Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
OH fish fragments in concretions in regional exposures of black Huron Shale Devonian Huron vertebrates-fish OH0001
Dunkinsville Adams OH 2 km NE in small creek 2 km E of Brush Creek bryozoa,brachiopods OH0002
Dunkinsville Adams OH In small creek 1 km East of Bridge over Brush Creek 2 km NE in Silurian Brassfield Limestone Brachiopods and bryozoa in beds above the Ordovician Elkhorn Formation. OH0003
Locust Grove Adams OH 3km N in quarry on W of pike near Crooked Creek Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0004
Peebles Adams OH 800m W along RR in quarry Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0005
West Union Adams OH In Road Cut on N side of OH 41N of Little Fork Church in Silurian Brassfield Limestone Conodonts,diverse fauna. OH0006
West Union Adams OH Roadcut on W side of OH41 5.2km from OH247 38d49m38sN 83d30m20sW Ordovician-Silurian Whitewater|Preachersville Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0007 Whitewater(shallow subtidal),Preachersville(peritidal)
West Union Adams OH SE in small quarry on Beasley Fork Rd and in adjacent fields Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0008
Albany Athens OH Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone Conodonts. OH0009
Albany Athens OH Pennsylvanian Brush Creek Limestone brachiopods – Dictyoclostus,Mesolobus,Juresania,Composita,Shark teeth,Petalodus,Janassa OH0010
Alexander Township Athens OH Nodular limestone along in ravine in N1/2NE1/4S28 and S1/2SE1/4S29 Smyth Locality 117 Pennsylvanian Portersville fusilinids
Alexander Township Athens OH Nodular limestone along road in SW1/4NE1/4S30 Smyth Locality 116 Pennsylvanian Portersville[?] fusilinids Can’t identify a ‘Portersville formation’
Alexander Township Athens OH in fossiliferous dark shale in Sections 28,29,30 Pennsylvanian Cambridge fusilinids
Ames Township Athens OH Type locality for Ames Limestone. A 60cm thick crinoidal,fusulinid Limestone Ames Limestone Chonetes,Ambocoelia,Derbya,Spirifer,Fusulina,Rhipidomella,Productus,Composita,crinoid fragments OH0011
Ames Township Athens OH in massive limestone along gravel road 1.6km NE of US50A in SE1/4NW1/4S21 Smyth Locality 84 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Athens Athens OH At Diamond-Shamrock Quarry Pennsylvanian Conemaugh|Brush Creek Fish-Ctenacanthus OH0012
Athens Athens OH In Athens Brick Company Quarry in yellowish limestone abundant fossils-Productus,Spirifer,Chonetes,Ambocoelia,Spiriferina,Lophophyllum;fish-Petalodus OH0013
Athens Athens OH In Limestone outcrops about half way up hillsides Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone ? OH0014
Athens Township Athens OH SW1/4NW1/4S17 Smyth Locality 18 Pennsylvanian Gaysport fusilinids
Clairview Athens OH WNW,NW of Rt 50 along roads in Emerson Hall development in Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone Brachiopods – Linoproductus,Neospirifer,Antiquatonia OH0015
Dover Township Athens OH SW1/4SW1/4S1 Smyth Locality 20 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Lodi Township Athens OH Throughout drainage of Middle Fork of the Shade River Pennsylvanian Well preserved plant remains-Psaronius http://eprints.rhul.ac.uk/104/1/22RothwellandScott1983.pdf
Timble Township Athens OH Limestone NW1/4NE1/4S6 Smyth Locality 12 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Little Short Creek Belmont OH Permian Lower Dunkard fish bones,shark teeth,amphibian coprolites,a few reptiles OH0016
Pleasant Grove Belmont OH Permian Lower Dunkard fish bones,shark teeth,amphibian coprolites,a few reptiles OH0017
Raven Rocks Belmont OH Permian Lower Dunkard fish bones,shark teeth,amphibian coprolites,a few reptiles OH0018
Shadyside Belmont OH Permian Lower Dunkard fish bones,shark teeth,amphibian coprolites,a few reptiles OH0019
Bullskin Creek Brown OH 30m upstream from Clermont County line Ordovician Point Pleasant Blastoids OH0020
Georgetown Brown OH In roadcuts along OH125 1.3km W of US68 Ordovician Fairview|Bellevue|Coryville Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0021 Fairview(deep subtidal),Bellevue(shallow subtidal),Coryville(deep subtidal)
Georgetown Brown OH West of town on SR125 Ordovician Upper ? OH0022
Georgetown Brown OH roadcut on OH125 E of town Ordovician Coryville|Bellevue Platystrophia,Rafinesquina,edrioasteroids,other fossils OH0023
Georgetown Brown OH roadcut on OH68 W of town Ordovician Coryville|Bellevue Platystrophia,Rafinesquina,edrioasteroids,other fossils OH0024
Mount Orab Brown OH Ordovician Arnheim trilobites – Flexicalymene,Isotelus OH0025 The site is on private land. It was commercially quarried for trilobites at one time. Status unknown
Sardinia Brown OH Ordovician Richmond ? OH0026
Butler OH area outcrops Ordovician Liberty Waynesville — abundant brachiopods,pelecypods,trilobites OH0031
Oxford Butler OH brachiopods – Petrocrania OH0027
Oxford Butler OH Ordovician Richmond Waynesville-Liberty-Whitewater OH0028
Oxford Butler OH Ordovician? mollusk Ambonychia Ordovician?,Coral Protarea OH0029
Oxford Butler OH at Hueston Woods State Park at lower end of biggest lake Ordovician Richmond typical faunas OH0030
Butler,Preble OH At spillway Ordovician Waynesville|Clarksville|Blanchester Brachiopods — Onniella,Leptaena,Rhynchotrema Gastropods -Cyclonema; Corals – Gerwingkia,Trilobites – Flexicalymene,Isotelus; pelecypods; Bryozoa OH0032
Cable Champaign OH 2 km SW S of the Pennsylvania RR tracks Devonian Extensive faunas{4} OH0033
Middleburg Champaign OH In Old Sharpe Quarry N of town Devonian Columbus extensive fossil faunas{4} OH0034 is in Logan County?
Urbana Champaign OH 16 km NE at Cable Devonian Extensive faunas{4} OH0035
East Fork Lake Clermont OH Ordovician Trilobites-Isotelus OH0036
East Fork Lake Clermont OH at the spillway 1.2 km N of OH125 on OH222 Ordovician Fairview trilobites,mollusks,rare edrioasteroids. OH0037
East Fork State Park Clermont OH At spillway Ordovician Waynesville Brachiopods-Platystrophia,Plectorthis,Rafinesquina,Hebertella Gastropods – Cyclonema; Corals ; Trilobites – Flexicalymene,Isotelus;Pelecypods; Bryozoa Constellaria OH0038
Maysville Clermont OH Ordovician brachiopods -Platystrophia OH0039
Neville Clermont OH 200 meters N of intersection of Bear Creek Rd and OH52 in Ordovician Middle Point Pleasant Limestone Edrioasteroids-Carnyella OH0040
Newtonsville Clermont OH 2 km W in Ordovician McMillan Formation in creek bed S of the bridge over Stone Lick Creek. Ordovician McMillan Edrioasteroids – Isophorus OH0041 Original says Newtonville
Newtonsville Clermont OH At small waterfall in Stonelick Creek Ordovician Maysville Bellevue Limestone OH0042
Point Pleasant Clermont OH Ordovician Cynthiana ? OH0043
Point Pleasant Clermont OH in shale beds at base of Fulton member of the Latonia Formation above Cynthiana limestones Ordovician Cynthiana Triarthus OH0044
Blanchester Clinton OH area outcrops Ordovician Liberty Waynesville — abundant brachiopods,Pelecypods,some trilobites OH0045
Clarksville Clinton OH Ordovician Richmond Flexicalymene OH0046
Clarksville Clinton OH Ordovician Richmond Liberty OH0047
Clarksville Clinton OH Ordovician Upper Richmond Group brachiopods – Hebertella,Plaesiomys. OH0048
Clarksville Clinton OH In spillway of Cowan Lake and on North bank of Cowan Lake adjacent to spillway 39d23m22sN 83d55m38dW Ordovician Liberty|Whitewater Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0049 Liberty (deep subtidal),Lower Whitewater (shallow subtidal)
Port William Clinton OH 800m W,several hundred meters S of bridge in creek Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0050
Upper Stone Lick Creek Clinton? OH Ordovician Upper McMillan brachiopods – Platystrophia OH0051
Madison Township Columbiana OH Limestone in road cut on W side of OH45 at top of hill in NW1/4NE1/4S21 Smyth Locality 108 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Salem Township Columbiana OH E of Franklin Quarry N of OH344 Pennsylvanian Columbiana (OH) brachiopods OH0053
Salem Township Columbiana OH In in abandoned mine E of Franklin Square an N of OH344 Pennsylvanian Columbiana (OH) Brachiopods – Lingula,Orbiculoidea,Derbyia,Juresania OH0052
St Clair Township Columbiana OH Limestone float in Bieler Run near its mouth and E of RR trestle in N center of S12. Smyth Locality 100 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Graham Corners Coshocton OH 800m S in bed of Opossum Run at waterfall and near top of adjacent ridges Smyth Locality 1 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Lower fusilinids
Newark Coshocton OH Pennsylvanian Pottsville Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Pike Township Coshocton OH in ledge of blue gray limestone along road in E central part of sec 20. Smyth Locality 54 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Bedford Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Cladodus,Ctenacanthus,Polyrhizodus OH0054
Berea Cuyahoga OH brachiopod Lingula OH0055
Berea Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Cladodus,Ctenacanthus,Dinichthys,Heintzichthys,Paramylostoma,Titanichthys OH0056
Berea Cuyahoga OH Mississippian Bedford Shale Cladodus OH0057
Berea Cuyahoga OH At Rocky River Devonian Cleveland Vertebrates-Dinichthys OH0058
Berea-Waverly Cuyahoga OH Mississippian Berea Vertebrates-Cladodus,Ctenacanthus,Mazodus,Physonemus,Stethacanthus OH0059
Big Creek Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Copanognathus OH0060
Brooklyn Heights Cuyahoga OH Fish Devonian Ohio Shale Kentuckia,Dunkleosteus and 18 other genera of arthrodire. OH0061
Cleveland Cuyahoga OH At I71 and W130th St Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-arthrodires OH0062
Cleveland Cuyahoga OH Devonian at the Metroparks Big Creek Reservation at the junction of Memphis and Tiedeman Roads Devonian Cleveland Shale fish,plants. OH0063
Cleveland Cuyahoga OH Interstate 71 A well publicized exposure was found at Cleveland during the Construction of I-71 but that was completely cleaned out by scientists. Devonian Ohio Shale Over 10000 specimens were collected. Fossils have been found at other localities OH0064
Cleveland Cuyahoga OH area shale exposures Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Actinophorous[?],Cladodus,Cladoselache,Ctenacanthus,Dinichthys,Mylostoma OH0065 ‘actinophorous’ seems to be an adjective meaning straight projecting spines. Can’t identify a genus of that name.
Cleveland Cuyahoga OH suburbs Devonian carbonized fish,sharks – Cladoselache{4} OH0066
East Cleveland Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland Vertebrates-Ceratodus OH0067
Linndale Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Cladodus,Cladoselache,Ctenacanthus,Dinichthys,Gorgonichthys,Kentuckia?,Mylostoma,Paramylostoma,Stenosteus,Titanichthys OH0068
Skinner’s Run Cuyahoga OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Kentuckia OH0069
Alum Creek Dam Delaware OH Devonian Columbus ? OH0070
Bellepoint Delaware OH In quarry opposite mouth of Mill Creek Devonian Columbus Syringopora,Zaphrentis,Fenestella,Nemataxis,Atrypa,Meristella,Schizophoria,Spirifer,Stropheodonta,Conocardium,Bellerophon,Orthoceras{4} OH0071
Concord Township Delaware OH In Eversole Run 3 km N of S boundary of County in gorge Devonian Columbus Limestone very large Devonian fauna.{4} OH0072
Delaware Delaware OH 8km W Devonian Delaware vertebrates-Ptyctodus OH0073
Delaware Delaware OH in Delaware Quarry Devonian Columbus Gastropod-steinkerns;cephalopod steinkerns;abundant rostroconches;horn corals;brachiopods,trilobite fragments OH0074
Bloomingville Erie OH In banks of creek tributary to Pipe Creek 400 meters E of Patton Tract Road and 600 meters N of Taylor Road Devonian Prout Limestone|Plum Brook Shale Devonian Fossils OH0075
Johnson’s Island Erie OH In Sandusky Bay 3 km W of Cedar Pt Devonian Columbus abundant faunas OH0076
Kelley’s Island Erie OH Devonian Delaware vertebrates-Gamphacanthus?,Macropetalichthys,Onychodus OH0078
Kelley’s Island Erie OH In quarries Devonian varied faunas OH0077
Marblehead Erie OH In quarries near E end of peninsula Devonian Excellent fossils OH0079 The Marblehead Peninsula is in Ottawa County. Erie County is a few km to the SE across Sandusky Bay.
Sandusky Erie OH E of Sandusky in slates above limestone Devonian Genesee fish scales-Palaeoniscus? OH0080
Sandusky Erie OH In quarries around Hancock St and Sycamore Line Devonian ? OH0081
Sandusky Erie OH Regional exposures of Corniferous Limestone Devonian Onondaga vertebrates–fish-Machaeracanthus,Macropetalichthys,Onychodus?,Rhynchodus OH0082
Venice Erie OH In RR quarry Devonian Columbus typical faunas OH0083
Columbus Franklin OH Devonian Columbus fish teeth Onychodus OH0084 ‘Curtina’ does not appear to be a valid genus
Columbus Franklin OH classic locality in State Quarries near State Hospital for the insane Devonian Columbus Diphyphyllum,Zaphrentis,Codaster,Nucleocrinus,Fenestella,Polypora,Atrypa. Chonetes,Curtina[?],Eunella,Pholidostrophia,Reticularia,Spirifer,Aviculopecten,Platyceras,Tentaculites,Orthoceras OH0085
Columbus Franklin OH just S of big four RR tracks Columbus Diphyphyllum,Zaphrentis,Codaster,Nucleocrinus,Fenestella,Polypora,Atrypa,Chonetes,Curtina[?],Eunela,Pholidostrophia,Reticularia,Spirifer,Aviculopecten,Platuderas,Tentaculites,Orthoceras OH0086 ‘Curtina’ does not appear to be a valid genus
Griggs Reservoir Franklin OH Devonian Columbus ? OH0087
Harrisburg Franklin OH W of Big Darby Creek in limestones at old lime kiln Devonian Cystiphyllum,Favosites,Syringopora,Atrypa,Chonetes,Camarotoechia,Meristella,Rhipidomella,Schizophoria. Spirifer,Stropheodonta,Conocardium,others OH0088
Hayden Falls Franklin OH along rim Devonian Delaware Limestone Leiorhynchus,Orbiculoidea,Tentaculites,many others OH0089
Marble Cliff Franklin OH on Fifth Ave at RR Station 6 km W of High Street Columbus typical fossils OH0090
Gage Gallia OH W in sandy material on top of hill — silicified fossil molds NE1/4S28 Smyth Locality 14 Pennsylvanian Brush Creek fusilinids
Harrison Township Gallia OH in shale above limestone in Fox Brook 1km S of its mouth and just W of road Smyth Locality 8 Pennsylvanian Cambridge fusilinids
Morgan Gallia OH Limestone outcrop near top of hill near old road SW1/4S28 Smyth Locality 5 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Morgan- Gallia OH Limestone on top of bank along road W edge SW1/4S19 Smyth Locality 6 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Patriot Gallia OH 1.6km E in shale under limetone in creek near road Smyth Locality 7 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Raccoon Township Gallia OH Along road in E center of S35 Smyth Locality 35 Pennsylvanian Brush Creek fusilinids
Greene OH In area exposures Ordovician Elkhorn abundant brachiopods,bryozoa,corals,etc. OH0100
Greene OH In area exposures Ordovician Whitewater abundant brachiopods,bryozoa,corals,etc. OH0101
Cedarville Greene OH Cephalopods -Michelinoceras,Blastoids Holocystites OH0091
Fairborn Greene OH At Oakes/Reed-North Quarry 1km E of I 675 on OH235 — collecting reported permitted on spoil piles in 2007 Silurian Brassfield Limestone Corals,Bryozoa,Stromatopora,Brachiopods,Gastropods OH0242
Fairborn Greene OH Railroad Cut on North border of Wright Brothers Memorial Park 39d47m46sN 84d05m13sW Ordovician Whitewater|Preachersville Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0093 Lower Whitewater(shallow subtidal),grainstone shoal,Preachersville(peritidal)
Goes Station Greene OH In roadcut on US68 N of Xenia Ordovician-Silurian Drakes|Brassfield fossils OH0094
Huffman Dam Greene OH shale exposures in Miami Conservancy Ordovician? Richmond Well preserved trilobites OH0095
Waynesville Greene OH in Caesar Creek Gorge,Caesar Creek State Park Ordovician trilobites,brachiopods,crinoids,mollusks OH0096
Yellow Springs Greene OH Cephalopods Dawsonoceras OH0097
Yellow Springs Greene OH on Antioch College Campus in abandoned quarry Silurian Euphemia Limestone|Springfield Limestone|Cedarville Limestone Pentamerus OH0098
Yellow Springs Creeks Greene OH on Creek bed Silurian Euphemia Limestone|Springfield Limestone|Cedarville Limestone Abundant faunas. OH0099
New Concord Guernsey OH Carboniferous [?] fish-Haplolepis OH0102 Can’t find any citation fother than the original AMNH source for ‘Grumman Cannal’
Hamilton OH area roadcuts Ordovician abundant fossils OH0131
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Coral Grewingkia OH0103
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Ordovician brachiopods – Strophomena,Onniella,Zygospira OH0104
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Ordovician Upper brachiopods — Rafinesquina,Trilobites,Flexicalymene Crinoids Iocrinus,Glyptocrinus,Bryozoa Parvohallopora,Constellaria,Stromatopora,Cyclostome,Rhombotrypa,Monticulipora,Batostomella,Batostoma,Homotrypa OH0105
Cincinnati Hamilton OH 32 km E at Stonelick Creek Ordovician Maysville Coryville member OH0106
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Bald Knob Ordovician Maysville Bellevue Limestone OH0107
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Bluffs along Clifton Ave Columbia Parkway Ordovician Maysville|Fairview Shale ? OH0108
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Fairview Park Ordovician Maysville|Fairview Shale ? OH0109
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Galbraith Road No of Winton Road Ordovician Maysville Bellevue Limestone OH0110
Cincinnati Hamilton OH In bluffs at McMillan Street Entrance to Fairview Park Ordovician Maysville Bellevue Limestone OH0111
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Roadcuts on Blue Rock Road 500m S of I275 39d13m47s 84d37m16s — Mount Auburn,Sunset Ordovician Mount Auburn|Sunset Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0112 Mount Auburn (Shallow subtidal),Sunset (Deep subtidal)
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Stonelick Creek Ordovician Eden McMicken OH0113
Cincinnati Hamilton OH Westwood-Northern Blvd at Boudinot Avenue Ordovician Richmond Arnheim,Waynesville OH0114
Cincinnati Hamilton OH along Columbia Parkway Ordovician Eden|McMicken ? OH0115
Cincinnati Hamilton OH along Harrison Ave Ordovician Richmond|Arnheim ? OH0116
Cincinnati Hamilton OH behind Metropolitan Household Authority on Beekman St Ordovician Eden McMicken OH0117
Cincinnati Hamilton OH bluffs of Eden Park Ordovician Maysville|Fairview Shale OH0118
Cincinnati Hamilton OH city end of Westwood Northern Blvd Ordovician Eden McMicken OH0119
Cincinnati Hamilton OH in area exposures Ordovician abundant fossils,bryozoa – Monticulipora,Crinoids,bryozoa OH0120
Cincinnati Hamilton OH in shale exposure on Sycamore Creek Ordovician trilobite – Triarthus OH0121
Cincinnati Hamilton OH lower Rapid Run Ordovician Eden McMicken OH0122
Cincinnati Hamilton OH on Central Parkway opposite Central High School Ordovician Eden McMicken OH0123
Cincinnati Hamilton OH roadcut on OH52 24 km E Ordovician Eden Flexicalymene,Cryptolithus,graptolites,trace fossils OH0124
Cincinnati Hamilton OH roadcuts along Westwood-Northern Blvd E of Montana Ave Ordovician Maysville|Mount Auburn OH0125
Cincinnati Hamilton OH upper Rapid Run in old Limestone quarries Ordovician Maysville|Fairview Shale OH0126
Dent Hamilton OH Ordovician Richmond|Arnheim ? OH0127
Dent Hamilton OH Bluffs along fishing lake Ordovician Maysville|Mount Auburn OH0128
Sharonville Hamilton OH 8 km N at Maud in RR cuts on Baltimore and Ohio RR Ordovician Maysville|Mount Auburn ? OH0129
Sharonville Hamilton OH Off I275 at exit 46 — Trammel Fossil Park Ordovician Fairview|Miamitown|Coryville|Bellevue Typical Richmond Faunas OH0130
Lanesville Harrison OH Pennsylvanian vertebrates-Sphenacanthus OH0132
Danville Highland OH 1.6km N,E of Hillsboro pike on James Sanderson farm–This Danville is about 30km SW of Hillsboro and is not the Danville in Knox County Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0133 https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/ bitstream/1811/2047/1/V19N07_367.pdf
Hillsboro Highland OH 1.6km SE at Bisher’s Dam Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0134
Hillsboro Highland OH 3.2km W on S side of US50 in limestone in overgrown cut next to Marathon gas Station Silurian Brassfield Brachiopods,horn corals,bryozoa,crinoid columnals OH0243
Hillsboro Highland OH At Academy Hill in cut of abandoned Cincinnati and Hillsboro RR and in Trimble Quarry at E end of cut Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0136
Hillsboro Highland OH In quarry on EW side of town Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0137
Hillsborough Highland OH many localities in county Silurian Bisher ? OH0138
Hillsborough Highland OH many localities in county Silurian Brassfield Limestone ? OH0139
Hillsborough Highland OH many localities in county Silurian Greenfield ? OH0140
Hillsborough Highland OH many localities in county Silurian Lilley|West Union (KY) ? OH0141
Hillsborough Highland OH many localities in county Silurian Pebbles ? OH0142
Sinking Springs Highland OH 1km E of S end of Sinking Spring on W side of Baker Branch Silurian West Union (KY) West Union Fauna-Corals;Bryozoa; brachiopods-14 genera;Platyceras;Trilobites-Illaneus,Bumastus,Cyphaspis,Encrinurus,Calymene,Trimerus,Cheirurus,Dalmanites OH0143
Washington Township Hocking OH In strip mine in SW1/4NE1/4S5 Smyth Locality 47 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Baltic Holmes OH NE and E of OH93 in area exposures Pennsylvanian Middle fossils OH0144
Baltic Holmes OH NE in abandoned strip mine E of OH93 At NE corner of road junction at elevation 1014 ? OH0145
New London Huron OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Callognathus OH0146
Linton Jefferson OH Pennsylvanian Freeport Coal Upper Fish-Coelacanthus,Conchiopsis,Elonichthys,Eurylepis,Haplolepis,Megalichthys,Orthacanthus,Peplorhina,Pyritocephalus,Rhabdoderma,Sagenodus,Xenacanthus;vertebrates-Conchopoma,Ctenodus,Diplodus,Dipnoi,Eurythorax,Ophiderpeton,Rhizodus OH0147
Linton Jefferson OH Pennsylvanian Freeport Coal Upper vertebrates-Amphibamus,Colosteus,Mytaras OH0148
Linton Jefferson OH Diamond Mine Pennsylvanian Freeport Coal Upper vertebrates-Orthacanthus,Rhabdoderma OH0149
Linton Jefferson OH In Channel below Upper Freeport Coal bed Pennsylvanian vertebrates-Rhabdoderma OH0150
Linton Jefferson OH In River Channel under Upper Freeport Coal Pennsylvanian sharks Xenacanthus,Orthacanthus,fish scales – Rhizodus Paleoniscoid fish Haplolepis,Pyritocephalus,Eurylepis – lepospondyl amphibians,Molgophis,dissorophid amphibians Amphibamus. OH0151
Linton Jefferson OH In channel deposits below Freeport Coal at Yellow Creek Pennsylvanian Freeport Coal vertebrates-Colosteus,Ctenerpeton,Erpetosaurus,Ichthyacanthus,Leptophractus,Macrerpeton,Ophiderpeton,Sauropleura OH0152
Linton Jefferson OH In river channel under Upper Freeport Coal Pennsylvanian Ctenerpeton,Sauropleura,Colosteus,Ichthyacanthus,Leptophractus,Erpetosaurus,Macrerpeton,Ophiderpeton OH0153
Flint Ridge Licking OH Pennsylvanian Mercer Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Flintridge Licking OH area exposures Mississippian Cuyahoga|Logan abundant brachiopods – Rhipidomella,productids,pelecypods,cephalopods,conularids OH0154
Flintridge Licking OH area exposures Mississippian Cuyahoga|Logan abundant brachiopods – Rhipidomella,productids,pelecypods,cephalopods,conularids OH0155
Flintridge Licking OH area outcrops Pennsylvanian Mercer Limestone, Lower pelecypods – Pernopecten,Fasciculiconcha OH0156
Granville Licking OH area exposures Mississippian Cuyahoga|Logan abundant brachiopods – Rhipidomella,productids,pelecypods,cephalopods,conularids OH0157
Hopewell Township Licking OH Limestone at top of knob in SW corner of township. Smyth Locality 115 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Lower fusilinids
Hopewell Township Licking OH along NS road 800m E of township boundate 1.6km N of US40 in shaly limestone. Smyth Locality 31 Pennsylvanian Boggs fusilinids
Hopewell Township Licking OH in flints along Flint Ridge Road near crossroads 800m E of W edge of township Smyth Locality 24 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Newark Licking OH 3 km SE at Bald Knob Fasciculiconcha OH0158
Newark Licking OH area exposures Mississippian Cuyahoga|Logan abundant brachiopods – Rhipidomella,productids,pelecypods,cephalopods,conularids OH0159
Newark Licking OH area outcrops Pennsylvanian Mercer Limestone, Lower pelecypods – Pernopecten,Fasciculiconcha OH0160
Newark Licking OH in bog deposits Pleistocene Mammals-Mastodons,sabertooth cats,beaver,dire wolves,sloths OH0161
Hopewell Township Licking|Muskingum OH in several meter thick ‘Flint Ridge’ outcrops Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Lorain OH Area shale exposures Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Callognathus,Cladodus,Cladoselache,Coccosteus,Copanognathus,Dinichthys,Diplognathus,Dunkleosteus,Glyptaspis,Gymnotrachelus[?],Heintzichthys,Holdenius,Kentuckia,Mazodus,Mylostoma,Palaeoniscus,Phoebodus,Prorodus,Titanichthys,coprolites OH0168 ‘Gymnotrachelus’ is a modern form-a goby
Avon Point Lorain OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Dinichthys OH0162
Avon Point Lorain OH 1km E of Cleveland Electric Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Gorgonichthys OH0163
Black River Lorain OH Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Cladodus,Titanichthys OH0164
Lake Erie Lorain OH along shoreline Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Copanognathus,Dinichthys,Gorgonichthys OH0165
Lorain Lorain OH On Black River At National Tube Company plant on E 31 St Devonian Cleveland vertebrates-Dinicthys OH0166
Vermillion River Lorain OH Devonian Cleveland Vertebrates-Dinicthys,Diplognathus,Titanichthys OH0167
Fossil Park Lucas OH Spoil pile material from local quarries Devonian Silica? Typical faunas OH0169
Moncolva Township Lucas OH In shale outcrop at Holland Quarry Devonian Holland Quarry vertebrates-Allocryptaspis,Onchus,Pteraspis OH0170
Sylvania Lucas OH Devonian Brachiopods -Devonochonetes OH0171
Sylvania Lucas OH Devonian Columbus Fish-Dinichthys OH0172
Sylvania Lucas OH As of 2003, Hanson Quarry — collecting may be permitted in quarry or on spoil piles at times Devonian Silica Typical silica shale fossils,e.g. trilobites-Phacops OH0173
Sylvania Lucas OH At fossil park operated by Olander Park System from June to October in shale dumped by nearby commercial quarry Devonian Silica potential up to 200 genera of well preserved fossils OH0174
Sylvania Lucas OH In shale beds in Limestone quarries Devonian Silica Phacops,abundant other fossils OH0175
Sylvania Lucas OH In various quarries Devonian Diverse fossils OH0176
Sylvania Lucas OH at Fossil Park in dump material from area quarries Devonian Silica trilobites,brachiopods,etc. OH0177
Sylvania Lucas OH in 1 km to W of Medusa Cement Co Quarry. Devonian Silica Shale|Tenmile Creek ? OH0178
Sylvania Lucas OH in Quarry to E of Medusa Cement Company Quarry Devonian Middle Detroit River|Dundee Limestone typical faunas OH0179
Whitehouse Lucas OH Devonian Dundee rich fossil faunas OH0180
Alliance Mahoning OH In abandoned strip mine on SE corner of junction of Oyster and Middletown Roads ? OH0181
Berlin Township Mahoning OH at junction of Turkeybroth Creek and Mill Creek and also 800m W where road crosses Mill Creek. Smyth Locality 79 Pennsylvanian Mercer fusilinids
Canfield Mahoning OH In abandoned strip mine 4 km W on N side of OH 224. Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill Brachiopods,Mesolobus,Reticularia,Hustedia. Composita OH0182
New Middletown Mahoning OH S in abandoned quarries on OH170 Pennsylvanian marine fossils OH0183
Poland Mahoning OH in quarries on OH224 Pennsylvanian marine fossils OH0184
Bagdad Medina OH Devonian Cuyahoga vertebrates-Gyracanthus OH0185 Bagdad was a town in Medina County,but apparently no longer exists. ‘Bagdad Cemetary’ is still listed as landmark in the county.
Rutland Township Meigs OH area outcrops of shale with fossiliferous limestone and/or fossiliferous sandstone Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone OH0186
Rutland Township Meigs OH in limestone and shale in SE1/4NW1/4S35 Smyth Locality 29 Pennsylvanian Cambridge fusilinids
Miami OH area exposures Silurian trilobites – Gravicalymene OH0190
Piqua Miami OH In Quarries Silurian Brassfield Limestone|Dayton coral – Halysites,Favosites; brachiopods,cephalopods,gastropods OH0187
Sidney Miami OH Western Ohio Cut Stone Quarry — Permission presumably required Silurian Trilobites-Calymene OH0188
Tipp City Miami OH At Charleston Falls State Preserve at top of falls Silurian Brassfield fossils OH0189
Salem Township Monroe OH along road at N end of Clark Hill and in area invertebrates,plants,fish OH0192
Salem Township Monroe OH entire 218m of Dunkard Formation exposed along Clark Hill Road from Mouth of Opossum Creek to point about 1.5 km S of junction with road to Valley Methodist Church. Permian Lower Dunkard ? OH0191
Dayton Montgomery OH area roadcuts Ordovician Richmond typical faunas OH0193
Dayton Montgomery OH area roadcuts Ordovician-Silurian typical faunas OH0194
Morgan OH Pennsylvanian Benwood Limestone Reptile footprints OH0196
Morgan OH Limestones Pennsylvanian Benwood Limestone Reptile footprints OH0195
York Township Morgan OH in 20cm thick coquina atop 60cm limestone Pennsylvanian Cambridge fusilinids
York Township Morgan OH in gully parallel to and W of hill road in SE1/4SW1/4S35 Smyth Locality 38 Pennsylvanian Cambridge fusilinids
Big Run Muskingum OH 1.2km E in roadcut on county Rd 1.2km N of OH156 Smyth Locality 2 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Blue Rock Township Muskingum OH Limestone in N bank of Dry Riffle Creek near OH340 in East Central S27 Smyth Locality 22 Pennsylvanian Ames fusilinids
Blunt Run Muskingum OH hard, fossiliferous limestone Pennsylvanian Pottsville fusilinids
Cass Township Muskingum OH In limestone at Y in the road along ‘The Highlands’ S of sec 14. Smyth Locality 40 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Dillon Muskingum OH 4.8km E in limestone nodules on both sides of road. Smyth Locality 75 Pennsylvanian Hamden Limestone fusilinids
Dillon Muskingum OH W on both sides of road in limestone nodules Pennsylvanian Allegheny fusilinids
Frazyburg Muskingum OH 2.4km E in limestone ledge along the road by ‘The Highlands’. Smyth Locality 44 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Freneysburg Muskingum OH SE at Flint Ridge Pennsylvanian Mercer Limestone gastropods-Pernopecten http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Hopewell Township Muskingum OH Limestone and flint outcrop along abandoned road in SE1/4SE1/4S15 Smyth Locality 17 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Madison Township Muskingum OH at Adams Mills 400 meters S of country line Pennsylvanian Lower Mercer pelecypods – Septimyalina OH0197
Mount Sterling Muskingum OH 1.6km N in center of S18 in limestone in roadside ditch. Smyth Locality 73 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Muskingum Township Muskingum OH in bed of Blunt Run just E of S20 Smyth Locality 28 Pennsylvanian Boggs fusilinids
New Concord Muskingum OH Pennsylvanian Ames Limestone Pernopecten OH0198
Sterling Muskingum OH 2.4km N in small waterfall near headwaters of small subsidary strream to Poverty Run Smyth Locality 4 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Lower fusilinids
Zanesville Muskingum OH Pennsylvanian vertebrates-Sphenacanthus OH0199
Zanesville Muskingum OH At Type section of Putnam Hill Limestone on W side of Muskingum River S of the Y bridge. Smyth Locality 66 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Zanesville Muskingum OH At crest of Putnam Hill above Tionseta Coal bed on West Bank of Muskingham River S of center of town Carboniferous Allegheny fossils-(plants?) http://books.google.com/books?id=NtNAlpoamIAC&pg=PA371&lpg=PA371&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=NwYO03dnNU&sig=HpQQchPkDHJUuKY8ppQ07PY8i5s#PPA357,M1
Zanesville Muskingum OH W at city limit in Limestone ledge on US40 opposite roadside park. Smyth Locality 16 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Clay Center Ottawa OH Silurian Greenfield|Guelph Abundant fossils — Whitfeldella,Hindella,Leperditia,Fletcheria,Megalomus,Trimerella,Favosites,Halysites,Orthoceras,gastropods,stromatoporoids OH0200
Genoa Ottawa OH N and SE in area Limestone quarries Silurian Greenfield|Guelph dolomite abundant faunas OH0201
Lakeside Ottawa OH Devonian Delaware vertebrates-Macropetalichthys?,Ohiodorulites,Onychodus,Rhynchodus OH0202
Marblehead Ottawa OH Cephalopods Centroceras OH0203
Paulding Paulding OH In quarry Devonian Hamilton? Broad fauna;Trilobites-Phacops OH0204
Bearfield Township Perry OH in limestone ledge and isolated limestone blocks in fields near head of gully in W part of S24 Smyth Locality 33 Pennsylvanian Ames|Cambridge fusilinids
Portersville Perry OH Pennsylvanian Conemaugh Pelecypod-Euchondria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Atlanta Pickaway OH 6 km N in limestones Devonian Favosites,Meristella,Stropheodonta,Conocardium OH0205
Williamsport Pickaway OH 9 km NW along both sides of Deer Creek in limestones Devonian Favosites,Meristella,Stropheodonta,Conocardium OH0206
Shalersville Portage OH 1.6km E in roadcut on Ohio Turnpike. Smyth Locality 80 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Lower fusilinids
Preble OH area outcrops Ordovician Liberty Waynesville — abundant brachiopods,pelecypods,trilobites OH0210
Camden Preble OH Bryozoa Monticulipora OH0207
Camden Preble OH in road cuts on US12 9 km S Upper Ordovician Liberty Brachiopods-Glyptorthis,Hebertella,Plaesiomys,Strophomena; Coral-Protaria OH0208 ‘Protaria’ may be a misspelling of ‘Protarea’
Eaton Preble OH at Sevenmile Creek on US127 3.2km S in Silurian Brassfield Limestone ? OH0209 There is also an Eaton in Lorain County
Bainbridge Ross OH 3 km N in gullies on Benners Hill above Buckskin Run Silurian-Mississippian Lingula,other fossils OH0211
Gibsonburg Sandusky OH In quarries to N Silurian Guelph dolomite Megalomus OH0212
Sandusky Sandusky? OH Devonian Helderberg Upper vertebrates-Cyrtacanthus,Rhynchodus OH0213
Maple Grove Seneca OH 10 km NW of Tiffin,in area quarries Silurian Greenfield|Guelph dolomite abundant fossils OH0214
Shelby OH area exposures Silurian trilobites – Gravicalymene OH0215
Bethlehem Township Stark OH in RR cut where WLE RR passes under road in SW1/4SW1/4S16 Smyth Locality 48 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Lower fusilinids
Sugar Creek Stark OH Along private road in SE1/4NE1/4NE1/4S36 Smyth Locality 62 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Akron Summit OH Cuyahoga? Gorge Conularia OH0216
Dover Dam Tuscarawas OH In limestone ledge on OH8 at the dam NW1/4SW1/4S6 Smyth Locality 30 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Franklin Township Tuscarawas OH In NE part of township at Sowder School crossroads. Smyth Locality 78 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Mineral City Tuscarawas OH 1.6km SW N of OH8 Smyth Locality 9 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill|Vanport fusilinids
New Philadelphia Tuscarawas OH 2.4km E S side of OH39 opposite road from Pleasant Valley. Smyth Locality 58 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Wayne Township Tuscarawas OH ON W side of the road in center of S3. Smyth Locality 60 Pennsylvanian Boggs fusilinids
Wayne Township Tuscarawas OH hard, fossiliferous limestone Pennsylvanian Pottsville fusilinids
Winfield Tuscarawas OH 1.2km N along road in center of S1/2S8 Smyth Locality 77 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Zoar Station Tuscarawas OH In ledge of limestone at RR cut at station in Lawrence Township. Smyth Locality 65 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Vinton OH area exposures of black,carbonaceous shales above Mercer Limestone Pennsylvanian pelecypod – Posidonia OH0217
Elk Township Vinton OH Moore mine Pennsylvanian Pottsville Pelecypod-Streblopteria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
Caesar Creek Warren OH Ordovician Richmond Open to collecting,but picked over,no tools OH0218
Caesar Creek Dam Warren OH Exposures in emergency spillway on Clarksville Rd 39d29m04s 84d02m49s Ordovician Waynesville|Liberty|Whitewater ? OH0219 Waynesville(Offshore),Liberty (deep subtidal),Whitewater (shallow subtidal)
Caesar Creek Dam Warren OH Exposures on hillside N of tailwater area 39d29m04s 84d02m49s Ordovician Oregonia|Waynesville Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils OH0220 Waynesville(Offshore),Liberty (deep subtidal),Whitewater (shallow subtidal)
Caesar Creek State Park Warren OH At spillway Ordovician Waynesville Brachiopods-Hiscobeccus,Glyptorthis,Plaesiomys,Holtedahlina,Zygospira,Thaerodonta. Gastropods -Cyclonema,Loxoplocus,Cyrtolites;Corals – Gerwingkia; Trilobites -Flexicalymene,Isotelus; Pelecypods; Bryozoa OH0221
Caesar Creek State Park Warren OH off OH73 just E of OH42. Collecting permit at visitors center Ordovician Waynesville Liberty,Whitewater OH0222
Fort Ancient Warren OH Ordovician Trilobite-Flexicalymene OH0223
Lebanon Warren OH Ordovician Richmond Waynesville-Liberty OH0224 There is also a Lebanon in Monroe County
Waynesville Warren OH Coral Grewingkia OH0225
Waynesville Warren OH roadcut on OH52 just N of town Ordovician Waynesville Liberty,Whitewater OH0226
Belpre Washington OH Permian Lower Dunkard ? OH0227
Belpre Washington OH in town Permian Lower Washington Upper reptiles,fish OH0228
Elba-Marietta Washington OH Permian fish bones,shark teeth,amphibian coprolites,a few reptiles OH0229
Franklin Township Wayne OH In abandoned quarry in NW1/4NW1/4S22 Smyth Locality 90 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Franklin Township Wayne OH ravine S of a farm house in SE1/4SE1/4S10 Smyth Locality 91 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Mount Eaton Wayne OH 1.2km BW in road cut on US259 on N side near top of hill SW1/4SE1/4S9 Smyth Locality 45 Pennsylvanian Putnam Hill fusilinids
Paint Township Wayne OH In abandoned quarry in NE1/4SE1/4S13 Smyth Locality 67 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Paint Township Wayne OH In abandoned strip mine in NW1/4NW1/4S18 Smyth Locality 110 Pennsylvanian Vanport fusilinids
Paint Township Wayne OH Limestone exposed along small stream in W central part of S23. Smyth Locality 71 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Richmond Wayne OH Bryozoa Monticulipora OH0230
Salt Creek Township Wayne OH In limestone in ditch opposite T intersection at center of eastern edge of S4. Smyth Locality 87 Pennsylvanian Mercer,Upper fusilinids
Carey Wyandot OH Silurian Guelph|Greenfield dolomites Hindella,Leperditia,gastropods,cephalopods,brachiopods OH0231
Crawford Wyandot OH In shaley dolomites Silurian Tymochtee dolomite abundant Leperditia,rare Eurypterus OH0232
[?] OH Pennsylvanian Middle Vanport|Putnam Hill brachiopods bryozoa,gastropods,conularids,Polyplacophorans OH0237
[?] OH South Eastern Ohio Permian Lower Dunkard fish,reptiles,invertebrates,plants — Pelycosauria OH0238
[?] OH in ‘7-11 mine’ at junction of OH7 and OH11 cockroaches,other insects OH0239
Lodi [?] OH area streams in sandstones and siltstones Mississippian brachiopods,bryozoa,crinoids,starfish,trilobites conularia,carbonized wood. OH0233 There are Lodis in Medina and Monroe Counties
Manchester [?] OH Ordovician Richmond ? OH0234 There are Manchesters in Adams and Summit counties
Northern Ohio [?] OH Area exposures from Columbus N to Lake Erie Islands Devonian Columbus|Delaware Abundant brachiopods and corals;gastropods,bryozoa,tentaculites,ostracods,crinoids,blastoids,trilobites OH0235
Northern Ohio [?] OH Area exposures from Columbus N to Lake Erie Islands. In four bone beds in 50m of limestone (the top three beds are in top 25m) Devonian Columbus|Delaware fish-teeth,bone,armor fragments OH0236