known terrestrial plants) http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi?ohiou1108479418
Marion Smyth VA 10 km SW to the NW of Holston Mill Cambrian Elbrook dolomite trilobites – Terranovella VA0056
Saltville Smyth VA 6.5 km W Silurian Heliophyllum,Anoplotheca,Anoplia,Spirifer VA0057 Original says ‘Anadaga’ formation. Anadaga is an occasional misspelling of Onondaga,but the Onondaga formation is Devonian,not Silurian
Aquia Creek Stafford VA Paleocene Aquia ? VA0058
Fisher Branch Stafford VA bone bed in creek bed shark teeth. Other vertebrates? VA0059
Marlboro Point Stafford VA along beach at mouth of Potomac Creek Paleocene-Eocene Aquia Odontapsis,Otodus,Myliobatis,Crocodile teeth,Turritella mortoni VA0060
near Fredericksburg Stafford VA Fisher Lane Bone Bed,Fisher Branch of Muddy Creek,Exposure of the Ypresian Nanjemoy Formation,Potapaco Member,Bed B. Eocene Nanjemoy extensive fauna of shark,ray and fish teeth,plus gavials,crocodiles,and mammals VA0061
Nansemond River Suffolk VA SE VA pelecypod Ostrea VA0062
Suffolk Suffolk VA pelecypod Dosinia VA0063
Chippokes Plantation State Park Surry VA fossils VA0064
Clermont Surry VA In high bluff on South Bank of James River 1.5 km NW. In shell bed about 3 meters above base of bluff mollusks,large pectens,corals,bones,shark teeth VA0065
Cobham Wharf Surry VA 0.8km below Ecphora VA0066
Mount Pleasant Surry VA 1.3km below mouth of Sunken Meadow Creek Ecphora VA0067
Kenneth Rice fossil Pit and Museum Surry? VA in Harris Creek Road Miocene Yorktown Mollusks — Chesapecten,Crepidula,Ecphora,Busycon,Turritella,Oliva,Dentalium. Coral Astrangia,Septastrea; Worm tubes. Echinoderms Abertella; Crab claws,Vertebrates – Odontapsis. Carcharodon. VA0068 Septastrea is Septasbrea in original
Bluefield Tazewell VA Pennsylvanian brittle stars in Estuary shales Pennsylvanian brittle stars VA0069
Bluefield Tazewell VA at entrance to fairgrounds-airport Silurian Becraft Spirifer,Favosites,Fenestella,Atrypa,Leptaena,Meristella,Nucleospira,Stenochisma,Stropheodonta VA0070
Virginia Beach Virginia Beach VA Womack Pit 500 meters SE of intersection of Kempsville and Indian River roads Pleistocene Kempsville mollusks,fish fragments,shark teeth,marine mammals VA0071
Virginia Beach Virginia Beach VA in Borrow pits Miocene Yorktown Mollusks — Chesapecten,Crepidula,Ecphora,Busycon,Turritella,Oliva,Dentalium. Coral Astrangia,Septastrea;Worm tubes. Echinoderms Abertella; Crab claws,Vertebrates -Odontapsis. Carcharodon. VA0072 Septastrea is Septasbrea in original
Bristol Washington VA 5 km N at Bristol waterworks reservoir along Mumpower Creek Cambrian Nolichucky trilobites — Blountia,Maryvillia,Aphelaspis,Crepicephalus,Agnostus,Dicellomus,Coosia,Tricrepicephalus. VA0073
Greendale Washington VA 300 meters SW on US19 in shales and limestones Cambrian Nolichucky trilobites and a few brachiopods. VA0074
Holston Washington VA 2 km N in sandstone Silurian Onondaga abundant Cystodictya,Fenestrellina,Amphigenia,Anoplotheca,Anoplia VA0075
Mendota Washington VA roadcut in valley of Little Wolf run Mississippian Gasper Crinoid calyces VA0076
Montross Westmoreland VA At Washington’s birthplace in float along beach shark teeth VA0077
Westmoreland Cliffs-Potomac River Westmoreland VA Miocene Calvert Sharks Teeth VA0078
Westmoreland State Park Westmoreland VA Exposures of Serravallian Calvert and Choptank Fms.,and Tortonian Eastover Fm. Miocene Fossils include shark + ray fauna,cetacean + mammal remains,crocodile teeth,turtle remains,shells. VA0079
Westmoreland State Park Westmoreland VA On Potomac River;collecting permitted Miocene Calvert fossils VA0080
Westmoreland State Park Westmoreland VA on VA3 70 km E of Fredricksburg Miocene shark teeth,vertebrate bones,excellent invertebrates — Carcharodon,Isurus,etc. VA0081
Big Stone Gap Wise VA a wide variety of invertebrates Ordovician Trenton Constellaria,Hebertella,Rhynchotrema,Cyrtodonta VA0082
Austinville Wythe VA 2 km E along Clear Creek Cambrian Shady dolomite Ptychoparella,Amecephalina,Archaeocyathus,Nisusia,Kutorgina,Stenotheca,Helcionella,Prozacanthoides,sponges,corals,brachiopods VA0083
Austinville Wythe VA In carbonate beds Cambrian Lower Shady Helcionella,Olenellus,Bonnia,Kootenia,Prozacanthoides,Antagmus,Eoptychoparia,Acrotretida,Nisusia,Coleoloides,Hyolithellus,Salterella,Kutorgina VA0084
Austinville Wythe VA In carbonate beds Cambrian Middle Shady Latouchella,Pagetia,Kootenia,Mexicaspis,Prozacanthoides,Olenoides,Poliella,Onchocephalus,Spencella,Caborcella,Eoptychoparia,Onchocephalites,Amecephalina,Paterina,Nisusia,Hyolithellus VA0085
Fort Chiswell Wythe VA 5 km S on VA121 in thin-bedded shale-Limestone Cambrian Rome? Ptychoparella,Amecephalina,Archaeocyathus,Nisusia,Kutorgina,Stenotheca,Helcionella,Prozacanthoides,sponges,corals,brachiopods VA0086
Wytheville Wythe VA 5 km E in RR cut Ptychoparella,Amecephalina,Archaeocyathus,Nisusia,Kutorgina,Stenotheca,Helcionella,Prozacanthoides,sponges,corals,brachiopods VA0087
Bellefield-York Peninsula York VA along York River Miocene Yorktown Yorktown fossils VA0088
Old Camp Penniman-York Peninsula York VA on York River 1 km SE of Williamsburg Miocene Yorktown Arca,Pecten,whale bones,shark teeth,shark vertebra VA0089
Yorktown York VA pelecypod Mercenaria VA0090
Yorktown York VA 2 km SE on S bank of York River Shell coquinas VA0091
Yorktown York VA 3.5 km SE Miocene Yorktown 12 species VA0092
Yorktown York VA along National Colonial Parkway at mouth of Indian Field Creek Miocene Upper mollusks,bones VA0093
Yorktown York VA in Zook’s Pit on NW side of VA238 1 km W of Yorktown. Miocene Yorktown ? VA0094
Yorktown York VA on NW side of VA238 400 meters NE of VA638 turn off at Zook’s fossil pit (small fee) mollusks VA0095
Old Moore House [?] VA Gastropod – Calliostoma VA0096
Solite Quarry [?] VA Southern VA Triassic well preserved Triassic insects in lacustrian sediments VA0097