Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
IN Northernmost Indiana in marl pits in Pleistocene lake bed deposits Pleistocene small gastropods,bivalves,ostracods
IN Ohio River Valley in occasional exposures of yellow silt Pleistocene small gastropods,bivalves,ostracods
IN Wabash River Valley in occasional exposures of yellow silt Pleistocene small gastropods,bivalves,ostracods
IN on IN56 In outcrop with geodes Mississippian brachiopods,conularids,shark teeth,pectens,crinoid columns IN0246
Jay City Adams IN area quarries Silurian Huntington Favosites,Halysites,Heliolites,Zaphrentis,Atrypa,Leptaena,Meristina,Pentamerus,Stropheodonta,Orthoceras IN0002
Allen IN in thin shale band Devonian Silica Phacops IN0007
Woodburn Allen IN between Hwy 24 and Maumee River Devonian Middle Silica|Tenmile Creek cnidarians,crinoids,bryozoa,placoderms,trilobites,brachiopods,ostracods,trace fossils IN0003
Woodburn Allen IN between IN24 and Maumee River in quarry Devonian Dundee Cnidarians,crinoids,bryozoa,placoderms,trace fossils,brachiopods,trilobites,ostracods IN0004
Woodburn Allen IN between Maumee River and IN24 in quarry Devonian Dundee Limestone coral,crinoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,trilobites,trace fossils. IN0005
Woodburn Allen IN in quarry between Maumee R and IN24 Devonian Dundee|Silica|Tenmile Creek broad fauna IN0006
Elizabethtown Bartholomew IN 3.5 km NE at Meshberger Stone Co quarry Devonian abundant stromatoporoids,brachiopods,corals IN0008
Hartsville Bartholomew IN Silurian brachiopods,blastoids,corals IN0009
Hartsville Bartholomew IN At Anderson Falls on Fall Fork of Clifty Creek Silurian Waldron Trilobites,crinoids IN0010
Hartsville Bartholomew IN In quarry on IN46 at edge of town and in adjacent creek banks and road cuts Silurian Waldron Good collecting IN0011
Hartsville Bartholomew IN SW of town in quarry on NW side of IN46 in roadcuts on SE side of the highway in blue-gray shale between two limestones. NE1/4S2T9NR7E Silurian https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Delphi Carroll IN Area exposures in Wabash Valley between Delphi and Huntington Silurian Poorly preserved reef fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Delphi Carroll IN In Delphi Limestone Co Quarry at NW edge of town on N side US421. Devonian Middle New Albany Shale Conularids – Ctenoconularia. IN0012
Delphi Carroll IN In the Stuntz-Yeoman Quarry to NW Silurian Poorly preserved,but abundant brachiopods IN0013
Delphi Carroll IN NW at Stuntz-Yeoman quarry Silurian brachiopods IN0014
Delphi Carroll IN W in Stunz-Yeoman Co Quarry 1.3km NW of IN25 IN39 Junction Silurian Poorly preserved reef fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Delphi Carroll IN in quarry on N side US21 conularids IN0015
Georgetown Cass IN 2 km E at Cedar Rapids on Wabash River in marble like pinkish Limestone and S for 2 km Silurian many brachiopods — Conchidium,Wilsonia[?],others ; corals;stromatoporoids IN0016 ‘Wilsonia’ is a bird – a warbler. Probably ‘Wilsoniella’ a Paleozoic brachiopod
Georgetown Cass IN area gullies silicified shells. IN0019 There is no Georgetown County in Indiana. There are six(!) towns named ‘Georgetown’ in the state. I’d go with the one in Cass county which is the only Georgetown near a large body of water — the Wabash River.
Logansport Cass IN 3.6km E in France Stone Co Quarry NE1/4S27T27NR2E Silurian-Devonian Corals https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Logansport Cass IN 7 km E just N of US24 in quarry Devonian corals,stromatoporoids IN0017
Logansport Cass IN in area quarries marine fossils IN0018
Clark IN In a bone bed at the top of the Jeffersonville Limestone. Abundant vertebrate fossils at one (unspecified) quarry site Devonian Jeffersonville vertebrates;fish teeth,bones http://www.lakeneosho.org/Temp91.html
Clark IN in chert beds Devonian New Castle Chert Phacops IN0041
Borden Clark IN 6 km SW in sand pit in chert cobbles Paleocene corals – Lithostrotionella,bryozoa,gastropods,pelecypods,ostracods IN0020
Carwood Clark IN In roadcut 1.6km N in green shale S4T1SR6E Mississippian fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Charleston Clark IN 3.8 km E in Road Cut on E side of IN62 / Fourteen Mile Creek 43km W of entrance to Clifty Falls State Park in 40m of Ordovician-Silurian beds Ordovician-Devonian Richmond|Waldron|Jeffersonville abundant fossils in some layers IN0021
Charleston Clark IN NE in Charleston Quarry Silurian-Devonian Louisville|Jeffersonville A few fossils IN0022
Charlestown Clark IN Bryozoa Syringopora IN0023
Charlestown Clark IN pelecypod Paracyclas IN0024
Charlestown-Speed-Sellersburg area Clark IN Brachiopods – Desquamatia IN0025
Clarksville Clark IN At Falls Of the Ohio State Park. Exit 0 on I65 and follow signs West to park Silurian Waldron Dump material from quarries sometimes available at the park for collecting IN0026
Claysburg Clark IN 2 km N in quarry Devonian brachiopods IN0027
Corn Island Clark IN Opposite Louisville,KY–Largely removed by quarrying and subsequently flooded by downstream navigation lock Devonian New Albany fish-Dinichthys IN0028
Falls of the Ohio Clark IN Devonian Onondaga Limestones Corals,Pleurodictyum IN0029
Falls of the Ohio Clark IN 2 km downstream from bridge shells IN0030
Falls of the Ohio Clark IN at Indiana side of falls corals and shells 2 meters above IN0031
Jeffersonville Clark IN W on Riverside Drive near Pennsylvannia RR Bridge and Dam 41 in river bank Devonian fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Jeffersonville Clark IN in quarry (permission reqd)in clay fills Devonian North Vernon diverse silicified fossils IN0032
Jeffersonville Clark IN in quarry (permission reqd)in spoil piles Silurian Waldron diverse fossils IN0033
Sellersburg Clark IN Devonian corals IN0034
Sellersburg Clark IN Sellersburg Quarry in exposure of Upper Silurian and Devonian formations Silurian-Devonian fossils IN0035
Speed Clark IN In Essroc Quarry-Edgewood fauna Devonian Middle Abundant diverse fossils IN0247
Speed Clark IN Louisville Cement Company Quarry in good exposure of Upper Silurian and Devonian formations Silurian-Devonian fossils IN0037
Speed Clark IN at Louisville Cement Co Quarry Devonian Corals and brachiopods IN0038
Speed Clark IN in quarry in 2 meter thick Limestone Devonian Speed Limestone bryozoa,brachiopods,corals IN0039
Utica Clark IN Coral Stromatopora IN0040
Indian Creek Clark? IN Mississippian Crinoids –Synbathocrinus IN0042
Cloverland Clay IN Cephalopod Temnocheilus IN0043
Coal City Clay IN old coal pits along county line. 1.6km N, W of IN159 in shaly limestone SE1/4S2T9NR6W Pennsylvanian corals, brachiopods,microfossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Alton Crawford IN 5 km NW Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone a few brachiopods,crinoid stems IN0044
Eckerty Crawford IN 1 km S of junction of IN145 and IN64 in quarry Mississippian Glen Dean crinoids,brachiopods,blastoids IN0045
Eckerty Crawford IN 3.5 km N of junction of IN145 and IN64 near Mulzer Brothers quarry in shale and Limestone on quarry dumps–This appears to be a garbled description of a site 1km S of IN145 IN64 junction Mississippian abundant,well-preserved fossils IN0046
Eckerty Crawford IN 4 km N and 1 km S of junction of IN145 and IN64 in quarry fenestrate bryozoa IN0047
Eckerty Crawford IN In Mulzer Brothers quarry 1.3km S of IN145 IN64 junction. Mississippian Glen Dean Crinoids,brachiopods,bryozoa,blastoids IN0048
English Crawford IN 5 km N in abandoned quarry crinoid stems,brachiopods,tetracorals IN0049
Grantsburg Crawford IN Mississippian fossils IN0248
Grantsburg Crawford IN several km N on IN37 in road cut Mississippian Chester blastoids,brachiopods,bryozoa,conularia,corals,crinoids,mollusks,shark teeth,trilobites IN0051
Marengo Crawford IN Mississippian fossils IN0249
Milltown Crawford IN In quarries fossils shells. IN0053
Sulfur Crawford IN 1 km E in road cuts on IN62 near Little Blue River Mississippian extensive faunas IN0054
Sulfur Crawford IN In road cuts on Hwy 62 on W bluff of Little Blue River 0.8km E. Mississippian Glen Dean Extensive faunas. IN0055
Sulphur Crawford IN 2 km se on SW side of IN62 Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone brachiopods,large crinoid stems IN0056
Sulphur Crawford IN Intersection of I64 and IN37 (Exit 86) in road cut Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone|Tar Springs|Haney|Hardinsburg blastoids,brachiopods,bryozoa,conularia,corals,crinoids,mollusks,shark teeth,trilobites IN0057
Sulphur Crawford IN at IN37 I64 junction in large road cut Mississippian Haney|Indian Springs (IN) Shale brachiopods,blastoids,crinoids,pelecypods,bryozoa,brachiopods,gastropods,conularids,horn corals,shark teeth and scales,cephalopods,trace fossils,and occasional trilobites. IN0058
Sulphur Crawford IN in road cuts along IN62 along Little Blue River Mississippian invertebrates,classic crinoid site IN0059
Wyandotte Cave Crawford IN A few km W Mississippian Chester vertebrates-Gyracanthus IN0060
Lawrenceburg Dearborn IN W in roadcut On E side of IN48 as it goes up Ohio River bluff W1/2S15T5NR1W Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
St Leon Dearborn IN 1.6km E in roadcuts on US46 Ordovician Richmond Brachiopods-Rafinesquina;Bryozoa IN0061
Weisburg Dearborn IN Ordovician Brachiopods – Sowerbyella IN0062
Weisburg Dearborn IN Ordovician Upper Maysville|Waynesville brachiopods – Platystrophia,Rafinesquina IN0063
Weisburg Dearborn IN In 14.4km of RR cuts between Weisburg and Guilford. Fossils are more abundant near Weisburg but are found throughout the cuts Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Weisburg Dearborn IN In RR Cuts Ordovician Richmond fossils – trilobites IN0064
Weisburg Dearborn IN Railroad cuts near Weisburg,In Ordovician Richmond Waynesville – Elkhorn IN0065
Wilmington Dearborn IN 2.1km W in road cut on IN350 Ordovician Richmond Brachiopods-Dalmanella;gastropods,bryozoa IN0066
Sandusky Decatur IN 500 meters E in Vail Stone Co Quarry Silurian fossils IN0067
Waldron Decatur IN 500 meters E in Vail Stone Co Quarry Silurian varied brachiopods IN0068
St Paul Decatur? IN In quarry a few hundred meters NW of town and W of RR tracks. Silurian Waldron ? IN0069
Holland Dubois IN 2 km SE E of a culvert on Pokeberry creek on IN161 Pennsylvanian Staunton Annelids – Sirorbis; crinoid columnals; bryozoa – Prismopora,Rhombopora; brachiopods -Hustedia,Composita,Marginifera; gastropods; ostracods -Amphissites,Bairdia; trilobite fragments,conodonts; forams IN0070
Edwardsville Floyd IN Mississippian Keokuk Fish teeth-Cochliodus IN0071
Edwardsville Floyd IN Mississippian Salem fish teeth-Helodus IN0072
Edwardsville Floyd IN Mississippian Warsaw Shark teeth-Petalodus IN0073
Floyds Knobs Floyd IN Just off I64 at Greenville exit 119 Mississippian Edwardsville|Ramp Creek brachiopods,bryozoa,crinoids,ichnofossils IN0074
Attica Fountain IN old shale pit 1.6km NE. S of secondary road and near RR tracks. SE1/4S32T22NR7W Pennsylvanian https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Brookville Franklin IN Bryozoa Rhombotrypa IN0075 Original said ‘Rhomotrypa’
Brookville Franklin IN 1.6lm N in roadcut on Bon Well Hill at junction of IN101 and Brookville Dam Road,39d26m13s 84d58m41s Ordovician Oregonia|Waynesville Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0076 Oregonia (shallow subtidal),Waynesville(Offshore)
Brookville Franklin IN 8km N In roadcuts along IN101 39d29m15s 85d56m55s Ordovician Waynesville|Whitewater|Saluda Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0077 Waynesville (Offshore),Whitewater (Shallow subtidal),Saluda(Lagoonal)
Brookville Franklin IN In deposits along Little Cedar Creek Pleistocene Mollusks,Vertigo,Pupilla,Columella,Discus. IN0078
Cedar Grove Franklin IN At South Gate Hill in roadcuts on IN1 3km S of US52 39d21m30sN 84d57m17sW Ordovician Oregonia|Waynesville|Liberty|Whitewater|Saluda Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0079 Oregonia(shallow subtidal)|Waynesville(offshore)|Liberty(deep subtidal)|Whitewater(shallow subtidal)|Saluda(lagoonal)
Peppertown Franklin IN in old roadcut 4.8km W. NW from IN 229 in Peppertown 2.72km to series of road junctions — Left, then Right, cross Salt Creek and keep left. 1.3km and turn Right. 300m to roadcut W1/2S17T11NR12E Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
St Mary’s Franklin IN 3.2km N in roadcut Ordovician Richmond Leptaena,Platystrophia,Rafinesquina,Rhynchotrema,Dalmanella,Hebertella,Byssonychia,bivalves,Cyclonema,Flexicalymene,Bryozoa IN0080
Fairmount Grant IN Pleistocene beaver Castoroides IN0081
Marion Grant IN In city park along W side of Missessinewa River in bioherm Silurian typical reef fossils. IN0082
Mier Grant IN 2 km SE in abandoned quarry on Pipe Creek Cladopora,Eridophyllum,Favosites,Heliolites,Zaphrentis,Conchidium,Leptaena,Rhipidomella IN0083 Reportedly Mier is largely defunct. USGS puts Mier at 40.575N 85.826W
Coalmont Greene IN old mines 1.6km N, W of IN159 in shaly limestone S19,30T8NR7W Pennsylvanian pyritized gastropods, brachiopods,bivalves, crinoid stems, petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Coalmont Greene IN old mines 1.6km N, W of IN159 in shaly limestone S19,30T8NR7W Pennsylvanian pyritized gastropods, brachiopods,bivalves, crinoid stems, petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Coalmont Greene IN old mines W then N on W side of county-line road in shaly limestone S19,30T8NR7W Pennsylvanian pyritized gastropods, brachiopods,bivalves, crinoid stems, petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Gilmour Greene IN old mines N and S of town in shaly limestone S13,18,19,24S8T8NR7W Pennsylvanian pyritized gastropods, brachiopods,bivalves, crinoid stems, petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Jasonville Greene IN From CMSP rr crossing in Jasonville on IN 48 go 13 blocks W. S 2.4km. W across RR spur 620m W and N 480m to pit with exposed shaly limestones — pyritized fossils SE1/4S8T8NR7W Pennsylvanian pyritized gastropods, brachiopods,bivalves, crinoid stems, petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Newport Greene IN 2 km W Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone large crinoid stems,gastropods,Pentremites fragments,brachiopods IN0084
Owensburg Greene IN 3km N near Sexson Spring Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone large crinoid stems IN0085
Ridgeport Greene IN 2 km NW nw1/4ne1/4s11t7nr4w in quarry Pennsylvanian[?] crinoid stems; brachiopods: Martinia,Composita,Cleiothyridina,Echinoconchus,Productus,Linoproductus,;Bryozoa – Archimedes; blastoids – Pentremites IN0086 There is a Birch Creek in Indiana,but the Geolex data base lists Birch Creek members/formations only in Oklahoma and Alaska
Ridgeport Greene IN 600 meters NE on IN54 Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone crinoid stems,Archimedes,brachiopods,gastropods IN0087
Hamilton IN Ordovician Cincinnatian numerous fossils in limey shales IN0090
Fishersburg[?] Hamilton IN In bioherm Silurian reef fossils IN0088 Probably ‘Fishers a.k.a. Fishers Station’
Noblesville Hamilton IN 7 km NE along White River in Bioherm at Conners Mill Silurian reef fossils IN0089
Corydon Harrison IN At Corydon Quarry at junction between Paoli Limestone and Mooretown Shale Mississippian Paoli|Mooretown Fossil debris? Paleolist- 02/03/2008 08:19 PM
Corydon Harrison IN area exposures fossils IN0091
Depauw Harrison IN 3 km E in ditch along County road in NW1/4sw1/4s15t2sr3e Mississippian St Genevieve Limestone crinoid stems IN0092
Lanesville Harrison IN Mississippian Salem fish teeth-Chomatodus,Chromatodus,Cladodus,Ctenacanthus,Deltodus,Deltopsis,Helodus,Orodus,Psephodus,Sandalodus IN0093
Bedford[?] Harrison[?] IN area exposures many fossils. IN0094 It is unclear whether this is a reference to Bedford in Lawrence County or Bradford in Harrison County
Kokomo Howard IN In area quarries. Well preserved faunas Silurian Kokomo Limestone algae,Ceratiocaris,Anomalocaris?,Buthotrephis,Eurypterus,Eusarcus,Stylonurus IN0095
Kokomo Howard IN on W. Markland Ave in quarry Silurian Missessinewa Shale graptolites IN0096
Huntington IN In regional bioherms Silurian fossils IN0104
Huntington Huntington IN 1 km S graptolites IN0097
Huntington Huntington IN 1.6km E on US24 from Erie RR Xing. S on N Broadway, E on Sabine Street. Fossils in Erie Stone Company Quarry SE1/4S12T28NR9E Silurian Abundant moderately well preserved brachiopods and corals https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Huntington Huntington IN 200 meters S in bioherm in quarry Silurian Stromatoporoids,gastropods,brachiopods IN0098
Huntington Huntington IN In many area exposures fossils IN0099
Huntington Huntington IN area quarries Silurian Huntington dolomite brachiopods – Conchidium; Corals -Cladopora,Favosites,Halysites,Heliolites,Zaphrentis; bryozoa -Fenestella,trilobites IN0100
Huntington Huntington IN area quarries in very fossiliferous beds Silurian Huntington brachiopods;Conchidium – Corals; Cladopora,Favosites,Halysites,Heliolites,Zaphrentis – Bryozoa; Fenestella – Trilobites IN0101
Markle Huntington IN 1 km S in abandoned quarry graptolites IN0102
Markle Huntington IN 200 meters S in quarry in bioherm Silurian stromatoporoids,gastropods. brachiopods IN0103
Medora Jackson IN In abandoned Seymour Gravel Co Quarry. W 4.8km to T 480mE on S side of road SE1/4S29T5NR3E Mississippian marine fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Rockford Jackson IN Mississippian Lower Ammonites-Muensteroceras IN0105
New Corydon Jay IN area quarries Silurian Huntington Favosites,Halysites,Heliolites,Zaphrentis,Atrypa,Leptaena,Meristina,Pentamerus,Stropheodonta,Orthoceras IN0106
Madison Jefferson IN 10 km NE at Jefferson Lake along road parallel to S side of lake Ordovician Upper ? IN0107
Madison Jefferson IN 10 km NE at Jefferson Lake spillway at E end of lake Ordovician Upper ? IN0108
Madison Jefferson IN 800m W of city limit in roadcut on IN56 and in exposures to the West Ordovician Maysville Coral-Streptelasma;gastropods;Brachiopods-Rafinesquina;Bryozoa-Hallopora;gastropods,bivalves,cephalopods,trilobite fragments-Flexicalymene IN0109
Madison Jefferson IN Abundant diverse marine fossils at Clifty Falls State Park (No Collecting) Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Madison Jefferson IN Abundant diverse marine fossils in Pennsylvanian RR cuts W of IN7 Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Madison Jefferson IN Abundant diverse marine fossils in long road cuts along IN7 N of town Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Madison Jefferson IN Abundant diverse marine fossils in road cuts along IN62 opposite power plant and W of town Ordovician https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Madison Jefferson IN Along Riley Creek Ordovician Upper ? IN0110
Madison Jefferson IN Hairpin curve on IN421 Ordovician Maysville Coral-Streptelasma;gastropods;Brachiopods-Leptaena IN0111
Madison Jefferson IN In Pennsylvania RR cuts Ordovician Upper ? IN0112
Madison Jefferson IN Madison County,IN,area road cuts Silurian Brassfield Limestone typical fossils IN0114
Madison Jefferson IN Madison, IN, 1 km NW at Hanging Rock on IN7 Silurian Brassfield Limestone typical fossils IN0113
Madison Jefferson IN Road cuts along IN7 in N and NW part of town Ordovician Upper ? IN0115
Madison Jefferson IN Roadcut on E side of US421 1.5km N of I56 junction 38d44m58sN 85d22m35sW Ordovician Mount Auburn|Sunset|Oregonia|Liberty Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0116 Mount Auburn(shallow subtidal),Sunset(deep subtidal),Oregonia(Shallow subtidal),Liberty(deep subtidal)
Madison Jefferson IN Roadcut on E side of US421 1.5km N of I56 junction 38d46m39sN 85d21m53sW Ordovician Whitewater|Saluda Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0117 Lower Whitewater(shallow subtidal),Saluda(Peritidal),Hitz(lagoon),Upper Whitewater(shallow subtidal)
Madison Jefferson IN deep road cut on IN62 2.9km W of entrance to Clifty Falls State Park. NE1/4S6T3NR10W in about 100m thick exposure of Ordovician and Lowest Silurian rock Ordovician-Silurian Richmond abundant fossils in some layers IN0118
Madison Jefferson IN in road cuts N of town Ordovician abundant fossils IN0119
Saluda Jefferson IN 2 km SE on NE side of Saluda Creek Silurian Brassfield Limestone typical fossils IN0120
Commiskey Jennings IN 1 km E on Graham Creek Devonian Jeffersonville Limestone corals,Spirifer,crinoid buttons. IN0121
North Vernon Jennings IN In road cuts,river banks and at Tunnel Mill SW1/4S11T6NR8E Silurian-Devonian Waldron Good fossils in some beds IN0122
Tunnel Mill Jennings IN on Muscatatuck Creek in Crowley F + G area inside tunnel once used to feed water to mill,In Silurian Waldron Crinoids,trilobites,brachiopods IN0123
Vernon Jennings IN In Tunnel at Tunnel Mill on small stream 300m W of roadcut on IN3 480m S of IN7 junction SW1/4S11T6SR8E Silurian Crinoids SW1/4S11T6SR8E https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Vernon Jennings IN In old quarry W of roadcut on IN3 480m S of IN7 junction Silurian Crinoids https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Vernon Jennings IN In quarry near Tunnel Mill corals IN0124
Wheatland Knox IN 3.2km W on dumps of White Ash mine N of US150 and RR tracks in shales Pennsylvanian plants,petrified wood https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Warsaw Kosciusko IN Mississippian Keokuk Limestone Crinoids IN0125
Bloomington Lawrence IN South in limestone Paleozoic fish-Ctenacanthus IN0126
Bryantsville Lawrence IN N in nw1/4nw1/4s25t4nr2w Mississippian Bryantsville breccia Pugnoides,Platycrinus,Lithostrotion IN0127
Bryantsville Lawrence IN on US50 Mississippian Bryantsville breccia Pugnoides,Platycrinus,Lithostrotion IN0128
Bryantsville Lawrence IN on US50 Mississippian Bryantsville breccia Pugnoides,Platycrinus,Lithostrotion IN0129
Bryantsville Lawrence IN to E in Limestone quarries Mississippian Bryantsville breccia Pugnoides,Platycrinus,Lithostrotion IN0130
Silverville Lawrence IN In abandoned quarry N of IN158 1.3km E NE1/4S20T5NR2W Mississippian Crinoid fragments https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Greenbriar Madison IN Mississippian St Louis fish teeth/spines-Antliodus,Archaeobatis,Cladodus,Cladoselache,Deltodus,Labodus,Physonemus,Polyrhizodus,Psammodus,Sandalodus IN0131
Ingalls Madison IN In area quarries Silurian Liston Creek Limestone abundant fossils – bryozoa IN0132
Naval Surface Weapons Center Martin IN RR tracks in front of Magazines 2412 and 2413 (UTM 16S ET09099 01190) Pennsylvanian Mansfield ichnofossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/1821/1/Thesis_Simonelli_Glenn.pdf
Naval Surface Weapons Center Martin IN near Magazine 2357 at the intersection of H383 and HR150 (UTM 16SET09444 01930) Pennsylvanian Mansfield ichnofossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/1821/1/Thesis_Simonelli_Glenn.pdf
Shoals Martin IN 5 km NW 200 meters W of IN450 in lenses of white chert Mississippian Upper Glen Dean well preserved fossils IN0133
Miami IN 14 bioherms scattered around county Silurian corals,brachiopods,crinoids IN0138
Peru Miami IN 1 km NW in bioherm between Missessinewa shale and Kokomo Limestone Silurian corals,brachiopods,crinoids IN0134
Peru Miami IN 2 km SW at Nickel Plate RR crossing of Little Pipe Creek in bioherm (classic locality) Silurian reef fossils IN0135
Peru Miami IN At City Park along S bank of Wabash River in bioherm Silurian reef fossils IN0136
Peru Miami IN on Hospital Hill on North Broadway in cuts in reef Silurian reef fossils IN0137
Bloomington Monroe IN 6 km E of IN46 / IN446 intersection Mississippian Ramp Creek crinoids – mostly fragmental IN0139
Bloomington Monroe IN 9 km E on N side of IN46 in road cut in limestones Mississippian crinoid stems IN0140
Bloomington Monroe IN At Tinker’s[?] Creek Mississippian Bedford Limestone Tamiobatis IN0141 Couldn’t identify a Tinker/Tinker’s Creek in Indiana
Bloomington Monroe IN IN46 east of town crinoids IN0142
Bloomington Monroe IN In road cut on IN46 108km E on N side of road NE1/4S4T8NR1E and also in area exposures to N Mississippian Crinoid fragments https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Bloomington Monroe IN South in Limestone Mississippian corals IN0143
Harrodsburg Monroe IN 1.6km N on secondary road. In abandoned quarry 300m W. NW1/3S20T7NR1W Mississippian Salem microfossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Harrodsburg Monroe IN 2 km N at Cleveland quarry Salem Limestone Endothyra and other small fossils IN0144
Harrodsville Monroe IN In outcrop with geodes on SR37. Probably 17km N of Bedford just S of Monroe Lake exit Mississippian brachiopods,conularids,shark teeth,pectens,crinoid columns IN0250
South of Bloomington Monroe IN Mississippian Archimedes IN0146
Monroe,Brown IN in limestones and sandstones Mississippian Edwardsville forams,crinoids,bryozoa,mollusks,arthropods,echinoderms IN0147
Montgomery IN Mississippian Edwardsville Crinoids IN0154
Montgomery IN in creekbed exposures Mississippian crinoids IN0155
Crawfordsville Montgomery IN Mississippian Lower Edwardsville Coral-Blothrophyllum IN0148
Crawfordsville Montgomery IN At Corey’s Bluff along W bank of Sugar Creek. 104 species of crinoids collected between 1832 and 1946. Reported to be overgrown although traces of the old diggings can be found. Mississippian Glen Dean Limestone crinoids IN0149
Crawfordsville Montgomery IN In nests in siltstone Mississippian Keokuk Limestone Crinoids,Gastropods Platyceras,Trilobites Griffithides,Crinoids – Taxocrinus,Onychocrinus,Batocrinus,Cyathocrinus,Platycrinus,Pachylocrinus,Eucatillocrinus. Many other phyla as well. Rare Ophiuroids. Gastropods – Platyceras. IN0150
Crawfordsville Montgomery IN N on W bank of Sugar Creek in new quarries Mississippian Glen Dean Very fine crinoids IN0151
New Ross Montgomery IN In dumps at abandoned quarry 2.4km SW NE1/4S3T17NR3W Permission Required Mississippian Crinoid fragments https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Shades State Park Montgomery IN At ‘Beachler’s Nest in a meander of Indian Creek 1 km N of IN234 crinoid crowns IN0152
Shades State Park Montgomery IN downstream on Sugar Creek near mouth of Indian Creek crinoid crowns IN0153
Brooklyn Morgan IN brachiopods IN0251
Hartford Ohio IN 6.2km SE on county road Ordovician Maysville brachiopods-Rafinesquina,Platystrophia,Hebertella,bivalves,cephalopods,Bryozoa-Hallopora IN0157
Rising Sun Ohio IN 4.8km S on IN56 SW1/4S15T3NR1W Ordovician Abundant, diverse, bryozoa https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Rising Sun Ohio IN 4.8km S on hillside SW of junction of IN56 and IN156 Ordovician Eden Brachiopods-Dalmanella,Sowerbyella;Bryozoa,Graptolites-Climacograptus;trilobite fragments-Cryptolithus IN0158
French Lick Orange IN 4.5 km SE 200 meters NW of road fork Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone abundant crinoid stems,brachiopods,some gastropods IN0159
Paoli Orange IN West in quarry to N of abandoned RR station sw1/4se1/4se1/4s35t2nr1w Mississippian Paoli ? IN0160
Paoli Orange IN area exposures Mississippian Paoli ? IN0161
Prospect Orange IN 4 km N 50 meters SW of road at head of Stillhouse Hollow crinoid stems. brachiopods,gastropods IN0162
Atkinsonville Owen IN 2 km N. 200 meters S of old road crinoid stems,brachiopods,gastropods IN0163
Freedom Owen IN 1 km W Mississippian Beech Creek Limestone Archimedes,tetracorals,crinoid stems IN0164
Gosport Owen IN Mississippian Warsaw Shark teeth-Sandalodus IN0165
Spencer Owen IN Mississippian St Louis fish teeth/spines-Antliodus IN0166
Spencer Owen IN Occasional fossils in large quarry 1.6km S on W side I67 NE1/4S30T10NR3W Mississippian Brachiopods,Corals https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Logan Quarry Parke IN Near Sugar Creek Mississippian Mecca Quarry Shale Fish IN0167 May be Pennsylvanian
Mecca Parke IN In area quarries fossil fish IN0168
Montezuma Parke IN 5.6km SE Pennsylvanian Vertebrates-Listracanthus,Petrodus IN0169
Reserve Township Parke IN Pennsylvanian Staunton sharks – Orodus IN0170
Reserve Township Parke IN Logan Quarry in shale Pennsylvanian Staunton Symmorium IN0171
Wabash Township Parke IN 600m N of SW corner of S18T15NR8 on Hessler property Mississippian Mecca Quarry Shale Fish IN0172
Branchville Perry IN 1 km E in abandoned quarry Mississippian Glen dean Limestone fenestrate bryozoa IN0173
Branchville Perry IN 1kmE and 160m N of road. In abandoned Lutring and Sons quarry in shaly limestone and black shale Mississippian crinoids,other fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Derby Perry IN 1.5 km W in abandoned quarry Mississippian Glen Dean Limestone Pentremites,bryozoa,crinoids,trilobite pygidia,brachiopods IN0174
Leopold Perry IN 2.5 km E in quarry fenestrate bryozoa IN0175
Tobinsport Perry IN 2 km NE in abandoned Limestone quarry Archimedes IN0176
Augusta Pike IN 3.2km E in abandoned strip mines S14,23T2SR8W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Cato Pike IN N and S of IN56 in abandoned strip mines S10,15,17,20T1SR7W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Petersburg Pike IN 4.5km SW on IN57 in abandoned strip mine to right of road at sharp right turn in highway in nodules N1/2S9T1SR8W Pennsylvanian plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Petersburg Pike IN 4km NE on IN57km SW on IN57 and W at Lick Creek School and Church. 300m W in old Min Win mine. Access Road 300m S of School Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Pikesville Pike IN 3.2km SW in abandoned strip mines S26,35T2SR7W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Spurgeon Pike IN In area exposures from NW around to E of town in abandoned strip mines T3SR7W and T3SR8W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Velpin Pike IN At Walnut Grove Cemetary Devonian? Mecca Quarry Shale fish-Promexyele IN0177
Winslow Pike IN 1.6km N in abandoned strip mines S29,32T1SR7W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Winslow Pike IN 3.2km NW along Hosmer Rd in abandoned strip mines S25,26T1SR8W Pennsylvanian brachiopods, crinoid stems, gastropods, bivalves,plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
West Franklin Posey IN In Ohio River Bluff E of town in limestone ledges and black shales S1/2S24T7SR12W Pennsylvanian brachiopods,gastropods,corals,Microfossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Putnamville Putnam IN Bryozoa Fenestella IN0178
Ridgeville Randolph IN SE in H+R Stone Co Quarry Silurian Huntington Pentamerus IN0179
Cross Plains Ripley IN about 3 km N just N of I62 along Wilson’s Creek for 300 meters Ordovician Upper excellent fossils. IN0180
Milan Ripley IN 6.1km S in area road and stream cuts (e.g. IN101) Ordovician Richmond Brachiopods,corals,gastropods,bivalves,trilobites IN0181
Osgood Ripley IN 4 km N Silurian Brassfield Limestone Anthozoa,stromatoporoids,bryozoa,brachiopods,cephalopods,trilobites IN0182
Versailles Ripley IN Bryozoa-Dictyospongia IN0183
Versailles Ripley IN Ordovician Brachiopods -Sowerbyella,Hebertella IN0184
Versailles Ripley IN Cedar Creek,North Branch,North Branch In area exposures of Ordovician Waynesville Edrioasteroids Streptaster. IN0185
Versailles Ripley IN In E part of town in road cuts on US 50 and in Laughery Creek Ordovician Upper abundant fossils. IN0186
Versailles Ripley IN In quarries on Laughery Creek Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods IN0187
Blocher Scott IN In Scott Stone Co quarry corals – solitary and colonial. IN0188
St Paul Shelby IN S from St Paul on secondary Rd along creek. Right at road junction 800m S. 1.6km in road cut NE1/4S8T11NR8E Silurian https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Waldron Shelby IN Silurian brachiopods -Rhynchotrema,Eospirifer,Crinoids — Eucalyptocrinites,Blastoids Eucalyptocrinites IN0189
Waldron Shelby IN In Quarry spoil heaps between Conns and Deer Creeks near their confluence 2.5 km S of Waldron Silurian Waldron Dalmanites,Calymene,Trimerus. Cheirurus,Otarion IN0190
Waldron Shelby IN at Clifty Creek Silurian Waldron ? IN0191
Waldron Shelby IN at Cook Creek Silurian Waldron ? IN0192
Waldron Shelby IN at Old Quarry Silurian Waldron ? IN0193
Bufalloville Spencer IN In abandoned coal pits in area e.g. 400m N and 1km W on both sides of road NW1/4S9T5SR5W Pennsylvanian brachiopods,ostracods https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Florence Switzerland IN 3.2km NE in streamcut on IN156 Ordovician Eden Brachiopods-Dalmanella,Sowerbyella;Bryozoa;trilobite fragments-Cryptolithus IN0194
Mount Sterling Switzerland IN 4km W in roadcut on county road on Smith Ridge Ordovician Maysville Bryozoa-Hallopora;Brachiopods-Rafinesquina,Platystrophia,Hebertella;bivalves;gastropods-Cyclonema;cephalopod fragments IN0195
Vevay Switzerland IN Ordovician brachiopods -Hebertella IN0196
West Point Tippecanoe IN 2 km SE in soft siliceous shales on main branch of Flint creek Nautilus,Spirifer,Productus,Discina,Terebratula,Lingula IN0197
West Point Tippecanoe IN 400 meters NE in Limestone in back of cemetery Nautilus,Spirifer,Productus,Discina,Terebratula,Lingula IN0198
Brownsville Union IN 2 km SE of RR station in soft blue clay in ravine Hudson River Well preserved Calymene IN0199
Liberty Union IN 800m W on IN44, Turn left. Cross aSilver Creek. Turn North and park. Fossils are in Stream E of road NW1/4S11T11NR2W Ordovician Corals,brachiopods,bryozoa https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Liberty Union IN On IN101 between Liberty and Brookville in roadcuts Ordovician Richmond abundant fossils,Flexicalymene IN0200
Liberty Union IN area quarries Well preserved trilobites IN0201
Liberty Union IN in road cuts near Brookville Lake Ordovician Dillsboro crinoids,trilobites,etc IN0202
Liberty Union IN in road cuts on IN101 between Liberty and Brookville Ordovician Dillsboro crinoids,trilobites,etc IN0203
Liberty Union IN on Hannah’s Creek (Hannah’s Creek runs WSW from Roseburg to Brookville Lake) Well preserved trilobites IN0204
Evansville Vanderburgh IN At intersection of IN37 and IN64 in large road cut abundant brachiopods,blastoids. A few trilobites. IN0205
Evansville Vanderburgh IN In ledges on E side of US460 near Mesker Park Zoo Pennsylvanian brachiopods,gastropods,corals,Microfossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Evansville Vanderburgh IN in area outcrops Pennsylvanian Pecopteris,Neuropteris,Calamites IN0206
Stacer Vanderburgh IN In abandoned quarry 2.1km E S of county road SW1/4S22T4SR10W Pennsylvanian brachiopods,gastropods,corals,Microfossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Newport Vermillion IN At Mooreheads mine (Location unknown) Pennsylvanian Vertebrates-Edestus IN0207
Newport Vermillion IN Roadcut on N side of KY371 (Orphanage Rd) 1km W of KY17 39d01m47sN 84d32m30sW Ordovician Kope Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0208 Kope (offshore)
Vermillion County Vermillion IN area exposures Pennsylvanian Des Moines pelecypods. IN0209
Blackhawk Vigo IN In abandoned strip mines on both side of IN159 between Blackhawk and Riley in Limestones Pennsylvanian brachiopods,crinoid fragments https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Terre Haute Vigo IN At Fowler Park in nodules Pennsylvanian insects,probably plants IN0210
Vigo County Vigo IN Fern Fossils IN0211
Youngstown Vigo IN In Diverse Pennsylvanian fossils in Pennsylvanian ironstone concretions IN0212
Youngstown Vigo IN In shales and walnut sized nodules on dumps of Maumee Chieftain Mine. 1.6km S on US41, E 3.2km, S, Right fork after 600m. 800m to fossil beds Pennsylvanian plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Youngstown Vigo IN about 15 km S of Terra Haute,E of US41 in abandoned strip mines Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek type fossils in nodules IN0213
RichValley Wabash IN Silurian Liston Creek Trilobites Calymene IN0214
Wabash Wabash IN Cephalopods – Bickmorites IN0215
West Lebanon Warren IN 7 km S along Hwy 63 in creek tributary to Redwood Creek at second Bridge. In Limestone and overlying shales Pennsylvanian Trilobites — Ditomopyge,brachiopods. IN0216
West Lebanon Warren IN Complete trilobites in bank of local creek. Reported to have been dug out completely by collectors. ? IN0217
West Lebanon Warren IN small exposure in W bronch of stream cut adjacent to IN63 5.9km S (480m W of Redwood Creek) in shales and limestones NE1/4S2T20NR9W Pennsylvanian brachiopods,corals,crinoid stems,protozoa,ostracods https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Boonville Warrick IN 3.2km N on IN61 and 320M W in pit of Sunlight Coal Company. SW1/4S13T5SR8W Pennsylvanian? Marine fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Boonville Warrick IN 4.8 km N on IN61. Turn W. 320m W to dumps N of road In abandoned Quality Coal Co mine Pennsylvanian Plant fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Boonville Warrick IN Within a km or two either side of a line from Boonville to Scalesville-Yankeetown in limestones in old coal pits Pennsylvanian? Marine fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Canton Washington IN In area creek banks in grayish argillaceous Limestone Productus,Spirifera,Orthis,Saphiocrinus,Platycrinus,Batocrinus,Dorrycrinus,Agaricocrinus IN0218 ‘Saphiocrinus’ may be misspelled although it did get a single Google hit listing several species.
Harristown Washington IN S st RR cut next to secondary road to IN160 in Spergen Hill bed S1/2S24T2NR4E Mississippian diverse depauperate fauna — gastropods, others https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
New Philadelphia Washington IN 2 km N and 400 meters E of Little York Road in Limestone Spirifera,Granatocrinus,Batocrinus,Actinocrinus IN0219
New Philadelphia Washington IN along bluffs on S fork of Blue River Mississippian Lower Burlington Limestone Productus,Spirifera,Batocrinus,Granatocrinus IN0220
Paynter’s[?] Hill Washington IN Mississippian Salem fish teeth-Desmiodus,Petalodus IN0221 Can’t identify a Paynter’s Hill,but there is a Paynter’s Cemetary 3km SSE of Salem
Salem Washington IN 7 km S at Paynter’s Hill[?] abundant crinoids IN0222 Can’t identify a Paynter’s Hill,but there is a Paynter’s Cemetary 3km SSE of Salem
Salem Washington IN 8 km E at Spurgeon Hill 400 meters E of Harristown abundant crinoids IN0223
Salem Washington IN In RR cut just S of Harristown Mississippian Salem abundant fossils – Griffithides,blastoids,etc. IN0224
Salem Washington IN In Salem Limestone. The tan,Mississippian,Salem Limestone is exposed in a railroad cut about 1.6km North of Salem,Washington County. The railroad cut may be (Instructions are a little vague) just East of Indiana 135 and South Harristown[?] Mississippian Salem fossils include mollusks,brachiopods,blastoids,occasional trilobites. IN0225 This appears to be a garbled reference to the railroad cut at Harristown 4km E of Salem
Salem Washington IN Indiana,Salem Limestone. The tan Salem Limestone is exposed in a railroad cut about 1.6km North of Salem,Washington County. The railroad cut may be (Instructions are a little vague) just East of Indiana 135 and South of the town of Harristown. Mississippian Salem Limestone Fossils include mollusks,brachiopods,blastoids,occasional trilobites. IN0226
Salem Washington IN NE,in SW1/4NE1/4s5t2nr1e in chert conglomerate Mississippian bryozoa,brachiopods,corals -Lithostrotion IN0227
Salem Washington IN area exposures Mississippian St Louis Numerous Pentremites,Batocrinus,Alloprosallocrinus,Catillocrinus,Bryozoa,Echinoderms,brachiopods,pteropods,gastropods,cephalopods,- Nautilus,Orthoceras,mollusks -Conocardium,arthropods – Leperditia,Phillipsia IN0228
Spergen Hill Washington IN Crinoid -Dorrycrinus IN0229
Spergen Hill Washington IN Mississippian Salem fish teeth-bradyodonts,Cladodus IN0230
Richmond Wayne IN worms-Cornulites IN0231
Richmond Wayne IN Ordovician Brachiopods Dinorthis IN0232
Richmond Wayne IN Ordovician Richmond|Whitewater|Elkhorn ? IN0233
Richmond Wayne IN 6.2km S. 500 meters W of Founts[?] Road Bridge on Elkhorn Creek Ordovician Whitewater brachiopods,bryozoa IN0234
Richmond Wayne IN 6.4km S on Elkhorn Creek between Liberty Pike and IN227 Ordovician fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Richmond Wayne IN At Thistlewaite Falls in park on NW side of Richmond Ordovician fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Richmond Wayne IN In area exposures between US27 and US35 in NW part of Richmond Ordovician fossils https://scholarworks.iu.edu/ dspace/bitstream/2022/280/1/C06.pdf
Richmond Wayne IN in Roadcuts on US27 1.6km S of Richmond 39d01m40sN 84d30m38sW Ordovician Whitewater Many Cincinnatian outcrops have abundant,well preserved,fossils IN0235 Upper Whitewater (shallow subtidal)
Richmond Wayne IN in area roadcuts Ordovician Whitewater abundant fossils IN0236
Bluffton Wells IN N in bioherm in France Stone Co Quarry Silurian Liston Creek reef fossils IN0237
Camden White IN 6.5 km SE along Little Deer Creek about 200 meters form North Fork junction Silurian Huntington brachiopods,corals,mollusks,stromatoporoids,trilobites IN0238
Delphi White IN along Golf Links along N old channel of Deer Creek brachiopods,corals,trilobites IN0239
Delphi White IN in area quarries marine fossils IN0240
Delphi White IN to N and NW in quarries Silurian Brachiopods -Conchidium – stromatoporoids,corals – Favosites,Halysites,Heliolites IN0241
Georgetown White IN to S along bluffs of Wabash River to Logansport Silurian Huntington Limestone Brachiopods -Conchidium,Wilsonia[?],Spirifer IN0242 ‘Wilsonia’ is a bird – a warbler. Probably a reference to Wilsoniella,a brachiopod
[?] IN in road cuts near I64 IN37 intersection brachiopods,blastoids,trilobites IN0245
Aurora [?] IN E in roadcut on Interstate Mississippian vertebrates-Ctenacanthus? spine IN0243
Paynter’s Hill[?] [?] IN Mississippian Warsaw Shark teeth-Cladodus,Deltodus IN0244 Can’t identify a Paynter’s Hill,but there is a Paynter’s Cemetary 3km SSE of Salem