Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Beaufort NC Miocene Yorktown ? NC0014
Beaufort NC In area exposures Miocene fossils NC0015
Aurora Beaufort NC Miocene Pungo River Marl Mollusks – Lyropecten,Pecten,Ecphora,Arthropods – Balanus -sharks – Hexanchus,Heptranchias,Isurus,Hemipristis,Odontapsis,Carcharhinus,Pristiophorus,Oterolaminops[?],ProCarcharodon,denticles,Fish Parts-Diodon,Sphyraena,Trygon; — Trygon NC0001 No citations for Oterolaminops (050605)
Aurora Beaufort NC Miocene Yorktown Mollusks:Glycymeris,Astarte,Busycon,Oliva,Cancellaria,Lunatia,Fasciolaria,Aurinia,Conus,Arthropods – Balanus NC0002
Aurora Beaufort NC 10 km N at Texas Gulf Chemical Company Lee Creek Mine. Collecting on spoil banks permitted on weekends. Contact Texas Gulf Chemical Company, Box 48, Aurora, NC, 27806 (Fossils Quarterly spring 1986) Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene Pungo River|Croatan|Yorktown ? NC0004
Aurora Beaufort NC 10 km N at Texas Gulf Chemical Company Lee Creek Mine. Collecting on spoil banks permitted on weekends. Contact Texas Gulf Chemical Company, Box 48, Aurora,NC, 27806 (Fossils Quarterly spring 1986) Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene Pungo River|Croatan|Yorktown ? NC0003
Aurora Beaufort NC At Lee Creek Mine on S side of Pamlico River Miocene Pungo River vertebrates:birds-Charadriiformes;Fish-Cybium,Diodon;Turtles-Syllomus;Sharks-Carcharhinus,Echinorhinus,Galeocerdo,Hemipristis,Lamna,Notorhynchus,Odontapsis,Pristiophorus;coprolites NC0005
Aurora Beaufort NC In area DPW sites shells,shark teeth. Geology in the area consists of 5 meters of Holocene–Pleistocene material,20 meters of Yorktown (abundant mollusks); 3 meters of Calvert age Limestone (mollusk molds),15 meters of phosphatic Pungo River sandstone — mollusks NC0006
Aurora Beaufort NC In pit of Texas Great Sulfur Co. Lee Creek Quarry on S shore of Pamlico River E on mouth of Lee Creek. Other Miocene,Pliocene,Pleistocene formations are exposed in these quarries Miocene Pungo River|Yorktown Mollusks Cetaceans Squalodon. NC0007
Aurora Beaufort NC N in Phosphate mine on NC38 Miocene shark teeth,invertebrates,whale bones NC0008
Aurora Beaufort NC PCS Mine (Lee Creek). Spoils from exposures of Serravallian Pungo River Fm. Pliocene-Pleistocene Yorktown|Chowan River|James City Fossils from every Tertiary group can be found. NC0009
Aurora Beaufort NC PCS Mine (Lee Creek). Spoils from exposures of Serravallian Pungo River Fm.,Yorktown Fm.,Plio-Pleistocene age Chowan River Fm and James City Fm. Tertiary fossils from every Tertiary group can be found. NC0010
Aurora Beaufort NC in pit of Texas Great Sulfur Co. Lee Creek Quarry on S shore of Pamlico River E on mouth of Lee Creek. Other Miocene,Pliocene,Pleistocene formations are exposed in these quarries Miocene Pungo River|Yorktown Mollusks Cetaceans Squalodon. NC0011
East of Suffolk Scarp. Beaufort NC Miocene Trent Marl Shark Teeth,ProCarcharodon NC0012
Terra Ceia Beaufort NC Under a bridge over a drainage Canal E of town Pleistocene Flanner Beach ? NC0013
Colerain Beach Bertie NC Bryozoa Ceriopora NC0016
Colerain Beach Bertie NC on Bluffs on W bank of Chowan River Pliocene Upper Chowan River ? NC0017
Colerain Landing Bertie NC at waterline in bluffs along Chowan River Glycymeris,Pecten,Venus,Rangia NC0018
Eden House Pt Bertie NC 3.5 km above at Black Rock on W bank Tertiary abundant fossils NC0019
Mount Gould Landing Bertie NC on Bluffs on W bank of Chowan River Pliocene Upper Chowan River ? NC0020
Mount Gould Landing Bertie NC on S side of Chowan River 1.5 km below landing Glycymeris,Pecten,Venus,Rangia NC0021
Elizabethtown Bladen NC Cretaceous Black Creek Vertebrates-Testudines,fish,reptiles NC0022
Elizabethtown Bladen NC N side of Cape Fear River about 7.5 km E of Route 87 34d31mN-78d31m Cretaceous Black Creek|PeeDee Scapanorhynchus NC0023
Phoebus Landing Bladen NC Cretaceous Black Creek fish NC0024
Calabash Brunswick NC In Marina Exposures for Carolina Shores Development Co 600 meters South . Glycymeris,Mercenaria,Chione,Ostrea,Anadara,Chlamys,Busycon,Dentalium,Septastrea NC0025
Calabash Brunswick NC in excavations for Carolina Shores Marina mollusks NC0026
Core Creek Bridge Carteret NC on spoil banks 2 km NE Pliocene Arca,Cardita,Phacoides,Pecten NC0027
Kuhns Carteret NC In area marl pits Miocene fossils – 6 species of bryozoa. NC0028
Chatham NC In Deep River Coal Field Triassic Cumnock Vertebrates-phytosaurs-Rutiodon NC0034
Boren[?] Chatham NC In pits of Boren Clay Products Co Triassic Pekin plants,fish,reptiles NC0029 There doesn’t seem to be a Boren in North Carolina. Boren Clay products in Pleasant Garden has two licensed mines at 35.56160N 79.30190W and 35.56880N 79.29430W. Could be same site as Lexington,Lee County
Cumnock Chatham NC At Cumnock Mines Triassic Cumnock Vertebrates–phytosaurs-Rutiodon NC0030
Deep River Basin Chatham NC in a NE to SW trending outcrop from Durham through Wadesboro and on into South Carolina Triassic Newark fish,a few reptiles NC0031
Egypt Coal Mine Chatham NC Triassic Cumnock Vertebrates-amphibian-Eupelor;mammals-Dromatherium,Microconodon NC0032
Gulf? Chatham NC in several abandoned quarries in NW corner of the Sanford Basin Triassic Pekin plants,fish scales,reptile teeth,footprints,etc NC0033
Acme Columbus NC 5 km N on Right Bank of Cape Fear River at various localities along river Pliocene Waccamaw fossils – Eucrassatella NC0035
Acme Columbus NC 5 km NC on Right Bank of Cape Fear River at Niels Eddy Landing,famous fossil locality Pliocene Waccamaw ? NC0036 Niels Eddy Landing is East of Acme at 34.3505N,78.1743W
Acme Columbus NC In pits of Acme Fertilizer Co Equus NC0037
Acme Columbus NC at Acme Fertilizer Co quarry Pliocene mollusks NC0038
Columbus Columbus NC along N shore of Lake Waccamaw at pumping station in low bluff Miocene Belemnitella,Exogyra,pelecypods,gastropods redeposited from underlying Cretaceous beds NC0039
Lake Waccamaw Columbus NC Along N shore Cretaceous ? NC0040
Lake Waccamaw Columbus NC along north shore of Lake Waccamaw across NC 214 Pliocene Bear Bluff ? NC0041
Lake Waccamaw Columbus NC along north shore of Lake Waccamaw across NC 214 Pliocene-Pleistocene Waccamaw ? NC0042
Belgrade Craven NC In Superior Stone Co Quarry Eocene fossils NC0043
Belgrade Craven NC in Superior Stone Co Quarry Miocene Lower Trent Busycon,Calyptraea,Crepidula,Oliva,Arca NC0044
Dove Craven NC 6 km NE on Halfmoon Creek near Lenoir County line on Turkey Trap farm abundant,well preserved fossils. NC0045
Flanner Beach Craven NC At Croatan National Forest Recreation Area Pleistocene Flanner Beach ? NC0046
Fort Barnwell Craven NC 3.2km N in marl pits Eocene Castle Hayne shells. NC0047
Fort Barnwell Craven NC due N at Biddle Landing on Right bank of Cape Fear River Eocene Castle Hayne shell fragments NC0048
Maple Cypress Craven NC 1 km S of general store Miocene Yorktown Pecten,whale bones NC0049
New Bern Craven NC 25 km downstream in quarries and marl pits on N bank of Neuse River Miocene Pholas,Venus,Strombus,Murex,Cardium,Solen,Arca,Pecten,Ostrea,Patella,Pectunculus,Conus,Buccinum,Mya,Donax,Nerita,Madrepora,shark teeth,fish bones,Pleistocene mammal bones and teeth. NC0050
New Bern Craven NC 8km S on NC17 at Riverbend Plantation Miocene Trent Marl Shark teeth-Aetobatis,Alopias,Anomotodon,Aprionodon,Carcharhinus,Carcharodon,Dasyatis,Galeocerdo,Galeorhinus,Hemipristis,Heterodontus,Isurus,Manta,Myliobatis,Negaprion,Notorhynchus,Odontapsis,Rhinoptera,Rhizoprionodon,Scoliodon,Scyliorhinus,Sphyrna… NC0051 Additional genera-Squatina
New Bern Craven NC area exposures abundant fossils NC0052
Riverbend Plantation Craven NC Miocene Anomotodon,Negaprion,Heterodontus,Manta NC0053
Shell Landing Craven NC Along S side of Turkey Quarter Creek Eocene Castle Hayne ? NC0054
Fayetteville Cumberland NC in areas streams and rivers in greenish layer Cretaceous Dinosaur bones-Dryptosaurus,Phytosaurus,Mosasaurus,Plesiosaurus,Hypsibema,Ornithomimus,Hadrosaurus (Lophorhothon),Deinosuchus,Leidyosuchus;invertebrates,petrified wood NC0055 original says Leidyosuchus
Dare NC on area beaches Pliocene shells NC0056
Carlton[?] Duplin NC In Quarry 1 km W Eocene Castle Hayne mollusk casts and molds,echinoids,Pecten,a few fish teeth and ostracods NC0057 Can’t find a Carlton in North Carolina
Giddensville Duplin NC Crocodile teeth in Cretaceous PeeDee Phobosuchus NC0058
Magnolia Duplin NC 3 km SSW mollusks NC0059
Magnolia Duplin NC 3 km SW at Natural Well mollusks,shark teeth NC0060
Magnolia Duplin NC Area Sinks Miocene gastropods,scaphopods,pelecypods. NC0061
Magnolia Duplin NC Classic Locality – 3 km SW at Natural Well in sand and marl Miocene gastropods,scaphopods,pelecypods. NC0062
Magnolia Duplin NC Pit in Miocene Duplin Marl 3 km SW Miocene Duplin Marl Mollusks,echinoids,bryozoa NC0063
Natural Well Duplin NC on Albert Matthews property near Magnolia Eocene Castle Hayne ? NC0064
Durham Durham NC ‘nearby’ in Triangle Brick Company Quarry Triassic Newark dinosaur – rauisuchian dinosaur NC0065
Durham Basin Durham NC Triassic Newark crayfish NC0066
Battleboro Edgecombe NC 5 km S in sandy Limestone in fields and pits Miocene fossils NC0067
Old Sparta Edgecombe NC S bank of Tar River 1 km downstream from NC42, in shell bed 5m below top of bluff. Miocene Yorktown Mollusks NC0068
Old Sparta Edgecombe NC on W bank of Tar River Cretaceous Cape Fear ? NC0069
Old Sparta Edgecombe NC on W bank of Tar River Pliocene Pliocene Yorktown ? NC0070
Shiloh Mills Edgecombe NC 3 km NW of Tarboro on left (South?) bank of Tar River along US44 Ostrea,shark teeth NC0071
Tarboro Edgecombe NC 5 km NW at Bell’s Bridge in low bluff Divaricella NC0072
Tarboro Edgecombe NC In creek bed exposures that reveal a bone bed Miocene? Abundant bones and shark teeth NC0073
Tarboro Edgecombe NC along NC44 3 km N near bridge over Tar River fossils NC0074
Halifax Halifax NC S in ravine of tributary to Quankey Creek Miocene St Marys crustaceans,gastropods,scaphopods,pelecypods NC0075
Palmyra Landing Halifax NC 5.5 km downstream Balanus,Crepidula,Leda,Mulinia,Nucula,Ostrea,Phacoides,Yoldia,etc. NC0076
Weldon Halifax NC on Roanoke River in sands and clays at Palmyra Bluff Miocene St Marys numerous crustaceans,gastropods,scaphopods,etc. NC0077
Spout Springs Harnett NC 5 km NE near Reedy Swamp at head of Jumping Run in chalky Limestone Tertiary Trent bryozoa,echinoderms NC0078
Murfreesboro Hertford NC 1.5 km upstream on in clays on Left bank of Meherrin River Miocene St Marys abundant fossils NC0079
Murfreesboro Hertford NC 2 km downstream on Right bank of river Miocene Mulinia NC0080
Murfreesboro Hertford NC 2 km upstream in Clay beds Miocene many species NC0081
Murfreesboro Hertford NC 5 km downstream on Left bank of river Miocene Mulinia NC0082
Wiccacon Creek Hertford NC In sands Miocene many mollusk species NC0083
Haywood Landing Jones NC 11 km SE of Maysville on NC 52 in Croatan National Forest Oligocene-Miocene Belgrade ? NC0084
Sanford Lee NC Triassic abundant plants NC0085
Kinston Lenoir NC along banks of Mosely Creek NE of town Eocene Castle Hayne ? NC0086
Kinston Lenoir NC along banks of Mosely Creek NE of town Paleocene Beaufort ? NC0087
Snow Hill Lenoir NC 10 km downstream on Contentnea Creek Cretaceous ? NC0088
Snow Hill Lenoir NC along banks of Contentnea Creek (classic locality washed out by storm in late 19 Century) Cretaceous 100 species NC0089
Whitleys Creek Landing Lenoir NC on S bank of Neuse River 100 meters E from Whitleys Creek Cretaceous Upper Black Creek ? NC0090
Williamstown Martin NC 2 km NW Miocene typical faunas. NC0091
Williamstown Martin NC 4 km NW in marl pits Miocene abundant fossils NC0092
Williamstown Martin NC 5 km NW along Conoho Creek Miocene typical faunas. NC0093
Rocky Mount Nash NC W near power plant in marl pit Mulinia NC0094
Castle Hayne New Hanover NC In Ideal Cement Co Quarry Eocene mollusks,shark teeth NC0095
North Topsail Beach New Hanover NC In float Miocene Shark teeth – Carcharodon,ProCarcharodon,Odontapsis. Galeocerdo NC0096
Wilmington New Hanover NC Bryozoa Conopeum,Midronea[?],Hornera,Schizoporella,Cribrilaria,Stromatopora,Lichenopora NC0097 ‘Midronea’ might be a legitimate Bryozoan genus,but ‘Idmidronea’ seems a lot more likely
Wilmington New Hanover NC In city rock quarry Flabellum,Madracis,Endopachys,Balanophyllia,Echinoids,brachiopods,mollusks,bryozoa NC0098
Meherrin River Northampton NC 1 km below RR bridge Miocene Mulinia NC0099
Meherrin River Northampton NC near Virginia line on Right bank of River 2 km above RR bridge between Branchville,VA,and Margarettsville,NC Miocene Mulinia NC0100
Severn Northampton NC At US35 bridge to Boykins,VA,In blue clay Miocene ? NC0101
Maysville Onslow NC Martin-Marietta Belgrade Quarry,Maysville,Exposures of Aquitanian Belgrade Fm.,Chattian River Bend Fm. Fossils include shark + ray fauna,crocodiles,shells. NC0102
Silverdale Onslow NC In area marl pits Pliocene Pecten NC0103
Silverdale Onslow NC In unconsolidated shell marl Miocene Trent mollusks NC0104
Silverdale Onslow NC in Quarry 300 meters SE,shelly gravel and clayey coquina Miocene Lower Trent ? NC0105
Neuse River Pamlico NC 26 km S of New Berne on N bank fossils NC0106
Castle Hayne Pender NC Martin-Marietta Castle Hayne Quarry,Exposures of Lutetian stage Cretaceous-Eocene PeeDee|Castle Hayne ? NC0107
Maple Hill Pender NC In two marl pits (Lanier-Holly Creek) Eocene Castle Hayne ? NC0108
Rocky Point Pender NC In spoil banks W of Cape Fear Eocene mollusks,shark teeth NC0109
Rocky Point Pender NC Martin-Marietta Rocky Point Quarry,Exposure of Lutetian Castle Hayne Fm. + Maastrichtian Cretaceous PeeDee ? NC0110
Green’s Mill Run Pitt NC Exposure in stream bed Cretaceous Upper PeeDee|Black Creek Must dig and screen. Fossils include shark + ray faunas,cetacean remains,mosasaur teeth,belemnites. NC0111
Green’s Mill Run Pitt NC Exposure in stream bed of Yorktown Fm. and PeeDee Fm or Black Creek Fm Must dig and screen. Cretaceous Upper Yorktown|PeeDee|Black Creek Fossils include shark + ray faunas,cetacean remains,mosasaur teeth,belemnites. NC0112
Greens Mill Run Pitt NC Float material from sandbars Cretaceous-Pliocene Vertebrates-Shark Teeth NC0113
Greenville Pitt NC 10 km NW at Gorham Place in marl pit N of Tar River S of Tarboro Rd Cretaceous fossils NC0114
Greenville Pitt NC 11 km upstream at Blue Banks Landing Cretaceous Snow Hill Invertebrates NC0115
Greenville Pitt NC 2 km W along ravine Road gastropods,scaphopods – Dentalium,Pelecypods – Anomia,Astarte,Cardium,Crassatellites,Glycymeris,Mulinia,Ostrea,Pecten,Venus,Venericardia NC0116
Greenville Pitt NC 5 km W on W side of Harris Mill Run in marl pits gastropods,scaphopods – Dentalium,Pelecypods – Anomia,Astarte,Cardium,Crassatellites,Glycymeris,Mulinia,Ostrea,Pecten,Venus,Venericardia NC0117
Greenville Pitt NC 6 km SE on Hardee Creek in blue-gray sand Mulinia,coral,sharks teeth,many other shells NC0118
Greenville Pitt NC at Green Mill Run Creek on ECU campus mollusks-Ecphora,Shark Teeth NC0119
Greenville Pitt NC on Tar River just below bridge Miocene gastropods,Dentalium,Pelecypods NC0120
Lumberton Robeson NC Left bank of Lumber River 4 km East; 6.4 to 11.2km along Hwy 221 Miocene Duplin Marl broad mollusk-coral fauna NC0121
Eden Rockingham NC in VA Solite Quarry/Mine Triassic plants,bones,insects NC0122
Stokes Ferry Rowan? NC 18 km S of St George ? NC0123
Sampson NC King J Marl Pit Cretaceous Black Creek Vertebrates-Hypsibema NC0124
Albemarle Stanly NC In blocky cross bedded slates in creek bed Precambrian a few Pternidium,Vendospica NC0125
Oakboro Stanly NC Neoproterozoic McManus? Pteridinium (one of four known NC specimens) NC0126
Goldsboro Wayne NC Triassic abundant plants NC0127 Original says ‘Golsboro’
[?] NC Cretaceous Black Creek dinosaur bones – Hadrosaurus NC0129
Carolina Slate Belt [?] NC Avalonian trilobites from one or more localities I have not attempted to track down ? NC0128