Location County State/Province Directions,Notes Age Formation Fossils Comments Reference Lat-Long
Bethel Fairfield CT in Pleistocene Bethel Marl Pleistocene Bethel (CT) Campeloma,Galba,Gyraulus,Helisoma,Pisidium,Planorbella,Valvata,Musculium,Sphaerium CT0001
Lake Saltonstall Fairfield CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils upper bed CT0002
Berlin Hartford CT I91 CT9 Interchange Triassic Newark tracks,plants,fish CT0003
Berlin Hartford CT Road cuts along CT372 Triassic Newark tracks,plants CT0004
Berlin Hartford CT area exposures Triassic Newark fish fossils lower bed,tracks CT0005
Berlin Hartford CT area exposures Triassic Newark fish fossils lower bed,tracks CT0006
Bristol Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants,Tracks Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0007
Buckland Station Hartford CT 1.6km N of Buckland Station,CT Dinosaur bones. Ammosaurus major. The head and fore parts of the specimen were incorporated into a bridge over Bigelow Brook in Manchester. Yaleosaurus and Anchisaurus solus were also found here. Triassic-Jurassic Newark ? CT0008
East Windsor Hartford CT at Ketch’s Mills Triassic-Jurassic Newark dinosaur bones CT0009
Hartford Hartford CT State Park at Rocky Hill South of Hartford East of exit 23 from I-91) displays many footprints and tracks. There are provisions for making casts of footprints. Triassic-Jurassic Newark Eubrontes,Grallator {7} CT0010
Manchester Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark Dinosaur bones CT0011
Manchester Hartford CT 1.6km N of Buckland Quarry at Wolcott Quarry 41.8106dN 72d33m4sW Jurassic Portland Arkose vertebrates-Anchisaurus CT0012
Manchester Hartford CT in area exposures and 2 km N of Buckland Station in quarry Triassic-Jurassic Newark Anchisaurus,Ammosaurus,Yaleosaurus CT0013 The nomenclature of the genera found at this quarry is very complicated with quite a few names having been assigned and discarded over many decades. I think the three names cited here are the survivors.
Newgate Prison Hartford CT In Granby? Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0014
Newington Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark about 400 tracks taken from small area in 1960s CT0015
North Bloomfield Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils CT0016
Northampton Hartford CT (more likely Northampton,MA) Triassic-Jurassic Newark Reptile Prints – Eubrontes CT0017
Rocky Hill Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils,Reptile beds CT0018
Rocky Hill State Park Hartford CT E of Exit 23 from I91 off West Street near Veteran’s Home Triassic-Jurassic Newark Dinosaur footprints,museum – Eubrontes CT0019
Sawmill Hollow Hartford CT 7 km SW of Middletown in red Sandstone Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish Catopterus CT0020
Simsbury Hartford CT 800m S of RR Station in Simsbury,CT Triassic Newark Reptile Bones CT0021
Simsbury Hartford CT in quarry S of RR station Triassic-Jurassic Newark Saurian bones – Rutiodon,Clepsysaurus CT0022
Southington Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils lower bed,Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0023
Southington Hartford CT At abandoned quarry near Shuttle Meadow Reservoir,41d37.694mN,072d50.013mW Triassic Shuttle Meadow Plants,reptile footprints,fish CT0024
Southington? Hartford CT In road cuts along I84 at Cooks Gap near 41d40.50mN,72d49.25mW Triassic Shuttle Meadow Plants CT0025
Suffield Hartford CT Tracks near Enfield Bridge Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0026
Tarrifville Hartford CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants -Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0027
West Windsor Hartford CT In blast debris at well near Ketch’s Mill Jurassic Portland vertebrates-Anchisaurus CT0028
Wethersfield Hartford CT Found during construction of Church of the Incarnation on Prospect Street Triassic Newark Dinosaur tracks CT0029
Wethersfield Hartford CT In Cove on Connecticut River and 3.2km to the South of the cove. Triassic Newark Numerous reptile footprints CT0030
Wethersfield Hartford CT Tracks in Red Shale In Cove on Connecticut River Triassic-Jurassic Newark tracks CT0031
Wethersfield Hartford CT Tracks in Red Shale In Cove on Connecticut River 3.5 km S of previous location Triassic-Jurassic Newark tracks CT0032
Windsor Hartford CT Matianuck Avenue Holocene (13500 BP) Plant fossils CT0033
Woodbury Litchfield CT Sequence of Triassic rocks in Cherry Valley Similar to those in the Connecticut Valley Triassic-Jurassic Newark ? CT0034
Pomperaug Valley Litchfield? CT Same sequence of Rocks as Connecticut Valley Triassic-Jurassic Newark ? CT0035
Chestnut Brook Middlesex CT In ravine above brook and CT9 in shale and sandstone Jurassic Portland footprints,pollen CT0036
Durham Middlesex CT Along Field Creek 500 meters W of Hwy (CT17) from Middlefield to Durham from just SW of Middlefield to Durham city limits just N of Waterfalls in a series of exposures area fish fossils lower and upper bed Triassic-Jurassic Newark Semionotus,Ptycholepis,Many genera,Plants,Tracks,Redfieldia,Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes Also Mormolucoides CT0037
Durham Middlesex CT On W Slope of Totoket Mountain black mudstone and limestone Triassic Shuttle Meadow pollen,fish CT0038
Durham Middlesex CT along Field Creek 500 meters W of Hwy (CT17) from Middlefield to Durham from just SW of Middlefield to Durham city limits just N of Waterfalls in a series of exposures area fish fossils lower and upper bed . Many genera Triassic-Jurassic Newark plants,Tracks Redfieldia,Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes Also Mormolucoides,Semionotus,Ptycholepis, CT0039
Durham Middlesex CT lakebed deposits Carboniferous Well preserved fish fossils CT0040 Original says Durham,MA — but there seems to be no such town
Laurel Brook Middlesex CT in black organic shale Jurassic Portland fish,pollen CT0041
Middlefield Middlesex CT Triassic Lockatong Dinosaur tracks CT0042
Middlefield Middlesex CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils upper bed,tracks. Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes,Insects CT0043
Middleton Middlesex CT In RR Cut near Middletown,CT Triassic Newark Triassic arthropods (ostracods?) CT0044 Both spellings ‘Middleton’ and ‘Middletown’ seem to be in use — seems to be the same place.
Middletown Middlesex CT 3.2km W in quarry 41.5484319N,72.69136W Jurassic Portland Reptile footprints-Anchisauripus,Ornithoidichnites CT0045
Old Saybrook Middlesex CT Jurassic dinosaur tracks Anomoepus CT0046
Portland Middlesex CT Footprints in old building stone quarries on E bank of Connecticut River Triassic-Jurassic Newark 7 Genera Otozoum CT0047
Portland Middlesex CT From Sandstone Quarries opposite Middletown 41d34mN 72d38m Jurassic Portland Arkose vertebrates-Coelophysis CT0048
Portland Middlesex CT In Brownstone quarries at 41d34.50mN,72d38.50m’W Triassic Newark Numerous dinosaur tracks CT0049
Portland Middlesex CT in shale close to trap rock Ridge Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0050
Rocky Hill Middlesex CT At Dinosaur State Park 41d39m4sN 72d39m25sW Jurassic East Berlin Reptile footprints-Grallator,Anchisauripus,Eubrontes,Batrachopus CT0051
Wethersfield Middlesex CT 3.2-6.4km S of ‘The Cove’ on the West side of the Connecticut River — 41.6961143N 72.6578701W Jurassic Portland Reptile footprints-Anchisauripus,Anomoepus,Arachichnus,Argoides,Corvipes,Exocampe,Grallator,Harpedactylus,Ornithoidichnites,Palamopus,Platypterna,Plectropterna,Plesiornis,Eubrontes,Sauroidichnites,Sillimanius,Steropoides,Typopus CT0052
Wethersfield Middlesex CT At ‘The Cove’ on the West side of the Connecticut River — 41.7250999N,72.6578701W Jurassic Portland Reptile footprints-Anchisauripus,Anomoepus,Argoides,Eubrontes,Grallator,Plesiornis,Sillimanius CT0053
Higby Middlesex? CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils lower bed,tracks CT0054
Westfield Middlesex? CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils CT0055
Bluff Head New Haven CT fish fossils lower bed Triassic-Jurassic Newark Plants,Tracks CT0056
Cheshire New Haven CT At I491 CT84 junction Triassic New Haven dinosaur bones-Erpetosuchus CT0057
Cheshire New Haven CT Just S of I691 — 2000 Olsen — 41d33m32sN,72d54m28sW Triassic New Haven Reptile footprints(?)Erpetosuchus CT0058
Fair Haven New Haven CT area – In a quarry near the Ferry Street Bridge over the Quinnipiac River Triassic-Jurassic Newark Reptile bones. CT0059
Fair Haven New Haven CT in quarry near the Perry St Bridge over the Quinnipiac River Triassic-Jurassic Newark bones (Stegomus plates) CT0060
Killiams Point New Haven CT 41d16m46sN 72d48m54sW Holocene (4000BP) Gastropods-Littorina CT0061
New Haven New Haven CT area exposures Triassic-Jurassic Newark reptile bones in arkosic deposits CT0062
New Haven New Haven CT in area exposures of New Haven Arkose Triassic-Jurassic Newark phytosaur,aetosaur,crocodile remains in area exposures of New Haven Arkose – Stegomus CT0063
New Haven New Haven CT in sandstone Triassic Newark Reptile bones – Hypsognathus CT0064
North Branford New Haven CT On Totoket Mountain near Bluff Head Triassic Shuttle Meadow fish-Redfieldius CT0065
North Guilford New Haven CT Bluff Head. There may be multiple sites Triassic Shuttle Meadow fish-Redfieldius,Semionotus,Whitea CT0066
North Guilford New Haven CT In stream cut on NE side of Totoket Mountain in black shale 41d23m50sN 72d46m0sW Triassic Shuttle Meadow vertebrates-Coelophysis CT0067
North Guilford New Haven CT Near North tip of Totoket Mountain in gray shale Triassic Shuttle Meadow pollen CT0068
North Guilford New Haven CT On E Slope of Totoket Mountain in green shale,black mudstone and limestone Triassic Shuttle Meadow pollen,plant fragments CT0069
North Guilford New Haven CT On slope of Totoket Mountain Triassic Shuttle Meadow fish-Ptycholepis CT0070
Pistapaug Mountain New Haven CT E of Pistapaug Mt in CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils CT0071
South Britain New Haven CT in exposure on Pomperaug River Triassic fish CT0072
Southbury New Haven CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark fish fossils lower bed,Plants – Conifers,Cycads,Ferns,Rushes CT0073
Totoket Mountain New Haven CT W slope of Totoket Mt in CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark vertebrates. fish and reptile remains in black shales CT0074
Totoket Mountain New Haven CT at ‘Bluff Head’,fossils in black lakebed shales interbedded with limestones. 19th Century locality rediscovered in 1969. Now a Connecticut State Park. http://www.monmouth.com/~bcornet/blufhead.htm Triassic Shuttle Meadow Abundant fish Redfieldius,Ptycholepis,Semionotus,coprolites,leaf impressions CT0075
Totoket Reservoir New Haven CT From the West Portal of Sugarloaf Tunnel 3.2km N of dam 13.6km E of New Haven 41d20m26sN 72d45m57sW Jurassic Newark reptile footprints-Anchisaurus,Batrachopus,Eubrontes,Gigandipus,Grallator,Shepardia;Amphibian footprints-Triaenopus;Brachiopods-Catopterus,Lopia[?];Fish-Semionotus CT0076 No citations for ‘Lopia’ 070608
Highland Brook New Haven? CT In gray siltstones Triassic Shuttle Meadow pollen,fish CT0077
North Branfield New Haven? CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark tracks near Sugar Loaf Tunnel CT0078
Ellington Tolland CT Triassic-Jurassic Newark bones CT0079