Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
MO Along the Mississippi River from Cairo,IL to Baton Rouge,LA in loess (wind blown silt) deposits ranging from 9 to 23 meters in thickness and 50 to 100km in width (thicker in North and better developed on E side of river) Pleistocene terrestrial and occasional lacustrian gastropods. A few bivalves MO0001
Andrew MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0002
Cassville Barry MO SE part of Cassville quadrangle on tops of low hills Mississippian Upper Batesville (MO) Internal molds of bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods MO0003
Cassville Quadrangle Barry MO area exposures in a narrow band Mississippian Lower Reeds Spring corals,bryozoa – Evactinopora,Ptychospira,Shumardella,Spirophyton MO0004
Flat Creek Barry MO Near Cassville Mississippian Keokuk crinoidal Limestone with corals,blastoids,crinoids,echinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,trilobites,fish,conodonts MO0005
Seligman Barry MO area exposures Mississippian Upper Batesville (MO) Internal molds of bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods MO0006
Washburn Barry MO between Washburn and Seligman in down faulted block Mississippian Upper Hindsville abundant fossils corals,blastoids – Pentremites; brachiopods; pelecypods; gastropods – Bellerophon,Bembexia; Trilobites – Griffithides MO0007
Bates MO along Missouri River bluffs from Kansas line East for 65 km Pennsylvanian Kansas City Limestone abundant fossils of many taxa. MO0009
Bates MO from Missouri River to Iowa line in belt 50 km wide Pennsylvanian Kansas City Limestone abundant fossils of many taxa. MO0010
Hume Bates MO Pennsylvanian Kansas City Limestone abundant fossils of many taxa. MO0008
Crooked Creek Township Bollinger MO Cretaceous vertebrates on Chronister farm s26t31Nr9e, In clays in a lens of cretaceous bog (?) sediments in Ordovician rock. Cretaceous Ray teeth,turtle bones,Hadrosaur bones{7} MO0011
Crooked Creek[?] Bollinger MO in small deposit of blue black plastic clay at Chronister Farm in center s26t31nr9e Cretaceous a few reptile and fish bones MO0012
Columbia Boone MO area outcrops Pennsylvanian brachiopods,corals,sponges MO0013
Easley Boone MO 24 km SE of Columbia Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone Spirifer,Chonetes,Productus,many genera of crinoids and brachiopods MO0014
Easley Boone MO In RR cut Mississippian Lower Chouteau Limestone Shumardella,brachiopods (31 genera),bryozoa,crinoids,pelecypods,worms,corals,gastropods,cephalopods,blastoids,trilobites,fish(10 genera),conodonts,ostracods,sponges,forams MO0015
Ellisville Boone MO Projected road cuts on US30 in vicinity of Cedar Hill,Ballwin,Ellisville ? MO0016
Buchanan MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0019
St Joseph Buchanan MO Brachiopods -Enteletes MO0017
St Joseph Buchanan MO brachiopods Hustedia MO0018
Booneville Callaway MO in area exposures of channel sandstones Pennsylvanian Lepidodendron,Sigillaria MO0020
Booneville Callaway MO in crinoidal limestone Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone rare crinoid crowns MO0021
Cow Creek Callaway MO near mouth of creek in s22t47nr8w-s27t47nr8w Devonian Middle Snyder Creek abundant brachiopods,bryozoa,pelecypods,corals,crinoids MO0022
Fulton Callaway MO brachiopods Productella MO0023
Williamsburg Callaway MO 5 km N nw1/4s10t48nr7w Devonian Middle Callaway many genera of brachiopods,corals,crinoid fragments,pelecypods,gastropods,fish (Ptyctodus) MO0024
Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau MO Ordovician Maquoketa Trilobites Amphyxina(?) MO0025 Amphyxina may be Ampyxina
Trail of Tears State Park Cape Girardeau MO 2 km S in slabby purple and red Limestone along bank of Mississippi River Silurian Lower trilobites and cephalopods. MO0026
Harrisonville Cass MO 2 km S Carboniferous Upper Sniabar Limestone pelecypods MO0027
Pleasant Hill Cass MO brachiopods Orbiculoidea MO0028
Cane Hill Cedar MO 3 to 4 km N of bend 4 km E on Hwy T ? MO0029
Cane Hill Cedar MO 4 km E on Hwy T at bend in road ? MO0030
Umber Cedar MO 2 km S ? MO0031
Clay MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0033
Kansas City Clay MO Pennsylvanian Lane Shale Crinoids MO0032
Clinton MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0035
Clinton County Clinton MO in area coal beds trilobites – Phillipsia MO0034
Jefferson City Cole MO 14 km NE (10 km SE of Ashland) Devonian Middle Ashland Limestone abundant fossils — brachiopods -Rensselaeria,corals,trilobite MO0036
Cooper MO In E part of county Devonian Cooper (MO) Limestone abundant corals,gastropod – Turbinopsis MO0038
Clifton City Cooper MO on Katy Trail Devonian-Mississippian Cooper (MO)|Burlington|Chouteau crinoids,brachiopods,cephalopods,fish bones and teeth,corals,pelecypods,trilobites,worms MO0037
Crisp Dade MO 3 km EW in bluff of Sac River ? MO0039
Gallatin Daviess MO In marine layer in coal measures fossils MO0040
DeKalb MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0041
Ash Grove Greene MO 2 km W Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone Spirifer,Chonetes,Productus,many genera of crinoids and brachiopods MO0042
King Butte Greene MO 16 km N in Limestone Mississippian Lower Northview abundant brachiopods- Cleiothyridina,Athyris,Delthyris,Spirifer; Pelecypods – Promacrus,gastropod molds,17 species of cephalopod. a few trilobite fragments MO0043
Springfield Greene MO Rare crinoid crowns in crinoidal Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone ? MO0044
Springfield Greene MO area exposures a few km S West to MacDonald County Mississippian Lower Reeds Spring corals,bryozoa – Evactinopora,Ptychospira,Shumardella,Spirophyton MO0045
Springfield Greene MO in cave deposits at River Buff Cave Pleistocene Diverse fauna-bear,turtles,pigs,snakes,etc MO0046
Bethany Harrison MO 7 km S Pennsylvanian Cherryvale pelecypod – Fasciculiconcha MO0047
Lucas Henry MO Pennsylvanian Cherokee Shale Edestid shark teeth – Fadenia MO0048
Montrose Henry MO Pennsylvanian Tebo|Mulkay Coal Crossopterygian fish scales Rhizodopsis MO0049
Bixby Iron MO in chert boulders along the headwaters of Huzzah Creek ? MO0050
Bixby Iron MO in chert boulders in the vicinity ? MO0051
Jackson,Clay MO Crinoids Delocrinus MO0052
Jasper MO NE Mississippian Warsaw crinoids Pustula,Rhipidomella,brachiopods,bryozoa,blastoids MO0053
Centerville Jasper MO 2.2 km S crinoids MO0054
Centerville Jasper MO in Middle Pennsylvanian Burgner Formation in mine dumps 2.5 km S Pennsylvanian Middle Burgner crinoids – Synbathocrinus,Anchicrinus MO0055
Webb City Jasper MO Gastropods -Straparollus MO0056
Jasper,Newton MO In area shaley conglomeratic Limestone exposures Mississippian Upper Carterville abundant corals,blastoids,crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,trilobites,fishes,etc. MO0057
Jefferson MO New Melle,St Charles County in Joerling Brothers Quarry Ordovician Middle Plattin brachiopods,trace fossils,corals,bryozoa MO0066
Jefferson MO near mouth of Plattin Creek Ordovician Middle Plattin brachiopods,trace fossils,corals,bryozoa MO0067
Barnhart Jefferson MO in Goetz Quarry at Glen Echo Park in Ordovician Middle Kimmswick Trilobites and Brachiopods MO0058
Cedar Hill Jefferson MO Projected road cuts on US30 in vicinity of Cedar Hill,Ballwin,Ellisville ? MO0059
Glenn Park Jefferson MO Trilobites,Bumastus MO0060
Hamburg Jefferson MO from Missouri River to Massey’s Creek – Limestone Ordovician Middle abundant sponges,corals,graptolites,cystoids,crinoids. bryozoa,brachiopods. pelecypods,cephalopods,trilobites MO0061
Jefferson County Jefferson MO In regional outcrops this and adjacent counties in limestones silicified plants,graptolites,sponges,corals,crinoids,annelids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods,trilobites,crustacea,ostracods,conodonts MO0062
Kimmswick Jefferson MO Limestone Ordovician Middle abundant sponges,corals,graptolites,cystoids,crinoids. bryozoa,brachiopods. pelecypods,cephalopods,trilobites MO0063
Plattin Creek Jefferson MO In Limestone near creek mouth silicified plants,graptolites,sponges,corals,crinoids,annelids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods,trilobites,crustacea,ostracods,conodonts MO0064
Sulphur Springs Jefferson MO In sandstones Mississippian Bushberg Ptyctodus teeth,brachiopods MO0065
Knobnoster Johnson MO brachiopods – Mesolobus MO0068
Moscow Mills Lincoln MO W in Limestone quarry Mississippian Warsaw crinoids Pustula,Rhipidomella,brachiopods,bryozoa,blastoids MO0069
Fredricktown Madison MO Cambrian Upper Elvins ? MO0070
Fredricktown Madison MO area exposures Cambrian Upper Davis large diverse trilobite fauna MO0071
St Francois Mountains Madison MO Cambrian Upper Elvins Shale 50 Genera of trilobites and brachiopods from the Elvins Shale,Davis Formation and Doerun Dolomite: MO0072
St Francois Mountains Madison MO in Cambrian Upper Bonneterre,Potosi,Eminence Formations 2.7 km WSW of Irondale on E bank Of Big River. Cambrian Upper Mollusks – Monoplacophora MO0073
St Francois Mountains Madison MO on E side in thin beds of shales and shaley limestones in dolomite Cambrian Bonneterre abundant brachiopods – 12 species,trilobites (41 species),corals,crinoid fragments,gastropods MO0074
Marion MO area outcrops Devonian Grassy Creek Shale abundant fish teeth Ptychostylus,Sporangites,12 other species,abundant conodonts,plants,corals,annelids,crinoids,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods – Goniatites?,Orthoceras? MO0075
Marion,Ralls MO 11 km N Mississippian Lower Hannibal Scalarituba,conodonts,Spirophyton,Taonurus,gastropods,cephalopod fragments,trilobite fragments,brachiopods MO0076
Marion,Ralls MO 8 km N on Clear Creek in S12T57nr5w Mississippian Lower Hannibal Cacalarituba[?],conodonts,Spirophyton,Taonurus,gastropods,cephalopod fragments,trilobite fragments,brachiopods MO0077 Can not identify a genus ‘Cacalarituba’
Marion,Ralls MO Rare crinoid crowns in crinoidal Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone ? MO0078
Marion,Ralls MO quarry yielding complete crinoids closed to collecting in 1980 due to vandalism (blasting) by collectors ? MO0079
Princeton Mercer MO In marine layer in coal measures fossils MO0080
Tipton Moniteau MO on in quarry on MO5 Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone blastoids,echinoids,echinoids,corals,gastropods,worm tubes MO0081
Montgomery City Montgomery MO In Sandstone Mississippian Lower Bushberg Rhipidomella,Cyrtina. Syringothyris,4 species of pelecypods,2 trilobite species,Paryphorhynchus MO0082
Udall Ozark MO In Ordovician Lower chert masses in road cuts and lake shore of Norfolk Lake Sponges,Trilobites,Cephalopods MO0083
Lithium Perry MO In blue-gray limestones in Bluffs of tributary streams in area Mississippian Upper Chester fauna plus pelecypods and gastropods MO0084 Can’t find any citations for a Gloconda formation
Lithium Perry MO In blue-gray limestones in Mississippi River Bluffs Mississippian Upper Chester fauna plus pelecypods and gastropods MO0085 Can’t find any citations for a Gloconda formation
Mystery Cave Perry MO Pleistocene? elephant bone {7} MO0086
Wittenburg Perry MO Upstream from 4 to 20 km in bluffs between Red Rock and Gills Point Mississippian Upper Glen Dean abundant fossils – 36 species MO0087
Sedalia Pettis MO Coral Chaetetes MO0088
Sedalia Pettis MO Rare crinoid crowns in crinoidal Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone ? MO0089
Sedalia Pettis MO in exposures to N Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone Spirifer,Chonetes,Productus,many genera of crinoids and brachiopods MO0090
Rolla Phelps MO Mississippian St Genevieve Limestone mollusks Straparolus MO0091
Rolla Phelps MO West in chert beds Ordovician Lower Gasconade primitive mollusks,a few trilobites MO0092
Pike MO area outcrops Devonian Grassy Creek Shale abundant fish teeth Ptychostylus,Sporangites,12 other species,abundant conodonts,plants,corals,annelids,crinoids,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods – Goniatites?,Orthoceras? MO0096
Clarksville Pike MO on W side of MO79 6.5 km S. Ordovician Upper Bryant Knob Large brachiopod beds. MO0093 Original said ‘Clarkville,Park Cy
Cyrene Pike MO Devonian Upper Brachiopods -Dalmanella MO0094
Cyrene Pike MO Silurian Edgewood Limestone abundant corals – Calapoecia,Clathrodictyon,Favosites,Halysites,Lyellia,Zaphrentis; crinoids – Calceocrinus,Gisocrinus,Glyptocrinus,Lampterocrinus?; many brachiopod species,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods,trilobites MO0095
Platte MO regional exposures Pennsylvanian Douglas (KS) very abundant fossils brachiopods; 30 species of pelecypods,32 species of gastropods MO0098
Weston Platte MO brachiopods Beecheria MO0097
Ralls MO area outcrops Devonian Grassy Creek Shale abundant fish teeth Ptychostylus,Sporangites,12 other species,abundant conodonts,plants,corals,annelids,crinoids,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods – Goniatites?,Orthoceras? MO0101
Rensselaer Ralls MO In area exposures Devonian Mineola Limestone abundant crinoid heads,bryozoa – Cyclotrypa;Spirifer,Cranaea,Stereocrinus,Acervularia,Favosites,Ptyctodus MO0099
Saverton Ralls MO 2 km SW Devonian Louisiana abundant sponges,corals. annelids,blastoids,crinoids,fish MO0100
Lesterville Reynolds MO Cambrian Upper Elvins ? MO0102
Eminence Shannon MO In center of NE1/4s27t29nr4w Cambrian Eminence dolomite Taeniospira,Plethopeltis,many trilobites,many gastropods MO0103
Eminence Shannon MO area exposures of cherty dolomite Cambrian Eminence mollusks,trilobites MO0104
Grassy Creek Shannon MO in s33,s34t30nr4w in cherts Ordovician Gasconade dolomite Ophileta,Ozarkina,Ozarkotoma[?],Cameroceras,Clarkoceras,Euomphalopsis,Chepultapecia MO0105 No citations for Ozarkotoma or anything similar 051126
Round Spring Shannon MO In road cut 3 km N on Hwy 19 in Cambrian Upper Eminence ? MO0106
Clarksville St Charles MO Silurian Bowling Green Dolomite Ten genera of trilobites MO0107
Bonneterre St Francois MO E,1.6km S of Jaydee,MO,in Terre Bleu Creek in green beds and limestones of Cambrian Upper Bonneterre trilobites,Coosia,Crepicephalus MO0108
Elvins St Francois MO Cambrian Upper Elvins ? MO0109
Elvins St Francois MO area exposures Cambrian Upper Davis large diverse trilobite fauna MO0110
Flat River St Francois MO brachiopods Eoorthis MO0111
Establishment Creek St Genevieve MO Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone Spirifer,Chonetes,Productus,many genera of crinoids and brachiopods MO0112
Little Saline Creek St Genevieve MO Devonian Bailey Limestone silicified fossils – sponges,corals,cystoids,blastoids,crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,trilobites MO0113
Little Saline Creek St Genevieve MO In Ozora Marble Co quarry 43 species of brachiopods,21 species of gastropods,17 species of trilobites MO0114
St Genevieve St Genevieve MO Ordovician Maquoketa Shale Cephalopods – Orthoceras MO0115
St Genevieve St Genevieve MO 29 km SW in W part of s8t37nr8e in highly fossiliferous chert Ordovician Cotter gastropods – Ceratopea,Coelocaulus,Eccyliopterus,Euconia;Cephalopods – Aphetoceras,Cameroceras,Clitendoceras,Cotteroceras,Cycloplectoceras,Diaphoroceras,Endocycloceras MO0116
St Genevieve St Genevieve MO 7 km W Ordovician Decorah corals,crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,gastropods MO0117
White Sound St Genevieve MO Mississippian Keokuk Internal molds of bryozoa,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods MO0118
St Louis MO area outcrops Devonian Grassy Creek Shale abundant fish teeth Ptychostylus,Sporangites,12 other species,abundant conodonts,plants,corals,annelids,crinoids,brachiopods,pelecypods,gastropods,cephalopods – Goniatites?,Orthoceras? MO0134
St Louis MO in formations in Bellefontaine Quarry Mississippian St Genevieve|St Louis brachiopods,corals,conodonts MO0135
Babler State Park St Louis MO Mississippian Lower Fern Glen macrocrinoids,microcrinoid,brachiopods Shumardella,brachiopods (31 genera),bryozoa,crinoids,pelecypods,worms,corals,gastropods,cephalopods,blastoids,trilobites,fish(10 genera),conodonts,ostracods,sponges,forams MO0119
Ballwin St Louis MO Projected road cuts on US30 in vicinity of Cedar Hill,Ballwin,Ellisville ? MO0120
Fenton St Louis MO Road cut at intersection of MO141 and MO30. Mississippian ? MO0121
Fern Glen St Louis MO Mississippian Lower Fern Glen macrocrinoids,microcrinoid,brachiopods. Shumardella,brachiopods (31 genera),bryozoa,crinoids,pelecypods,worms,corals,gastropods,cephalopods,blastoids,trilobites,fish(10 genera),conodonts,ostracods,sponges,forams MO0122
Fort Bellefontaine St Louis MO in quarry Mississippian St Genevieve|St Louis brachiopods,corals,conodonts MO0123
St Louis St Louis MO Conularia MO0124
St Louis St Louis MO 29 km SW in fine,bluish-gray argillaceous shale () and black platy shale Pennsylvanian Cherokee pelecypods – Dunbarella MO0125
St Louis St Louis MO In quarry of Missouri Portland Cement Co or Riverview Drive in fine,bluish-gray agrillaceous shale () and black platy shale Pennsylvanian Cherokee pelecypods -Dunbarella MO0126
St Louis St Louis MO In road cuts on I170 on the E side of Lambert International Airport in shales,coal,limestone,etc. Macrofossils may also be found in phosphate nodules Pennsylvanian Bandera|Altamont fossils-invertebrates,marine vertebrates MO0127 http://www.lakeneosho.org/King1.html
St Louis St Louis MO Knight Locality 43 Pennsylvanian Labette Shale Pelecypod-Euchondria http://books.google.com/books?id=svVskArvqRAC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=abbott+pennsylvanian+fossils&source=web&ots=lOtHaJf56y&sig=NJ5TQEVUMG0nHqmfhmFd1_ZhOUg#PPA113,M1
St Louis St Louis MO Near intersection of I44 and I244 and W of the intersection along I44. In multicolored Mississippian Warsaw Shale interbedded with crinoidal Limestone. Underlain by Keokuk Limestone. Overlain by Salem Limestone. Crinoid pockets at Keokuk-Warsaw contact Mississippian Warsaw Trilobites -Ditomopyge,Proetus,Mollusks – Platyceras,Echinoids MO0128
St Louis St Louis MO On Cragwold Road accessible from Geyer Road near I44 – I270 junction Mississippian ? MO0129 Original cites I244 which became I270 in 1970. Check a map. The road network in this area defies verbal description
St Louis St Louis MO area exposures Pennsylvanian Fort Scott Limestone pelecypods – Fasciculiconcha MO0130
St Louis St Louis MO near junction of I44 and I270. Abundant fossils,edrioasteroids,brittle stars,crinoids,conularia,fish teeth,brachiopods,conularia,bryozoa MO0131 Site reportedly buried by freeway construction in 1994
Vigus St Louis MO in S pit Vigus Quarries Mississippian corals,stromatolites MO0132
Vigus St Louis MO in South Pit of Vigus Quarries in limestone Mississippian St Louis brachiopods,corals,stromatolites,conodonts MO0133
Idalia Stoddard MO In a clay pit (Location now unknown) on Crowley’s Ridge. Eocene Fort Union Well preserved leaves Paleolist 01/13/2008 02:57 PM
Reeds Spring Stone MO area exposures Mississippian Lower Reeds Spring corals,bryozoa -Evactinopora,Ptychospira,Shumardella,Spirophyton MO0136
Jacks Fork Texas MO In N bank in s25t28nr7w in area outcrops Ordovician Roubidoux Syntrophia,Roubidouxia,Lecanospira,Cryptozoon MO0137
Schell City Vernon MO 24 km SW Lepidodendron trunk sections MO0138
Belgrade Washington MO Cambrian ? MO0139
Belgrade Washington MO area exposures Cambrian Upper Davis large diverse trilobite fauna MO0140
Irondale Washington MO on E bank Big River 2.7 km W-SW 700 meters below a rhyolite outcrop Cambrian Upper ? MO0141
Northview Webster MO Siltstone tracks,limonite snails,cephalopods,brachiopods weathering from shale. MO0142
[?] MO Devonian Grassy Creek Limestone Mollusks Platyceras MO0143